Crystal Blue Disguise

By Ellis_the_zombie

346 13 4

Scherry Davis is the guitarist for her band Rewrite the Rhapsody and is also the daughter of Korn's singer, J... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 1

65 1 0
By Ellis_the_zombie

I sat in my room, noodling around on my guitar, trying to write riffs or find some new sound that I've never heard before... But I couldn't find anything. For the past two weeks, I've had a major writer's block, and I just can't think of anything new. I tried pulling inspiration from older bands like Metallica, Pantera, and Judas Priest; as well as newer bands like Ice Nine Kills, Black Veil Brides and Avenged Sevenfold. I was getting nowhere. 
I set my guitar down on the stand next to my computer and took a deep breath. I put my head down and buried my face in my hands. I let out a huge "uuuuuggggghhhhh."
I heard a knock on my door, "Come in." It was my dad. 
"Hey Cherry, how's it goin'?" His little nickname for me because of my red hair. I didn't even bother to lift my head out of my hands to talk to him. "How do you think it's going?" I said while gritting my teeth. "Heyyy, no need to be so frustrated, everyone gets a writer's block every once in a while." He put his hand on my shoulder. "Well now isn't the time to get one! I wish my band mates would contribute to this shit! The only one who has written anything is Charlotte!" I snapped. I felt terrible taking it out on my dad, but he understood since he was a musician as well, who also writes for his band. 
He let out a sigh and I apologized. "I'm sorry for going off like that, but I just hate it when they do this to me." I sighed again. "Let's take a break from writing and we'll go get ice cream or something. You're stressing yourself out way too much." My dad said as he pulled me up out of my chair. That sounds nice. I haven't had ice cream in forever and I feel like I haven't spent quality time with my dad in a long time either. 
We walked downstairs and he grabbed the keys to the black Range Rover. We shut the garage door and took off for Stewart's. During the car ride "Almost Easy" came on. I played air guitar, and when Jimmy did "the double ride thing" I played air drums. That song is a masterpiece. My dad and I sang and even harmonized during the chorus. These guys are literally the entire reason why I play music. Syn and Zacky are the reason I play guitar, Johnny for bass, The Rev for drumming, and Matt and Jimmy for vocals. I'm in love with Jimmy's voice, it's so clean and perfectly pitched. In contrast, Matt's voice is gritty and raspy, and the combination of the two is just perfect. 
We got to Stewart's and I ordered a Vanilla cone and my dad got a swirl. We sat down at one of the tables and I immediately felt less stressed. Then I began to think about Avenged. "Hey dad, did you ever tour with A7X?" I asked him. "Oh yeah, we were on the road with them a lot during their Waking the Fallen days and their City of Evil days. Man, those were good times." He smiled while reminiscing their past tours. "I remember one time, I was in the studio with them and they were recording the song Big Bear, which is now A Little Piece of Heaven, and Matt and Jimmy were just in the recording booth screaming their heads off." Both of us were cracking up. "Another time, we were backstage after a show and Jimmy started doing karate while the poor guys were trying to clean up!" We started laughing again. "I kinda miss those guys. They're great people. And crazy when it comes to partying. By the way, I have a surprise for you when we get home." Surprise you say? "Come on dad, you know I hate it when you hide stuff from me." I pouted. "Yes, I know, but I can't tell you here." 
"Ugh, fine." 

We both finished our ice cream and got back in the car and went home. "Can I know the surprise yet?" I said as we walked into the house. We walked to the living room. "You're gonna want to sit down for this one." My dad said as he handed me an envelope. I tore it open as fast as I could and began to read the letter. 

"Dear Miss Scherry Davis,
On behalf of the Board of Bands, we are happy to invite your band, Rewrite the Rhapsody, to headline the entirety of the Mayhem Fest Tour. You will be performing alongside other bands such as Trivium, Black Veil Brides, Korn, and Avenged Sevenfold, who are all co-headlining the tour. We look forward to seeing you all on May 20th in Los Angeles where the festival committee is having a kick-off party for all of the bands on the tour. The first show is at the Hollywood Bowl in LA, on June 1st. Once again we are excited to be working with you the entire summer. 

Sincerely, The Board of Bands of Mayhem Festival."

After that, I let out a scream that only dogs could hear. WE WERE HEADLINING MAYHEM FEST WITH AVENGED SEVENFOLD. "OHMYGOD, OHMYGOD, OHMYGOD, WE'REHEADLININGWITHAVENGEDSEVENFOLDTHISISTHEGREATESTDAYOFMYLIFEEEEEE." I started bouncing off the walls, jumping up and down, trying not to hit my head against the ceiling. I hugged my dad in a death grip. "Oh my god, I have to tell my bandmates!!" I realized. But it was 11 pm, they were probably asleep. I'll tell them all when they come over for practice tomorrow. "Dad! We're going on tour together!!" I said a little less loud. "Yeah! We are! I waited until now to give you the letter because you mentioned A7X in the shop, also because I knew you'd start screaming so that's why I waited until I got home!" He explained. "This is literally the greatest day ever. *huge gasp* I'M GONNA MEET AVENGED SEVENFOLLLDDD" I started freaking out again. "Calm down there kiddo, or you'll break something." 
I finally settled down after 30 minutes. I wore myself out so much that I was ready to go to bed. Also because it was almost 12 am. So I headed upstairs, changed into my pajamas, the ones with the deathbats all over them, kissed my dad goodnight and went to sleep.

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