In Their Shadow

By Blue-Kitten245

121K 3.5K 1.9K

Stuck behind the shadows of Naruko and Sasuke how will Yuma Ito deal with being in a team with his talented t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Fragmented Memory 1
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Fragmented Memory 2
Chapter 28: Chunin Exams Start!
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Fragmented Memory 3
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41: A Boy Capable Of Great Things
Chapter 42: A Festive Time For Regrets
Chapter 43: Happy Birthday
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Fragmented Memory 4
Chapter 51

Chapter 12

2.5K 76 27
By Blue-Kitten245

Finally having caught up with Yuma, the trio of Genin decided it best to avoid interaction with villagers, seeing as they were suspected of murder by the vast majority. The three awkwardly walked in a group; a fuming Yuma at the head. He walked with an irritated swagger, as they headed into the forest to practice Taijutsu. Sasuke and Naruko smiled awkwardly, eyes closed in thought. Each of them pondered on ways to get Yuma to open up and be friends with them.

"Hey Sasuke, Yuma looks pretty mad." Naruko whispered to Sasuke.

"No duh idiot! You just spent the last few minutes badgering him on why he's doing what he's supposed to be doing!" Sasuke whispered back.

"B-But don't you think its wrong!? How he just dismissed the deaths of others so easily!? I mean, I know they attacked Kakashi first, but still!"

"I know, but its not our right to judge him...I mean, its not like he was doing anything wrong...Besides, its like Big brother Itachi always told me: 'Just because a Ninja must steel their heart, It doesn't mean they have no heart.' You know what I mean?" Sasuke said as he looked between her and ahead to Yuma, making sure he wasn't hearing the two of them gossip.

"Yeah, I guess you're right..." Naruko responded with a sigh.

"If the two of you are done talking about me behind my back, then you two would realize we already arrived at the forest." Yuma said with an annoyed frown, turning to the two of them with a scowl.

They both rubbed the back of their heads in embarrassment, shame on their face. Yuma looked at the two indifferently, walking to a tree stump and taking a seat. He began to read a book he had pulled out of his travel bag. Naruko and Sasuke looked at him in confusion, unsure of why he was starting to read right before Taijutsu practice.

"Umm, Yuma? What are you doing?" Naruko asked.

He looked at the blonde girl, raising a brow in confusion.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm reading." He said back to her.

Naruko puffed out her cheeks in annoyance.

"That's not what I mean! I mean, why are you reading right now? Aren't you gonna train with us?" She asked him.

Yuma laughed aloud, pissing Naruko off as her face went red.

"Yeah sure, and i'll just unlock the Sharingan and master the Rasengan while i'm at it!" Yuma said, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes.

Naruko clicked her teeth at him, annoyed at his behavior.

"Yeah, funny. Now get up, were going to train." Naruko said while rolling her eyes at Yuma.

"I don't think you know what no means. Listen, if I tried to practice with the two of you, I wouldn't last even a minute. Just let me read while the two of you practice being perfect." Yuma said with a roll of his eyes as he flipped another page in his book.

"Enough of the sass Dead Last. Hurry up and get ready for the training." Sasuke said with a scowl.

Yuma chuckled.

"Dead Last? Been awhile since you called me that." Yuma said with a smirk.

"What, afraid of living up to that nickname? Huh Yuma?" Sasuke asked with a smug look.

"You may be able to trick Naruko with name calling and reverse psychology, but not me." Yuma said as Sasuke frowned in response.

"What is that supposed to mean!?" Naruko butted in, her puffed out cheeks and red blush making Yuma let out a chuckle.

"It means your the brawn, and Sasuke's the brain." Yuma said with a smirk.

"He's not wrong." Sasuke said, a similar smug look on his face like Yuma's.

"Sasuke! Not you too!" Naruko yelled out as both Sasuke and Yuma laughed at her.

The two boys continued to laugh; Yuma forgetting his anger due to the jovial atmosphere. Sasuke smirked at Yuma, a look of understanding shining in his onyx orbs. Yuma, having a similar gleam in his eyes, let out a reluctant sigh while shaking his head. He stood up and put his book into the travel bag, turning to the both of them with a small smile.

"Fine, i'll train with you two. Just take it easy on me, okay?" Yuma said.

"Really!? Yes! Don't worry, we will take it really easy on you! I won't even use Kage Bunshin!" Naruko yelled out in excitement.

Yuma smiled nervously.

"Really...Don't know if I should be thankful or offended." Yuma replied to her with a wry tone as Sasuke smirked and Naruko bounced on her toes in excitement.

Yuma rolled his shoulders and proceeded to stretch his limbs. While limbering up, Sasuke walked over to him.

"Anyways, you only know Academy style right? I think while sparring with me and Naruko, you should try to stray away from that style, and come up with your own Taijutsu." Sasuke suggested, Naruko perking up when hearing his statement.

"Yeah! You could learn a lot from me and Sasuke! This will be great!" Naruko said while grinning widely.

"The Academy style can't be that bad right?" Yuma questioned.

"No, but it is predictable, and predictability is an enemy to all Ninja." Sasuke pointed out.

"I guess your right. Although, I doubt coming up with my own style will be a easy thing to do." Yuma said bluntly.

Yuma stood up after stretching his arms and legs. He turned to Sasuke, a questioning look forming upon Yuma's pale complexion.

"How would I create my own Taijutsu anyways?"

Sasuke smirked.

"Simple, you take small aspects of other peoples Jutsu, combine it with some original ideas once you grasp the basics, and then practice it til you master it to completion." Sasuke said, receiving a judgmental deadpan gaze from Yuma as a result.

"You say its easy, but it doesn't sound easy." Yuma said, a small frown adorning his face.

"Its easy in theory, hard in practice. But, if you don't ever try, then how can one expect to grow and improve?" Sasuke said in a weirdly philosophical manner.

"I guess your right. Thanks for the advice, Sasuke." Yuma said with wide eyes, surprised at Sasuke's wise statement. At least he was, until...

"Bwahahaahaa! Sasuke, you stole that phrase from Itachi didn't you!" Naruko exclaimed with boisterous laughter.

Sasuke's face went red with embarrassment. He turned to Naruko and bonked her on the head. Naruko held her head, tears forming in her eyes.

"Owww! What was that for you duck butt!" Naruko yelled out.

"Shut up idiot! I'm not copying Itachi at all!" Sasuke exclaimed, blush of embarrassment still heavy on his face.

"Of course you are! Only Itachi could ever say anything that wise! Stop trying to pretend like your all that!" Naruko yelled out.

"And, like I already told you, I'm not copying Big Brother Itachi at all!" Sasuke yelled out, breathing exasperatedly.

Yuma widened his eyes at the exchange, never having seen Sasuke as flustered as he currently was before. He looked on as the both of them continued to argue for awhile. After a few more accusatory words from Naruko to Sasuke, Yuma began to smile a little. Eventually, the smile changed to one of amusement. Then he started to chuckle aloud to himself. Naruko and Sasuke, who were currently pulling at each others hair in anger, stopped and turned to him; surprised at his laughter.

"What's so funny, huh, Dead Last!" Sasuke yelled out the insult, embarrassed even further from Yuma's laughter.

"N-Nothing, its just...Hahahaha!" Yuma couldn't even finish his response, bursting into another fit of laughter.

"Spit it out already!" Sasuke exclaimed in anger.

"Its must love your brother a lot...I just thought it was funny that a hard ass like you would actually have someone important to you like that." Yuma said, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes.

Sasuke's eyes widened, surprised by Yuma's statement, and awkwardly rubbed his head as his blush began to fade.

"Yeah, everyone has someone like that, right?" He responded, shyly rubbing the back of his head.

Yuma's eyes widened slightly, an image of Danzo's kind fatherly smile flashing through his brain.

"Yeah, I guess so..." Yuma said with a small smile.

Naruko finally calmed down, her bump on her head gone.

"Really? Who's your precious person Yuma?" Naruko inquired.

Yuma held his head down, his smile dissipating.

"Why should I tell you..." Yuma asked.

Naruko frowned, letting loose a sigh.

"Fine, fine, don't tell me. Anyways, are we gonna train or what?" Naruko said, irritated.

"Yeah...I guess, just remember to take it easy, alright?" Yuma said nervously.

"Yes! Okay, lets start! You and me first Yuma! No weapons and only physical attacks! Don't worry, i'll just use my fists as an handicap Yuma! The practice will end once you are able to land one hit on me or I knock you out!" Naruko yelled out in excitement, bumping her fist into her chest.

Yuma immediately tensed upon seeing Naruko get into a stance. He was going to do so himself, that is until Naruko charged at him. He ducked low, evading the incoming fist, but was sent rolling once another hit was sent to his stomach. Quickly recovering himself, he rolled onto his feet, noticing a shadow descending upon him. Looking up, he saw Naruko falling towards him, fist descending.

Before she could land a hit, he narrowed his eyes and caught the fist. He quickly turned his entire body and threw her into the the tree line. Naruko grabbed the first tree limb she saw, and spun in a spiral, before letting go, the momentum throwing her back at Yuma. Yuma crossed his arms in front of himself to block, knowing he wouldn't be fast enough to dodge the attack.

The fist slammed into Yuma's face with extreme force, sending him skidding at least thirty feet away. Keeping his feet forcibly grounded with Chakra while scrunching his eyes from the grass and twigs whirling into his eyes, he quickly ducked, as Naruko fist went over his head, a small gust of wind rushing through is hair from the force. Yuma breathed heavily, imagining a horrific image of what would have happened if that punch had actually hit home. Naruko laughed aloud after landing back onto the forest floor, not tired in the least.

"Wow, your doing pretty good! I honestly expected you to get knocked out fast!" Naruko said, surprise evident in her voice.

"Ah...Ha...Ah...T-Thanks..." Yuma forced out, panting heavily; sweat forming on his forehead.

"Hope your ready for more!" Naruko yelled out, dashing towards him.

Unable to block due to their close proximity to one another, he was hit.

Sent flying from the force of Naruko's heavy punch, Yuma found himself unable to regain his senses. Slamming into a tree, he lout out a gasp; saliva falling from his mouth. He heard the quick rustling of leaves signifying Naruko's fast approach. Shaking his head, he hid behind the tree, waiting for her to arrive. Naruko flew from out of the bushes, looking everywhere in confusion.

"Helloooooo~, come out come out wherever you are~" Naruko sang.

Knowing he couldn't hide forever, Yuma ran up the tree, and descended upon Naruko from the other side. Naruko, as if sensing his descent, leaped away. Yuma landed down unto the ground facing Naruko, a determined gaze in his eyes. Naruko smiled widely in response, her teeth showing. She ran forward, attempting to hit him once more. Yuma quickly tilted his head to the side, her face an inch away from his head. He attempted a spin kick, only for Naruko to duck, and grab the end of his foot. With a tight grip, she pulled his feet out from under him; spinning him and sending him flying once more.

Before he could be sent too far away, Yuma grabbed onto the nearest tree branch. He sat upon the branch, his back bent forward as he held onto the branch. Naruko smirked up at him, catching his gaze. Yuma frowned down at her, only for the frown to turn into a similar smirk. Naruko ran up the tree bringing her face down upon him. Yuma was then pushed out of the tree for attempting to try and grab her incoming fist, only for it to be to powerful of a force to stop.

"And here you were saying you didn't wanna train! Look at that smirk!" Naruko yelled out, causing Yuma's battle hungry smirk to transform into a full blown smile.

"Y-Yeah, I-I'm surprised myself! I never I thought I would enjoy a fight this much!" Yuma yelled out, running at Naruko.

"Well, sorry to kill the mood, but i'm gonna end this now!" She said in a smug tone.

Yuma did not like that.

He attempted to take a swipe at her.

And completely missed.

Naruko jumped a few feet back, escaping Yuma's grasp, then began to run around him. Her speed increasing causing Yuma's fatigued brain to perceive her as a golden blur. He tried many times to land a hit, but each attempt only served to cause his dizziness to increase, and increase, and increase, until...

He dashed past the blonde blur, forcing his way out of the cyclone she was, and creating quickly catching his breath; trying his best not to retch. He rolled onto his feet, barely missing the large dent in the ground caused by her fists. She was about to raise herself up, but...

"W-What the hell!?"

Her hand was stuck in the ground, the sticky mud holding her in place. She pulled and pulled, to no avail. Looking up, she caught the smiling sinister visage of one Yuma Ito. Watching him clench his fists, she closed her eyes, bracing herself for the impact.


The force of the hit made her head wobble a bit, but she quickly shook it off with a grumble. A hand was held out in front of her, belonging of course to a smugly smiling Yuma. Scowling at Yuma slightly, she took his hand with a grunt.

"I can't believe I lost to you like that...It was just luck, don't let it get to your head, okay?" She said, her face slightly red.

"Yeah, Yeah. You think I don't know that...I still won though, can't wait to tell Sasuke about this~" Yuma sang happily.

"S-Shut up! D-Don't tell Sasuke or else he'll never let me live it down! Please!" Naruko pleaded.

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Anyways lets go back to Sasuke, that way you two can have a go and finally let me relax!" Yuma replied cheekily.

And so, the two of them walked back to their fellow team member, Yuma unaware that his idealistic lackadaisical days where soon to be numbered.



Kenichi screamed at the top of his lungs, still strapped into the rusty chair as Zabuza cut off pieces of flesh and rubbed acidic rags upon it.

Zabuza laughed coldly, a smile forming on his face.

"Does it hurt? It hurts right? It feels like your gonna die right? So why don't you tell me where your cute little freedom fighter friends are hiding, alright?"

Kenichi attempted to spit on Zabuza, but missed. Zabuza frowned, standing up and grabbing the bounded Kenichi by the hair. A loud bashing noise reverberated throughout the room, as Zabuza ran his knee into Kenichi's face over and over again. He laughed happily as he bashed the poor mans face in.

"Don't ever try that shit again! You understand me!?" He yelled, ceasing his brutal bashing, hold the man by his hair, forcing Kenichi to stare into Zabuza's eyes.

"Y-Yes! I-I u-understand! I promise I won't ever do th-!?" Kenichi tried to say, but began to profusely cough up blood.

Zabuza bellowed with laughter, grinning madly.

"Really? Are you really sorry!? Bark like a dog, and maybe i'll stop!" Zabuza commanded.

"W-Woof! Woof! Bark! Woof!" Kenichi screamed out, tears and blood running out of his tired and crusty eyes.

"Hahahahaha! This is fucking hysterical! Are you sure you don't want in on this Kakashi?!" Zabuza cackled.

Kakashi stood a few feet away, reading a book while leaning against the cracked wall. He gave Zabuza a tight eye smile.

"No, i'm good. You have fun though." Kakashi said.

"Your loss!" Zabuza said, reaching for a torture tool, before frowning once he saw how dirty and dull they were getting.

"Hey Haku, go prepare more rags and clean off the other utensils for me!" Zabuza ordered, a crazed look on his face.

"Right away Master Zabuza." Haku responded in a flat tone of voice, walking out of the building with a sigh.

'I wish Master Zabuza could try to act less insane. It truly makes him look more sinister then he really is.' Haku thought to himself, walking to the small pond beside the decrepit building they where using as a base of operations.

Haku walked to the pond, preparing to wash the utensils. Sighing to himself as he washed the torture tools. He began to lightly hum, lost in thought. He remembered the time he had lived with his happy family, in the once peaceful Kirigakure. Before the village hidden in the mist became known worldwide as the Bloody Mist. He closed his eyes, mind consumed with memories of more peaceful times.


"Daddy! Look, its a flower!" The young Haku ran to his father, holding the beautiful flower out to his father.

Haku's father smiled down at the child, picking him up, and putting him onto his back.

"Really? Flowers are quite rare in this village, maybe you should keep it?" The father joked, as they walked back to their small cottage.

The cottage was similar to every other one like its kind. Old and decrepit looking, it was exactly what you would expect from a home belonging to a family from the lowest echelon of a village ran by prestige and heritage. In the village of Kirigakure, your social standing was based on whether your family ties were of noble and loyal lineage, or your might exhibited through battle as a ninja. Due to this, many lower ranked families would send out their young to the Ninja Academy to attain riches and respect through battle.

But not Haku's family, for they enjoyed their lives as long as they could stay together as a family. They were happy without riches or prestige, for as long as they had each other, they could live on with smiles on their faces.

"No! I wanna give it to daddy!" The young Haku vehemently tried persuading his father into putting the flower into his hair.

The father laughed, eyes closed in joy.

"Now come on Haku, if you do that daddy will begin to look like mommy." The father said.

"But why is that bad? Then i'd have two mommy's!" He exclaimed with glee.

"That's true...but then you wouldn't have a daddy anymore..." He said, teasing his son.

"Wahhhhh! I don't want that! Nevermind, i'll keep my daddy!" Haku exclaimed while his father chuckled aloud, walking through the cottage flaps.

"Ah that smells great, what are we having for dinner honey?" The father asked to his wife.

A motherly looking woman with long silky black hair turned to them, clothed in a Yukata. She smiled while walking to them with a gentle aura about her. She rubbed her sons head, looking at him with pride.

"How's my cute little boy doing? Whats that you have in your hand huh?" She asked gently.

"Its a flower mommy! Do you want it?" Haku asked with a smile.

"I'd be delighted to have it honey." She responded, picking the flower and putting it in her hair, twirling in a fanciful manner.

"How do I look, is your mommy pretty?" She asked.

"Mommy's the prettiest!" Haku exclaimed from his fathers back.

The mother hid her mouth behind her hand, giggling to herself while her husband let their son back onto the ground. He walked to her, smiling while holding her romantically by the waist, kissing her. Haku let out a loud 'ewww', while both of his parents giggled at their child's innocent demeanor.

"Gross~ Mommy and Daddy are kissing, ewwwww~!" Haku exclaimed, waving his arms frantically.

"Well Haku, one day you'll find a woman you'll want to kiss too you know?" His father said with a wiggle of the brow, his wife chuckling at his antics.

"Geez, what am I gonna do with the two of you?" Haku's mother asked jokingly.

The family laughed cheerily, gathering at the dinner table to partake in the modest meal.

Even though they lived a life of poverty, a sad meager piss poor life, even with being at the lower echelons of society...

They where happy.

Until the day came when Yagura Karatachi became the Fourth Mizukage.

With their new leader, all Kekkai Genkai users were mercilessly hunted down and butchered. It was a massacre unlike any other, where only seven of the children with Kekkai Genkai where allowed to be spared. These children were then forced to kill their family's to display their loyalty to the village, and would then be forcibly conscripted into the Shinobi ranks, each child becoming a student of one of the Seven Swordsman of the Hidden Mist.

Haku, hailing from a rare bloodline kept secret from him by his parent who wished him to have a peaceful life without bloodshed, was one of these children.

With tears in his eyes, he was forced to kill his family, all while they smiled at him kindly, tears brimming in their eyes.

Their last words were...


And so, the young Haku at age seven, lost his innocence.

He thought he would never feel joy or happiness again until one day...

"You have the same eyes as me."

These words from the man known as the Bloody demon of the Seven Swordsman of the Hidden mist, Zabuza Momochi, were what saved the young Haku from the pits of despair. From that day on, he swore to become the strongest tool in the arsenal of Zabuza Momochi. Eventually attaining complete mastery over his Kekkai Genkai in only two years, and developing his own technique known as 'Crystal Ice Mirrors', he quickly became known as the 'Haku of the Ice Release'.

Then one night, on the eve of his eleventh birthday, he was given the best gift of all by his beloved master.

"I want you to help me assassinate the Fourth Mizukage Yagura Karatachi."

To Haku, those where the most beautiful words he had ever heard. Any chance to eliminate the man who had stolen his happiness was a chance worth taking. So, despite being totally unprepared and completely outclassed, they planned the murder of the tyrannical despot. Meticulously planning each step and assembling a group for their coup d'etat. They rushed into battle with the most powerful man in the village, hoping to rid the world of the menace known as Yagura Karatachi.

Victory would not be theirs however. Yagura mercilessly killed nearly every single member of the resistance, with cold efficiency. He then did battle with Haku and Zabuza, being forced to use his tailed beast form. They were completely and totally defeated. With bruised and battered bodies, the master and the tool ran from the village they had once called home. Hope was not lost however, for they realized they were powerful enough to push the Jinchuriki enhanced Mizukage into a corner.

And so, they went on a journey to amass allies and wealth, so that one day they could free the village from the clutches of Yagura Karatachi.

Haku opened his eyes, tears trailing as the water reflected back to him a sad and somber expression. He wiped at his eyes, unaware of the approaching man creeping up from behind him. A hand placed itself on Haku's head, rubbing it gently. He looked up, and saw his bloody master gazing down at him with a kind look in his eyes, seldom ever seen.

"Now whats got you upset huh? Do you think i'm being too rough on the guy?" Zabuza asked, taking a seat next to his beloved tool.

"No, no...Its just...that man reminds me a lot of us you know? I mean, like us, he is just fighting for the sake of his village against a chaotic force of immeasurable power, it feels wrong to do this." Haku responded.

"I know how you feel, but this is our mission. The world is far too harsh to allow the weak and naive to fester within itself. A ninja must put the mission first and the lives of others second." Zabuza said, a serious look on his face.

"I know...and if we don't do this then we will never be able to save our home. We must do whatever it takes to save our village, even if it means sacrificing someone else's home." Haku said, a sodden look on his face.

All was quite for a small moment, a brief gust of wind billowing past them. They sat their in contemplative silence, the weight of Haku's words settling upon them. Zabuza sighed, standing to his feet, holding a hand out to his tool.

"Come Haku, we still have to gain Intel, day dreaming won't help us achieve our ambitions any faster." Zabuza said.

Haku held onto his masters hand, letting out a silent nod.

While they walked back into the building filled with the scent of blood and the moans of a man awaiting the jaws of death, Zabuza looked down at his tool silently, one thought coursing within him.

'I can not wait for the day, when I can witness his true, genuine smile.'

With that thought, Zabuza resolved himself on one day killing the man that had taken so much from the both of them.


All was quite within the large tower over looking the village that had always been covered with rain. the soft pitter patter of rain quickened in speed, before thunder bellowed throughout the land. Lighting crackled, illuminating the interior of the small room at the upper most point of the large tower. A man with spiky orange hair stood still in a room. He looked at the ring on his finger light up, exposing his purple ringed eyes. He put the ring close to his mouth.


This is Kisame, I Failed in the capture of the Nine Tails, I was unable to locate her. I apologize." The Shark man spoke to the mysterious purple eyed fellow through the use of their rings.

It does not matter. Your failure will be forgiven, as we are unable to take her Nine tails from her at the moment. Still, keep on your search. After all, even though we cannot absorb her into the Gedo Statue at the moment, it would still be valuable to keep her prisoner so as to make sure she will not grow into a threat."

"Understood." Kisame spoke, before disconnecting from the communication.

The man sighed, turning to a shadowed figure, perched on a stone stump near the back of the small room.

"I apologize for his failure Teacher." The orange haired fellow spoke respectfully to the figure, bowing at the waist.

"It doesn't matter, do not let it bother you, Pain. After all..."

Lightening crackled once more, illuminating the room for a few brief moments. A man wearing a cat like mask stood before the bowing man now known as 'Pain'.

"We still have yet to eliminate him, so its for the best that we get rid of that pathetic flea before resuming our plans. Don't you agree?"
the main villain in this story will NOT be Obito and Madara.

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