Melody 5 - Rising Stars

By NeylaNeil

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Five girls with one dream - get into a hot new girl group, storm the charts and revel in pop stardom! Can f... More

Melody 5 - Rising Stars
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (i) - Jadine
2 (ii) - Katya
2 (iii) - Amy
2 (iv) - Rhian
2 (v) - Molly
Chapter 3 (i) - Rhian
3 (ii) - Amy
3 (iii) - Molly
3 (iv) - Jadine
3 (v) - Kat
Chapter 4 (i) - Amy
4 (ii) - Molly
4 (iii) - Kat
4 (iv) - Jadine
4 (v) - Rhian
Chapter 5 - (i) Molly
5 (ii) - Amy
5 (iii) - Kat
5 (iv) - Rhian
5 (v) - Jadine
Chapter 6 - (i) Amy
6 (ii) - Molly
6 (iii) - Jadine
6 (iv) - Rhian
6 (v) - Kat
Chapter 7 (i) - Molly
7 (iii) - Amy
7 (iv) - Kat
7 (v) - Jadine
Chapter 8 - (i) Amy
8 (ii) - Jadine
8 (iii) - Kat
8 (iv) - Molly
8 (v) - Rhian
Chapter 9 (i) - Kat
9 (ii) - Jadine
9 (iii) - Molly
9 (iv) - Rhian
9 (v) - Amy
Chapter 10 (i) - Rhian
10 (ii) - Amy
10 (iii) - Molly
10 (iv) - Kat
10 (v) - Jadine
Chapter 11 (i) - Rhian
11 (ii) - Jadine
11 (iii) - Amy
11 (iv) - Molly
11 (v) - Kat
Chapter 12 (i) - Amy
12 (ii) - Molly
12 (iii) - Rhian
12 (iv) - Jadine
12 (v) - Kat
Chapter 13 (i) - Kat
13 (ii) - Rhian
13 (iii) - Amy
13 (iv) - Molly
13 (v) - Jadine
Chapter 14 (i) - Rhian
14 (ii) - Kat
14 (iii) - Jadine
14 (iv) - Molly
14 (v) - Amy
Chapter 15

7 (ii) - Rhian

38 1 0
By NeylaNeil

--- RHIAN ---

Rhian nervously peeked through the curtains and looked out into the club. There were about six groups of people sat at the cabaret style tables and more milling about at the back near the bar.

Sherri had just been backstage assuring the girls that more people would turn up soon. She said that industry types always left it to the last minute to arrive at these things. Rhian wasn't sure she wanted any more to turn up - she was feeling sick about performing to the small number already there. Her old nemesis - stage-fright - was rearing its ugly head and was ten times worse than it had been during Grease. At least then she could console herself with the fact that it was only a high school production, but this was another league altogether. What if she forgot her words or moves? Or fell off the stage? Or slipped in a pool of her own vomit? She'd ruin it for the other girls and she'd never forgive herself. On cue her stomach flipped and gurgled. Rhian made a dash to the ladies loo's. Again.

She burst in and rushed to the nearest cubicle. She'd been sick twice already so there wasn't much left to bring up, even so, her gut managed to oblige with something. Rhian flushed away the green bile and leant her head against the cool tiles of the cubicle.

What had made her think she could do this? Her bloody mother, that's what! She was always going on about how special and talented and beautiful Rhian was - Rhian had actually started to believe it! But deep down inside she knew she was a worthless chav - just like Kyle Jackson told her she was.

He'd got back in touch with her last week. At first she'd been apprehensive. After all, she hadn't heard from him in nearly three weeks. Then slowly but surely she'd been drawn into responding - nothing flirty, just a polite...'how you doing.' Eventually followed by something a bit more friendly...'yeah, am missing you too!' Until finally she was back where she started...'about to shower - wish you could join me!"

Rhian had convinced herself that Kyle had finally realised what he'd lost and was trying to make amends, especially when he announced that he wanted to come up to London and see her. Surely that proved he really liked her.

Then he'd revealed that he and Jonno needed to get away from Penarvon. He'd been vague about the details, but Rhian guessed he was in some sort of trouble. He'd asked if he and Jonno could crash with Rhian and the girls. Rhian wanted to say yes, but thought she'd better ask the girls first. They were all in agreement - no way, Kyle Jackson was a total arse!

Rhian had told him that they couldn't stay at the house. So Kyle called her a worthless skanky chav!

Rhian deleted that text and all the others from Kyle, but the words were still indelibly etched in her mind. Kyle was right. She was worthless - it didn't take Jadine 17 attempts to master a dance move. And she was skanky - Molly kept telling her to not leave her dirty laundry in a pile by her bed, but she was so used to her mum picking up after her, she didn't know what to do with it! And she was a chav - how embarrassing that Amy had had to explain to her that Lambrini wasn't a brand of Champagne! Rhian knew she was going to mess up big style tonight.

Just then she heard the door to the loo's open and people bustle in.

"Rhian? Are you in here?" asked Jadine.

"Come on, sweetie. It's nearly time," said Amy.

"I think she's in this one," whispered Molly as she gently pushed open the cubicle door, which Rhian hadn't locked.

Rhian shuddered as she realised what a mess she must look.

"Sweetheart! Have you been crying?" asked Molly.

"A bit," blurted out Rhian.

"What's wrong?" asked Amy.

Rhian wanted to think up some credible lie but couldn't.

"I'm scared I'm going to cock up and let you all down," she cried.

As Molly raced in and gave her a big hug, the others rallied round.

"You're not going to cock up," said Amy. "You're brilliant!"

"And you're going to be brilliant tonight too," said Jadine.

"But I don't know the difference between Champagne and Lambrini!" wailed Rhian.

Jadine and Molly shared a puzzled look until Amy deftly realised what Rhian was going on about. "And neither did I until I was 18!" she said.

"How old are you now then?" asked Rhian, a nugget of information about Amy's age momentarily quieting her angst. They'd been speculating about it for weeks.

Amy took a deep breath. "If you stop feeling sorry for yourself, sort out your mascara and get on that stage, then I'll tell you how I old I am."

This was too good to miss.

"Okay," announced Rhian, wiping her face with the back of her hand until Molly handed her some toilet tissue.

"I'm..." Amy took a deep breath. "...19."

"19? Really?" said Jadine.

"Oh alright, I'm 21," sighed Amy.

"Olivia said 25," said Rhian.

"25? The cheeky bitch!" said Amy through gritted teeth.

"Well, Amy's kept her part of the bargain," said Molly. "Time for you to keep yours."

Rhian knew she had no choice but to haul her sorry arse on stage.

"And remember," said Amy. "We all love you and want you to do well. Not for our sakes, but for yours."

"And we'll be there to support if something goes wrong," added Molly.

"And besides, it doesn't matter if you cock up - this whole showcase is about as cocked up as gets," laughed Jadine. "We just need to show those execs we've got potential. And Rhian, you've got shitloads!"

All the girls laughed.

"Group hug!" shouted Molly.

"Group hug!" yelled the others as they crowded together for a massive bear hug.

Just then Lena burst in. "It's showtime!" she announced. "Or should that be - it's showcase time!"

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