Friends With Benefits (Book 1...

By NiallYouDirtyBoy

267K 3.3K 497

Olivia and Louis have been friends for years. And their friendship comes with a whole lot of benefits. Things... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter One

51.8K 332 21
By NiallYouDirtyBoy

ATTENTION: This story contains sexual content. Do not read if you don't like this kind of stuff. I don't want any stupid comments. Anyways...enjoy the first chap ;D

Olivia's P.O.V.

"Damn you, Chris."

"Damn you, Olivia."

I rolled my eyes and struggled to unlock the door. My emotions clouded my sense of everything and I was too stupid to fit the key into the lock. 

"Try being smart and not a bitch." Chris growled at me from behind. I turned and smirked. 

"As soon as I get this damn door open you get your things and you are gone." I muttered. This is awkward. And humiliating. And overall stupid. I finally jammed the right key into the right socket and twisted open the door. Our flat was a pigsty. I blame it all on Chris Hansen. The idiot that weaseled his way into my life only to dump me for some trampy chick down the hall.

Chris disappeared into the back room. I heard him messily throw some clothes into his bag. I stared at the place I once called home. I used to be happy here. I used to be happy with Chris. I assume things just aren't what they seemed to be. 

"Will you hurry up, dipshit!" I yelled to him. The insult wasn't particularly carried through as my voice broke. I saw Chris smirk at me as he returned to the living room. He grabbed a few things from the kitchen, then a few from the living room. "Leave." I commanded, not be able to bear another second in the same room as him. 

"Bye, Olivia. Thanks for all the good times." He said sarcastically.

"Thanks for all the awful sex you dickhead!" I shouted at him, flinging open the door. He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Doesn't seem like Nicolette thought so when we was moaning my name last night." He replied. My jaw quivered as he finally disappeared out of my sight and down the stairs. I slammed the door behind him and screamed in complete frustration. 

I tipped over the nightstand and broke a vase. I ripped down the photos and I tore up the scrapbook. I scrubbed my home of memories of Chris. I cried as I did this, mostly tears of anger, but sadness got to me eventually. I saw on my floor, my back against my kitchen cabinets, sobbing. Sobbing for my loss, sobbing for my stupidity, sobbing for my life. Bawling because I was an idiot and bawling because I believed he loved me.

My butt started vibrating and I dug my phone out of my back pocket. I sucked in a breath. Louis. My best friend. My rock. One whom I should have trusted in the first place. I wiped my nose of my sleeve and tried to pull myself together as I answered the call.

"Hello?" My voice was muffled from the tears. I coughed away from the phone, trying to gather up my dignity.

"Olivia? You okay?" He asked, automatically knowing I was hurt. I slapped my knee, angry at myself for being a horrifyingly terrible actor.

"Why are you calling, Louis?" I asked instead. If he really wanted to know why I was sad, he would have to come here, see my empty and mess of a flat, and understand. 

"Olivia, you're my best friend. We hadn't been separated since birth until I joined the X Factor. I know you, and I know when you're sad. I know when you're hurting. It's like a sixth sense." He told me. I sighed and looked up to the sky, blinking back my tears.

"You in town?" I then asked. I heard some shuffling on his end of the line, some shushing, some shoving, and then eventually Louis replied.

"I'm at the studio in London. Be there in twenty." He replied. I ended the call, not bothering to reply. I pulled myself together and walked to the bathroom. I scrubbed my face, needing the red in my eyes to disappear. I changed my clothes, but seeing the room only made me cry again. I returned to the bathroom to wash my face again.

I looked up from running a washrag under the sink and really looked at myself for a moment. I long brown hair was pulled into an incredibly messy ponytail. My eyes were red and puffy. My mouth was formed into a deep frown. I looked a thousand years old.

I washed my face some more and then applied a little make up. Even though Louis' seen my cry countless numbers of times, I still found myself feeling the need to be presentable. I'm not necessarily the kind of girl that could walk around freely without foundation or mascara. I'm not confident in myself. As soon as I wake up in the morning, no matter if I'm doing absolutely nothing that day, I'll put on makeup, desperately hiding the me that was underneath. 

"Stop using makeup, for Christ' sake, Olivia!" My head snapped in the direction of Louis, who was standing in the doorway of my bathroom. I forgot he still has a key.

The more he watched me the more sad I got. My bottom lip quivered and my face scrunched up in pain. Louis rushed to my side, pulling me into a tight hug. I started bawling into his shoulder. My eyes were squeezed tight as he slowly stroked my hair. 

"It's b-bad, Louis." I cried. He held me tighter. 

"I know...I know. It's okay, Livie, it's okay." He whispered. I recognized he called me by my old nickname. Which makes sense, considering he would only call me that when he was teasing me or when he was comforting me. I hugged him tighter around his torso, wishing the pain away.

"Louis, why did he have to leave?" I asked quietly, my tears slowly starting to subside. I pulled back and looked at Louis in the eyes. He brushed some hair out of my face. He looked like he was going to cry with me, tears were actually on the brim of his lower eyelids. 

"I don't know, Livie. I don't know." I laid my head back on his shoulder and Louis started to rock us back and forth. "He must be a damn fool, though. I mean honestly, what kind of idiot would leave you?" I started to smile, my tears almost completely gone. "I bet you, he went to stupid school." Louis considered. I laughed.

"That's your worst joke yet, Lou." I told him. He squeezed me again.

"I know. But it makes you laugh. So I must continue with the lame jokes, yes?" He asked. I looked back up at him. I shook my head. Louis gave a face of mock shock.

"No. Instead, let's go wash away our problems. Sounds good, yes?" I asked, imitating his last line. He kissed me on the forehead and we started towards the door. We flew down the steps and out the front door of my complex. We practically ran down the street two blocks which lies an old pub. 

"Niall's favourite pub in all of London." Louis commented as he opened the door for me. I was glad Louis liked to drink, because I've always been a big fan of drowning my sorrows in alcohol. Which adds to the long and never-ending list of why Louis and I are still friends after nearly 20 years. 

Louis' mum and my mum were best friends. They both got pregnant young and planned for their children to be best friends, thus Louis and I were born. Their plan succeeded, because after so long, Louis is still the only person I confide everything too. Yes, I have friends, plenty of them in fact. But no one can replace the bond Louis and I have. It's almost like he's my brother, yet things never get awkward in that sense. He's my best friend. He always will be. 

"Another round!" Louis called as I sipped down the rest of my whiskey. Hard liquor, I know. But I'm a Brit that's lived down the street of a bar ever since I was born. My father is an alcoholic now. Everyone assumes I will be too but I don't let that rumour get to me. As of now, I just live how I like living. No regrets. 

Crappy music played as usual and Louis asked me to dance. We galloped around the bar, getting strange looks from tons of big, burly men. Some cheap bachelorettes laughed at us and joined in. I get hiccuping out laughs. Louis dipped me and nuzzled his nose against mine playfully. I laughed even harder as he flung me forward. He overshot and I ran into some huge biker dude. 

"S-sorry, si-sir." I slurred through my laughs. He glared at me and then eventually smiled. 

"Hey! Two kids in love, what could be any more adorable." I froze. One--I was so not expecting those words from a man of such nature. And two--LOUIS AND I ARE NOT IN LOVE. Period. Ever.

"No...she's just my best friend. We're just out having a laugh." Louis defended. The man looked embarrassed.

"Oh, my apologies. Continue, please! It's very entertaining!" He said with a chuckle. I barely had time to react to his strange vocabulary because I was soon back into Louis' arms, dancing around the crowded bar. When I finally could not take more movement, I sat back down in our spots at the bar, the bartenders laughing at us. 

"Louis..." I said real serious. "I need to tell you something." I said slowly rocking from side to side. I had a lot of alcohol in me. I couldn't tell at the time but I know I was probably completely wasted. Louis leaned in, just as drunk as I was.

"Okay...tell me." He whispered, alcohol drifting off his breath. I placed my hand lazily on his cheek. He smiled wide, his eyes closed.

"I just think you are so super handsome." I told him followed by fits of giggles. "And I know now I would have rather had you in bed than Chris!" I said to him, not knowing what I was even saying. But I was too shitfaced to know what I was saying was completely false and stupid.

"Oh reeeaaally!" Louis purred tugging at the collar of my shirt. I giggled some more and placed my hands on his shoulders. 

"I'm so glad that my house is just up the street because I need you...noooow." I told him darkly, my voice so low it was like a growl. He laughed again.

"Then let's get outta here, shall we?" He said laughing. He grabbed my by the hand, leading my clumsily out the bar. We sprinted to the house, falling and tripping several times. We stumbled up to my flat and I fumbled with the key into the lock. Finally as I got it open, Louis and I sprinted to my back bedroom.

Louis pushed me up against the wall, kissing me roughly. I smiled and giggled between everything, completely clueless about what I was doing. Louis' hands ran through my hair, getting caught in the many snares from having had it in a ponytail all day. I slowly started to undo the buttons of his shirt. I was too drunk and gave up, ripping it off over his head instead. I kissed his collar bone and smiled at him hungrily. I laughed as he flung me onto my already messy bed. I he braced himself by both arms above my shoulders. He kissed me again. I grabbed his face and flung him onto the bed beside me as I flipped over. I was now on top of him. 

"Louis..." I called climbing the bed so I could straddle his waist. He didn't waste anytime. He pulled my over-sized t-shirt over my head. He found I was also wearing a tank top.

"You have got to be kidding me." Louis said. I laughed and kissed him again. He struggled as he yanked me out of my white tank top. He kissed my neck and my shoulder.

"Are you sure, Louis?" I asked, breathlessly whispering into his ear. I pulled back and looked at him in the eyes.

"We're already this far." He commented. I just smiled and attacked him with more kisses, my memory slowly beginning to fade from me.

******************************* AUTHOR'S NOTE **************************

Okay so yeah this story is more sexual than my other stories xD Ive always wanted to write one of these so I practically don't know what I'm doing....but please tell me what you think!! thanks guys! comment! vote! read! thanks to you all!!

-Kate xx

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