A Good King - A Joffrey Barat...

By Lukaayboi

233K 6.4K 511

I never really believed in life after death. Well, that was until I woke up staring at Cersei Lannister and s... More

A Good King - A Joffrey Baratheon SI
Baby Joffrey's Plans
A Small Council Meeting
Goodbye 'Father'
A Warg Falls
A Bastard No More
The Hand's Tourney
A Song of Plots and Death
Long Live the King
Sewers and Spiders
Taxes and Lions
The Regrets of A King
Only Theoretically, Of Course
The Aftermath
A Royal Inquest
Camping With Lions
Lords Assembled
I Choose Death
A Raiding Party
Help and Support
A Request for Help
The Late Lord Frey
A Single Rose
A Small Council Reunited
Whores, Knights, and Lord Protectors


7.3K 185 19
By Lukaayboi

"Get me those ledgers by tomorrow." I said sharply as I left the house, slamming the door. Regret ran through me as I stalked down the streets. I couldn't believe what had just happened. What had I done? How could I betray Sansa like that? That was not how a King should act! I sighed as I considered my options, of which there were two: I could tell Sansa, or I could keep it a secret.

It was as I re-entered the Red Keep's walls and escaped the cheering crowds (safely held back by the group of Kingsguard that had escorted me into the city) that I made up my decision. I would tell Sansa. She deserved to know. And she'd probably find out eventually anyway, spies are everywhere in this city. It might even enlighten her to the truth about King's Landing, I thought. Let's just hope she doesn't hate me...

Time Skip

I stared solemnly at the door that Sansa had just ran out. After I had told her what had happened she had stared at me silently before running out of my chambers. Now it was my turn to be silent, my betrothed gone, and I knew not whether she would return.

Time Skip

I had busied myself with reading reports and other duties I had to do after Sansa had fled. And it was while doing this in my office that she returned.

"Why did you go?" She asked, wiping away her tears.

I sighed before telling her, "Petyr Baelish has committed treason. He has been embezzling Crown funds and plunging the Crown into further and further debt. I needed access to his private ledgers, he is arrogant and it is my understanding that he may not have edited the numbers in them. I couldn't storm the place in case he has, so I went to Alis; in hopes that she could get them for me, silently."

"You went to a whore." She said, more of a statement than a question.

"I admit I had used her services in the past. But I ended our - arrangement when we became betrothed however I knew that she still was in contact with some of Baelish's whores and I hoped she could use them to retrieve the ledgers."

"I am not happy." She said, stating the obvious. "But I am to be your wife, it is not my place to question your actions." I went to interrupt but she ignored me. "I will ask however, that from now on you include me in your plans, I am to be Queen, your Queen. And while I cannot stop you. I ask that you do not sleep with another woman again."

"Of course my Lady."

Time Skip

The next day after I sat at my desk there was a knock at the door and a young maid that I had never seen before entered. "Yes?" I asked.

"For you, Your Grace." She said as she placed a large tome on my desk.

"Thank you" I said with a large shark-grin on my face.

After she left I opened the ledger to see Baelish's writing and numbers written across the page. The whole book was filled with numbers, left to right. Baelish likely thought no one would be able to understand the things, luckily for me I did economics at school and I can clearly see one thing: these numbers do not add up.

I picked up the ledger and walked to the door. After telling one of the servants who was walking past to call the people to the platform outside the keep I started heading to the platform. This was going to be fun!

As I walked onto the platform a large cheer was my welcome from the people. I smiled and I started with my pre prepared speech. I was always one for drama.

"My people I apologise for the lack of warning I gave in calling you here, however somethings have come to my attention that could not wait I'm sure you have things to do so I will get straight to the point. I was unconvinced by the explanation given by Grand Maester Pycelle concerning the death of Jon Arryn, specifically that he died from a fever." Here Pycelle intervened.

"Your Grace I assure you, I carried out a full examination!" He blustered from where he was standing behind me.

"I am sure you did Grand Maester, of course you had no reason to suspect it could be anything else. Jon Arryn was a popular man after all. However he was, before his illness, a healthy man for his age, and so I felt it unlikely that a fever burned through him so easily. This led me to consider the possibility of poison. And after some research I discovered a poison so hard to detect that I doubt you even thought of it Grand Maester: the Tears of Lys."

The people murmured and some gasped, clearly they were surprised by the revelation.

"It could be possible, Your Grace, but why would anyone want to poison Lord Arryn?" Pycelle asked.

"A fair question Grand Maester and I admit for a while this stumped me." I am such a great liar. "However, I had a list of suspects: various Lords who would benefit from the death of the late Lord Hand. With the help of Lord Varys I eliminated people from the list until only one person remained." At this point I glanced slyly to my left. I saw Lord Baelish looking slightly nervous; he was sweating acutely and was glancing around as if looking for an escape route.

"The evidence against this man is great. He engaged in an affair with Lord Arryn's wife in fact my Master of Whispers has evidence that the supposed heir to the Vale is not Jon Arryn's son at all but instead a bastard between this man and Lysa Arryn. Letters have been found that show that Lysa Arryn and this man plotted to poison Jon Arryn so that they could elope. Regardless I believe that the love was only one sided. I believe that this man was only manipulating Lysa Arryn so he could consolidate power and continue to commit treason until he could get to the person he truly loved, not Lysa Arryn but her sister Catelyn Stark!"

There was an uproar from the court, with shouts of "Murderer!" and "Adulterer!" I glanced over and Baelish looked ready to runaway. Lord Stark looked pale, it looked as if he had connected the dots.

I raised my hand to quieten them. "And how did he do this? He did it by using his position to steal money from the Crown, making himself richer in a the process!"

The shouts became "Thief!"

"The person who murdered Jon Arryn, was none other than the Master of Coin Petyr Baelish!"

He tried to run but Ser Barristan leapt over and tackled him to the ground. The crowd became more boisterous yelling "Thief, Adulterer, Murderer."

"Ser Barristan, lead him to the block!"

The crowd yelled out, seemingly in jubilation.

After he had been pushed down I asked him, "Any last words Lord Baelish?"

He turned his head to try and address the people better. "You people call me an adulterer? You should say that to your King!"

The blood rushed from my face. No, oh god!

"He is due to marry Lord Stark's daughter, she is to be your Queen, and he is off fucking whores!"

"So before you judge me, judge the man who is about to kill me!"

The crowd was silent. You could hear a pin drop.

I unsheathed my sword and raised it above my head, then I swung it down hard, slicing his head from the rest of his body.

The crowd cheered, but I saw the glances they gave me.

I could feel the stares of the lords of the small council.

And I could see the ice cold glare of a very angry father.

For fuck sake.

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