The Melting Pot Complex

By KnittedKneeHighs

225K 12.3K 10.6K

'Looking for quiet roommate.' 'Located in quiet area.' 'Apartment has previously received noise complaints.' ... More

Chapter One ~ Virgil
Chapter Two ~ Patton
Chapter Three ~ Logan
Chapter Four ~ Roman
Chapter Five ~ Virgil
Chapter Six ~ Patton
Chapter Seven ~ Logan
Chapter Eight ~ Roman
A Little Poll
Chapter Nine ~ Virgil
Poll Results and a Note
Chapter Ten ~ Patton
Chapter Eleven ~ Logan
Chapter Twelve ~ Roman
Chapter Thirteen ~ Virgil
Chapter Fourteen ~ Patton
Chapter Fifteen ~ Logan
Chapter Sixteen ~ Roman
Chapter Seventeen ~ Virgil
Chapter Eighteen ~ Patton
Chapter Nineteen ~ Logan
Chapter Twenty ~ Roman
Chapter Twenty-One ~ Virgil
Chapter Twenty-Two ~ Patton
Chapter Twenty-Three ~ Logan
Chapter Twenty-Four ~ Roman
Chapter Twenty-Five ~ Virgil
Chapter Twenty-Six ~ Patton
Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ Logan
Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ Roman
Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ Virgil
Chapter Thirty ~ Patton
Chapter Thirty-One ~ Logan
Chapter Thirty-Three ~ Virgil
Chapter Thirty-Four ~ Patton
Chapter Thirty-Five ~ Logan
Chapter Thirty-Six ~ Roman
Chapter Thirty-Seven ~ Virgil
Chapter Thirty-Eight ~ Patton
Chapter Thirty-Nine ~ Logan
Chapter Forty ~ Roman
Chapter Forty-One ~ Virgil
Chapter Forty-Two ~ Patton
Chapter Forty-Three ~ Logan
Chapter Forty-Four ~ Roman
Chapter Forty-Five ~ Virgil
Chapter Forty-Six ~ Patton
Chapter Forty-Seven ~ Logan
Chapter Forty-Eight ~ Roman
Chapter Forty-Nine ~ Virgil
Chapter Fifty - Patton
Chapter Fifty-One ~ Logan
Chapter Fifty-Two ~ Roman
Chapter Fifty-Three ~ Virgil
Chapter Fifty-Four ~ Patton
Chapter Fifty-Five ~ Logan
Chapter Fifty-Six ~ Roman
Chapter Fifty-Seven ~ Virgil
Chapter Fifty-Eight ~ Patton
Chapter Fifty-Nine ~ Logan
Chapter Sixty ~ Roman
Chapter Sixty-One ~ Virgil
Chapter Sixty-Two ~ Patton
Chapter Sixty-Three ~ Logan
Chapter Sixty-Four ~ Roman
Chapter Sixty-Five ~ Virgil
Chapter Sixty-Six ~ Patton
Chapter Sixty-Seven ~ Logan
Chapter Sixty-Eight ~ Roman
Chapter Sixty-Nine ~ Virgil
Chapter Seventy ~ Patton
Chapter Seventy-One ~ Logan
Chapter Seventy-Two ~ Roman
Chapter Seventy-Three ~ Virgil
Chapter Seventy-Four ~ Patton
Chapter Seventy-Five ~ Logan
Chapter Seventy-Six ~ Roman
Chapter Seventy-Seven ~ Virgil
Chapter Seventy-Eight ~ Patton
Chapter Seventy-Nine ~ Logan
Chapter Eighty ~ Roman
Final Author's Note
Hi Again Kids

Chapter Thirty-Two ~ Roman

2.8K 152 171
By KnittedKneeHighs

{Possible trigger warnings: one mild swear, sickness mention

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

"I really am glad you made it, Margaret, and I'm glad you enjoyed."

Roman slowly pried himself away from the elderly woman gushing profusely about his performance. He loved the praise and attention, and he knew she was a regular attendee, but he needed to do something and he didn't want to wait much longer.

Finally he managed to escape as some other poor soul caught Margaret's attention. Immediately Roman darted into the crowd, trying to find Logan.

His heart was still beating faster than normal as he remembered that look he'd given his roommate. It hadn't been intentional, but Roman's heart had leapt into his throat when it happened and he almost forgot the next line.

What is this feeling, so sudden and new?

He knew exactly what this feeling was, though he wanted so badly to deny it. How would it affect their apartment? Their interactions?

Hell, had Logan even noticed?

Roman finally spotted his roommate, leaning against a wall off to the side. He was on his phone and something about the way he was holding himself sent another thrill through Roman's chest.

And god, how hadn't he noticed what Logan was wearing? Who knew their resident nerd could clean up so well?

"Get it together you boy-crazy idiot." Roman hissed to himself before squaring his shoulders and walking over.

"What did you think?"

Logan looked up and pocketed his phone, pushing himself up off the wall. "It was interesting. Although I cannot decide whether I like the lack of a storyline more or less than the average musical."

Roman laughed, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Oh I get that completely. When I'm onstage and there's a story I can keep track of what's going on easily, but with this we're sort of all over the place and it can get confusing."

"Regardless, your performances were exceptional." Logan adjusted his tie a little. 

Roman felt a blush creeping up and thanked everyone he could think of that his face was already flushed from the last number. "Thank you! We worked really hard on all of it."

He heard someone shouting his name over the crowd and turned to see one of the other actors, Leo, trying to get his attention.

"Are you coming to dinner?"

Roman gasped and nodded quickly. "Yes, I've just got to change! Give me a few minutes."

Leo nodded and disappeared off into the crowd again. Roman turned back to Logan.

"I shouldn't keep you, go and change." Logan pushed his hands into his pockets. "I suppose I will see you back at home."

Roman nodded again, smiling. "I'll see you. Drive safe in that oldie of yours."

Logan chuckled and nodded.

"Who's that? He's cute." Someone commented in Roman's ear once his roommate had walked off. He jumped and shot Dahlia a half-teasing glare.

"My roommate... I'm starving, let me go get changed so we can go eat."

~~~Three Hours Later~~~

Roman poked his head into his roommate's room.

"Hey Patton, how are you feeling?"

Patton peeked out from the fuzzy cocoon he was in and smiled a little. "I'm feeling a bit better, but my head spins every time I get up."

"Oh don't move on account of me then!" Roman said quickly, stepping inside and closing the door. "I just got home, wanted to check up on you."

Patton chuckled. "I'm fiiiine. Logan said your performance was good."

Roman beamed, even as he felt his cheeks redden. "He did?"

He hoped his roommate didn't notice the blush, but Patton perked up.

"What's that face for?" He grinned, giggling a little.

Roman chewed his lip. Patton sat up fully.


"You cannot tell anyone."

Patton grinned and wiggled over, patting the bed next to him. "C'mon, I wanna hear this."

Roman dropped down next to him and blew out a breath. "I don't even know if it's him or if I was just in character. And it hasn't like, fully developed yet, I barely registered it until today- it's gonna ruin my life!"

"Who is it?" Patton asked, bunching up a blanket in his lap and hugging it like a stuffed animal.

Roman looked at him, incredulous. "You recognized what I was feeling but not who it was for? Patton, think about it."

He shrugged, smiling. "I just want to hear you say it."

Roman huffed and flopped backwards, throwing an arm over his eyes.


"Awwww!" Patton squealed, clapping his hands together.

"Shh!" Roman shot up, giving him a half-hearted glare. "He'll hear you!"

"He's in his room isn't he?"

"I don't- I don't know." Roman finally admitted. "I tried to avoid him as much as possible when I got home."

Patton hummed, then waved his hands around. "Okay okay okay, back up. Tell me how this started."

Roman ran his hands through his hair.

"So my first song that I sing in the show is written as a character realizing she's in love. And the beginning is kind of softer, then you- er, me, y'know what I mean- sink into it and it gets a little louder and right before the chorus there's this huge swell with a held note."

He sighed, propping his chin up on his hand.

"I looked out and made eye contact with Logan in the front row right as I sang it, and just- I felt it. I couldn't tell you what it was, but once it was there I couldn't ignore it. I nearly forgot the rest of the song, right then I only wanted to keep that look for the rest of my life."

Patton stuffed the blanket against his face, muffled squealing emitting from it.

"That's so cute!" He finally whispered when he peeked out.

"But what do I do?"

"What do you mean what do you do? You ask him out!"

"I can't do that!" Roman jumped to his feet, throwing his hands in the air. "What if he says no? I see him every day, Patton, I would have to move out because of sheer embarrassment!"

"That's not true." Patton shook his head. "Besides, what if he doesn't say no?"

Roman puffed a breath, watching his hair flop around. "I don't know if I want to take that chance... I'm just going to go to bed and hope that tomorrow it's gone."

"I don't think that's how it works, kiddo, but sleep well." Patton smiled softly.

"You too, Pat. I hope you feel better."

{The irony of this aro-ace writer trying to write what a crush feels like... I have literally asked other people to explain how this works}

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