In Their Shadow

By Blue-Kitten245

121K 3.5K 1.9K

Stuck behind the shadows of Naruko and Sasuke how will Yuma Ito deal with being in a team with his talented t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Fragmented Memory 1
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Fragmented Memory 2
Chapter 28: Chunin Exams Start!
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Fragmented Memory 3
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41: A Boy Capable Of Great Things
Chapter 42: A Festive Time For Regrets
Chapter 43: Happy Birthday
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Fragmented Memory 4
Chapter 51

Chapter 11

3K 95 103
By Blue-Kitten245

Inari rubbed his eyes with a yawn, awaking to the smell of home cooking. He smiled while getting up and walking to his small restroom. After finishing showering and brushing his teeth, he made his way to the kitchen. He heard his mother humming a happy tune as bacon sizzled on the grill. Smiling to himself he walked up to her, and hugged his mother from behind.

"Hey mom! How are you doing?" Inari asked, causing his mother to smile contently.

"Just fine Inari, had a nice sleep?" She asked as she began setting the plates on the table.

"Yeah, by the way, were's Kaiza, shouldn't he be getting up soon?" Inari asked.

His mother stopped in her tracks. A small frown forming on her complexion.

"Kaiza had to leave again..." His mother said.

Inari frowned, looking at his plate in quiet contemplation.

"He always leaves, doesn't he?" Inari said, a bitter smile taking form on him.

Inari's mother frowned at him, understanding what he must be feeling, a lonesome sigh escaping her lips.

"I'm sorry, it must be hard on you, especially with your grandfather not being back yet from his journey to Konoha..." Inari's mother said sadly.

Inari bit into his bacon, his mood dampening upon mention of his grandfather.

'She's right...He should've been back by now, its been several weeks since Grandfather Tazuna left...I wonder, did anything happen?' Inari thought, worried for his grand fathers safety.

His mother noticed her son timidly tapping his fork against the plate, clearly solemn at the news of his grandfathers and surrogate fathers absence. Sighing to herself, she set her cooking ware down and walked to her son. She wrapped her arms around his small, child like frame. Inari blushed in embarrassment, holding his head down to hide it from her.

"M-Mom!? Cut it out you're embaressing me!" Inari said, his voice panicked as he tried to hide his smile.

"Nope! I don't feel like it!" She said with a serene grin.

"Jeez mom..." He muttered lowly.

"You know me and Kaiza love you dearly. I know he is always away from home, but he's doing it for the good of the village..." She said in a low tone.

"I know. I just wish he could spend more time with us is all..." Inari said.

"Me too sweety, but you know Kaiza tries his best. Like he always says; 'Protect what you love with both of your arms'. Right now, he's doing everything to protect all of us with everything he has, so its up to us to have faith in him." She said, her eyes closed and mouth formed into a motherly smile.

Inari smiled as well, letting loose a content sigh.

"I guess your right mom." He admitted reluctantly.

"Of course I am, after all..." She started, letting her son be released from her loving embrace, walking to the front of the table, and setting a plate of pancakes on the table.

"I am your mom! Everyone knows mom's are always right!" She said, a large smile forming on her face, warming Inari's heart.

And with that, the happy family began their peaceful breakfast. Love and happiness abundant all around.


After finishing his breakfast, Inari stepped into his bedroom, and put on his shoes and fishers hat. After Checking himself in the mirror, he nodded to himself in satisfaction. He picked up his basket for holding fish and his fishing rod, before running out of his room and to the door. He was about to turn the knob, when suddenly...

"Inari! Wait!" His mother suddenly came from the kitchen, a panicked expression taking form on her.

Inari turned to her in shock, completely taken aback by her sudden exclamation.

"Mother, are you okay? Is something the matter?" Inari asks with wide eyed confusion.

"I-I don't think you should go out today. Besides, w-we already have enough fish for today, stay here. Please!" His mother said, her hands shaking.

Inari looked at her worriedly, not used to her acting so frightened.

"Sure yeah, we might have enough fish for today...But not enough for tomorrow, i'd rather us be prepared you know..." He tried to reason, but his response came out hesitant, having never seen his mother act so frightened.

His mother bit her lip, eyes downcast.

"I-I know, its just, do you have to leave now? Y-You could get some fish later you know?" She tried to reason one last time, but unfortunately...

"Come on mom...Whats wrong with me getting fish early? Besides, I wanna get enough for those less fortunate as us as well you know?" He responded.

His mother let loose a shaky breath before putting her hand to her chest; Breathing in and out to calm herself.

"...Unless you need help with something?" He asked, reluctant, but worried for his mother.

"N-No, its fine...Go ahead, sorry for your troublesome mom." She said, a terse smile on her face.

He smiled and took a step forward, bringing his mother into a hug.

"Your not troublesome at all. I'm glad I have such a caring mother. I promise i'll be back before sun down, alright?" He said, letting go of his mother with a smile.

"Alright, you be careful dear!" She said excitedly, trying to lighten up the mood.

"I will, don't you worry!" Inari exclaimed, before bolting out of the door, leaving his mother to the silent ticking of their house clock.

She stood there for a good few seconds, before letting loose a shaky sigh.

"I'm sorry Kaiza...I tried my best."

She left the doorway, walking to the couch and relaxing into the sofa as she let loose a silent sob.

She didn't want her baby to see that.


Inari bolted from his house, heading to the docks. Excited to spend time catching fish, and wanting to run into a certain someone, he made his way through the village streets.

'I hope I get to meet her again, Naruko...' He thought to himself longingly, immersed into the mere thought of his first crush.

He turned a street corner that led to the Harbor's docks, only to see a huge crowd gathered around the village harbor. He raised his brows, confused as to why so many people were gathered. He waded his way through, curiosity guiding his actions. Once making it through the crowd, he set his eyes on what it was they were all staring at.

His heart froze in his chest.

The older men of the village were walking out of the building, carrying body's covered in a white blanket. It was clear to everyone what had most likely taken place. People began murmuring among themselves, theorizing who could've done it. Inari took a few shaky steps, noticing a familiar wrist band on one of the bodies arms sticking out from the blanket.

An image of a bald bearded man came to mind. A man that, alongside Kaiza, taught him how to fish.

He walked to one of the men carrying the body, tugging on his sleeve.

"I-Is that...Takanashi?" Inari asked, his hand shaking and eyes looking past the man he stood in front of, lost in a state of denial.

The man carrying the body froze, unsure of how to respond. After standing still for a couple seconds, he slowly nodded his head. Inari finally looked up at the man, letting go of his sleeve, arms going limp. Tears welled up in his eyes, memories of his time fishing with Takanashi flashing through his head. He heard the murmuring of the other villagers increasing in volume.

"It's probably Gato's dogs"

"But how!? We haven't even seen a single on of his men enter the village as of late!"

"How else would something like this even happen!? It has to be him!"

"Now that you mention it, I saw some kids and a grey haired man who aren't from here enter the village a few days ago..."

"You don't think they could...But they're just kids!"

"It doesn't matter what they are! They killed my brother damn it!"

"I heard that all the major villages let even children become ninja! They're heartless!"

"Those monsters! Animals I say!"

"They gotta pay...Even if they are kids..."

"Who gives a shit what they're! They killed some of our own!"

"Cut them up and feed them to the fish!"

"I'll make them pay for killing my brother!"

Slowly, Inari began to make out the venomous fury laced within their whispers. They're rightuoes anger festering within and spreading as if it were contagious. If you were to walk near the crowd, you would probably feel the killer intent well up. Inari clenched his teeth and fists, turning to the crowd with a snarl.

"Now what the hell are you guys on about!? Just because they arrived here recently, doesn't mean they're the murderers!" Inari yelled out, filled with fiery passion.

"Yeah sure, so its just one big coincidence hub!?" On of the crowd members asked rhetorically.

"Yeah! Who else could it be!? It has to be them!" Another yelled.

"Shut up! There's no way that's possible!" Inari yelled out, an image of Naruko's smile flashing in his head.

"Why do you care!? You really think one of us could kill our own!?" An elderly man yelled out.

"You'd suspect one of your own kid!? Really!?" Another yelled out with rage.

"No! That's not what I mean!" Inari tried to reason, not wanting his own to hate him.

"Then why!? Why are you sticking up for those outsiders!?"

"Yeah! It has to be them! How could you think otherwise!?"

"N-No, please just-!?" Inari tries to speak but is cut off by the enraged crowd.

"Because they're-!?"

"Stop trying to defend them you dumb kid!"

"Please! I'm trying to-!?"

"Yeah! go home kid!"

Inari finally has enough. He plants his feet, puffs his chest outward, and...

"Are you all out of your goddamn minds!?"

The crowd goes silent.

"Do you guys realize how crazy you sound!? Do you think these men, who laid down their lives for your sake, would enjoy hear you guys plotting to murder kids!?"

Slowly, the crowd began to look down in shame, realizing how blood thirsty they were being.

"Even if they did, which I don't believe for a second to be true, we shouldn't stoop to a murderers level!" Inari reasoned.

The crowd remained silent, after raising there heads, they saw the righteous fury burning within his eyes. His eyes brimmed with a light that was clearly a thirst for justice. His eyes shone so courageously, as if imploring the crowd to listen to his words. Inari took a breath, and continued.

"I understand why you all are angry...You think I like this? No, i'm angry, so much so that my chest feels as if it burns..." Inari spoke, captivating the crowd with his speech.

"But...If we let our anger be the guide of our actions, then we're no better then the people who murdered our own! We will find the people who did this! I assure you of that! However...We shouldn't stoop to their level! They will spend the rest of their lives in the village prison!"

Everyone nodded, agreeing with his sentiment, a vast majority of the crowd having finally calmed down.

"Now, what we need is proof of the murder. We shouldn't point fingers at people, we will find these killers, but we will do say honorable! Just as they would've wanted..." Inari finished, as his gaze traveled to the bodies covered in white.

And with that, the villagers set out to spread the word, and begin their investigation to catch the murderers who killed their own.

'I'll prove their innocence myself! After all, Naruko could never do anything so horrible.' Inari thought, narrowing his eyes. He turned to the hotel they walked into the evening prior. His chest swelling with a will to protect.

'I'll catch the bastards who did this, and impress Naruko while doing it'


The first thing the three Genin saw when they awoke was a letter taped to the back of Sasuke's and Kakashi's door. The letter, which was written by Kakashi, was quite a shocker to the three of them. Now fully awake and having finished breakfast, they sat down to read it.

"Dear my cute Genin, this is your amazing and quite dashing Sensei writing to you. I realize this might be a surprise, but I unfortunately can not return for the next two days. In the meantime, the three of you are to investigate the area and question the natives without arousing suspicion. While I am gone, Sasuke is to be in charge of the group. From, your awesome and lovable Sensei."

Sasuke's brow twitched before muttering to himself.

"Team leader? I like the sound of that." He said with a smile as Naruko groaned.

"What could Kakashi be doing!? I sure hope he isn't slacking off and leaving us with all the work!" Naruko exclaimed, frowning at the letter.

Yuma sighed.

"Lovable Sensei my ass..." Yuma said with a scowl on his face.

Naruko and Sasuke sweat dropped and Smiled nervously at his words, finding it hard to disagree with Yuma's statement. Sasuke smiled the two others cockily, his brows raised smugly.

"Well then, Since i'm team leader, does that mean I can tell you guys what to do?" Sasuke said with a smug filled voice, Naruko frowned at him while Yuma's expression darkened, not at all okay with the prospect of being bossed around by someone his age.

"I know! How about we do nothing you tell us, oh great leader?" Yuma proposed, a tight smile on his face.

"Oh come on Yuma! He's just messing with us! right?" Naruko asked, turning to Sasuke hopefully.

Sasuke just grinned at them.

"Who knows?" He sang with a smile, much to the annoyance of Yuma who sighed in exasperation.

"Well, are you or aren't you? We both know me and Naruko won't listen to what you say." Yuma said matter of factually.

Sasuke let out a sigh, shaking his head at Yuma.

"Do you just like sucking the fun out of everything Yuma? It's called a joke." Sasuke said.

Yuma blushed in embarrassment while Naruko snickered behind him. Yuma held his head down, before looking forward and letting out a grunt of resignation. Naruko smiled at the both of them, before bringing Yuma and Sasuke into a bear hug, surprising the both of them.

"So my lovely Team mates, what should we do today!?" Naruko exclaimed while crushing the both of them.

"N-Naruko, y-you're c-crushing m-m-me!" Yuma said with a wheeze.

She let the both of them go with a laugh and a smile. Yuma looked at her dazzling grin, his breath hitched. Yuma blushed for a couple seconds, before shaking his head.

'What the hell is up with me lately...I-I'm getting too comfortable with them.'

"How about we do some training?" Sasuke suggested.

Yuma frowned and shook his head.

"Aren't we supposed to come up with something we can do together? If you both decide on training there's no way I could keep up with either one of you." Yuma said matter of factually. A scowl took form on his face over having to admit his weakness.

"With an attitude like that, you're never gonna improve ya know!" Naruko said.

Yuma shook his head at her, a sigh escaping his lips.

"It isn't that I don't want to improve, it's just ridiculous to expect me to measure up to either of you." Yuma said while Sasuke nodded his head in agreement.

"I hate to say it, but Yuma is right. Besides, with Kakashi not around, we should think of something fun to do." Sasuke said.

Naruko smiled wryly at Sasuke, elbowing him in the side while chuckling.

"Say's the guy who suggested training in the first place!" Naruko said, as Sasuke turned his head away from her, letting out a 'humph'.

"Besides, like Yuma said, we should think of something fun to do! After all, this could be the last time we have any free time while on the mission ya know!" Naruko exclaimed.

"Well what should we do then?" Yuma asked with a raised eyebrow.

Naruko turned to them with a mischievous grin.

"I'm glad you asked, I think I just came up with something! Follow me!" Naruko yelled out to them, running out of the hotel room with a wry grin, scaring Yuma.

Knowing her, i'm worried what she has in mind...'

And with that fearful thought, Sasuke and Yuma followed after Naruko, unsure of what she had in store for them.


"Woo-hoo! And here I thought you were gonna do something crazy! You're right Naruko! This is fun!" Yuma uncharacteristically yelled with glee as he rode upon a surf board alongside the others.

Naruko smiled in response, while screaming with the same amount of glee. After having had taught Yuma Water Walking the night before, she came up with the idea of surfing the next time they had the chance. With Kakashi gone for two days, the three of them could finally kick back and enjoy their time out of the village.

"I told ya it would be! Jeez, you guys should trust me more!" Naruko exclaimed while Sasuke merely grunted with a small smirk.

Yuma turned to her, and let loose a smile that stretched from ear to ear, causing Naruko to freeze momentarily.

"Yeah, I guess we should huh!" Yuma said, his white teeth on full display, causing Naruko's heart to skip a beat momentarily.

While blushing, she failed to notice the tall wave heading towards them, causing Yuma to scream at her.

"Naruko look out!" He said as he swam away.

Naruko turned quickly, but it was too late. The wave cam crashing down on her in full force, dragging her along with it. Sasuke remained passive, shaking his head at the two of them while Yuma freaked out. He laid down on his board, and began paddling towards the place she was at before being swept away by the massive wave.

"Naruko! Are you okay!" He yelled out while trying to spot her from among the waves.

Naruko finally popped her head out from the water, grasping onto Yuma's board as he pulled her up. He patted her back awkwardly, as she coughed out water. Finally she stopped coughing up water, and muttered out an awkward thanks, not looking Yuma in the eyes.

"Thanks Yuma...I'm okay now you don't have to worry..." She said with a blush and pulling on one of her twin tails while Yuma turned to Sasuke who was some few feet away.

"Thanks for all the help Sasuke!" Yuma yelled out with sarcasm as Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"She would've been fine even if you didn't help her!" Sasuke yelled back.

"Hey, it's you guys!" All three of them turned their heads, eyes landing on the docks as a boy around their age waved his hands out towards them.

"Who's that?" Yuma asked as Naruko jumped from his board to her own.

"Oh come on Yuma! Don't tell me you already forgot! he's the kid from the first day we arrived here. He offered to show us around remember?" Naruko said while giving Yuma a smug look.

"What's his name?" Yuma said with a cocky smile right back at her.

"Huh?" She asked back stupidly, her smug look wiped clean.

"What. Is. His. Name." Yuma said, accentuating each word as if he were talking to a dumb person.

"Well, um you know, its...Um...Inarki?" Naruko tried, not want to look stupid.

Yuma stared at her blankly before turning to Sasuke, who had finally made his way to them.

"Is she right?" Yuma asked.

"No, she is not." He said with a shake of his head, as Naruko hung hers in shame.

"Oh come on!" She exclaimed with exaggerated and clearly fake tears streaming from her eyes.

"His names Inari, now both of you stop being rude. Let's go say hello." Sasuke said, paddling ahead of them to the boy who now seemed to be staring out towards them, his hat covering his eyes.

Meanwhile, Inari stares out at the waves, watching the three head his way. Despite him seeing all three of them, he can only afford himself to gaze at the young girl he had begun to have a crush on, as she chatted and laughed with glee alongside the pale boy who seemed to always be annoyed at something. Noticing how close the two of them were acting, he bit his lower lip in irritation.

Its not like that, calm down Inari.' He tells himself.

Finally making their way back to the docks, the three Genin pull themselves onto the shore. Naruko is smiling as always, being the first one to wave at Inari, walking up to him. Inari blushes breifly, having not grown accustomed to her presence yet. His dumb smile and blush are completely wiped away however, once his eyes lay upon the bland boy he has grown to distaste for reasons even he couldn't think of.

"H-Hey, I was wondering if you guys would remember me hahaha..." He say's timidly taking a unnoticeable step back back when Naruko arrives.

"Of course we would! Thanks for offering to show us around last time by the way!" Naruko says, Inari getting caught up in the happy atmosphere Naruko was setting up. That is until...

"Say's the one who forgot his name." The bland boy responded, making his way to Naruko and Inari.

Inari's smile grows tight and tense, clearly upset at this bland person ruining the mood.

"W-Whatever Yuma, jeez! Stop being such a kill joy!" Naruko said, puffing her cheeks out in indignation.

The pale boy smiled, a sight that shocked Inari, having never seen the boy smile.

'Then again, I did only meet him yesterday...' Inari thought to himself.

"The names Yuma, nice to meet you I guess." Yuma said, indifferent to Inari as a whole.

"Likewise, I'm sure you already know, but i'm Inari." Inari said passively, a blank look on his face.

The two boys shook hands, staring into each others eyes. Yuma remains passive, his expression unchanging, Inari also does the same. They close their eyes and sigh, before stepping away from each other.

'I feel bad for distrusting him, he's just a normal kid like me.' Inari thought.

'Finally, someone normal.' Yuma thought.

"Anyways, what are you doing? I'm sure you didn't just call us over just to say hey" Sasuke say's, making his way to them at last.

"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me. So what i'm about to ask you is pretty heavy and I don't mean i'm suspecting you, but last night a few of our villagers were found dead on a roof top. I was wondering if you noticed anything strange at all..." Inari asked, his eyes narrowing.

Naruko froze up, Sasuke tensed up, and Yuma remained passive, uncaring of the shocking news.

'That is probably what Kakashi was up to last night...' Yuma thought.

"S-Someone killed villagers, w-why would they do that..." Naruko asked, her fists clenching, already knowing who's fault it most likely was.

Inari looked at the ground in disgust.

"A monster, that's who!" Inari said, anger flashing through his whole being, not noticing Naruko flinch.

"I see, and I guess your questioning us because some of the villagers are suspecting us?" Yuma asked on his teams behalf, being the one who could act with apathy, due to not caring for the villagers much.

'Its not like someone I know died after all.' Yuma thought.

Just because he felt guilty about killing innocents, that doesn't mean Yuma cares for the deaths of those who tried to kill them.

Would have been different if it were someone innocent, but I feel like Kakashi wouldn't kill without a reason. He was most likely attacked.' Yuma reasoned

Inari raised his head after letting out some aggression. He rubbed the back of his head while sighing in irritation. Looking at the three of them guiltily, he turned to Yuma, an apologetic gaze aimed squarely on him.

"You said it, not me. That's why I was hoping you guys noticed something off last night. That way I could tell the other villagers to lay off." Inari said.

'I see, from what he says, the villagers must trust him...This could work for us.' Yuma thought, suppressing a smirk.

"Well...Now that you mention it, last night while me and the others were out playing at the docks; I noticed someone carrying a large blade. Do you think that could be related?" Yuma asked, sounding and looking completely genuine, Shocking Naruko and Sasuke.

Inari's eyes lit up.

"Really!? Do you know something specific about the guy!? Any details on his appearance!?" Inari asked in excitement.

Yuma feigned hope, his eyes widening.

"Yeah actually, lets see, um...Well he had a fishers hat, long brown hair, had a dragon tattoo on his left arm...and, lets see um...Oh! He wore a fishnet shirt with blue pants!" Yuma rattled off the details as Inari nodded along with eyes filled with relief.

"I see...Thanks, now hopefully I can tell the others about this guy and bring him to justice." Inari said, tossing a smile Naruko's way.

"Anyways, I should get going. See you guys later, I gotta go tell the other villagers, see ya!" Inari yelled out running while giving a short wave and wink to Naruko, causing her to smile awkwardly.

As soon as Inari bolted, Naruko let her fake smile falter. She scowled at the ground while Sasuke awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. They both turn to Yuma with looks of apprehension. Yuma raises his eyebrows, confused as to why they're looking at him in such a way.

"Whats wrong?"

Naruko shakes her head.

"Nothing, just..."

Yuma narrows his eyes.

"Just what?"

"How can you act so...I don't know, uncaring?" Naruko asks

"Kakashi wouldn't kill them without a reason. The minute they attempted anything on him, they forfeited their lives." Yuma explained as if it were obvious.

"I know that, its just...the way your acting so nonchalant, its, well...unnerving." Naruko said, careful to not say anything offensive.

"I'm so sorry for not feeling bad for the guys who probably would've killed us if given the chance." Yuma said with a roll of his eyes.

"I don't think that's what the idiot means, we don't want you to be angry or anything. It's just weird because your treating them like an unfortunate bug that was stepped on instead of treating them like know...a person." Sasuke said, trying to illicit something from Yuma.

Unfortunately, Yuma cares very little for those who try to do him harm.

"Like I said, if they were not trying to murder us, i'd actually care. But they aren't innocent, so screw them." Yuma said, a scowl forming on his face, causing Naruko and Sasuke to flinch.

"Jeez...Well, guess we know who to call on if we need to kill an enemy hahahaha..." Naruko say's jokingly, trying to lighten the mood.

"By all means, rely on me if it ever needs to be done. I could use the reward money." Yuma said, smirking.

"Hahahaha...You're joking...right?" Naruko asks, unsure of how to respond.

"I don't think he is..." Sasuke responds.

"B-But Yuma! That's not- You shouldn't do tha-!?" Naruko tries to exclaim, but Yuma cuts her off.

"Do what?! Do my job?" Yuma asks incredulously, confused as to what her problem is.

"That's not what I mean, and you know it!" Naruko responds heatedly.

"No! I don't know it! We. Are. Ninja. How hard is that for you to understand!" Yuma say's, getting extremely annoyed.

"I-I know but still..." Naruko trails off, not able to come up with a decent rebuttal to his sound logic.

Yuma sighs in a annoyed fashion, trying to calm himself.

"Look, i'm not saying I don't feel for them at least a little. I understand their anger, I really do. But we are ninja, and ninja need to know when to silence their emotions. For the sake of the village." Yuma say's, walking past both Naruko and Sasuke.

"He's right, but that doesn't make anything better..." Sasuke say's with a sigh.

"I'm not asking you both to understand my way of things. All i'm asking is that you don't let your emotions interfere with the mission. You both might not need to complete this mission for money, but I do." Yuma finishes, walking away from the both of them; leaving behind a sorrowful Naruko and a frowning Sasuke.

"...But we want to understand you Yuma..." Naruko say's, freezing Yuma in his tracks.

Yuma stood there for a solid minute, clenching his fists. Finally he turns to them, eyes blazing.

"I don't need your pity."

Yuma walked away, hands in his pockets and a deep scowl on his face.

Naruko and Sasuke stood frozen, shocked at Yuma's response.

"Hey Sasuke."

"Yeah Naruko."

"Yuma can be really scary sometimes."

"Yeah, he can, can't he?"

With that rhetorical remark, they walked after him, intent on becoming Yuma's friends.


The sound of a flickering flame and the soft pitter-patter of steps rang throughout the narrow halls. A man swathed in bandages could be seen making his way through the maze like passages before him. However, it was not the usual halls he was accustomed to back in Konoha.

For Danzo Shimura was within the snakes den.

He walked through the halls, a intense, slow burning fire welling up within his gut. He knew what he was doing could amount to treason, and was far worse than anything he has ever done before. But after reading the message sent to him from the vile traitor, he was left with no other option.

'Give me two Sharingan, or Konoha burns.'

So, for the safety of the village, he had to comply.

After all, a threat from Orochimaru could not be ignored.

He had ran through many risks in doing this. Not only did he run the risk of this all being a trick set up by Orochimaru, but he also ran the risk of people finding out his secret.

After all, the Hokage would be greatly displeased if he were to be aware of Danzo's many assassinations on Uchiha clan members once they were sent out of Fire Country because of a mission.

Nor would he be pleased to know it was all being done so that Danzo could harvest Sharingan to implant into himself.

Even so, the risk that Orochimaru imposed was far greater, so, for the sake of the village, he would give Orochimaru what he sought.

A cold feeling flared up within his gut, stopping him in his tracks. The killer intent he was feeling was palpable, however he was not called the Yami no Shinobi for nothing. So, once he had steeled his nerves, and hardened his resolve, he turned to face the source of the odious aura permeating through the halls.

There he stood with a conniving grin on his face, an expression of pure evil.

The embodiment of cold unfeeling terror.

The Snake Sannin himself, Orochimaru himself.

"Have you brought what I asked?" Orochimaru inquired, an insidious sneer aimed at Danzo.

"I do, but you must promise me."

Orochimaru smirked, lifting an eyebrow.

"Promise? Are you saying you would trust me?" He asked with an amused expression.

"Of course not, but I know you would do anything to obtain the Sharingan. If you do not promise me to never bring harm upon Konoha again, then I will activate the curse on these Sharingan I am about to give you." Danzo said, his expression unreadable.

"Curse? What do you mean?" Orochimaru inquired with a unsatisfied expression.

"If you ever bring harm to Konoha before your body transfer while having these eyes, then I will activate the toxin I have implanted in these eyes. By promising to obey the terms, it makes it impossible to activate the toxin unless you do anything to violate the contract." Danzo states, tossing over the scroll.

Orochimaru snatches it from the air, a scowl on his face, and reads its contents.

"So, do we have a deal?" Danzo asks.

All is silent, before Orochimaru lets out a sigh, and bites his thumb drawing blood. He signs the scroll before throwing it to Danzo, allowing him to do the same.

"I have to admit, I didn't expect you to think this far ahead. I guess your title isn't empty after all, eh Danzo?" Orochimaru says, a smirk forming on his face.

Danzo doesn't respond.

Orochimaru frowns.

"The Sharingan, if you would please."

Danzo pulls a small vial containing the Sharingan, tossing it to Orochimaru.

"Finally...After all these years..." Orochimaru say's, letting out a heavy breath, gazing at the vial as if it were a treasure of immeasurable proportions.

"I believe that will be all?" Danzo inquires.

"Yes, yes...That will be all..." Orochimaru say's to Danzo, still gazing at the Sharingan in a daze.

"Then I believe I will take my leave." Danzo said curtly, turning on his heel, and beginning to walk away.

"Oh, and Danzo?"

He freezes in his tracks.

"Yes, Orochimaru?" Danzo replies.

"How is my little past experiment doing?"

Danzo remains silent before turning to Orochimaru with a glare.

"His name is Yuma Ito, and he has been doing quite well."

And with that, Danzo Shimura left the hideout of Orochimaru, the Snake Sannin.

Thus, the fated meeting of the darkness and the snake had reached its conclusion.

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