First Agreement Then Marriage...

By lolitasidiot

756K 31K 8K

☑️ CØMPLETED ☑️ This is my 1st Book. 'This is the dream coming to me every day from when my gukkie left me al... More

Characters Introduction
Jeon's House
Kim's House
1 ~ Heroine Intro
2 ~ Hero Intro
3 ~ Meeting
4 ~ Argument
5 ~ Decision
6 ~ Special Gift
7 ~ Something Something ~ K
8 ~ Something Something ~ V
9 ~ Virthday
10 ~ Spicy Food
11 ~ Ding Dong
12 ~ Romance
13 ~ New Year
14 ~ Jealous
15 ~ Suddenly
16 ~ Accident
17 ~ Condition
18 ~ Family
19 ~ Engagement
20 ~ Photoshoot
21 ~ Hide and Seek
22 ~ Playing with Water
23 ~ Playing in Office
24 ~ Cafe Universe
25 ~ Searching
26 ~ Sorry
27 ~ 5 Years Back
28 ~ Cooking
29 ~ Performance
30 ~ Playing with Fire
31 ~ Permission Granted
32 ~ JinHit University
33 ~ Love Life
34 ~ Shopping
35 ~ Flashback
36 ~ Continuous
37 ~ First Day
38 ~ Mistake
39 ~ Absence
40 ~ Waiting
41 ~ Dream or Real?
42 ~ Meaning
43 ~ Tattoo and Tie
44 ~ Crush
45 ~ Distance
46 ~ Warning
47 ~ Sell
48 ~ Nothing Like Us
49 ~ Tomorrow
50 ~ Dating
51 ~ Boy With Luv
52 ~ T-Shirt
53 ~ HOME
54 ~ Just One Second
55 ~ Reason
56 ~ Problem
57 ~ Task
59 ~ Balcony
60 ~ Rights
61 ~ Love Me Like You Do
62 ~ Advice
63 ~ Camping
64 ~ Day 1
65 ~ Day 1.5
66 ~ Day 2
67 ~ Day 2.5
68 ~ Marry Me?
69 ~ Marriage
The Wattys!
70 ~ Wanna See You
71 ~ One Sided Love
72 ~ Hospital
73 ~ You're Mine
74 ~ Discharge
75 ~ Let's Break Up
76 ~ Time's Up
77 ~ First Agreement
78 ~ Then Marriage
79 ~ Honeymoon
80 ~ Revenge
81 ~ Husband Duty
82 ~ Surprise
83 ~ Fights
84 ~ Playtime
85 ~ Kiss
86 ~ Ice Cream
87 ~ Fever
88 ~ Care
89 ~ What Happened
90 ~ We Don't Talk Anymore
91 ~ Silent Love War
92 ~ Closer
93 ~ Special Date
94 ~ Kiss and Make Up
95 ~ Make'uuu Luv
96 ~ Love is half-half
97 ~ Chocolate
98 ~ 63 Babies
99 ~ 9 Months
100 ~ Epilogue

58 ~ Drunk

4.8K 227 28
By lolitasidiot


"Yoongi, listen I am drunk that's why.." yoongi cuts her "I am not ready to hear any of your bullshits now, just go away" yoongi said with a cold tone and walk towards drunk tae to grab him.

"I said I won't come with you grandpa, are you deaf?" tae slapped his hands and not aware of what is going now.

"I am not here to play with your silly behaviors tiny," yoongi gritted his teeth to control the anger.

"Yoongi, please I know you are hating me so much, but just listen.." "SHUT.UP. your ugly mouth bitch" both flinched back on yoongi's terror voice.

"O.. Okay.. Just don't.. don't tell about this to Guk, yoongi. Please, I am begging you, please" lisa tried her best not to cry in front yoongi.

Yoongi let go tae's hand and turned to her side, his face with smug smile "You know very well about him right?" lisa did not say anything biting her lips the fear of if guk knows this matter what will happen to her "We should talk about this later, now go" lisa went out with little nods.

Yoongi turns to where he left his tiny, "Aishhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this tiny, YAHHHHHHHHH, where the hell you went? You better come in front of me NOW, before I find you. You can't escape from this place" everyone looking at him with weird expression, yoongi does not give single shit to them "I am not a babysitter to that tiny, I can't handle this anymore" he grabs his phone from the pocket and dialed the particular person who can stay with him for his entire life.

Ringing.. Ringing.. Ringing..

"Hyung, I am busy righ.." yoongi cuts him.

"Bring your ass to XXXX club NOW, I can't babysitting that tiny anymore"

"5 minutes hyung, I will be there. Please, take care of him and don't let him touch any alcohols" guk said fastly and ends the calls.

"Why am I here?" left the huge sigh.

"Boss, he is here" yoongi's one of the bodyguard yellings and pointing the boy who is currently fighting with one of the bar staff. Yoongi walks towards them.

"How can you run this big club without a single banana milk? Are you poor? Call your owner I want to talk to him?" tae rolling his sleeves up to ready for the fight.

"The owner is dead, let's go tiny" yoongi pulled him from tae's back dress collar almost like dragging him.

"YAH, you grandpa leave me, I want my banana milk" tae fighting back to remove yoongi's hands from his collar and that was successfully failed.

Tae took something from his own pocket "Wait I will tell you to my eomma, he is the best one to.." yoongi stops the walk turns to him and cuts him "Add this one too tiny, I came to club and drunk like can't find out a difference between mobile and wallet" said with smug smile.

"I just drink coke, I swear grandpa. I dunno coke would give this effect. By the way, from when coke changed their products taste grandpa?" tae starts to think deeply while tapping his index finger into his right side chin.

Yoongi stopped reply to him the cause of someone yelling and running towards them.

"YAH, you, you are the one locked me inside of the bathroom right?" thankfully bodyguards caught her from the attack.

"Hehe, of course, I am the only one who locked the ugly witch to where you belong to" tae said casually from yoongi's back. He went yoongi's back when he saw that lady coming towards him.

"YOU" she gritted her teeth on angry and struggles with bodyguards held.

"You should be thankful to me because I gave freedom from your.. oops, I think your boyfriend is the person to be thankful to me because I gave freedom.." "YAH, I gonna kill you" tae flinched back again to yoongi's back of her sudden high pitch voice "Wait there witch, let's see who is gonna kill who?" tae said and lean to yoongi's ear who is watching this with zero interest crossing his hands "Grandpa hold me when I am shouting at her, it must look likes you don't want me to fight with that witch okay? Deal? Now start" he whispers to him the only yoongi can hear.

"You witch, hear this clearly.." before tae continues yoongi drags him by his back collar like how he pulled him a few minutes back.

"Yah, grandpa I said you to hold me not to drag me"

Yoongi drags him to the parking area, who came out from the car on the perfect timing.

"Hyu.." before guk continues yoongi pushed tae onto him, and he safely landed on guk's chest grips his coat to avoid fall down at the same guk hold him by his waist.

"My work is done here, and I am taking back my words this tiny is totally different from my thoughts, so hereafter I won't stop you. Now I am leaving, bye" yoongi collects his bodyguards and rushed out from the club.

"Lolita" guk called him lifted his chin to look at him.

Tae slapped his hands and pulled away himself from the hug and walk towards guk car sat on the passenger seat.

Guk sighed and went to the driver seat, puts his own seat belt and he noticed tae still not put his seat belt so he leaned to him, tae instantly backed sticks to the window and glaring at him with his puppy eyes "Seat belt" guk said with little disappoint of tae's reaction. After tae puts on his seat belt by himself, guk glance at him one last time before he starts the car.

Guk has lots of questions that he wants to ask his lolita, but his lolita is not in a right condition.

After a few minutes of travel guk parked his car and opened the door, walks to other side opened the door very lightly and remove the seat belt from his sleeping lolita. Smoothly picks him up bridal style. He already texted to his mom on the way, to open the door for him. And she did confusedly waiting for his son to enter the house, but she never expects that his son will come with tae. She is so happy to see her son-in-law in his son's hold like this. She runs to them.

"Wowww, my little baby" yoona said slowly not want to wake up this sleeping beauty.

"Mom, lolita is not feeling well, I am taking him to my room, you just inform to eomeoni he will come there tomorrow" guk as well as said with slow tone.

"Yah, this is not fair, you know very well about Jin, you can't do this to me" yoona body shivers the thought of jin yelling at her.

"Shhh, mom. My lolita is sleeping, you can't do this for him?" guk is also not ready to face his eomeoni, that's why he pushed this matter to his mom.

"Anything for little baby" yoona said while brushing tae's smooth hair and chu on his forehead.

"Okay bye, mom"

Guk took him to his room and placed on his bed very very smoothly and give pillow to hug and covered a blanket. Guk went to change his dress, meanwhile tae struggling and rolling left and right on the bed with a little whimper, he gets up and pukes on the blanket. After the all alcohols comes out he felt relief at the same time starts to cry with high pitch voice "Eommaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa".

Guk drops whatever he holds, and runs to him "Lolita, I am here" he saw puke on the blanket "Gukkieee" tae calls him with sad pout lips still crying, guk instantly grabs a wet tissue in his drawer and sat beside him cleaning his mouth "Gukkie" sobbing with sniff "Shhh, it's okay lolita" wipes his tear chu on his lips "You feel better now?" tae nods lightly with sniff, guk smiled at him then removed the blanket threw to trash.

"Bath" tae said very slowly that has not reached to guk "Gukkie" called him and guk immediately comes to him "Yes, lolita? Are you in pain? Still feel of vomiting sensation? Just let it out here lolita, no problem" tae shook his head "I want to take a bath" guk sighed in relief and smiled at him. He leans to pick him up, tae backed away, just now he noticed "Why.. why are half naked?" "I dropped my shirt when I heard your crying voice and rushed here. Sooo, hmmm" guk said with a little shoulder up, tae blushed madly this is his first time that he seeing guk in the half-naked body. In the gap guk picked him up, tae surprised on his sudden action, guk has a little smirk on his face because of tae's reaction. Tae wrapped his hands around guk's neck, guk pushed him up to close his side face, now he can feel tae's hot breaths hitting him.

"Do you want me to help lolita?"

Tae comes to the earth, and noticed he is now inside of the bathroom, jumped away from him and quickly pushed him out of the bathroom locked the bathroom takes a large breath in and out.

Guk did not expect his lolita to push him out suddenly "I just ask you lolita, you don't have to show your love this way" said and chuckles "Okay okay stop blushing, go and take bath, come out quickly lolita" tae bites his inner lips and cover his face with hands.

After a brushing his teeth and bath, he peeks out from the bathroom. There is no sign of guk, tae saw one pajama on the bed. "I am here lolita, you can come out without worry, I won't see anything pinky promise, you can trust your hubby" guk yelled out from the balcony.

Tae hesitantly comes out with only towel wraps around the lower part. As guk said he did not look back, tae changed his dress, slowly take his steps to the balcony. Guk can feel that his lolita is coming towards him, he smiled and still facing the sky. He wants to know what his lolita gonna do so he stayed like that. Tae tiptoes to him.


Guk chuckled by his action turns to him, tae smile faded he expected shock guk or at least little jerk reaction from him. Guk cups his cheeks chu on his lips "I missed you, so much lolita" hugs him tightly.

Tae hugs him back "Then why you did not shown up? You know how much I missed you gukkie?" "I know baby I know, I am sorry" guk chu on his head lightly, tae snuggled into him more.

A few minutes gap "Lolita, why did you drink today? I did not say you are not allowed to drink any alcohol when I am not with you? Do you hate me that.." tae pulled away from the hug and shook his head fastly "No gukkie I just drink coke only" guk looked at him confusedly "Are you sure?" tae nods fastly "Yes, you can ask lisa noona too, she was with me, even when she preferred me to drink alcohol I denied to drink that, I know you will hate that's why I select coke" tae said clearly that he does not hate his gukkie and obeys his favor as a good boy.


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