Blue Flowers (LarryXSal)

By CallMeSock

22.7K 1.1K 1.1K

Hiya I want to let you know, this book is based off of a different story that was unfortunately discontinued... More

When I Saw You |1|
Those Sad Eyes |2|
A New Feeling |3|
Hi yes important
A Nice Feeling |4|
Thorns |5|
Just Sick |6|
Its Getting Worse |7 1/2|
Its Getting Worse |7 2/2|
He's Happy. |8|
Acceptance |9|
Talk to me...please. |10|
Here goes nothing. |11|
Competition... |13|
My Best Friend |14|
Growth is Normal...right? |15|
Waffle Cones |18|
Surreal |19|
Dreams Decay |20|

If only... |12|

1.1K 50 120
By CallMeSock

Sorry about the wait and sorry about the short chapter!!

I bite at the inside of my cheek to stop myself from kissing his smooth, soft looking lips. He's not your boyfriend Sal. You can't kiss him.

If you'd make everything ten times'd ruin Larry's wonderful relationship with a really good guy, hurting them both in the process. Along with that, you'd fuck up yours and Larry's friendship too. You'd be left utterly alone, painfully alone. Don't be a horrible person Sal. You're better than this.

You know you can only ever imagine.

"I just wanted to go outside..." I leaned into the warmth of his arms as much as I could, enjoying every last second of it. He eventually set me down with a small hum of understanding. "You should've just told someone instead of trying to do it all on your own..."

My lip quivered. "You don't have to do it alone." Don't get emotional, don't get emotio-

A few tears dribbled down my cheeks, more followed. Then more and more. Fuck.

With each tear, I filled Larry's face with worry and concern.

Author's POV

Larry looked to the nurses and Philip, giving them a small nod towards the door. The nurses respectfully and quickly left, but Philip followed slowly, lingering as long as he could. He stopped at the door, looking back at the tall brunette.

The two boys locked eyes. Holding the gaze, Philip sighed in defeat and slowly made his way out into the hall. He gently closed the door with a small click.

He pressed his back against the door and hung his head. "I'll never be as important as him to Larry..." he hugged himself and slid down the door until he was sitting.

Meanwhile, the two boys sat in comfortable silence. The still, quiet air around them filled with a small sniffle on occasion. Larry was cradling Sal and running his calloused fingers through Sal's soft hair. "Man," Larry started, "I wish I had hair this smooth." Sal looked up at him and scoffed, "you would if you brushed it!"

The brunette fake gasped and pretended to act offended, "Those are torture devices! I'd never put my beautiful locks through such horror!"

Sal chuckled softly at the goofball. He sat up and leaned his head against the taller boy's shoulder. Larry was sitting on the edge, stroking Sal's hair.

"You can tell me about the disease when we get home...okay?" The brunette hummed softly. Sal just nodded, if he said anything else he knew he'd start choking up.

Larry was always so sweet to him. He was always so lucky to have him as a friend. Larry would always back up Sal, no matter what. He'd even help the blueberry hide a body if Sal needed it even despite the horrible smell.

He was just so glad he didn't have to carry this burden alone anymore. It was like he could finally breathe.

After a while, Sal was asleep in Larry's lap. "What have you done to deserve this?" The brunette thought aloud. "You've had everything ripped from your grasp and now this..."

Larry ran his fingers through the small bluenette's hair. "You're such a lovely soul, a beautiful one don't deserve any of this."


It was a solemn day, a quiet one too. It seemed as though time had slowed down. Everyone was dressed in black, without smiles or laughs. There was an aisle and a glistening light blue casket at the end of it. Larry and Phillip stood over it, looking down at the magically gorgeous sight.

The boy inside sat in a beautiful white dress that seemed to sparkle, his blue hair up in a neat bun, and his head rested on a small comfy cream colored pillow. He seemed to be the only glow in the dark world.

Phillip gripped Larry's hand. The brunette couldn't hold back the dam of tears he had kept at bay for so long.

"He's in a better place now" the words sounded distant and seemed to echo.

"I'm sorry..." that was all he could say.

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