Transformers Robots in disgui...

By Cobalt-CC-1043

10.8K 239 109

This is set after Transformers Robots in disguise Railroad rage. After the stunticons are punished Wildbreak... More

Chapter 1 Found
chapter 2 questions and flashback
Chapter 4 Brotherly reunion
Chapter 5 Mind games
Chapter 6 Kidnapped
Chapter 7 rescue
chapter 8 A better Cybertron (finale)

Chapter 3 reunion

1.7K 36 1
By Cobalt-CC-1043

The next day everyone was going their own way when suddenly a red Aston Martin appeared outside.
Denny let the car inside and it sped inside stopping right in front of the Autobots.
"Is that"? Wildbreak said staring at the car in disbelief.

The car then transformed into Knockout his red optics bright and a huge smile on his face.
"Well well just the little mech I wanted to see". Knockout said looking at Wildbreak.
"Carrier". Wildbreak squealed happily then immediately tackled Knockout into a hug.
"It's so good to see you again". Wildbreak said hugging him tight.
"Same to you little guy". Knockout replied hugging Wildbreak.
Bumblebee smiled seeing Wildbreak so happy and Denny took a photo of the happy moment.

After the two broke out of the hug Wildbreak turned to Bumblebee.
"Thanks so much Bee". Wildbreak said.
"Anytime rookie". Bumblebee said.
Later on Bumblebee was talking with Denny.
"You did a great thing Bee reuniting a son with its father". Denny said.
"Thanks Denny I'm just happy to see Wildbreak so happy". Bumblebee replied.
"Your friend is welcome to stay here he seems nice". Denny said walking away.
"Trust me he is." Bumblebee replied.

Later the team and Knockout were driving towards a large mountain.
Soon they all arrived outside and transformed Grimlock climbing off his trailer.
"Grimlock move that giant boulder okay." Bumblebee ordered.
Grimlock lifted the boulder then moved it to one side revealing a metal door.
Bumblebee typed in some numbers and the door opened and the team walked inside.

"Wow what is this place"? Wildbreak asked seeing crates and containers everywhere.
"One of our pal Windblade's secret caches she keeps weapons, supplies and cons she caught here." Sideswipe replied.
"Speaking of." Strongarm said looking at a stasis pod.
Bumblebee looked at the pod and saw a Vehicon inside.

"His name is Heatshot a Vehicon scientist he has made some of the most powerful weapons and explosives from during the war." Fixit commed.
"It also say he has an unfinished explosive it's probably in one of those crates." Russell said.
Wildbreak immediately put down the crate he was holding.

"Let's transport everything back to the scrapyard Fixit we need a groundbridge." Bumblebee said.
"Er sir after you left the groundbridge malfunctioned and it may take a few hours to fix." Fixit replied.
"Alright we'll use Grim's trailer." Bumblebee said.

Bumblebee then picked up a rifle and tossed it to Wildbreak who smoothly caught it.
"That's for you everyone needs a weapon." Bumblebee said.
"Thanks." Wildbreak said looking at the rifle.
"That reminds me I brought you a present." Knockout said pulling out a red and blue sword (the same shape as the prime Decepticon hunter).
"I love it sire." Wildbreak said looking at it.

A half hour later everyone was driving back to the scrapyard.
"It's been good to see you and Wildbreak again Bee." Knockout said.
"I'm just happy you two are reunited." Bumblebee replied.
Wildbreak (who was driving next to Strongarm) was listening to the two.
Maybe I could lead us back and prove myself to carrier. Wildbreak thought to himself.

"Hey Bee could I maybe take point?" Wildbreak asked speeding past Strongarm.
Jolsted by the speed Strongarm started to swerve out of control.
"DANGER OUT OF CONTROL DINO." Grimlock yelled.
Suddenly everything but Grimlock flew of the trailer into the river.

Bumblebee and Knockout transformed and joined the others.
"What in the name of kaon happened?" Bumblebee asked.
"Wildbreak happened." Strongarm replied.
Guilt immediately smashed into Wildbreak's face.

Under the lake.
Heatshot's stasis pod opened and he stepped out.
"Scientific journal entry 443 I am ready to resume my experiment... Heatshot began.
Heatshot got a crate and opened it reviling an explosive.
...Any attempt at interference will be met with immediate termination..." Heatshot finished.

"Nice move Wildbreak you broke every prisenor transport rule with that move." Strongarm reprimanded.
"Let's retrieve what we can hopefully none of it was damaged in the ... oh scrap." Bumblebee said.
Heatshot leaped out of the water with his explosive.
"Entry 443 continued experiment site suboptimal materials and new experiment site required." Heatshot said as the Autobots ran towards him.
Heatshot then jumped and transformed into a car with rocket attachments which allowed him to soar through the water.

"Anyone got eyes on our Vehicon?" Bumblebee asked.
"No sorry Bee. Knockout replied."
Guilt soared through Wildbreak again.
"All right let's retrieve what we can." Bumblebee ordered.
The team brought back several energon cubes and a couple of crates.
"Heatshot took something with him." Strongarm said seeing one crate was empty.

"Wildbreak I don't know what's wrong but..." Bumblebee began.
"Hey I'm not the only one who makes mistakes." Wildbreak countered.
"He has a point I broke formation to drive with you." Knockout said.
"Don't take credit for my mistakes." Wildbreak said.
Knockout looked at Wildbreak surprised.

"Fixit can you tell me what Heatshot was using in his last experiment?" Bumblebee asked.
"Apparently it was packaging foam and I'm reading his signal he's at the docks." Fixit replied.
"Makes sense shipping containers are full of packaging foam." Wildbreak said.
Wildbreak transformed and drove off at terrific speed and Knockout drove after him.

"Do all young bots have selective hearing when it comes to authority." Bumblebee said to himself.
"Fixit we'll send Drift back with our recovered items." Bumblebee commed to Fixit.

With Knockout and Wildbreak.
"Wildbreak are you sure your okay?" Knockout asked concerned.
"Yes carrier I'm fine." Wildbreak replied.
Knockout didn't believe this he'd never seen his son act like this before.

A minute later the two arrived outside the dock and ran inside.
After a couple of minutes the two saw Heatshot filling his bomb full of packaging foam.
"I'll handle this." Wildbreak said.
"What should I do?" Knockout asked.
"Why don't you let me handle this." Wildbreak replied drawing his rifle.
Wildbreak ran forward but saw Heatshot gone.
Heatshot was running towards the door but suddenly Wildbreak appeared.

"Okay con drop the bomb, wait bad choice of words." Wildbreak said.
"Interference." Heatshot said rolling the bomb to Wildbreak who grabbed it.
"Smart move, Bee I've got Heatshot and his weapon how do you like me now." Wildbreak said.
Suddenly a blast of electricity from Heatshot's eye sent Wildbreak flying also making him drop the bomb which rolled in front of Knockout.

Knockout put his foot on the bomb and smirked at Heatshot.
"Ahoy there matey." Knockout said.
"Experiment paused, new objective dissection of Autobot." Heatshot said.
Knockout grabbed the bomb and transformed driving away from Heatshot the bomb balanced on his roof.
Heatshot growled and pursued firing bolts of electricity at Knockout.

"Knockout to Bee team Wildbreak is down and I have the weapon." Knockout commed.
"Lure him to door we'll capture him there." Bumblebee ordered.
Knockout drove to the door and Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Strongarm, and Grimlock charged inside.
Grimlock tails-swiped Heatshot into the wall and Bumblebee and Knockout then restrained him.
"Nice teamwork Knockout." Bumblebee praised.
"Nice teamwork Knockout." Wildbreak muttered under his breath as he walked over to the rest of the team.

Suddenly Heatshot broke free and escaped through the door transforming and soaring through the water.
The team ran outside and saw Heatshot streaking away.
"Maybe you should have told the others about the electronic shots sire, now how will we catch him." Wildbreak said.

Suddenly the groundbridge opened and Drift came through on a boat with a plane engine attached.
"The craft has been modified for speed and to carry two bots I and have a message from Denny, try not to dent her." Drift said.
"You want to see teamwork, make a hole Drift." Wildbreak said before jumping into the boat and speeding off making Drift fall out.

"That's not teamwork." Bumblebee said.
"I'll bring him back so you can tell him face to face." Knockout said transforming and driving after the boat.
"That's not teamwork either." Bumblebee said.

Knockout transformed and jumped onto the boat making it rock.
"Take it easy Drift." Wildbreak said turning around and seeing Knockout.
"What happened to Drift?" Wildbreak asked.
"You gave him a bath." Knockout replied.

Knockout tried to help but Wildbreak shoved him back with his hand.
"Don't touch anything." Wildbreak ordered.
"Ok I've been cool because I'm seeing you again but that's it, I know you want to prove yourself but sometimes you need help." Knockout said.
For the third time that night guilt soared through Wildbreak.

Knockout approached the sonar and took a look.
"Sonar Heatshot." Knockout said looking at a moving red dot.
"Yeah let's get after him." Wildbreak said.
After a minute of chasing the two noticed he was swimming very close to the surface.
"Why's he swimming so close to the surface." Wildbreak said to himself.
Wildbreak accelerated to full speed but suddenly a bell tower appeared and the boat collided with it exploding and sending Wildbreak and Knockout into the water.

Under the water the two grabbed Heatshot as he passed but he rammed them into a leg of the bridge.
The two could only watch as Heatshot attached the bomb the the bridge then ascended to the surface.
"Bee we're under crown city bridge." Wildbreak commed.
"Nice of you to call Wildbreak we're already here and Strongarm has cleared the humans." Bumblebee said waiting on the bridge with Drift, Sideswipe,and Grimlock.

"We need to defuse it cut the red wire, no the blue one." Knockout said.
"Carrier it has no wires, this tech is way out of my league." Wildbreak said.
"Mine too." Knockout replied.

On the bridge.
Drift transformed and drew his sword but behind him Heatshot climbed up and zapped him with electricity from his eye.
"Not again." Drift yelled as he fell.
Sideswipe soon followed the Autobot after he tried to fight the con.

Bumblebee jumped on Heatshot's back but he somersaulted sending Bumblebee flying into Grimlock both Autobots rendered unconscious.
"Vacating to safe distance for observation." Heatshot said walking away.

Behind him Wildbreak and Knockout jumped onto the bridge Wildbreak, carrying the explosive.
"I'll clear the explosive maybe I can finally prove myself." Wildbreak said.
"No this qualifies as a rescue I'm better at that, do what you do and kick him in the grille." Knockout said encouragely as he took the explosive and patted Wildbreak on the shoulder.

"Unforseen complication." Heatshot said seeing his explosive with the Autobots.
Knockout transformed and drove towards the oil factory with the explosive.

Wildbreak turned around and saw Heatshot running towards him, Wildbreak glared and drew his sword.
Wildbreak then ran forward and jumped over the Vehicon who turned to face him.
Wildbreak jumped at the Vehicon who sent the rifle out of his hand and Wildbreak saw the sword fly into the lake.

Sideswipe and Drift who were under the lake saw the rifle fall next to them.
Wildbreak looked at the furious Vehicon and chuckled nervously.
Heatshot sent a stream of electricity from his eye but Wildbreak jumped on top of the bridge, ran along the top railing then jumped and landed of the Vehicon throwing him to the floor.
"You mess with the bot you get the boot you one eyed freak." Wildbreak said putting his foot down on top of the Vehicon.

Bumblebee and Grimlock got back to their feet and Sideswipe and Drift climbed back onto the bridge, Sideswipe tossed Wildbreak his rifle and Wildbreak caught it.
Strongarm drove next to Wildbreak and transformed.
"Great work Wildbreak..." Strongarm began.
"Don't say it." Wildbreak said.
"...You really conned the con." Strongarm finished.

Suddenly there was a massive bang and the Autobots saw the factory on fire.
"Carrier he saved all of us and the city." Wildbreak said.
Suddenly Knockout appeared and transformed.
"Who bought the toy." Knockout said looking at the unconscious Heatshot.
"Nice one, kinda reminds me of me." Sideswipe said.

Back the Scrapyard.
"Great work both of you." Bumblebee said looking at Wildbreak and Knockout.
"Thanks Bee." Wildbreak said.
Knockout nodded.
"You know it's good to be back here maybe I'll stay here this time." Knockout said.
"Really?" Wildbreak asked.
"Well I can't let you have all the fun and besides I don't want to be away from my son again." Knockout replied.
"Well then welcome to the team Knockout." Bumblebee said.
Bumblebee and Knockout shook hands.

Knockout suddenly saw Sideswipe and decided it was time to tell him and Wildbreak something.

"Hey Sideswipe could you come over please?" Knockout asked.
"Knockout do you need something?" Sideswipe asked.
"No I just want to talk." Knockout said.
"About what? Sideswipe asked.
You and Sunstreaker were raised by Ironhide and chromia right?" Knockout asked.
"Yes, they said they found us on a battlefield." Sideswipe asked.

"Well the two of you were forged by me and Breakdown and you crawled through the groundbridge after we left for a battle and a vehicon forgot to shut down the groundbridge, so that would make Wildbreak here your little brother." Knockout said.

"WHAT." Sideswipe yelled

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