Bloody moon/ Yoongi FF

By kOokiewithSpRite

52.1K 1.4K 1K

"Nerd" Jungkook said "They look ugly as always," Namjoon said I looked at the girls we didn't care and conti... More



972 27 32
By kOokiewithSpRite

( A/N= media is a FUCKING amazing fanart of BLACKPINK )

~Luna P.O.V.~
Today is the day. It's four days after I and Jennie decided to become friends.

Today we are saving Lisa. We were already in front of their house but we made sure that they couldn't see us. The only problem is that we are not completely sure if Lisa is in Black Skull's main house since Jennie said that they would guess that we would hack into the message they sent us and try to trap us. But we are just going to ignore that fact because I'm too lazy to make another plan.
"Ready," Jennie said from inside the car. She was the driver who will drive us out of here as soon as we come back, with Lisa.

Let me walk you through our plan.

The Black Skull house has a basement in which they hold the prisoners: Lisa. We are guessing that they have at least twenty guards on duty in the basement right now. The employee room is on their first floor, if we can lock all of the guards in their rooms before they realise there is an attack then we will have fewer people to deal with and possibly kill.

-Yeri and Jin will be inside the car.
-Yeri and Jin will hack into Black skull's security system and warn us about if any guards are coming our way or anything else we should be aware of.
-Jennie will drive the car.
-All BTS (except Jin) and Bloody Moon (except Yeri and Jennie) members except Jennie will go inside.
-Bloody Moon will go to the basement.
-BTS will lock the employees inside their rooms.
-After BTS is done locking the doors they will come to the basement and help Bloody Moon.
-We will rescue Lisa.
-We will run outside in which Jennie will be waiting for us.
-Jennie will quickly drive away.

"Alright, guys," I said. Everyone looked at me and nodded. They looked pretty confident in themselves. We all had a hearing device to communicate. We run to the house who may I add was a LOT bigger than ours. Yoongi punched the guards at the gate, making them unconscious. WoW The tricks I taught him are finally working. Bloody Moon quickly went downstairs. There were fewer guards than we had expected. So it was a lot easier to beat them up. Rose took care of three guards, Jihyo killed one and made three faint while I ran to where the cells were. I knew where the cells were because of Jennie who made us memorise all of the routes.

~Lisa P.O.V.~
It's been a few years... Maybe two or three. To be honest I don't really care. It came into a point where I don't even want to be rescued anymore. I gave up on so many things while I was in the Black Skull house. I gave up on my health, I gave up on running away, I gave up on the things I enjoyed when I was outside, I gave up on love... Love... its a powerful word but it seems like people are using it too often to express their feeling even though they don't actually feel love, they feel a temporary attraction towards someone or when they like someone. Liking a person and loving a person is completely different. Lov-
Who's image comes to my mind when I hear the word love? Jennie...

She is the person I love and I feel guilty about it. Technically I'm not dead and technically I am still Luna's girlfriend. I feel guilty that I left her that day when Black Skull forced me to go to their school, seeing her cry because of me, seeing her throw the gun to the floor and missing out the opportunity to kill Black Skull's leader was so hard. I like her but I LOVE someone else. The last thing I want is to see Luna get hurt. That's why I don't want to get rescued, that's why I don't want to see Luna's face, because of guilt-

"LISA!" I heard a loud scream from someone really close to home. I stood up and walked towards the bars of my cell. "shit" I could only say. I guess I have to play like I'm happy..?
"Luna..!" I said. I couldn't hold my tears. Just look at her face was enough to make me cry.
"Don't cry. Okay?! I will save you. We came to save you. I'm here, don't cry." Luna said and started to cry as well. She extended her arm through the bars and rubbed my cheek. "Step back," Luna said so I did. She planted a small bomb and exploded it which broke the door of the cell. She quickly ran inside the cell and gave me a huge hug. "Let's get out of this shitty place." I nodded slowly. She held my hand and started making me run. She said for others to go back to the car through her hearing device. We quickly ran outside, I was surprised at how much she knew this building. I didn't even knew where the exit was. We quickly ran inside the car and the car started moving. I looked around me and saw all of the Bloody Moon members except Tzuyu.

"LISA!" Yeri shouted and hugged.
"I missed you so much!" Jihyo shouted and bursted into tears.
"I- I miss you guys as well." I said. For some reason I felt like a stranger. As if I betrayed them.
"So you are Lisa?" A guy with dimples said.
"Yes, and you are-" I was about to say his name but he cut me off.
"Oh, sorry. I am Kim Namjoon. Leader of th-" He said but I cut him.
"Leader of the gang BTS. I know you guys. You are pretty popular in the Black Skull. They were talking about how BTS and Bloody Moon united together." I said
"Yes, we did." A guy from BTS said. He looked really impressed. "But only to save you. Since this mission is a success, we will be back to normal now. We were just backups for support. BTS and-" He said But I cut him, again.
"Woah, someone else came to support this mission?! What about Tzuyu? Why is she not here? Is she okay?" I asked
"She is in coma after an attack of Black Skull." Rose answered.
"Oh my God, no. Why?! Do you think she will wake up soon..? What does the doctors say?" I said.
"She is fine but seeing her unconscious is so hard. I would appreciate if we don't talk about it." Jihyo said.
"I'm sorry." I turned to the guy who was talking before me. " I am so sorry, you were saying?"
"Yeah. I was saying that BTS and Jennie are backups support for this mission." The guy said.
"J-Jennie?" I stuttered while saying her name. She was in front of me this whole time. The girls that I love. Literally, she was driving the car. I didn't even notice her...
"Yes, Lisa. Long time no see. You finally escaped from Black Skull." She said. She didn't even took her eyes off the road. Maybe she already forgot about me...

So I am moving houses. I don't think I will have wifi to post next weeks episode but if my attempts of begging my parents for data ends ups being successful, I can post a new episode👍 
(hopefully) See you next Wednesday!💫

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