Supposed to meet

By linstead53

22.5K 364 59

She's just an ordinary girl with a newborn baby. Her life as always never been fair to her. He's just a det... More

Chapter 1-welcoming the burn
Chapter 2-the little theif
Chapter 3-sorrys never enough
Chapter 4-pampered up
Chapter 5-since when
Chapter 6-cant be the last time
Chapter 7-why did you do that
Chapter 8-gotta learn to trust
Chapter 10-our time being
Chapter 11-trainee in progress
Chapter 12-miserable
Chapter 13-sexual frustration
Chapter 14-power
Chapter 15-at fault
Chapter 16-paying back

Chapter 9-wild thoughts

1K 21 3
By linstead53

(There she was in standing in front of his apartment door debating on raising her hand and knocking. Thoughts consumed her mind of he possibility that once the door opens something is gonna be there to tell her to leave)

(Her mind was consumed with the night they had sex. All she could think about was how good he treated her and how she wanted that all the time)

(His hands pinned hers against the mattress since she was trying to move out of his grasp. She gasped when she felt his lips connect to the part where her neck and shoulder meet, biting it softly)

E<"jay"(she moaned as he kept thrusting forward)

(She shook her head and sighed raising her hand against the door and knocking softly but urgently. As she waited for the door to open and him stand there with his arms wide open for her to hug him. Her lips parted into a lift when she heard the locks on the door being touched and that's when the door opened. But that's also when her smile dropped)

An<"hello, who are you"?(she said holding onto the door and watching Erin carefully)

E<"I'm I have the wrong apartment"? (She knew she didn't. She saw the painted walls but she still asked cause she didn't want the truth)

An<"are you looking for jay or me"?


An<"Jay!(she yelled then turned towards Erin again),hes just in the shower. He had a really rough night last night"

E<"I'll just go, I ah.."

J<"Erin,(he walked to the door in just sweats. His chest still wet, and a towel in his hand), are you"?

E<"I'm..I-I'm fine"(she swallowed hard)

J<"what brings you here"?

E<"I-um,(she looked between jay and the girl that happened to be inside his apartment. A girl she didn't know. She looked at jay and their eyes locked. Her eyes started tearing),I shouldn't have come"

J<"Erin,(he looked at Angela and then turned quick when Erin turned around and ran down the hallway to leave the apartment),ERIN WAIT...(he looked at Angela),what did you say"?(he asked grabbing his zip up sweatshirt and making his way to the door)


(Jay sighed and ran out of his apartment, looking around carefully for Erin. He took the elevator down to the first floor, running out of the space when the doors opened. That's when he spotted her running in the rain towards wherever we she parked her car)

(Jay pulled his hoodie over his head and ran out the main doors and followed the way Erin ran)

J<"ERIN,(he was getting closer),ERIN STOP"!

(Jay took a big leap and grabbed her wrist lightly, turning her around so he can look at her. That's when he saw she was crying)

E<"I shouldn't have come,(she pulled her worst out of his grasp and walked to her car door),I'm sorry"

(Right when she was about to open her car door, jay pressed his hands on both sides of her to prevent the door opening)

J<"Erin talk to me,(he watched as she turned around),why'd you run"?

E<"cause jay, you made your choice. And I was dumb enough to actually believe what you said in the hospital"

J<"Erin what are you talking about"(he asked nicely, wiping a rain drop off her nose)

E<"you already moved on. I knew you wouldn't have waited"(she was about to turn around but jay step closer, causing all the left over space between them to vanish)

J<"who said I moved on"?(their eyes locked)

E<"the girl in your apartment made it really clear"(she looked down)

J<"why did you come here"?

E<"because...(she looked up at him),because I like you a lot and chose to be with you"

J<"why didn't you say that"

E<"because when I saw the girl in your apartment, I knew my chances were already blown and I'm not gonna be the other girl"

(As Erin continued to ramble, jay smiled and started laughing)

E<"what's so funny"?

J<"Erin that's my sister Angela. She came into the city because she's back from college"


J<"that's my sister,(he stepped closer and looked right into her eyes),and no, I didn't move on, I told you I'd wait,(he smiled when she sucked in and breathe and looked down. Jay tilted her head up with his finger gently so she would look at him, loving the way she looked as water poured on them),what made you realize your choice"?

E<"Adam gave me a piece of his mind,(she said quietly),and it got me thinking how stupid I'd be to not want to be with you"(Erin stood on her toes and pressed her lips against Jays waiting for him to kiss her back. She smiled into the kiss when she felt his arm travel around her waist and push her lower body into him while he pinned her against the side of the car. Jays left hand traveled to the side of her face as cupped her cheek, holding her still when he pulled away)

J<"god your amazing"(he mumbled under his breathe then looked at her through his lidded eyes)

E<"I can say the same"

J<"do you wanna come inside"

E<"as much as I would love to, I gotta let kim and Adam get a break of Emma. They were watching her while I came here to do all of what just happened"

J<"you seriously let Adam and Kim watch your daughter while you came here to swallow my face"(he smiled and moved a wet strand of hair away from her face)


J<"alright,(he leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss, and then another before pulling away),go to your daughter. She needs you"

E<"mkay,(she smiled),bye jay"

J<"Erin"(he opened her car door and kissed her hand before helping her in her car and shutting the door, watching as she slowly drove off)

(Erin shut the door to her apartment after she walked Adam and Kim to the door. When she turned around, Emma caught her eye and the little girl was in the bouncing seat, babbling to herself)

E<"what are you sayin little lady,(Erin asked, walking over to her daughter and kneeling down so she was a little bit eye level to her),you still have sauce on your cheeks from din-dins"

(Emma babbled and then squealed when her mom touched her cheek. Her pudgy hands turned into little fists and she smiled, banging her little hands against the tray connected to her bouncing seat, only for her finger to get caught on the clip. Emma pulled her hand away quick and looked at it as her lips started quivering and she looked at her mama then started to cry)

E<"oh it's okay, no need to cry,(she unbuckled Emma from her seat and brought her to her chest as the baby wailed continuously),can mama see your boo-boo?(she asked Emma, and then slowly took her finger out from the fist Emma created and looked at it. Her tiny little pointer finger was a tinge red. Erin leaned forward and kissed her baby's finger, smiling when all Emma did was squeal and smile and her mom nibbles on her fingers),see all better"

(Erin smiled and nibbled on Emma's finger, sending the baby into a laughing fit. Erin was about to walk into the kitchen but the hard, vicious knock on her apartment door, and the yelling outside caught her attention and she made her way to it)

E<"let's see what going o...(the knocking on her door became more precise and that's when she heard all the chaos outside her door. Erin unlocked it and immediately opened it and saw her neighbors face, covered in fear),Lisa hi what's up"?(she asked, watching as people from every room left with important belongings)

L<"we all need to get out of here"

E<"why what's going on"?(she asked, her hold on her daughter tightening)

L<"there's two bombs in the building and it's evacuating. Bomb squad is on their way"

E<"how did i not hear about this"?(she asked hurrying into her apartment, and grabbing her purse with her keys, and wallet. She then made her way into her bedroom and collected all important things such as her cash stash and her phone)

L<"Erin hurry we don't wanna take the chance of being in here god forbid it goes off"

E<"it's not going to,(she put her phone on and dialed Hanks number),I'm calling my boss and seeing what's going on"(she waited patiently for him to answer while he was on speaker as she got Emma's coat on and shoes)

V<"hello, Erin are you okay"?

E<"hey, we are evacuating my building. There are two bombs inside"

V<"I know, I'm gathering the squad up and heading to your location now...Erin get out fast"

E<"I know,(she picked up Emma and sighed),alright I'll see you soo..."

(Without warning, to loud noises went off and all she felt was her hold on Emma tighten, her body hitting a hard surface, and debris flying through the air as her body hit another surface again)

(Two minutes after the two bombs went off, the police department arrived at the scene and all cars were put into park. Hank jumped out of the truck and ran over to chief boden, waiting for him to stop giving orders to the fire fighters)

V<"boden,(he turned around and looked at hank),what's going on, any news"

C.b<"bombs just went off sergeant, everyone who is out is gathered behind our trucks"

V<"any sign of Erin and Emma"?

C.b<"um, let me ask Casey,(he turned around and walked towards Casey asking him if he saw Erin and her child, only to turn towards hand and sigh),she isn't out here. The person behind the desk in the building gave Casey and list of everyone's names who lived there and there are at least twenty people who are still aren't out or aren't checked off,(he looked at hanks face),Erin is one of them hank"

V<"shit,(he sighed, running a hand over his mouth),I need to get in there"

C.b<"voight I'm not gonna have a police officer getting injured when my fire fighters do that job of going in there. We will find her you just need to stay put"

V<"please let me know if you find her and Emma"!

C.b<"we will, Severides going in now"

(Hank nodded and walked off towards the team who was holding back family members of the people who were in the building)

(Her heat was pounding and her heart was beating rapidly. Is she okay, she needs to get out and take her to the hospital. She doesn't care if she has broken bones she needs to make sure she's okay. Erin's main thoughts running through her mind were her daughter, who happened to be crying in her arms as they walked out of the door frame. Erin's phone cracked but her flashlight still worked)

E<"Lisa,(she called out, her voice hoarse from all the dust she breathed in),Lisa it's Erin if you can hear me,(she coughed),call out...Lisa please call o.."(since she was looking around she didn't notice anything in the floor, and the moment she stepped forward she felt the point of something sharp dig right through her foot causing her to gasp and leap, almost dropping Emma through a whole in the floor. She fixed herself up straight and sucked in a breathe as she fought the tears the threatened to spill out. Emma was still crying but Erin couldn't cry cause she needed to be strong for her daughter. So as she stepped away from the wall with a shaky breathe and then walked in her heel after looking down at all the blood coming from her foot, she knew deep down that she didn't care what happened to her, her daughter just needed to be safe)

(There was a light very dim, and foggy all the wall towards the far end of the building hat Erin was even surprised she can see very little. Her hearing was still off but she just whipped away the tears from her eyes and walked near the noise)


(Erin kept walking, feeling the wetness of her foot and the throbbing pain)


E<"wa...(she whimpered),h.hE, HELP.. I NEED HELP"!


E<"HELP"!(her arm circled around Emma's waist and she rested her head against her chest as her pace quickened while she limped)

(As she got closer to whoever was calling for her, she started to see the familiar silhouette)

E<"Kelly,(she got closer),Kelly is that you"?

Se<"hey, I'm here,(the light in his helmet shiny down like a normal light),are you okay"?

E<"I..I think,(she sniffled and coughed),I think there's a nail in my hurts"

Se<"okay, and what about Emma,(he looked as the baby had dried up damp dust on her face and her lip quivered in the dark),let me take her"

E<"please be careful"

Se<"I will,(he slowly took Emma out of Erin's grasp and held her tightly against his chest as Kelly's other arm wrapped around Erin's waist and guided her through the tarnished building that was once her home),were almost there"

E<"I..I can't walk,(she whimpered),it hurts"

Se<"we are almost there, do you think you can make it till we get outside"?

E<"I think"(Erin's hold on Kelly's waist tightened as they stepped over a big metal beam, that blocked the door way to get out of the building)

Se<"okay take Emma real quick,(he handed her Emma and then stepped out into the sun and started yelling),I HAVE THEM....I NEED BACK UP,(he turned towards Erin and looked her dead in the eyes),okay, hand me Emma really carefully, we need to do this quick cause the debri is falling from the top and that isn't a good sign"

E<"is it gonna fall"?(she asked as she stepped on her toes to relieve pain on her foot)

Se<"not if we make this quick"

Ca<"hey's Casey. Hand him Emma so he can give her to me while he gets you out. We have to be slow and careful"

E<"O-okay,(she turned Emma and gave her a kiss on the cheek),I love you baby"(she smiled and carefully handed Emma to Severide, blocking's her head so she didn't hit it on the beam)

Se<"okay Erin Casey has Emma, I need you to take a step out of the beam on your right foot and bent forward, when you do that I can just slip you through and your out"

E<"okay,(she stepped forward and took a deep breathe when she felt her bloody foot lift off the ground. She bent forward and kept her head low like kelly said, letting him grab her by her waist and lift her out and onto the ground),oh thank god"

V<"Erin!(hank and the team came running up to her and Emma after she grabbed her and stopped once they got to her),are you okay"?

Se<"she's got something in her foot and it needs to get out or it will cause an infection"

E<"please have them check Emma. Make sure she's okay and isn't gonna get sick"

C<"we got it"(he slowly took Emma out of her hold and held the crying baby tightly as he walked over to gabby and Brett to let them check her out)

Se<"okay Erin, I'm gonna lift you and carry you to the back of the ambulance okay"?

E<"mhm,(Erin's eyes locked with his while Kelly picked her up and carried her. Jays eyes full of worry and fear that she wasn't okay really showed and all she wanted to do was hug him. She felt herself being set down and attention was all on her),what are you doing"?

Se<"I'm gonna use something to get the nail out. The nail is wedged in-between the thick skin of your heel. I'm gonna get it out fast before the rust starts an infection. It's gonna hurt when it gets pulled out but it will be over fast okay"?

E<"mhm,(she bit her lip and watched as Kelly got pliers ready and gauge to take in the blood),can I hold someone's hand"?

J<"here,(he stepped forward fast and laid his hand on her leg while she grabbed his other one),I'm so happy your okay"(he whispered)

E<"me too"(she smiled, running her thumb over his knuckles)

Se<"okay Erin, your gonna feel an unsettling feeling in your foot, it's gonna hurt but it will be over really quick"


J<"just squeeze my hand"

(Erin bit her lip hard when she felt the pulling in her foot and gasped when it got pulled out, her hand sweating as it held tight to Jays)

(Erin wandered around with a gauge around her foot, looking at how the building that was her home and her child's home, was damaged, and put to the ground. She faced forward and watched as the powerful hoses were putting out fires that were still standing tall, totally oblivious to the person who stood beside her holding her child)

E<"where are we gonna live now"?(her voice full of sadness)

J<"I have a spare bedroom. You and this little nugget can stay at my place until you figure something out or unless you like the roommate thing"(he turned his head and looked at her)

E<"I can't ask for that,(she held her arms open for Emma, smiling when she saw her knocked out against Jays huge bicep),that's too much on you"

J<"but I'm offering. And hank needs to leave town for a couple weeks, so I'm sure he would offer you his home but I don't want you alone"


J<"Erin please,(he looked at her),that's all I ask. Just take the spare bedroom for as long as you need. I'm not gonna charge you whatsoever. I just want you safe and under a roof where I know you and her won't get hurt"

(Erin contemplated it for a quick second before sighing)

E<"are you sure"?

J<"one hundred percent"

E<"okay,(she looked down and then up at jay),when we get to your place, would you might if I shower her and myself"?

J<"not at all, you gotta do what you gotta do"

E<"I just don't know what I'm gonna do. I have no clothes, and Emma has no clothes or any of her toys anymore"

J<"Erin,(he bounced the baby lightly),I will deal with it, you just worry about her, and your foot healing"

E<"okay,(she sighed and looked around before looking up at jay),should we get going"?

J<"yea I don't want you standing up on that foot for too long,(he fixed the sleeping Emma),let me get her settled in the car then I'll help you out"

E<"it's fine,(she was about to walk but jay stop her),j.."

J<"stay right there,(he walked away to his car and put Emma in, securing her in the seat as best as he can since he didn't have a car seat. After he shut the door, he made his way back to erin who was staring at the building),you ready"?

E<"mhm,(she looked down and then turned her head before looking up at jay),what am I supposed to do jay"?(she asked, her voice cracking)

J<"Er,(he stepped forward),you have a whole family behind you and all together we are gonna figure this out okay?(he placed his hands on her shoulder as she sniffled),you are so not alone in this"

E<"c-can we just go, I just wanna shower and go to bed"

J<"of course, come on,(jay grabbed her hand and directed her slowly to the car, helping her once they got there. Jay updated hank on everything since he had to leave the scene and told him that Erin will be staying with him along with Emma for as long as needed),alrighty let's hit the road"

(Jay got in the drivers seat and started up the car, totally oblivious to Erin looking at him with a genuine look on his face)

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