Mr Greene (BoyxBoy)

By Domiriley

54.6K 1.5K 445

Lucas Walker has a troubled life, with bullies at school, a gold-digging step-mother, an abusive father, and... More

Before We Get Started
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
Hello, Darlings! Very Important Update!

~Chapter 12~

2.4K 72 40
By Domiriley

Things get a little steamy near the last part of the chapter, you've been warned

Lucas's P.O.V~

When I woke up in the morning to the moonlight streaming through the open windows I realised it wasn't actually morning yet. I went to bed thinking about my mother and if everything she said was actually true, resulting in a night terror. I hadn't had one of those since I moved in with Asher. I mean, she had been here 3 days already and hadn't done anything sketchy yet

Sitting up I carefully removed Asher's arm from around my waist and slowly got off the bed, trying not to move to much so I wouldn't wake him up. My chest hurt, and my entire body felt heavy. I was still shaking from the impact of the bad dream, but the lethargic feeling in my body and the frown on my face had everything to do with the overwhelming depression and anxiety running through my blood stream

I went downstairs, grabbing a glass of milk and of course some cookies to go with it. I just sat on the couch in silence, drinking my milk and staring at nothing. This was so weird. Why now of all times did she want to come back into our lives. I sat there for about two hours before I blew out a sigh and started heading back upstairs. I just wanted to cuddle with my boyfriend and forget about everything.

When I woke up again at 11 I found the bed was empty. I frowned, realising Asher had already left for work. Still in my purple drawstring short shorts, black fuzzy socks, and Asher's long sleeve black shirt, I padded downstairs to find the house completely empty. Well, not completely, since mom was watching tv on the couch. I hit a button by the door, signalling Emmett to come get me, and when I walked out of the door Emmett was sitting their, waiting patiently for me

I mumbled something about Asher's work and curled up on the seat, closing my eyes and dozing off until Emmett tapped on the divider and told me we were here. With my eyes still partially closed and slow blinks, I got out of the car and entered the building, not paying attention to where I was going and making some people curse as they noticed me last minute and staggered to avoid me

I leaned against the elevator wall and waited until it dinged, signalling we were at the 30th floor. I got out, instantly heading in the direction of Asher's office as my head bobbed, until I heard Adrianna call out that he was in a meeting in room 3, and switched directions

Not even bothering to knock, I flung open the meeting room door and all the noise instantly stopped, everyone turning to look at me

"Lucas?" Asher asked, turning to me, and I just pushed the door shut and walked over to him, climbing onto his lap and cuddling into him, finally closing my eyes again. I felt him kiss my head and keep talking, holding me too him.

Once the meeting cleared a cup of coffee was placed in my hands and Asher thanked someone quietly. I looked up at him sleepily and he kissed my nose, making me giggle

"Drink your coffee baby" Asher said gently, smiling at me, and I just grumbled and picked up the cup, taking small sips

"I think you shocked everyone, not only just walking in here but walking in here in short shorts and fuzzy socks" Asher said

"I guess I didn't take the time to change" I frowned down thoughtfully at my clothes. "Oh well" I shrugged, making Asher chuckle

"You're just the cutest" He said pecking me, and I blushed, looking away

I looked through assistant applications the rest of the day while Asher typed away, and we went home around 3:30pm

Going home was not as spectacular as it should have been. There was no hanging out with my amazing boyfriend, or friends here to bug us, or even a mom to come home too. The house was eerily silent, no noise, no nothing. I stopped at the entrance, the door wide open, and looked up to Asher curiously to see him already looking down at me with the same expression. In all the time I'd lived here with Asher, it'd never been this quiet

"Where is everybody?" I asked, walking in slowly and looking around while Asher dropped his keys and shut the door behind him

"Does your mom have work tonight?" He asked

"No" I answered, heading towards the hallway

"Maybe she went out? Shopping or whatever females do" He suggested, and I turned and looked at him with a raised eyebrow

"Or whatever females do?" I repeated, trying not to laugh

"Don't laugh at me! I don't hang out with very many females" He defended

"Okay" I said

I walked into my moms room to see it completely bare, just like it was before she came. I opened the dresser drawers and closet to see all her clothes gone

"Um, Asher? The rooms completely empty!" I called out

"Well the house isn't!" He yelled back, and I walked back out to the living room to see Asher holding Carly in his arms while Cameron and Carmen stood beside him

"Hey guys! Do you know where mommy went?" I wondered, smiling at them

"She said she was leaving and to tell you to look on the counter" Cameron said.

My eyebrows furrowed and I walked over to the kitchen, spotting a piece of paper sitting neatly on the island. I picked it up and frowned, clenching my fists

Dear Lucas

Thank you for letting me stay for a couple of days, and taking care of my kids. I know you'll do far better raising them then I did. I'm afraid I have to leave now, and I won't be coming back. I'm not very fond of kids, as I guess you could imagine, but not all of what I told you was made up.

Don't bother looking for me, I'm leaving the country. I hope you have a good life, and I wish you and Asher the best of luck with the little three. I won't go into detail, but I'm going to see Lassandra and Damien before I leave. I'll be awaiting my wedding invitation. I think this man could be good for you, just be sure not to fall too deep, and when you split to take most of his money. Dating a rich man is no fun if you get nothing out of it in the end, that's what I did with your father ;)

-Love, your mother

I snapped my jaw shut so hard I feared I had broken it. Excuse me? Excuse me? Where do I even start with this woman! She comes, guilt trips me, leaves me with her three kids, accuses me of only being with Asher because he's rich, and then admits to doing the same with my father! The nerve she has, to even suggest I'm only with my boyfriend because he has money.

I'm sure my face was red, my jaw set and a storm in my eyes. I was absolutely fuming! How dare she. I read over the letter once more, and once I got to the end 'Love, your mother' I crumpled it in my fists. Marching over to the blender, I opened the lid, stuffed the paper in, and put the lid on it, hitting the button and watching as it became light gray soup

How was I supposed to take care of three kids? I mean, they weren't babies, and they were my siblings, but I was only eighteen. She played me. Manipulated me into feeling sorry for her, and then abandoned them just like she abandoned me. She ran from her problems and put them on someone else's unprepared shoulders

How could she even call herself my mother after that? She was abandoning six kids, and moving to another country probably to do the same thing to another unsuspecting man. How could anyone be so cold hearted? The thought of me doing that to Asher made my heart seize and tears fill my eyes

"Lucas?" Asher said carefully, and I turned around to see him stepping tentatively towards me, the kids standing behind him silently

I tried to smile at him, vaguely aware of the tears slipping down my cheeks

"I'm okay. Don't worry, everything's fine" I said, and I'm sure I was very reassuring with my blotchy face and tear-stained cheeks

I looked over at the twins and older girl. They were cute, I'd give them that, but what about the emotional turmoil when they grew up? Would they be bullied like me? Would I be a good parent? A parent. God, that sounded absolutely ridiculous. I was a complete mess, and I was supposed to take care of three kids.

"I called Thea and Jake" Asher said quietly, and as if on cue the door opened and Thea and Jake walked in carefully

"Hey kiddos, you remember us?" Jake asked them quietly, bending down and sending them a smile. They nodded

"Great! We're gonna go have a fun day out! Sam is setting everything set up right now, but how about before we get started we get some ice cream! Sound fun?" Thea said grinning widely. They smiled, nodding their heads and following the others out the door

Thea and Jake cast a worried smile back at us, before closing the door

"What did the letter say?" Asher wondered, looking down at me as I sniffled and my eyes overflowed with tears. I started sobbing, trying to wipe the tears away with my sleeves, but it wasn't working

I was picked up, and I wrapped my legs around Ashers waist, clenching the back of his shirt in my hands and crying into his shoulder

"S-she l-eft, and she's n-not c-coming back" I cried

"Shh. It's okay baby, calm down. Everythings gonna be fine. We'll get through this" He rubbed my back calmly and bounced me, and I just cried until I ran out of tears and was reduced to just hiccuping

"It's alright baby. Do you know why she left?" He asked gently, laying me down on the bed. I didn't even realise he had taken us up to our room. He took my socks off my feet and my shirt, leaving me in my shorts

"S-she's leaving t-the c-country. She l-lied about w-what she t-told m-me, and n-now we have three k-kids to take c-care of" I explained as Asher stripped down to a pair of sweatpants and climbed into bed, pulling me to him so I was half laying on him and my chest rested on his chest. He played with my hair, calmly listening to me. I took a couple minutes to just sit in the silence and calm myself down

"She even accused me of using you for your money. She said I did good, and to make sure I got most of your money in the divorce. Apparently that's what she did to my dad" I said, then looking up at him to see him looking down at me, not looking accusing or anything, which made my heart hurt even more "I'm not using you for your money. I swear I'm not. I love you, a lot, and the thought of taki-" I started, getting worried, but Asher just smiled gently and lifted up my chin so he could meet his lips with mine

"I know your not, Lucas, and I love you too" He smiled down at me and I smiled back at him, laying my cheek back on his chest

"I just don't understand. Did she plan this? She comes here, all smiles and apologetic, and manipulates me into feeling sorry for her, so when we're gone, bam, so's she. She couldn't have just left them here in a split second decision, which means she went over the pro's and cons of dumping her three kids onto her youngest son, and thought that was a good idea. She doesn't even know me, yet she just assumed 'Oh yeah, my eighteen year old son wants three kids, why not?'" I ranted, and tears sprung to my eyes again

"I have no idea what she was thinking, but she's messed up, Lucas. I do know that now we have three kids to take care of, and this is just another curve ball we'll get over" Asher said

"How are we supposed to raise three kids? How could someone just abandon their children like that, twice?" I wondered

"She's someone who doesn't get easily attached, and I guess she didn't think of the repercussions of sleeping around" He said

"Bitch needs to get her tubes tied. Or, maybe, just stop fucking every man she lays eyes on" I scoffed, and Asher snorted

"Just wait, in a couple years she's gonna show up on our doorstep with another sob story like someone held her at gunpoint and made her abandon her kids and then leave us with like five more to take care of" Asher said

"We should get a sign made. 'Asher and Lucas's baby house. You make 'em, We take 'em!'" I joked, and Asher laughed

"You're gonna be an amazing parent" Asher kissed the top of my head

"Sure, I'll be teaching them how to climb on counters to get stuff, swear uncontrollably, and seduce hot billionaires" I said sarcastically, looking up at him

"Don't forget the puppy eyes. Make their hot billionaires do anything and everything they want with a single look" Asher said, smiling fondly at me and petting my head

"Oh? So you would do anything and everything I told you too?" I crawled up on Asher's chest and looked down at him, tracing his jaw line and down his neck with my pointer finger as I leaned down so my lips were hovering just above his. I felt him swallow harshly under my finger

"Yes" He said

I pulled back, smirking and still straddling his abdomen

"That's good to know" I said simply, and Asher furrowed his eyebrows, looking up at me as I went to climb off him

"Not so fast, baby" He grabbed me and flipped me over, rolling on top of me and pinning me down on the bed "You're such a tease"

He leaned down and kissed me, and I instantly kissed him back. No matter how many times we kissed, I would never get used to the heat that flushed through my body as he slipped his tongue into my mouth and pressed his body into mine. I squirmed under him, moaning shortly into the kiss as his hands trailed my skin

He pulled back up, smirking down at me as I blushed and panted heavily, trying to get my breath back. He watched as I wiggled under him, trying not to concentrate on the big thing I could feel brushing against my hip. I looked away, trying to will my own boner to go away. This was so fucking embarrassing

What I didn't expect, was him dipping down to kiss my neck. My body tensed as I bit my lip, tugging at Asher's hair and trying to get him to stop. A small grunt escaped my lips as he nipped at a spot on my neck, and then licked it, trailing his tongue up the side of my neck to the sensitive skin under my ear. I whimpered, trying to reposition myself so my hard-on wouldn't be so noticeable, but he just grabbed my hands, holding them above my head and then grinded his hips down so we rubbed together and I jerked away

I was in deep shit. I was so turned on, and he was still kissing my neck and making his way down to my chest. If I told him to stop, I would have to open my mouth, and then the only thing that would come out would be moans and whimpers, but if I let him continue then I was sure to cum just from this little bit of stimulation. This was just fucking pathetic

I didn't realise how okay I was with the second option until he abruptly stopped, pushed himself off of me, and then headed towards the bathroom. He turned back to me and leaned against the doorframe, watching as I laid their with my mouth wide open like a gaping fish

"You might wanna take care of your problem there baby. As much as I love seeing you like this, It might be uncomfortable to walk around like that" He smirked at me and then closed the door to the bathroom, leaving me stunned

"You're an asshole!" I threw a pillow at the door and I heard him laugh

"You started it!" He called back, and I just grumbled, grabbing some clothes from the closet and heading to the downstairs bathroom to have a cold shower

I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a low moan come from the bathroom, my cheeks heating up. Fuck. I'll get him back for all that.

Sorry for the late update. I had a short writers block, but things should be good now. Updates might be a little irregular now, but will hopefully still be on or around Wednesday. I also started a new story I'm excited for, it's called Bold Underlined. 



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