The President's Son [narry]

By sebLarry

186K 7.5K 3.6K

What happens when a world famous male celebrity dares to get involved in a secret relationship with the minor... More

The President's Son [Narry]
0- Meet The Stars [Prologue]
1- Meet The President
2- Meet The Twins
3- Meet The Rest Of The Family
4- Meet Some Of Our Past
5- Meet Us In The Middle Of The Night
6- Meet The Trinity
7- Meet Us At The Edge Of The Cliff
8- Meet The First Time We Said Goodbye
9- Meet Me At My Worst
10- Meet The Allies
11- Meet Us Together Again
12- Meet The Secret Exit
13- Meet Us at Our First Date
14- Meet The Argentinian Paparazzis

15- Meet Uncle James

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By sebLarry

The way Veronica, Niall and Manuel were acting made me feel kind of nervous. I caught her hiding the envelope behind one of the books she had in her library and I made sure to remember which one was it because I was decided to steal a copy for myself as soon as I got the chance. I still keep that picture of our first date on my wallet until now.

"Why are y'all acting so weird?" Louis was the only one to remain calm and unaffected. "Is this guy important or something?"

"He is the Vice President," I let him know. "Be polite."

"I'm always polite," he shrugged. "Shouldn't you go wear something more appropriate?"

"Oh, you are right," I freaked out when I realized I was still wearing my sleeping clothes. "I'll be right back."

"Hurry up, Cinderella," he laughed at me.

"What does Cinderella have to do with anything?"

"He can't know that I was out with Harry, okay?" I heard Niall speak.

"Do you think I'm retarded or something?"

"I'll be the one talking, guys," Veronica interrupted them. "I'll just say that you two decided to stay because you wanted to visit Buenos Aires and that I thought it would be nice to have you staying here."

"Matthew always know when we lie," he sounded worried.

"That's because you blush every time you lie, Niall," she laughed at him and I silently thanked her for letting me know that. I was going to pay more attention at it from then on. "Let's not overreact. It's not a big deal," she continued.

"Your sister is right," that was Manuel's attempt to make things appear simpler. "This won't harm your father's image in any way so there's nothing to worry about."

"I hate it when the elections get close," Niall sighed and turned to look at me while I walked to the living room again. "You look good," he smiled.

"Gay," Louis coughed but, as soon as he saw Manuel's reaction, he realized that it wasn't the right time to make a joke of the kind. I think it was the first time I saw him blush like that and I enjoyed it very much.

"They are at the door," Manuel informed us and I saw Veronica taking a deep breath of air. It all made me feel even more nervous than I already was.

"Good morning," Mathew said as he entered the place. I didn't know why but the Vice President was still outside so I couldn't see what he looked like and the curiosity was only getting bigger.

"Hey, Mat," Niall greeted him with a hug.

"Hey there, you two." He walked to us. "Change of plans, huh?"

"Looks like it." I shook his hand. "We were not going to miss the chance to visit around."

"Good call," he answered. "Not so sure about the mustache thing though."

"I apologize on his behalf." Louis shook his hand as well. "In his defense, he is kind of dumb."

"I am so sorry if this is going to bring you any kind of trouble," I said sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it. This visit might make things look complicated but it's not actually a big deal." He turned to Manuel, "I'm sure this guy here has it under control. Have you heard from London?"

"I have spoken with Olivia a while ago," Manuel explained, "They would like them to go back to their country as soon as possible and Louis' presence here has to remain a secret."


"It's a funny thing actually," he said. "You see, our fans weirdly think that-"

"Louis," I interrupted him. I didn't want to give so many details to them and I don't even know why. "It's just a stupid thing," I tried to make it sound non important.

"What's up with your uncle?" asked Veronica.

"You know exactly what's up with him. Just go get him already."

"I can't believe this." She rolled her eyes and reluctantly walked to the main door.

"Uncle James always wants to be received by the owner of the house when he arrives somewhere," Niall whispered to me. "He is kind of weird, I told you."

"I see a lot of changes have been done here since the last time I came," I heard a thick British accent getting closer to us. "Adriana would be very upset if she knew you didn't ask for her professional advice."

"Aunt Adriana is an interior designer," Niall kept throwing a few comments to make me understand everything.

"I just didn't want to bother her," Veronica sounded sarcastic, "You know, she is so busy all the time and this was just a silly thing."

"Oh, there he is," the man said referring to Niall and I was finally able to see him. He looked completely different from the rest of the family. He was rather chubby and way shorter than his brother.

"Hola, Uncle J." Niall walked to him and the man patted his head.

"We have been missing you at golf lately, little boy." He used a very formal tone every time he spoke and I didn't like it at all.

"I'll be back in a few days. I promise," the boy answered with a smile.

The man was still not turning to look at us so we couldn't say hello yet and that made me feel very unwelcomed.

"Manuel," he turned to the bodyguard, "Is everything going well?"

"Good morning, Mr. Vice President." He was also acting different around the presence of that man. "Everything is going perfect, sir."

"Just relax," Veronica mouthed to me, looking as uncomfortable as I was.

"So," he sighed and finally turned to look at our direction. "The superstars." He inspected us from our feet to our face.

"Hello," Louis said in a weird small voice. I couldn't believe he didn't even try to make one of his jokes, it only meant that he was scared as hell and I understood it pretty well.

"Give me a name, please." He got closer to us. "I'm sorry but I'm very bad when it comes to remember celebrity's names. You all come and go so fast." He turned to Manuel, expecting him to laugh along with him.

"This is Louis and this is Harry," Mathew hurried to introduce us. "Guys, this is Uncle James, the Argentinian Vice President."

"Hello, sir," I sounded so serious and Niall made me notice by the way he was funnily smirking at me.

"So you are the one who caused all this." His eyes were so focused on mine and it was starting to give me anxiety.

"It's all taken care of, sir," Manuel explained, "They will be moved to a hotel in a few hours and their management will get back to us with the details about their departure. They want it to be as soon as possible." During the whole time, the man kept his accusing eyes on Louis and me.

"The jet they used is still in London," Mathew informed, "It should be arriving tonight. I don't think we should use another one, there's a lot of press in every airport right now."

"They will flight commercial with our people's help to keep them under the radar. I've already informed one of the teams and we are just waiting the flight confirmation from London to carry on with the remaining details."

"That is not going to happen." The Vice President turned to Manuel and I took the chance to raise an eyebrow to Veronica. I had no plans to go back yet and she said the whole thing was about making things easier for Niall and me but, so far, it felt as if we were going to get deported or something.

"They actually want to have the chance to visit around for a little while," she finally said a few words. I wondered what was going on with her because she seemed as a complete different person around her uncle.

"And they will get the chance," he said, bringing his stare back to my face. "Arrange an online meeting with their management, Manuel. I'll be the one to give them the details."

"Olivia is going to freak out," Louis mumbled.

"I know exactly how to handle her," he said firmly and I caught Mathew and Veronica looking at each other with worried expression on her faces. I had no idea of what was happening inside of that room.

"Do you actually think this is a good idea?" Mathew seemed scared to contradict him.

"Of course it is. Manuel, go outside and call London to make this happen. I'll be waiting here."

"What's your idea, Uncle J?" Niall was the only one acting normal. He was so clueless about everything, just like I was back then.

"We have the annual charity dinner to raise founds tomorrow night." He kept his eyes on mine all the time. "It would be nice to have both of you there."

"I don't think their management will agree," Veronica rushed to say. "They already said they want Louis to be kept under the radar."

"Why are they supposed to hide their visit to our country? Is our country not good enough as a vacation destination?" I was already starting to dislike that man with all my guts but, at the same time, I liked to see him so interested in keeping me there. "They came to visit our country on their own and, as soon as the President found out about it, he decided to invite them over. Sounds like good advertisement for a band that's planning on giving a show in our country next year. Isn't that true?"

"It could be," I said. "I don't mind attending this dinner but I am not sure about what Olivia would say." The mention of her name was probably a mistake but I had no way of knowing that yet.

"We will find out in a few minutes when Manuel comes with the online meeting details," he said. "You two shouldn't worry about it. This will be handled between your manager and me."

I looked at Louis and we shared a moment of uncertainty for a while. I wasn't sure if he liked the idea or not but I was definitely happy with it. But for the first time since everything started, I cared about him and my other band mates again. I started to fear the decisions I have made so far. I was starting to consider the idea of any of my actions harming our image. Was I doing right? Or was I just completely lost on the feelings Niall caused on me?

"Is this actually a good idea?" asked Mathew. "Won't it be seen as a way of my father to spoil the twins?"

"Why would it?" James walked to the window. "You should use curtains, Veronica," he randomly commented. "Nobody will know that they flew here using the President's jet. As I said, they came to Argentina on their own."

"What the hell?" Louis mouthed to me. "I'm starting to get pissed," he mumbled low enough so anyone else besides me could catch it. I just nodded in response.

"Niall." He turned to his nephew. "Can you let us have a word?"

"Sure," he answered, obviously annoyed. "I'll be in Veronica's room." He reluctantly walked out of the room not without smiling at me first. I smiled back and stared at him until his shape was no longer visible.

"After their loss, all the country wants is the twins to be happy and bubbly again," he explained, "Two of his idols, coincidently, decided to come visit our country and, when the president found out, he invited them over his house so they could meet his children. It will raise your father's positive image and that is very convenient for us."

"And it's a charity event," Mathew seemed to be following his uncle's way of thinking. "I'd say this will look good for you too, guys."

"I don't want the twin's image to be used as a part of this campaign," Veronica sounded determined, "And my father wouldn't agree either. No pictures of them with the twins will leak." She glared at his sibling. "And that's final."

"We don't need pictures," the older brother shrugged, "But the press will know about the visit."

"I'm going to have to give this a thought," she insisted, "And I think dad should be a part of this decision as well. Niall and Hannah too."

"Hannah will be thrilled with the idea," James said. "Niall will be kept out of this. We will focus the story on Hannah."

"I," Veronica seemed to be struggling to find the right words to say. "I'll make us some tea," she lied. "Would you join me, Harry?"

"Sure." I was happy to get chance to leave that room. The air was only getting thicker and I could feel the way my lungs were starting to suffer it.

"I think I should go too." Louis followed us. "None of them is very good at making tea and I am a pro."

Once we entered the kitchen, a short pause of silent followed. I looked at Veronica, who was starting to hyperventilate and then I stared at Louis, who had a very funny expression on his face.

"This feels like a movie," he sighed. "Am I the only one who's about to shit on his pants? God! I'm all sweaty and scared."

"Louis." I shook my head no. "That was intense."

"I'm really sorry you had to witness that," Veronica apologized. "I can't believe him. He actually thinks we are all just tiny figures on his big chest game. I hate it when he uses my brother's image for his own advantage."

"This was actually your idea, Spencer," Louis rolled his eyes at her. "And I told you it wasn't a good one but you insisted."

"Can you just shut up? You were on board with it."

"Guys," I tried to calm things down, "I don't think this is as bad as it feels. Olivia will freak out, yes. But they'll find the way to make it work. They always do."

"I'm sorry," she sighed deeply, "I literally thought this would be simpler. If I knew my uncle would get involved, I wouldn't have done anything."

"Don't worry about," I said. "Things will be fine. What about you?" I turned to Louis.

"What about me?"

"Are you okay with this?"

"My opinion started to be irrelevant since the very first moment we landed in this country. I couldn't care less about any of this." He kept his focus on the tea he was making. "You are such a loser, Harry. Literally, a whole country is moving so you can get laid." He laughed and I would have laughed too but Veronica didn't like the joke.

"Hey!" She shoved his upper arm. "You are talking about my brother here, remember?"

"What? You've never thought that would end up happening at some point?"

"Cut it off, mate," I glared at him.

"Boys," Mathew called us. "The meeting is about to start."

"Go ahead," Veronica said, "I'll finish it."

"You are going to ruin my work," Louis complained.

"Let's go. You know how much Olivia hates to wait."

We walked to living room, where the laptop was already set for the Skype meeting to kick off. The VP was siting next to Mathew and we were supposed to seat right in front of the camera.

"This is almost ready," Manuel said. "Here we go." A shot of Olivia's office showed on the screen and Stephanie, her assistant sat right in front of the computer.

"Good morning," she greeted us with her usual nice way, "Mrs. Pope won't be able to join us because she is at an important meeting right now," she said. Louis and me looked at each other with suspicious expressions. She was at Olivia's office and that was the only place where Olivia had her meetings. Something was going on. "I am Stephanie and I'll be giving you the flight details in behalf of Olivia. Hi, guys," she smiled to us.

"Hi, Steph," I answered and Louis just waved.

"So, you will be flying back to London on Monday at the 2 am Tam flight, departing from Ezeiza," she started but James interrupted her right away.

"You need to cancel that reservation," he said as he moved the computer so the camera got him. "Hello, I'm Mr. James Horan."

"Hello there, sir," Stephanie answered nervously. Louis and me saw how she looked at the side of the office where Olivia's chair was. She was right there and I had no idea why she decided not to be involved with this.

"Your boys will stay here for a few more days. They've been invited to have dinner again at the Presidential residence but this time, it won't be a secret. It's a charity dinner; the one we have every year since Robert was elected a governor. I'm sure your boss knows about it," he took a pause, "The boys will take a few pictures at the entrance and, after that, they won't be bothered again. They won't even have to talk to the press."

"But," Stephanie stuttered as she kept her eyes on who we thought was Olivia giving her the instructions, "The studio wouldn't be pleased to hear about this. Our boys have a busy schedule for this week and this will just get in the way-"

"The decision have been made," James spoke again, "The Secret Service will no longer be involved in their relocation unless things are done as I just told you."

"We are fine with this, Steph," I decided to make a comment just to bring the tone of the conversation to a friendly level.

"I've already emailed you the details regarding the dinner and everything else you need to know," Mathew said. "We will take good care of your guys and any of this will harm their image. I can assure you that."

"Is not about harming their image or not, Mathew," Olivia finally decided to show on the screen. "Hello," she said, obviously affected.

"What the hell?" Louis mumbled and we looked at each other. We were completely lost and confused by the things that were happening. How did she even know his name? I came up with the idea that it was only because Mathew was the one who made our visit happen, as the President said on our first day there.

"Nice to see you decided to give this the importance it requires, Mrs. Pope," James said while a crooked smile showed on his lips.

"They cannot be seen at a public event," she decided to make her point without interacting with anyone. "They have a contract and they are not allowed to endorse any Charity Organization without the studio's approval."

"They will not be endorsing anything." James seemed as if he was actually enjoying the conversation. "They are guests at a dinner, nothing else."

"They are not going to be a part of this reelection campaign," she said firmly.

"They won't talk. They won't be bothered with questions but they will be seen there."

"Olivia," Mathew softened his tone. "The whole world knows about Harry being here already. Why is this such a big deal now?"

"I am not the only person in charge of their activities, Mathew," she tried to soften the conversation as well. "We had an agreement. They were supposed to come back all together right after spending a day at your house."

"Well, that wasn't our fault." He turned to me with a smirk on his face.

"He is right," I shook my head, "I'm the one to blame here."

"The problem here is obviously me," said Louis and I frowned at him because he was definitely not being himself during that day. "Wouldn't it be better if I just stayed away from this? I can stay at Veronica's while Harry goes to that dinner. Manolo here will help me to remain unnoticed and everything will be fine."

"That does sound like a better plan," Manuel nodded at my friend's idea.

"It could work," Olivia sighed. "I am obviously not the one calling the decisions anymore so just let me know what you decide." She dismissed the call. I was too overwhelmed with everything else to even give a second thought to her strange reaction.

"Good," James silently celebrated his victory by stretching his arms in a very obnoxious way. "Mathew, you take care of leaking the story to the press and Manuel will call off the arrangements he made to move Harry to the hotel."

"Is he going to stay here?" asked Veronica as she walked to us with the tea on her hands.

"He is, unless that's a problem for you," her uncle said as he walked to the exit door. "I'm glad we were able to resolve this. I'll be seeing you soon." He left the place without properly saying goodbye to anyone.

"Finally," Veronica mumbled.

Mathew rolled his eyes at her and decided to continue with the previous conversation, "If it is a problem for you to have them here, my apartment downstairs is also available for them."

"It's not a problem at all." She gave me a funny look that I knew exactly what it meant. "What do you say, Harry? Is this okay for you?"

"I am very pleased with this idea," I answered, trying not to let Mathew know the reasons behind my excitement.

"Niall will spend the whole week at my house so I guess we'll have to use your apartment to be more comfortable," she referred to her brother.

"Why is Niall staying here? I didn't know about that."

"He needs help with Spanish and driving to the house every day will be a problem for me so it's better if he stays here until the day of his exam."

"Good then," he shook our hands and kissed his sister on the cheek. It was the first time I saw any kind of affection between them. "I'll see you at dinner tomorrow."

The three of us were finally left alone at the living room. We stayed in silence until we made sure they were gone for good and then we funnily stared at each other. A long and nervous laugh followed right away.

"My plan wasn't as bad as you said it was," she teased Louis.

"We are all going to jail because of this." He stood up to go to his room. "I feel like I just witnessed an execution or something. I need a long shower and a nap."

"Me too," Veronica said. She got closer to me and squeezed my shoulder with one of her hands. "I hope you don't make me regret all this." I turned around to look at her. "I'm trusting you one of the two most important things I have in my life, Harry. Please, don't you ever hurt my baby brother or I'll have to hunt you down," she said, half joking, half serious.

"Thank you," was all I was able to reply.

When I was alone, I took a deep sigh and I walked to the window. I kept my focus on the beautiful view of the city displaying in front of my eyes. I had a few worries invading my mind but all of them disappeared as soon as I heard him call my name.

"Harry?" His small voice echoed inside of my head. "Are you staying then?" he asked with a sweet smile.

"Looks like I am," I smiled back and walked to get closer to him. "And according to what Veronica said, you are staying here with me too," I told him.

"Yes!" he said and we celebrated with a strong and long hug that I enjoyed a lot.

I felt happy to have him between my arms but still I had a very weird feeling inside. I had no idea of what it was yet. I had no idea of what that online meeting meant to all of them. I was completely oblivious to the things that were starting to brew for us.

That silent war that was going to destroy everything on its way. And even if I blame myself sometimes, I know I wouldn't have been capable to stop any of it.

It was something way bigger than us. Just some collateral damage was what my story with Niall meant to that man. But even if I wish it didn't, it took me a very long time to acknowledge that.


[Do you guys like the new cover? I made it myself and I'm kind of proud but be honest about it, please. And also, I beg you, don't forget to leave a comment with your thought regarding the chapter.]

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