Ember - Screenplay

By Snaffle_Pancakes

4.6K 38 2

A Screenplay I made with my High School English Class. If it needs anything Fixed Let me know. "A Villain's J... More

Character Chart - EMBER CORTEZ
Character Chart - HANNAH WILLIAMS
Character Chart - Apollo Jimerson
Side Character Chart pt 1 - Alexander Miller
PT 2 - Bliss Allura
Pt 3 - Alice Churchill
Pt 4 - Kira Reed
Pt 5 - Blithe Allura
Pt 6 - Camdyn Tyler
Pt 7 - Lorraine Wellens
Character Chart - Warren Brecker (Sympathetic)
Character Chart - Richard Creed (Brute)
Daniel Rodrìguez (Character Chart)
Scene 1 - Flashback
Scene 2 - Waking in Fire
Scene 3 - Caught Stealing
Scene 4 - An Invitation
Scene 5 - Meeting Primary Antagonist
Scene 6 - Antagonist's Flashback
Scene 7 - Agreeing to Stay
Scene 8 - Lab Rat
Scene 9 - Night Screams
Scene 10 - Tests and Rescue
Scene 11 - Meeting Hannah
Scene 12 - Touring the Camp
Scene 13 - Meeting Apollo
Scene 14 - Lunch
Scene 15 - Training
Scene 16 - Mission Refusal
Scene 17 - Bonding
Scene 18 - Mission Acceptance
Scene 19 - Battle
Scene 20 - Montage
Scene 21 - Gift
Scene 22 - Formal meeting with Creed
Scene 23 - Creeds Flashback
Scene 24 - Meeting Creed 2
Scene 25 - Party
Scene 26 - Escape
Scene 27 - Finding the Body
Scene 28 - Killing Creed
Scene 29 - Control
Scene 30 - Storming the Facility
Scene 32 - End

Scene 31 - Killing Dr. Brecker

15 0 0
By Snaffle_Pancakes

   CUT TO:


Ember steps on broken glass as she sneaks around the halls of the half-inflamed facility looking for the antagonist. Ember wipes the blood from her forehead as she lets out a deep breath.



Dr. Brecker, I am in need of medical attention.

She screams and is stomping her foot in a violent manner.


HELLO, just come here, I know you are expecting me. I finally know what I want.


(under her breath)

...or should I say what I have to do.

DR. BRECKER is under his desk, sweating profusely. He looks around, then reaches for a thick metal pole.


I am here, Ember.

He stands up tall trying to compose himself. Behind his desk, he is still gripping the pole.

Ember runs towards Dr. Brecker, who is standing behind his desk.


Ohhh, Dr. Brecker, isn't it beautiful?

She holds her hands up signaling to the building on fire — Dr. Brecker has a confused look on his face.


Ember, this is not you, what happened? This is not what we talked about. You know this is wrong.

Ember is playing with the blue flame in her hand.


What has happened no longer matters. It's what's going to happen that should be worried about. More specifically, what I am going to do to you.


Ember, don't do something you'll regret...I kno-


STOP. I don't want to hear cheap excuses. I want you to beg like your life depends on it.

She smirks.


If I do as she says, perhaps she will spare my life. I only hope she can be reasoned with.

He gets on his knees in front of Ember, letting go of the pole.


(tired, desperate)

You know I only want to cure people so no one has to go through what I went through when I lost my family. I can help you and your friends if only you let me live.

His eyes are tearful.


If I spare your life, I will have to spare others, but for there to be change, there also has to be a sacrifice. Unfortunately, your plea has been rejected. Your execution will begin now.

She extends her hand to Dr. Brecker's scar; the sound of sizzle and a bit of smoke comes off his face.


(screaming frantically and resisting)


He reaches for the metal pole, hitting Ember's shoulder with it. She looks at him, surprised.


(calm and sweet tone)

Don't make this harder than it has to be. Let me end you in peace.


(backing away slowly)

You're insane, I-

Ember shoots blue flames from her hand towards Dr. Brecker, instantly consuming his body with the fire.


So I've been told.

She watches as the body drops on the floor with a cold smile on her face.

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