The Billionairess

By Rainbowdaze

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Toni, an heiress of a multi billion real estate corporation, is on the verge of being replaced as future CEO... More

Awkward Hellos
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chaper Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Thank You!
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Ten

77 0 0
By Rainbowdaze

The water dripped down my face, the steam warming my face. A hot shower always felt amazing, especially after a long day of work. My mind went back to the same thing it had been going back to for days, the awkward encounter at the coffee shop. What the hell was wrong with Tyson? Is he really a nimbskull? As brain dead as I actually thought?

And I noticed that Nick was the slightest bit bitter towards him...jealously maybe?

No. No, that—that can't be.

There was no way he was jealous, he didn't seem like that type of person. Then again, I still didn't know much about him. Nevertheless, I knew what I saw. And the fact that it possibly might be jealously conflicted me even more. Every time I was around him, I felt good, peaceful, away from the drama that was my life. But at the same time it felt like I wanted to shield him from the other side of me, the business mind, cunning tactics, and immoral decisions; the part that his humble self might not like. Instead of working in his calling field, he's cleaning counters to stay next to his mother—for a reason I didn't know. I didn't want him to think less of me, I really didn't, and that's why I never made a move.

And the whole modern day arranged marriage thing.

The faintest of a melody played outside the bathroom door, the sound cutting through the bathroom that was incredibly silent. My ear focused at the tune, recognizing that it was my phone ringing.

I groaned in annoyance, who could that possibly be?

Oh I don't know...your clients, associates, business partners, PA, secretary, family, friends—oh wait, you don't have any. The list is endless you dumbass.

The corners of my lips turned up into a smile as my mind roasted myself. With a sigh, I ended my shower early, wrapping myself in a warm towel, walking to the bed, and picking up my phone.


I went into recents and clicked her name. She picked up in a second.

"Hello?" I heard my mom's slight Indian-British accent sound eerily chirpier today.

"You know you don't have to say that, you can already see my name pop up."

My mother laughed, "Formalities darling, formalities. Anyways, I need to tell you something urgent."

I padded over to the large closet, opening it up and pulling out a pair of pjs. "Can it wait until tomorrow? I was just about to watch a movie."

"Oh stop it with your movies. I was going to tell you before but I kept forgetting. There's this benefit for a new exhibition at the museum and I need you to go to it."

I dropped the clothes on the bed. Putting her on speaker, I went into the calendar app and checked for the times I was available. "When is it? I have this project in the Upper East Side so I'm going to be on site a lot. And tell me the exact time, not the one-hour-Indian-late time."

"Rani, it was one time. And why do you have to stereotype me?" Rani was the nickname that my mother gave me when I was born which meant Queen in Hindi.

"Mom, you do this all the time. This isn't a stereotype anymore, it's your reality."

I heard her sigh dramatically. "You're my daughter, you're supposed to be nice to me."

"Just tell me."

"Oh—don't be mad—it' Now. Like at eight. I already sent the stylist your way."

I blinked at my schedule. "Wait what?! Mom! Seriously? You couldn't tell me before?"

"I told you I forgot. So can you make it or not?"

I groaned. I didn't have anything tonight but it was already seven which meant no movie. "Why do I even have to go? Can't you go?"

"I'm going too, but since the organizer is someone we want to do business with in the future I think it's best if she meets the future CEO of our company. Just to strengthen the connection."

I rolled my eyes muttering, "You mean possible CEO, that is, if I'm not married or whatever."

She paused, "It's for your own good Toni.

"I'm sorry—what?"

"Rani, I am not having this conversation right now. Go get dressed. Milah will be coming in a few minutes." She ended the call without even saying a goodbye. I dropped onto the bed with a pout. I didn't want to go to the benefit. I didn't want to at all.

The phone rang again. Glancing at the screen I let out an exasperated sigh, clicking the big green button. "What?"

"Josiah is also coming with Milah, he's your escort."

"Wait what?!" I half shouted, sitting up in surprise. Ignoring me, she hung up.

Did she just choose my date for this stupid benefit?

This was unbelievable. She wasn't just choosing my marriage life, but she was choosing my dating life too?

Don't get me wrong, Josiah was a really good guy but the fact that she chose herself was so invigorating. If she asked, I probably would've said yes. And was Milah really necessary? I could handle my own makeup and hair, I bet it wasn't even that important of a benefit.

My fingers automatically dialed Li's number and I waited for her to answer. Hopefully she'll have something for me to do so I could get out of this, but unfortunately, she didn't pick up.

With a long groan, I made my way to the closet and looked for a gown to wear. The benefits my mom went to were mostly black tie so I would assume this one was too. Picking out a burgundy fitted gown with off the shoulder straps and a laced top, I laid it on my bed, turning back to find matching heels.

After finding them as well as a clutch, I wore the first gold earrings and necklace I could find and made my way downstairs, earning quite a few glances along the way. Even though this was a high end hotel, people here weren't stereotypical rich people, they were humble in what they wore and how they acted, just had expensive tastes—for the most part.

Standing in the lobby, a ding sounded from my clutch and I retrieved it, reading the message that popped up. It was from Kaden.

Are you coming to the benefit?

My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. Yes, why?

Elijah will be there.

My breath caught in my throat. My fingers shakily typed the four letter word, okay.

I eyed a maroon leather couch in the seating area and gratefully took it. It took a few seconds to let that get past me. Of course he would be there. He liked coal, my parents liked mining.

And how did he know? Kayla must have told him. Ugh, I thought I could trust her.

With a shake of the head, a random thought passed my mind and I opened Instagram for the first time in a few days.

I had currently one post and that was basically just a selfie of me in my house. And somehow I had two millions followers now. I clicked on my picture and scrolled through the comments. There were way more good comments than bad ones, practically drowning them out, much to my surprise. A smile lit up my face as I read one.

@Toni_Rashid Don't listen to these stupid ass bigots, those who matter support and welcome you to social media ;)

Thank you. I silently told the person.

The front doors of the hotel opened and in stepped a frantic looking Milah and a total opposite looking Josiah. Milah was young but she was a goddess at hair and makeup. Never have I seen anyone that matched her talent. Today she was wearing an emerald skirt and white blouse, her blonde hair swept up into a high ponytail.

Josiah wore a black suit and light grey undershirt. His black hair turned up and his dark eyes swept the area, finally landing them on me. He smiled, walking over with Milah in tow.

I gave them a smile and stood up from my seat.

"I hope you aren't too startled," he began. "I assumed you already knew or otherwise I would've called you."

I waved it off, "It's alright my mom is super last minute anyway."

"It's nice to see you again." He lent in, pecking my cheek formally.

"You as well." I did the same back. As we pulled apart, I bit my inner cheek.

"Toni!" Milah exclaimed, giving me a big hug. I chuckled and hugged her. "What's on your face? Whiteheads? Oh God no, are you doing the skin routine I told you about."

I shook my head sheepishly, earning a threatening glare. "I never got around to it."

She gasped at me, "Do you know how many people see your face? Speaking of which we need to do your makeup."

I rolled my eyes as Josiah chuckled, "Honestly I'm fine, Milah. Going o-natural today."

"Fine, but we do it on my terms," she stated, grabbing my hand and leading me to the bathroom. I turned and gave Josiah an apologetic smile. He winked back.

As we went turned into the hallway, a familiar face popped out from one of the break rooms. My breath caught in my throat as I paused my walking. Milah went ahead into the bathroom that was only a few doors away. "Hey," I said softly. I didn't want him to think I was ignoring him or anything.

"Hi," he replied curtly. I watched nervously at his beautiful eyes as he took recognition of my outfit and then turned to the lobby where Josiah was standing with his hands in his pockets, completely oblivious to the encounter I was having.

"Have fun on your date," he murmured silently, walking right past me.

I froze in my spot. What just happened?

"Toni!" My head snapped up to Milah's voice. "The benefit starts in a half hour."

Ignoring her, I went after him. "Nick, wait—," I stopped him as he was walking down the hall.

"What?" Sounding exasperated, he turned around to face me. I could see that he was hurt and I badly wanted to ask why. But if I did, would there be no going back? There were too many factors involved to even consider pursuing anything further than what we had right now. But my heart wanted him so badly. And it was at this very moment that I actually acknowledged it.

But as these thoughts ran through my head, my lips pressed into a thin line. The words wouldn't form in my mouth.

He sighed, "I should go."

As he was turning, I stopped him by grabbing his arm. "Before you um, go, I have a question for you: are you upset with me?" He cocked his head in confusion. "Did I—did I do something wrong?"

"No! No, I just, I just need time to think."

"About what?" I played that question very innocently but the truth was, I wanted to see if he felt what I felt too.

"About us." He studied me very carefully, as if he was waiting for a reaction. I glanced at the wall next to us. What do I say?

"Toni," his voice seemed closer when he said my name and I looked up to see that he indeed was standing quite close to me. "There's a lot going on in my head, that's all."

"Okay," I said in barely a whisper. For some reason I felt like I needed to add this, "I'm not going on a date...just wanted to let you know."

The corners of his mouth turned up into the cutest, most adorable smile I'd seen from him. "Well you look beautiful."

I found myself imitating his action. "Thank you."

With another rare smile, he went off down the hallway. My gaze traveled to Milah who was staring at me in confusion and surprise.

Benefit here I come.

A/N Ayyyyyyyyy. Nicky boy getting some feely feels from love-struck Toniiiii.

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