Girls and Red lipstick

By hope_fieldman

45.8K 1K 212

Toni's the new girl. Cheryl's the favourite student. They are complete opposites. Their worlds collide as the... More

Moods and cigarettes
a bitch and an emo
sunshine and new friends
ice cream and fucked up families
parties and heart eyes
bars and bridges
jealously and love
mistakes and arguments
make ups and quitting
besties and tattoos
goodbye for now
new friends and long distance
Shes back
sex and emptyness
coffee and awkwardness
first dates and surprises
the second first time
a new home
little talks
miss you
the big day

sleepovers and goodbyes

2.1K 53 12
By hope_fieldman

"okay okay so tell me how this all started" Toni asked sitting on Heathers bed holding a cushion. "erm, i don't even really know" Heather replied trying to think about the first time her and Cheryl spoke. "oh yeah okay so it was like the first week of high school and i was in the bathroom fixing my make up before school started when she walked in. I'd been through middle school with her but we had never really had a conversation. I remember thinking to myself 'God when did she get so hot.' I decided that i wanted to talk to her but i didn't know what to say. I thought for what seemed like forever and then suddenly blurred out 'have a great day!' She looked at me kind of confused but then smiled and thanked me. It was weird because i'd never seen her be nice to anyone before. And then from that day on every time i saw her i smiled at her and she smiled back. Somehow she got my phone number and we started texting. One day she asked me if i would go to her house and help her with her science project. I got there and no one else was home and then we-well all i'm gonna day is we didn't do much science"'Heather said smirking. Toni laughed and playfully threw a pillow at her.

They continued talking about the whole Heather and Cheryl situation for pretty much the whole night. "So your telling me that after a year of booty calls and late night hookups you have no feelings for her whatsoever?" Toni asked struggling to believe if that was actually possible. "Well obviously i care about her but she's too scared to come out so it's easier if we just keep things simple" She replied not really answering Toni's question. "dude sex is not simple" Toni replied speaking from experience. "you know she hates me right?" Toni continued.

H: "i don't think she hates you she just struggles to make friends and she doesn't believe that people might genuinely wanna talk to her. Her whole life everything anyone's ever said to her has always been so they could get something from her. I think that's why we get on so well because i actually listen to her"

T: "yeah i guess. But seriously she does hate me. Cheryl and I have crossed paths many times and it's never ended well"

H: "Don't worry she'll come round. She always does. She hated Veronica when she first got here, and look at them now"

Toni nodded and smiled as she grabbed her jacket and pulled out her cigarettes box. She walked over to the door and ushered Heather to come with her because she didn't wanna go outside by herself. She sat down on the porch and got her lighter out. Toni offered one to Heather but she refused shaking her head. "You should really quit you know?" Heather said caringly. "Yeah i know, i just like how it makes me feel" she replied. The girls sat on the porch for a while looking up at the stars and talking about life. Toni was really thankful to have a friend like Heather.


"can you not just stay here? you can live with me" Cheryl pleaded holding on the Heathers hands tightly. "Cher, you know i can't. I have to be with my family and besides, people would start questioning things and you know your not ready for that!" she replied looking into her eyes. Cheryls eyes started to fill with tears. "Your dads a teacher why can't he just get a job at riverdale high" she said searching for whatever reason she could to try and make heather stay. "it's not that easy. My dads been looking for a job for so long and he's so happy that he's found one" Heather said sitting down on Cheryl's bed. "but england is so far away" she said as she sat down beside her. "I know" Heather said wiping away a tear from Cheryl's cheek. "It's been good getting to know you and being with you" Heather said hugging her tightly. They parted hug and Cheryl softly kissed Heather. "I'm gonna miss you so much" She whispered. "You know Cher-" Heather started as she softly tucked a piece of Cheryl's hair behind her ear, "i want you to know that you are such a beautiful person. Your so good and you don't have to pretend to be a bitch for people to like you. I've seen you, the real you and the real Cheryl is amazing. Don't hide who you really are for other people. Whatever happens, remember the times we've spent together. Remember the deep talks we had under the stars and the goofy times we shared together. I know that there is someone out there for you. Someone who will love every single part of you."

Tears fell from Cheryl's eyes as she smiled at Heather. She didn't wanna say goodbye but she knew that she had to. "okay enough crying now" Heather said wiping her own eyes and her a Cheryl laughed a little. Heather kissed her passionately one last time before standing up and walking towards the door. She stopped at the door and turned to look at Cheryl. "Go conquer the world Bombshell" she said to which they both smiled. "Bye" Cheryl said softly smiling at her. "See you someday" Heather replied walking out of the room and then out of Cheryl's house.

Toni, Sweetpea and Fangs helped Heather and her family load their car. The boys put the last bags in whilst the girls stood and said there goodbyes. "oh my god is that a tear" Heather said pointing at Toni who was definitely crying. "No i just have hayfever" she said blushing obviously embarrassed. Toni was not a cryer. She never cried at anything unless she was really sad. "Come here silly" Heather said hugging Toni tightly. "Thank you for being my first best friend" Toni whispered to her as they hugged. "Thank you" Heather replied as she broke the hug and stood holding Toni's hands. "God i'm gonna miss the place" She said as she hugged the boys too. They all stood saying goodbye for a while and then Heathers dad decided they needed to go. Her dad and her little brother climbed into the car as Heather said her goodbyes one last time. "T, do me a favour-" Heather started before being interrupted my Toni. "i'll keep an eye on her don't worry" She said smiling. "Thank you!" she mouthed as she climbed into the car. She looked at her friends with tears in her eyes as her dad started the engine.

Toni felt really sad. Heather was her best friend and she was leaving and she kind of felt alone again. She had sweetpea and Fangs but it was different. They all waved as the car drove off, watching it as they drive out of the trailer park and down the street.


Toni walked into the girls bathroom and grabbed her lipstick out of her back. As she fixed her make up, she heard a sniffling sound coming from one of the stalls. She never straight away that it was Cheryl. Toni lightly tapped the stall door, "Are you okay?" she said softly. "Go away" Cheryl replied sternly. "Look Cheryl you can talk to me. I miss her too" Toni said kindly. It had been about a week since Heather had left. Her and Toni had talking a lot on the phone but she missed seeing her.

Toni heard the lock of the stall door open and Cheryl barged out. She wrapped her arms around Toni and cried. Toni hesitantly hugged Cheryl back. She felt very awkward and she was kind shocked but she wanted to do the right thing and comfort her.

"I'm sorry" Cheryl said softly breaking the hug and stepping back. "you don't have to apologise" Toni replied rather shyly. "I get how your feeling. I miss her too. She was a great friend to me and i know that she wouldn't what me or you to be sad about her leaving" Toni said trying to comfort Cheryl who replied with a nod. Toni took Cheryl's phone out of her hand gently and put her phone number into the contacts. "Look i know we aren't friends. If someone told me two weeks ago that i would be stood here trying to comfort Cheryl Blossom i would have told them they were crazy. But here we are. If you ever feel lonely or sad or like you've got no one to talk to call me. I know what's it's like to feel like that and i don't want you to have to feel like that if you don't have to. We could go to pops or get coffee or something. Maybe we can try and be friends, for Heathers sake. She'd want that"

Toni's kind words made Cheryl smile and stop crying. Cheryl felt bad for all the horrible things she'd said to Toni. "yeah i'd like that. Sorry for being so mean to you by the way" She said looking away finding it hard to apologise and admit she was wrong. "We both said things we didn't mean" Toni said and Cheryl agreed. Cheryl picked up her bag and quickly fixed her make up in the mirror. She turned and smiled at Toni before walking towards the door. "Thank you, really" she said before leaving.

Toni smiled. She felt that she'd done the right thing and she hoped that her and Cheryl could really be friends.

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