Melody 5 - Rising Stars

By NeylaNeil

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Five girls with one dream - get into a hot new girl group, storm the charts and revel in pop stardom! Can f... More

Melody 5 - Rising Stars
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (i) - Jadine
2 (ii) - Katya
2 (iii) - Amy
2 (iv) - Rhian
2 (v) - Molly
Chapter 3 (i) - Rhian
3 (ii) - Amy
3 (iii) - Molly
3 (iv) - Jadine
3 (v) - Kat
Chapter 4 (i) - Amy
4 (ii) - Molly
4 (iii) - Kat
4 (iv) - Jadine
4 (v) - Rhian
Chapter 5 - (i) Molly
5 (ii) - Amy
5 (iii) - Kat
5 (iv) - Rhian
5 (v) - Jadine
Chapter 6 - (i) Amy
6 (iii) - Jadine
6 (iv) - Rhian
6 (v) - Kat
Chapter 7 (i) - Molly
7 (ii) - Rhian
7 (iii) - Amy
7 (iv) - Kat
7 (v) - Jadine
Chapter 8 - (i) Amy
8 (ii) - Jadine
8 (iii) - Kat
8 (iv) - Molly
8 (v) - Rhian
Chapter 9 (i) - Kat
9 (ii) - Jadine
9 (iii) - Molly
9 (iv) - Rhian
9 (v) - Amy
Chapter 10 (i) - Rhian
10 (ii) - Amy
10 (iii) - Molly
10 (iv) - Kat
10 (v) - Jadine
Chapter 11 (i) - Rhian
11 (ii) - Jadine
11 (iii) - Amy
11 (iv) - Molly
11 (v) - Kat
Chapter 12 (i) - Amy
12 (ii) - Molly
12 (iii) - Rhian
12 (iv) - Jadine
12 (v) - Kat
Chapter 13 (i) - Kat
13 (ii) - Rhian
13 (iii) - Amy
13 (iv) - Molly
13 (v) - Jadine
Chapter 14 (i) - Rhian
14 (ii) - Kat
14 (iii) - Jadine
14 (iv) - Molly
14 (v) - Amy
Chapter 15

6 (ii) - Molly

42 0 0
By NeylaNeil

--- MOLLY ---

 It was clear to everyone that the three best tracks which had just blasted out into the elegant splendor of Sherri’s lounge, were the ones written by the girls.  They were fun, upbeat and sassy.  Even so, Molly knew that the production on them wasn’t ideal.  The tracks had a 90s vibe to them – but not in a retro, ironic way.  More like they’d been lifted from a Greatest Hits album circa 1996.

“Well, you’ve made a great start,” said Sherri, reaching over to the glass coffee table to pick up her peppermint tea.  “But there’s still some way to go.”

“Definitely,” said Jadine, bristling on the grand leather sofa opposite.

“I know you’ve had some issues with Tony,” said Sherri.  “But I’m sure they can be ironed out.”

“No disrespect to Tony,” said Jadine.  “But I don’t see why we can’t work with a fresh producer.  I know loads of guys from my old crew who could do killer mixes of those tracks.”

“Not so fast Jadine,” said Sherri.  “Tony knows what he’s doing.”

Even though Molly didn’t dislike Tony as much as Jadine did, she felt she had to stand up for what was right.

“Sherri, Tony’s a lovely guy, but we just don’t feel he gets us,” she said.  “Couldn’t we at least try working with another producer.”

“I appreciate what you’re saying Molly, but Tony’s an old friend and I trust him.”

“I think Tony’s done a great job,” said Olivia.  She was sat next to Sherri and had spent most of the time since arrived they’d arrived at Sherri’s Notting Hill townhouse, flicking through Sherri’s copies of Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar.

“Now about your name,” said Sherri, moving swiftly on.

“Ooh,” said Rhian excitedly.  “We’ve already thought of it.”

It had come to Molly last night when they’d stayed up late drinking hot chocolate and moaning about Tony Ward.  The conversation had eventually turned to their band name and as soon as Molly had said it to the other girls (minus Olivia who’d been out on a hot date with a new mystery boyfriend) they’d all loved it.

“Molly, you tell Sherri,” said Rhian.  “You came up with it.”

“Yeah, you say it, Moll,” smiled Amy.

Molly took a deep breath and announced, “Melody 5.”

Like an excited puppy, Rhian couldn’t contain herself.  “5 because there’s five of us and Melody because…  Oh, what does Melody mean again?”

Jadine smiled.  “A succession of musical tones that the listener perceives as a single entity.”

“Just like us,” blushed Molly.  It was amazing how quickly she’d bonded with the girls, with the exception of Olivia who was still maintaining an aloof distance.  But Olivia aside, Molly really did feel like they were becoming a single entity.

“What do you think?” asked Amy.

All the girls except Olivia, smiled expectantly at Sherri.

“I don’t dislike it, but…”

Molly’s heart sank.

“…we’ve held some focus groups and they’ve come up with some suggestions that I’d like to run by you first.  Lena, could you read out the suggestions.”

Focus groups?  Really?  How could their identity be decided by a bunch of strangers sitting in a sterile meeting room, drinking tea and munching on digestive biscuits, who hadn’t even heard their music?

Lena cleared her throat and looked at the girls uncomfortably.  “The top choices were Starbirds, September Rain or The Sherri Pies.”

“That’s my favourite,” added Sherri.

Even Olivia had the good sense to look appalled.

“No way,” said Jadine, straight away.  “Just no way.”

“Now, I appreciate those names may take a little time to grow on you,” said Sherri.  “So we’ll revisit them over the next few weeks.”

Molly had blithely assumed that Sherri would love the name Melody 5 as much as the girls did, but what annoyed most was that Sherri wasn’t really listening to anything the girls had to say.  Molly couldn’t believe she’d ruined her relationship with her twin sister – for a project that was proving more shambolic by the day. 

Lena started talking about the proposed marketing plans for Starbirds or The Sherri Pies, or whatever it was they were going to be called.  Molly knew she had to pay attention otherwise who knew what else might happen to them.  Actually Lena’s presentation sounded pretty good – it was all about how they could build a following online and she spoke about some really clever apps that Molly hadn’t even heard of before.  Just as Molly thought this might all be okay after all, Sherri interjected.

“Lena, this isn’t what we discussed,” said Sherri.

Lena looked sheepish.  “I thought you’d want to add in some new media innovations, you know, so the girls are cutting edge…” said Lena, in her cool Californian tones.

“I appreciate you using your initiative,” said Sherri.  “But I want to stick with what I know works.”

There was an awkward silence as girls looked at each other.  Molly knew what they were thinking and she knew that yet again, she had no choice but to stand up for what was right - and that meant supporting Lena’s innovative ideas for the group.  Just as she was about to say so, James Holland breezed into the lounge.

“Oh sorry ladies,” he smiled.  “Didn’t realise you were having a meeting.”

Everyone turned to look at him, whilst Olivia sat bolt upright and gave him an exceedingly rare, mega-watt smile.  It was obvious to everyone that she fancied James. 

“We’re nearly done darling,” smiled Sherri, putting out her cheek expecting James to kiss her like he’d done that first day in the restaurant, but instead he stood in the doorway awkwardly.  Sherri seemed momentarily thrown.

“Right, well I’ll leave you to it,” said James, smiling at the girls.  As he turned to leave, Molly was sure she clocked something unspoken pass between James and Olivia.  A secret something that unnerved her.  Molly wondered if anyone else had noticed, but they were all looking at Sherri, who was wrapping up the meeting.

“I think that’s all for today,” she said.  “You can start rehearsals again with Derren on some of these tracks.”

“Which ones?” asked Jadine, clearly willing it to be ones the girls had written.

“Some of yours and Tony’s.”

Jadine balked.  “But Tony’s are…”

“I want to see what you and Derren can do with them in rehearsal,” said Sherri sharply. 

Molly could see Jadine was about to protest, but Olivia piped up.  “Sherri, could I use your bathroom?”

“Of course,” said Sherri.  “The downstairs one is the third door on the left.”

Molly had an uneasy feeling as she watched Olivia slink out into the hallway, in fact at that moment Molly had an uneasy feeling about everything and more than ever she wished she could talk through her worries with her best friend – her twin sister. But that would never happen in a million years.

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