Plance Closure

By JazzyG05

4.1K 109 45

So this is my first fan fiction ever....I made this story mainly to give me closure after season 8. I want to... More

To the mall!
A Visit From an Old Friend
Part 4
A Space Dad Talk
A Picture Perfect Moment
Reality Check
Cookies and Bear Hugs
Facing the Truth
Vlogs, Dad Talks and a Letter to Remember
Virtual Battles of the Night
Allurance's Breaking Point?
Decisions, Goodbyes and Confessions
Heart Break Around Every Corner
Family Reunion Around Every Corner

What? Why?

617 13 1
By JazzyG05

Part 1

Pidge was let's just say having a bad day.

I ran into my room and flopped down onto the bed. Well that's an understatement I threw myself on it as if trying to crush myself out of existence. I tried knocking myself out right now but that didn't work. I wanted to be unconscious so bad. I needed to get ready to leave but in all seriousness I didn't want to think about anything.

Not my mom and her plants.
Not about being grounded.
Not about the fact I was going clothes shopping later.
And especially not about the fact that allura was going out with lance.

It didn't make any sense. Allura and lance had such a one sided relationship and she thought well lance would get over her sooner or later. Right? Guess I was wrong.

Not to mention with all of the fighting and this war it just didn't make any sense why they would start dating now. They needed to stay focused on the war at hand not on each other's feelings.

Pidge sat up looked around her room for a moment. There were pizza boxes everywhere, a few glasses, cookie crumbs and thousands of piles of paper and books littered her floor. She even had a few stacks of circuits and scraps of metal a bit everywhere. Everyone said her room was a disaster area but It didn't look all that messy to her. Her room was the only place where she could be herself. Plus this mess was proven to be better for inspiration, creativity and most of all when rooms are messy like this it really feels freeing! Wherever you go in this world everything is always tucked away nice and neatly. Everything is always put in a category, a box just like the rest of the people in society. But in her room that's where things can get crazy be out and open where they belong and just not be cooped up in a box.

Pidge slipped down onto the floor and just stayed there looking up at the blank ceiling. She usually did this when her thoughts overwhelmed her brain. She liked logic and something was definitely not adding up.

Why would allura say yes? After so long? Did Romelle force her into it? It's a possibility. Maybe love is random. Maybe this is how love works. Are we in the middle of February and I just don't know it? Because if this is what Cupid Cupid just shot the arrow the wrong way.

I sat up suddenly at that thought. Allura is my friend why am i trying to belittle this. I should be happy for her. Plus lance isn't such a bad guy. I mean he takes my stuff sometimes, he can be pretty annoying and he can be quite of a goofball sometimes too... but in the end he really does have a heart of gold when u get to know him. He's always so caring, and man he's a great player 2 when we play video games. We're such a good team.

I laughed at that thought remembering how we squashed that boss level in space. So it took a few all nighters... it was so worth it. I'll never forget about how we bought that game either and I still can't believe it came with a cow! I mean how many people can claim they got a cow in space for free?

Pidge thought a little more. She really did have a lot of good memories with that goofball. She loved having him around. He was always around. Maybe that's why she didn't like this match up. Not because it might mess with the balance of the team but maybe because he might start hanging out less and less with her.

"I never realized how much I liked his company." She said aloud to herself.
"What if he decides to completely abandon me?"

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