The Devil Wears Pink (Ben Har...

By AxtheticlyPlxsing

244K 5.1K 5.3K

"AN ANGELIC FACE, AND DEVILISH THOUGHTS" "YUP THAT'S HER" [ben hargreeves] [umbrella academy] More



4.2K 100 229
By AxtheticlyPlxsing


"is it just me, or is hermione punching draco in the face equal to my one true ship in this book?" lilith asks herself, sitting not so elegantly on her chair, her pink heels resting on top of her desk "i'd kill to see them get together, but murder is apparently frowned upon most days"

well, you'll never know if you don't try

lilith fake laughs and tucks a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear "don't tempt me, devil" she says, placing a book mark on the page she was in to save it for future readings

hmm...i feel two life forms approaching your office

"well, alice hasn't said anything to me yet"

trust me

lilith jolts from the shout, she sits up straight and places the book down next to her "the fuck?" she whispers to herself, turning to the voice

"who the...allison?" lilith asks in shock, seeing her sister allison in her office. at any other day lilith would be happy and excited to see her sister, but seeing allison's frustrated expression confused lilith

"allison?" lilith repeats her sister's name, still not believing that she was here "hey" lilith whispers, a smile almost creeping on her face, but it vanished instantly as soon as she notices that allison was not happy, and this was not going to be a friendly visit

"i need something" allison states blankly, yet her eyes told lilith something else entirely. lilith stares right back at her before nodding "well, whatever it is i'm sure i can get it for you" she says

allison's face momentarily shifts before returning to its stoic one before "i need closure"

lilith blinks before chuckling softly at allison's request "i hope you remember who i am, allison. i'm the sister who's lived her entire life searching for everything but closure" lilith says, standing up to go over to the bar in the corner of the room. lilith grabs a bottle from a cabinet and with one swift motion, she opens the bottle with her teeth

she spits out the cork to a nearby trash can and motions for allison to have a drink "none for me" allison murmurs, lilith shrugs and takes a swig from the bottle "more vodka for me i guess"

"it's about ben"

lilith tenses, and she's almost sure allison notices, but she brushes it off and nods for allison to further elaborate "i just really need to know; why didn't you go to his funeral? we all went, we all thought you'd be the one pushing everyone out of the way to be close to him, and yet you didn't even go and i just wondered..." allison trails off, "if you even loved him"

lilith froze, but gently places her bottle of vodka on the bar, she'll need a drink after this. she slowly turns to look at allison, a blank expression on her face that most would consider enigmatic

"did you seriously just ask me that? did you seriously just asked me if i loved him?" she whispers, loud enough for allison to hear, allison didn't seem fazed by the sudden change in lilith's attitude, most of her new employees would've jumped out the window, but they were sisters

it was different

lilith scoffs and shakes her head "i can't believe you. how could you stoop so low?" lilith starts circling her, suddenly feeling a little bit angry

"has fame suddenly reached your head? or have you suddenly realized that your powers can't get you everything? forget it allison, i won't tell you" lilith hisses, not liking this "sisterly" visit a bit

she shakes her head and walks away from allison, still reeling from her question

"i heard a ru-"

in the heat of the moment, pure anger and hurt fills lilith. before allison could finish her sentence, lilith grabs the bottle of vodka from the bar and angrily smashes it on the floor, a loud crash was heard and millions of broken glass was scattered on the floor, but lilith didn't care, and it effectively shut down allison who stared at lilith with horror

lilith storms back over to allison and stares her down

"for god's sake allison! it always had to be your way doesn't it?! if it was so easy to even think about manipulating your own sister into becoming vulnerable for your own personal interest, how much more for all those people that needed convincing to get you into stardom huh?! my god, i am your sister! am i really that beneath you that you think it's fine to have me admit things to you that i couldn't even admit to myself?!"

lilith takes a deep breath and looks away from allison, unable to look at her after her rant. but she did see the shock and hurt in allison's face "is that all? if so, please show yourself out" lilith states monotonously

she hears allison shuffle a bit before clearing her throat "yeah, there's uh something else. i'm getting married" at the last part, lilith turns to look at allison who didn't seem as confident as she was when she walked into lilith's office

"oh? congratulations then, who's the lucky guy? or girl i don't judge, besides i've always known that you were bi-" lilith gets cut off by allison who answers her question

"his name's patrick" allison finishes quickly "and the wedding is in a few weeks, i was going to invite you but then for some reason my emotions have spiraling lately so..."

they both stand there in silence for a while before allison drops a piece of paper that lilith assumed was an invite on her desk and exited her office without any more words

well that went well

"tell me about it"

you gonna clean that up?

"soon, harry potter is calling me" lilith says, walking over to her desk and reopening her book as she sits comfortably on her chair

"hey wait a minute, you said earlier that you sensed two lifeforms approaching my office when it was just allison, i think your senses are getting rusty, devil"

yeah i was pretty confused myself which was pretty embarrassing if you- oh... oh!

lilith recognized that tone of voice and that feeling "what's up?"

i just realized the reason why i sensed two lifeforms

"oh? why?"

hmm...let's just say the next time allison comes to give you an invitation it'll be for a baby shower


"madame, it's vital for the company if you could just-" lilith smacks away the contract the employee had set down in front of her, lilith shot him an angry look

the employee stared at the contract now sprawled on the floor, clearly scared of his boss' next move
"over my dead body! i am not signing off half my company! we are slowly losing everything and they seriously expect me to give them half of my company?!" lilith groans, plopping back down on her seat. she runs her hands through her hair, aggravated and tired

"w-well...please madame...think it through" the employee insists, picking up the contract and scurrying off

lilith grumbles, grabbing a handful of her hair and pulling it forcefully. she grabs her neck pillow and bites it, screaming as she does as to not to alert her employees, the last thing she needed was her employees pitying her

you know...if you really wanna sink your teeth into something-

"shut up"

i was going to suggest taco bell but okay

lilith groans and bangs her head on her desk, the pain faded quick but it didn't quite solve her problem

"what am i going to fucking do? we're losing money!" lilith says

you could always ask "daddy"

lilith scoffs and crosses her arms "i'll come back to him when he's rolling in his grave"

"madame hargreeves, there is someone on the other line. he says he says he's your brother" alice's voice rings through the com in lilith's office

lilith's eyes light up, anyone could see that glimmer of joy and hope in her eyes at the thought of one of her siblings wanting to speak with her

"do you think it klaus?" lilith asks the devil, in return the devil's emotions seemed a little mixed

out of all of your siblings, you're hoping klaus would offer emotional support? don't you remember the last time he called?

she sighs, recalling the memory. it happened last week when klaus had called her, he told her that he moved out of the academy and had nowhere else to go

if it were up to lilith she would've had him stay here, but she didn't; out of fear that trevor might hurt him

instead he quickly asked if she could lend him money. lilith didn't think of it that day, he was her brother and she'd do anything for him and she knew he would do anything for her

so she did, she gave him money. a lot of money, it was enough for him to start small and grow from there

maybe he was calling today to tell her of the progress he's made

lilith shrugs and quickly returns to the com "uh yes please connect us"

alice hums and after a few seconds, lilith hears a familiar voice that seemed to have changed over the years

"lily bear?" it was hoarse. gone was the smooth and melodic voice lilith grew up to hear, what had happened?

"klaus" lilith gasps in relief, regardless of the change in voice, it was still her klaus

"h-hey, it's good to hear your voice" he says weakly, which worried lilith

but she brushes it off, he could be sick of course "it's so good to hear yours too i-" she was cut off as klaus interrupted her

"okay i'm gonna cut to the chase" he says quickly. lilith's heart starts beating quick, what was going on? it was clear he wasn't here for a quick chat

"remember the money you lent me?" lilith could feel her mouth running dry but she hums to confirm that she had remembered

"well....i uh....spent it all..."

at this point lilith could already predict the events to come next. she thought klaus was here to check on her, to tell her that he's fine and that he's hoping to see her soon

that was just another crushed fantasy

"klaus...i gave you a lot of money...a hundred twenty thousand dollars to be exact...and you spent it all?" lilith wasn't sure if she was angry or upset

she was on the brink of bankruptcy, and she had to focus everything on saving her company. and yet...she knew in her heart that klaus meant more to her

she was torn but she knew well that if she kept giving klaus money, he would leech on her and depend on her. what was going to happen to him if something happens to her?

klaus gulps and chuckles "y-yeah...sorry about uhhh, can you lend me some more cash?"

she had to say no. and so she said it

she could tell that klaus didn't take it lightly, she could hear klaus cursing under his breath and his grip on the phone tightening

"god dammit lilith..."

klaus rarely called her lilith, he'd always refer to her by nicknames and adorable little pet names, she didn't like this, not one little bit

"lilith...please just give me a little hit more?" he pleads, lilith's grip on the phone tightens as she has an internal battle with herself

but one question stopd out amongst the others for sure;

what the fuck did klaus do to spend all that money in a span of a single week?

"klaus...what did you do with the money i gave you?"

he is silent, and lilith is too scared to say anything at all

"no she can't fucking help me!" klaus whispers, not to the phone but to himself, was he also having an internal battle?

"fuck off!"

"klaus?!" lilith calls out, really fearing for klaus at the moment "talk to me please"

silence...just silence the whole time, she could him fidget a little until he speaks once more "'s the only thing that can stop them lilith"

"what? stop what? and what is it?"

"drugs lilith, drugs!" klaus practically yells in her ear, loud enough for anyone to assume he was standing next to her

lilith winces at that, but soon his words sink in, and lilith's blood starts to boil


"i gave you... one hundred twenty thousand dollars...and you spent it all on drugs?" lilith says slowly, it was a threatening tone, the same tone she'd use on her employees

but this time it was directed toward her brother who needed to hear some sense, it was going to be a lot harsher

"what...the...fuck!! what the actual fuck, klaus! i gave you so much, enough to get a simple little place, months worth of food, decent clothes that could land you a job but you decided to fund your drug habit?!" lilith yells, she stands up, causing the employees outside to stop what they were doing and gawk at their boss, they've never seen her this angry before

"i did not start a multi billion dollar company to unknowingly fun my brother's suicide project!" she screams at the phone, klaus groans from the other side of the line

"stop yelling!"

"oh i'll yell as loud as i can if it means  i can drill some sense into your mind! i don't fucking care if the media catches up to my vent, if it means you'll finally understand how much you're hurting me, it'll be worth my fucking time!"

"hurting you?! god you've always been so stuck up! you've always been that way since we were kids! too stuck up to eat, too stuck up to train with dad, and too stuck up to tell ben you loved him!"

lilith growls, klaus went there he actually went there "this isn't about me, this about you and how you want to kill yourself!"

klaus scoffs and lets out a sarcastic laugh "oh now it's not about you huh? you've always directed the spotlight somewhere else when it looks bad, but once shit starts looking good, you go and whore up to the spotlight!"

"...alright...since you want me out of your life so bad... don't bother talking to me ever again! try to take advantage of the others as well! let's just hope that they'll have time to talk to someone as useless as you!"

lilith didn't think about anything when she said that, she was angry, angry that klaus would take advantage of her career like that, he hasn't called her or contacted her eversince she moved away, and now surprise surprise, when she finally skyrocketted, he calls to ask for cash, and she was stupid enough to give him some

silence, the employees outside were still watching her, interested at the next move, wanting to capture the exact moment something happens

lilith catches her breath and realizes her words, she lets out a shaky breath and curses "shit...klaus...i'm so sorry... i didn't mean it, really i didn't i-"

"this is exactly why ben hated you"

lilith blinks and her heart stops, at this point she was pretty much on edge, if not she had already fallen, fallen to deep oblivion of nothingness. surely he didn't mean it, she surely didn't mean what she said either

klaus loved her
ben loved her

ben loved her

"w-what?" she asks, her lips quivering as she stutters, yet no tears, no sign of weakness aside from her playing with the letter "b" hanging from her necklace

"you heard me...why did you think he never told you he did? he hated you lilith, with every fibre of his being"

lilith's head was spinning, a part of her knowing it wasn't true and another part wondering if it was

"he hated that you ate people lilith, actual living people, he hated it whenever you'd attack someone who'd talk to you, all because you couldn't control it"

lilith shakes her head "no...i couldn't control them, he knew that, they all knew that...i couldn't control the monster!"

"you are the monster lilith, not ben...he shouldn't have died... not shy and kind ben... it should've been you who died"

lilith half expected that to be what he'd say, that she should've died that day. he's not wrong, she should've died, she was a monster, she can't think of a day where she didn't imagine a world where she didn't exist

she tells herself she should've died, the devil tells her she should've died

but it was something about hearing it from klaus that hurt her so bad

"oh and you know what? you can go back to your building, cover yourself in money and maybe throw yourself onto every man who can give you a head start in your career like the good little whore you are, i bet it's easy for you though, you probably just pretend it's ben"

she doesn't reply, instead she looks down blankly at her palms, crescent shaped scars were made, probably from her nails

she must have clenched her fists too hard, it made a scar, it was bleeding now

she was silent, not daring to make a sound, crying in front of your employees was not the best thing to do

"...lilith?" she hears klaus whisper, but she ignores it, her head still reeling from the things he said to her

"lily?..." he whispers again, hoping to get something out of her

"shit...lily bear i'm so sorry-" she had hung up on him, she had to give him tough love, she wasn't about to give him money for him to get drugs

besides, whenever he calls her lily bear, she knew she couldn't go through it without having a mental breakdown

damn that was interesting

lilith stays silent, she takes of her shoes and curls up into a ball while sitting on her chair

she hugged her knees close to her chest, resting her on them

"i need a drink"




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