The boy who was given up

By Wasabi0_0Slytherin

599K 18.5K 5.3K

Harry Potter, a young wizard thrust into a world of death, evil and lies. In order to navigate through the fo... More

Chapter One: The Night Of Terror
Chapter two: The incident
Chapter three: Diagon Alley
Chapter four: Welcome to the gang
Chapter five: Sorting
Chapter six: Class and confrontations
Chapter seven: The boggart and flying
Chapter eight: Weekends, God fathers and the strange man...
Chapter nine: New information, who is this dude?
Chapter ten: A disastrous end to year one...
Chapter twelve: God fathers
Chapter thirteen: Parties and sleep overs
Chapter fourteen: The zoo
Chapter fifteen: Back to school
Chapter sixteen: First day detentions!?
Chapter seventeen: The voice
Chapter eighteen: McGonagall and Dueling classes.
Chapter nineteen: The diary...
Chapter twenty: Answers and secrets
Chapter Twenty-one: Stopping the basilisk and rage...
Chapter twenty- two: Inheritance...
Chapter twenty-three: Gringotts...
Chapter Twenty-Four: Training
Chapter twenty-five: Mastering and the holidays
Chapter twenty-six: Year three and secondary responses
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The inheritance...
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The scolding and the "incident"
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Memories
Chapter Thirty: Questions and TEA...
Chapter Thirty-One: The first date
Chapter Thirty-Two: Hostage
Chapter Thirty-Three: The new era
Chapter Thirty-Four: Christmas Special
Chapter Thirty Five: The Quidditch World Cup
Chapter Thirty Six: The Triwizard tournament announcement
Chapter Thirty Seven: The silent war
Chapter Thirty-Eight: DADA? I think not
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Sleep Over Part One
Chapter Forty: The Sleepover Part Two
Chapter Forty-One: The Tri-Wizard Tournament Troops Part One
Chapter Forty-Two: The Tri-Wizard Tournament Troops Part Two
Chapter Forty-Three: Feeling light-headed?
Chapter Forty-Four: The Shadowland
Chapter Forty-Five: And the Champion is...
Chapter Forty-Six: Too Much
Chapter Forty-Seven: Getting out of it?
Chapter Forty-Eight: Helping Harry
Chapter Forty-Nine: The First Task
Chapter Fifty: The Clue
Chapter Fifty-One: The Garden
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Second Task
Chapter Fifty-Three: The Annoying Beetle
Chapter Fifty-Four: Ballroom dancing
Chapter Fifty-Five: Is that a promise?
Chapter Fifty-Six: The Final Task Part One
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Final Task Part Two
Chapter Fifty-Eight: The Final Task Part Three
Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Infirmary
Chapter Sixty: The Beginning Of Forever
Chapter Sixty-One: Here is to Forever
Chapter Sixty-Two: Not Even Death Could Part Us, My Love.

Chapter eleven: Coming home and starting again

15.9K 503 92
By Wasabi0_0Slytherin

When I stepped off the train and onto the platform I had a million butterflies in my stomach. But all that washed away when I saw the smiling face of Mom and Dudley. I ran over to them and Mom wrapped me up in a big bear hug. 

She was muttering things like 'I am so happy' "Your back' and 'I love you' . 

Once we pulled away I hugged Dudley with just as much joy. When we were finished I looked around for Draco to say goodbye. 

When I spotted him I yelled "See you Draco!" He looked over and said something to his parents before running over. 

"Don't you dare forget to Owl me." He said in a mock stern voice. 

"Never." I said in a mock surprised and shocked voice. We laughed and I turned to introduce  him to my family. 

"Draco this is my Mom and this is Dudley." He smiled and replied with his hand out stretched 

"Pleasure to meet you." 

"The pleasure is mine and please call me Petunia." He turned to Dudley and did the same. Then behind us Draco's parents were standing. 

"Hello I am Harry." I introduced. 

"Oh I totally forgot to introduce you Mom Dad this is Harry, Harry this is My Mom and Dad." They smiled at me. 

"Hopefully he didn't get you into too much mischief at school and please call us Narcissa and Lucius." I nodded 

"No nothing I can't handle." I commented which earnt me a slap from Draco, which only made me chuckle. 

"Anyway we must be off now but the boys should catch up in the holidays, that way we could get better acquainted." Narcissa said to my Mom. 

"That would be lovely." She replied. 

"Come on Dragon time to go." "Okay bye Harry Owl me when you are free and we can sort something out." I nodded. 

"See ya later Draco!" I turned back to Mom and Dud when they had left. 

"Wow these wizards have really good manners." She commented. 

"Yeah definitely." I laughed. 

"Anyway lets go we have your favorite cooking." A wide smile arose on my face and we left heading for home. 

Lilly's POV:
I watched as Harry ran over to Petunia with a wide smile. He looked at peace and so joyful. Oh what I would give for him to run and hug me like that. James saw me staring and whispered, 

"Lilly it's okay we will get our turn one day we just have to be patient." I nodded not truly believing the words. I continued to watch the encounter from the corner of my eye.

Even the Malfoy's get a warmer welcome than we do, I thought sadly. I watched as he happily walked away heading home. The overwhelming guilt was crushing me. Harder and harder every day and there was nothing I could do to stop it. 

Back to Harry

Later that evening Iaid there. Wide awake unable to turn my mind off. 

A soft knock broke me out of my thoughts and I whispered, "Come in." Mom walked in slowly and asked,

 "Can't sleep?"

 I shook my head and she sighed and sat down next to my bed. "Was it this bad at school?" 

I shook my head "No?"

"No it was weird though, the room I was in was surrounded in magic that some how comforted me." 

She looked surprised. " Mom?" 

"Yeah sorry sweetie I was just thinking." 

"I wanted to ask you something."  

"I am all ears." She replied smiling lovingly. 

"I want to see him." 

"Who baby?" 

"Vernon."I whispered.

 She took a double take before asking "Why?" 

"In my nightmares he has so much power, I want to see him weak and he is in prison so he would have to be weak there. It might help me put him into perspective." She nodded. 

"If you think it will help but if it doesn't then you are never seeing him again, we can go tomorrow, now try get some sleep." I smiled, 

"Thanks mom I love you." 

"I love you too." With that I closed my eyes and fought myself through the nightmares. 

The next morning...

I got dressed into a black turtle neck and dark green jeans, after that I tamed (as best as I could, thanks dad) my hair. I walked down the stairs and waiting there for me was Petunia and Dudley. 

"Harry you don't have to do this you know." Dudley said. 

"I know Dud but I need to." 

He nodded and pulled me into a bear hug that reminded me of Hermione, I chuckled. 

"Let's go." I turned to the door and walked out heading for the car. Mom said goodbye to Dudley and followed me out. By the time we got there my stomach was in knots and I was a nervous wreck. 

"You can still back out there is no shame." Mom told me before we got out of the car. 

"No I need to do this." I said in my most confident voice. 

"Okay." She hesitantly lead me to the visiting area. Looking around some people were strong and littered with tattoos and some were slim and innocent looking. In a confined room to the side sat a malicious looking Vernon. 

A guard stopped us before going in. "This guy is our most dangerous and is heavily guarded, one at a time." 

"What no he is under aged he can't go by himself." 

"I am sorry Ma'm but that is the rules under aged or not." 

"It's okay I will be fine." I said to Mom before nodding to the guy. 

He let me inside and as soon as I stepped inside a haunting laughter echoed around the room. "Vernon." I said strongly. 

"Freak" he replied. 

"Now what brings you here." He spat. 

"I needed to see you suffering, see you weak and broken, re write you in my head." 

His mouth twitched "And have you accomplished that." He asked with so much bite I had to refrain myself from running. 

"Getting there." My voice sounded cool and dangerous which was anything from how I felt. 

"Confident now huh boy? Well that doesn't change anything you are still as freakish and weak as you were that day." He sneered. 

"Really? Says the one in chains." I spat. 

His face grew more color as he took a big breath but I cut him off before he could say anything, 

"Unless you want them to come in here than I suggest you shut your mouth." He closed it with an audible click and settled for staring at me. I felt in control with the situation and it felt great. The image I had of him slowly fading and being replaced. 

"You know the wizarding world is different to this one." 

"I don't want to hear it." He snapped. 

"Well too bad, you know there are creatures there." His eyebrow raised in a pathetic way compared to Draco. 

"You think that scares me a few beasts." 

"No no not animals, people like vampires, elves, veelas, werewolves etc." 

"So that sounds like a pathetic story." I laughed which sounded a little demonic but hey it seemed to scare Vernon so I wasn't complaining. 

"I'll let you in on a little secret, I am one." 

"One what?" Vernon asked his voice a little squeaky.

I smirked, "A creature." 

He paled slightly, this was perfect, the longer he looked pathetic and scared the better for me in the long run. The perfect image. 

"You see there is a mirror in the wizarding world called the mirror of Erised and it shows you what you most desire and it showed me, in my true form, with family." 

"True form?" Vernon asked sound so pathetic. 

"Yep I looked quite... Well there is no way to describe it to a muggle but trust me on this, you never want to see me like that so I suggest if you ever get out of here you never come near me or my family ever again, understood." I asked in a low tone that commanded respect. 

He nodded frantically. I smirked, I hope this worked. I got up and walked calmly over to the door. 

"Remember this." I said before opening it and walking out. 

"Wow kid I have never seen him so shaken before what did you say?" The guard asked me as he es courted Mom and us out and to the car. 

"Nothing out of the usual, maybe he realized he shouldn't be rude." I said casually which caused the guard to laugh. 

"I am not complaining that man is always running his mouth." 

"I can imagine." I replied. 

"Well thank you very much." 

Mom said to the man before getting into the car. Once we had driven out of the parking lot Mom asked me "Did it work?" 

I smirked and replied "Well he look like a scared child so yeah hopefully it did." 

Mom chuckled "I hope so you deserve some peace." 

"Yeah I think it is time to start again." 

"I agree." With that we drove home and I felt like a weight had been taken off of me.

A/N Hey guys feel free to comment anytime! Word count: 1534

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