Azure's Hope ( COMPLETED✔️)

By __BlueRoses

46.1K 2.8K 317

'It's a survival of the fittest, you've got to survive today to fight another day. Everyone wants to live thr... More

Disclaimer and Copyright.
Azure's Escape.
Azure's Billionaire.
Azure's Home.
Azure's Date.
Azure's Date 2.
Azure's Office Day.
Azure's Fears.
Azure's Sleepover.
Azure's 'best friend'.
Azure's love.
Azure's family.
Azure's event.
Azure's Fight.
Azure's intimacy.
Azure's wants.
Azure's everything.
Azure's Takeover.
Azure's Traitor.
Azure life.
Azure's Imprints.
Azure's Calm before the Storm.
Azure's Words.
Azure's Deceit.
Azure's sacrifice.
Azure's Storm.
Azure's Rescue.
Azure's Courage.
Azure's Tragedy
Azure's Distance.
Azure's Grey.
Azure's Appearance.
Azure's Bundle of Joy.
Cast List😊😊
Song List😊😊
Sequel (My Strange Series)

Azure's Calm after the Storm.

804 57 3
By __BlueRoses

Somehow they had made it to the bedroom even though neither of them knew how. Azure was the first to wake up, she was surprised she woke up at all seeing they didn't sleep until the wee hours of the morn. Neither of them seemed to get tired of each other's body.

She tried turning to check the time but the soreness in between her legs caused her to wince. She chuckled internally when she remembered how they went at it like wild animals until Grey had stopped after a while because he wanted to make proper love to her. Not rushed, not desperate.

Proper lovemaking.

She mentally prepared herself before she turned around and saw that it was already two in the afternoon.
"Wow!" was the only thing she could mutter as she turned back to look at his face.

She'd missed him so much, his crazy handsome face, his stupid soft hair, his annoyingly insane sexy body! She couldn't believe she'd spent two years without it all. Last night wasn't exactly the welcome back she'd planned. She thought they'd go at it for at most two rounds and then talk. She didn't think noon would meet them still in between their sheets.

She used her hand to stroke his hair softly. She really missed this, all of it. Grey stirred before he opened his eyes.

For a moment there, he was shocked to see her on his bed, he would've thought that all that happened last night was a dream and he would have to go back to missing her when the morning arrived.

"Morning sleepyhead. I'm hungry." Azure had a grin on her face as she spoke. When she saw that Grey wasn't moving and was just staring at her, she leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on his lips.
"I said I'm hungry. I'm going to go and wash my mouth and then I'm going downstairs for lunch."

Grey still didn't move.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like I'm see through. Like I'm not here."
"I'm waiting for you to disappear. I'm waiting for this amazing dream to come to an end."
"Dream? Have you been dreaming of making love to me while I was away?"
"If this is a dream Grey, it's never coming to an end so just live in it. And besides, have you forgotten all about yesterday? You literally almost ripped me apart. You were a bloody animal. How can that be a dream?"

Grey chuckled.
"I warned you before you took the cuffs off."
"Beast! Even if I'd taken a week before I'd taken the cuffs off, you would've still been the same animal. You've always been one." She laughed as she spoke.

When she saw that Grey had gone back to staring at her, she stretched her hand and placed it on his cheek.

"I'm right here babe. And I'm not going anywhere again."


For the first time since she returned, she heard the fear in his voice. She heard the fear of losing her again. He'd lost her so many times.

To her own mind, to the psychotic woman, to the men who took advantage of her and to many others. He wouldn't be able to handle it if he lost her again.

"I promise my love. I'm never going anywhere again." She scooted closer until her entire body was pressed against his. "But I'm hungry nonetheless."

Grey chuckled again before bending his head and planting a kiss on her forehead. "I was scared you know." She started when she felt his lips leave her head.
"When I woke up bloodied in my hands and I found myself in those chains, when I saw the doctors. I only wanted to know where you were, I feared I might have hurt you and that's why you couldn't be there with me, maybe I had killed you while I was out of my mind. I expected you to be there with me and I didn't think there would be anything that would make you leave me except death of course and so I was scared."


"Let me finish. When Madame Rose came in and told me that you brought me to the hospital and that you wouldn't be allowed to see me until I got better, I was furious. I hated you, or at least I wanted to. I resisted treatments for the first month just because I wanted to be stubborn. But when I realized that you were an amazing man who never gave up on me. Whose desire for my body never faded despite the scars that painted my skin, who knew just how to take care of me, who saved me, who deserved more than I was or I could give him, I became determined to get better and not just get better but become a woman worthy of your name. I know I'm still not but....."

"You're everything babe. All I wanted was for you to be free from your past and you are and that's all that matters to me."

"I have a gift for you. When I was there, at the hospital I mean, they brought me a lot of things. Painting equipments, drawing equipments, even building blocks!" They both laughed when she said exclaimed at the child's toy they had brought her.

"There were a whole lot of other things too. They wanted me to do something with my spare time, which was a lot might I add, and my spirit agreed with the paint brush and canvas right in front of me. It agreed because it made me think of you. I painted, it was rusty and ugly but it was the first real painting I ever did and I felt my emotions pour into it."
She stood up and tried walking but she had to pause because she was sore. "Fucking beast" she muttered under her breath before she continued moving ignoring the soreness.
She brought out the painting which was wrapped in a gift and walked back to the bed to give it to him.

"It's beautiful." There was a picture of a man who was clearly supposed to be him in front of a house.

"Don't lie. It's hideous! But there's a message there. Look closely."

"I'm horrible at reading meanings to paintings."

"Well then, it's of no use." Azure's move to retrieve the painting was cut short when Grey scooted to the other side of the bed with it.

"Give me an hour. I'll figure it out."

"Whatever. I'm starving and I believe I stink. I'm going to take a shower and then eat."

When she was done with her shower, she saw that he was still staring at the painting. She wondered how he had his billions of he couldn't notice little things.

"How are things coming for you there Mr? I'll have the maids bring our food upstairs so you can keep staring at it."

"I've seen it all."
"Really? What have you seen."

"There's a woman and baby inside the building. I can barely make a figure out of it but I'm certain it's a woman and child. I also saw that the prominent color in her being is the silver ring on her. I looked at the man again and I saw the same ring. They're married and have a child."

"Amazing! You should take this as a profession."

Azure went closer to him and pointed the ring which was present in place of a rope to hang the picture.

"Will you marry me and have children with me? I know that you would rather do the proposal but you've done so much for me already. Even though this proposal isn't fancy and it involves a stupid as fuck painting and a crazy as fuck girlfriend...." she pulled the ring from the back of the picture as she spoke and handed it to him.

"Of course I'll marry you." Grey cut her short and put on the ring before he dragged her down to the bed with him.

"My ego is fucking bruised."
"Well, if it makes you feel any better you can say you proposed to me."
"That's even worse. While I'd rather have proposed to you, I'm glad you did it. I've worried for Natalia and Lisa for a while because they weren't going to get married until you came back. They've been engaged for a long while and they promised themselves that you three would get married on the same day and I don't know if you agree with that but it's all up to you dear and......"

"Shut the fuck up and kiss me. I'll get married to you anyhow, anywhere, anytime and I don't care if a million people want to get married on that day as well."
The kiss had started out slowly but became heated in a matter of seconds.

"I said I was hungry sir!" Azure said as she broke the kiss to catch her breath.
"So am I babe. The only difference is that I'm hungry for you right now."

And that was how they found themselves in bed for the next few hours.


Grey had texted his friends and his sister that they meet for lunch at Grey's parent's house. It was there that the girls found out about Azure's return and true to his words, the girls were ecstatic. Trevor and Lucas were however more happy when they found out about the proposal and they had made fun of Nick the entire night for having his woman propose to him. In all honesty, they were just happy that they would finally be able to call the women they loved their wives.
During the dinner, Grey sang All for you by Jon Hawkins for Azure. To him that was to redeem him from the fact that he wasn't the one to propose to her. Azure was moved to tears when she heard him sing. The other girls even prompted her to stand up and dance with him and the other couples joined them later on to dance.

When they got home, Nicholas mentioned to her that Victoria was given the death penalty, Dante was sentenced to life imprisonment and that all the bound souls were actually released when VIctoria died. They talked and talked about all the things they missed out on each other for the last two years.
The best of all was that they continued to have lots and lots of great sex.


Two weeks before the wedding, Azure found herself feeling dizzy and nauseous. She began being selective of what she ate and not because she wanted to but because her body made it that way. She believed it was because she had been stressing over the wedding, she made a gorgeous painting from a picture of the entire family (Herself, Nick, Trevor, Lucas, Lisa, Natalia, Azure's grandparents, Nick's parents and even James and his wife), she designed the wedding gowns of the three of them and she had been actively involved in the wedding preparations and so she had all reasons to believe it was the wedding just stressing her out. She however told her girlfriends of her new splitting emotions which were getting her frustrated and they suggested she took a pregnancy test.

She refused saying that it wasn't possible. She started being extremely anxious, if she was indeed pregnant, would Grey be happy? Yes they'd talked about it and he said he wanted her to have his children but what if it was too early for him and he didn't want it? What would she do?

Despite her fears, her friends took her to a store and got her three pregnancy tests, just to be certain. Much to her dismay, the three tests came out positive. She even went back to the store and got two more and they also came out positive.

When she got home, she didn't waste anytime before she told Grey everything. She had seen many couples have their relationship destroyed because of lack of communication and that wasn't going to be her case. She would tell him and she would keep her baby whether he wanted it or not.

Ecstatic would be an understatement to the way Grey felt when she told him she was pregnant. He assured her even without words that he was fully onboard with the baby and even held her close when she got emotional.

An understatement again.

By holding her close, it wasn't wrong to say that there were a lot of baby making activities going on and one would wonder why they didn't have a football club by now.


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