The True Gods (Highschool DxD...

By TrueRisingFTW

414K 4.5K 2.4K

Great Red and Ophis are known as the strongest of the strong, but what if I were to tell you that there are t... More

Kuoh Observation
Who are you?
A Little Trip To The Next World
Black Magic and Times Anger
The Warning and Purification
Alpha Origin
Arrival in Crocus
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3 (Part 2)
Day 4 (Part 1)
Day 4 (Part 2)
Day 4 (Final)
Split Up Time
Two Unknown Powers
New Worlds Within Mischief
Mischief and Despair
The Bridge to Freedom
Supersonics and A Crystalline Beast
Display of Power
Return to Destruction
One's True Ruler
Clash of Titans
Next World Vote [Closed]
A Fairy Goodbye
A Relaxing Day?
World of the Gifts
A Festival In Digit Five
Prophecy of Death
The Game of Death Starts
Cloaks Revealed
Life and Death
Battle In Space
A True Battle Of Life And Death
Next World Vote 2 [Closed]
Two Worlds Collide

Day 3 (Part 1)

7.7K 114 38
By TrueRisingFTW

A/N: I forgot to mention this some time ago, the regi trio's size are slightly larger than the dragons, and Regigigas is the same size as Dialga and Palkia.

The bird trio are the same size as the regis while Lugia and Ho-oh are the same size as Dialga and Palkia.


Let's kick Day 3 off with a game that I'm certain you all will enjoy wholeheartedly! That is none other than Pandemonium!

And as usual, we'll have one member from each team participating. So, choose wisely!

"Pandemonium, huh? So possibly a den of demons?" Palkia wondered. They just listened to the announcer state the game as they began thinking.

"I would say so, that would be the plausible explanation." Regirock stated. The regi's all seemed to have recovered.

"Let me go, I'll redeem myself." Regirock stated. He was about to go down but was stopped by Dialga.

"No, you guys did your best on the first two days. I'll go in this." Dialga stated. The regi's looked surprised at this, Palkia just looked neutral.

"You sure? You could just send one of us to go." Registeel stated. Dialga just shook his head at this.

"Uh~, I think it would be best if Dialga or Palkia went..." Regice added. They turned to him and saw him pointing towards the arena.

They looked towards where he was pointing at, Dialga and Palkia narrowed their eyes while the regi's widened their's.

"Ho-oh..." Palkia muttered. "Yeah. Dialga should go, you three wouldn't be able to match up to that guy, no offence."

"None taken. Go show them your power, Dialga." Regirock encouraged. Dialga nodded before walking forwards.

"Don't destroy the damn arena, hold back." Palkia stated firmly with a deadpan.

"Shut up, Dingus."

It would seem that all the competitors have bene chosen! Olga from Sabertooth! Jura from Lamia Scale! Hibiki from Blue Pegasus!

Obra from Raven Tail! Millianna from Mermaid Heel! Novali from Quatro Puppy! Erza from Fairy Tail A! Cana from Fairy Tail B! Afi Scorch from Distorted Chaos, and Echo Time from Alpha Origin!

"Natsu, it's one of the kids that you mentioned." Lucy voiced. Her tone quite serious as she looked at the boy.

"Yeah. I'm still feeling uneasy." Natsu replied.

"Are you sure that he's as powerful as you say? He sure doesn't look it." Gray stated. His eye brow raising as he looked at Dialga.

Wendy just blinked as she was confused on what they were going on about. Erza then stepped up and began walking.

"Deapite his appearance, we shouldn't underestimate his strength. He might even be as strong as Wendy." Erza stated.

"Yeah. We can't forget that guy from Distorted Chaos, we already saw how strong his team was." Gray added.

As soon as the competitors had arrived on the field, Dialga was standing to the side away from the others, Ho-oh doing the same.

The audience, guilds, and competitors watched as a large magic circle appeared in the sky. They were surprised when something began emerge from it.

The two gods competing didn't look surprised as they just watched with bored expressions. Multiple statements were said about the structure emerging by the competitors, statements of wonder and confusion.

As soon as the entire structure had landed and emerged from the magic circle, it seemed to be a gigantic labyrinth of sorts

"This castle before you is filled with vicious monsters!" Mato exclaimed. "This is Pandemonium!"

"So, I take it that we are to do battle with the monsters within?" Jura asked.

"That would be correct, a hundred terrifying beats lurk within. But you don't need to worry about them escaping and attacking the crowd." Mato assured.

This caused the entire audience to stare in disbelief at the castle with several of them gasping in shock at the explanation.

"The monsters are classified by their difficulty, there are five classes in total: D, C, B, A, and S!" Mato explained. "To give you a good idea, allow me to show you what the D-Class monster is!"

They watched as a screen materialised in front of them, it displayed the inside of the castle and a large metallic beasts stomping through.

The entire audience along with some of the members of the guilds stared in disbelief, the monster that was considered the weakest looked powerful.

"Are you serious? Even the pixies could defeat those things with a tap, and they're the weakest of the True Gods." Palkia deadpanned. The regis could only sweatdrop at the statement as they agreed.

"The Pandemonium castle is filled to the brim with these terrifying monsters! Along with many others being far stronger! One hundred monsters await you inside!" Mato exclaimed. "The monsters of a higher class are twice as strong as the ones beneath them, so if you thought that D-Class was strong then prepare yourself when the S-Class arrives."

'A monster slaying game, huh? Should be easy enough.' Dialga mentally said.

"You'll take turns choosing the number of monsters you choose to fight in each round, it's called the competitors right to challenge!"

"So, we're the ones that get to make a choice?" Erza asked. She just wanted to be sure.

"That is correct. For instance, if you choose three them three will be waiting, you'll go in alone of course. And if you defeat those three creatures, you get three points! Then the person next in order will choose the number they want to face and the process will repeat!"

"So, this game will end if we manage to defeat all the monsters, or we drain ourselves of our magic reserves?" Dialga asked.

"You are correct."

"So, there is also some math involved in this game?" Millianna wondered.

"To a certain degree. After the first round, choosing your numbers will become slightly more important, you should also consider that the monsters aren't always considered equal. If you decide to face five or even one monster, they will all be chosen at random!"

"So, we have to formulate a strategy to avoid facing against the S-Class guys." Hibiki stated. Olga turned to the male with a stupified look on his face.

"He literally just told us that they were going to be selected at random, so how in the hell are you going to think of any strategy?"

"You guys may not be able to, but I certainly can. My Archive Magic will also come in handy." Hibiki responded.

"While the monsters of a higher class are more powerful, your points depend on the number of monsters you defeat. Once you enter into that castle, you won't be able to leave until you complete your set challenge."

"What about if we were to not be able to beat them and get knocked out inside?" Cana from Fairy Tail B wondered.

"That's simple. You still keep the points you accumulate from the previous rounds, but you'll be out of the game. No points are awarded if you don't defeat your set number of monsters."

"Overall, this game is basically just a luck of the draw with some factors to consider into the equation." Dialga sighed. Not like it mattered to him.

"To determine the line up, I would like you all to draw a straw." Mato said after a box filled with straws poking out materialised in his hands.

They all walked up to the box and pulled a straw out each before looking at them. When Dialga looked at his, he did a 'tsk'.

'Seriously? Tenth?!' Dialga groaned mentally. He looked towards his main enemy and saw that he got a nine. He was worried now, considering the rules that were said, Ho-oh had a huge advantage if he took on pretty much all the monsters.

"This is interesting. I thought this game depended entirely on the luck of the draw." Erza voiced.

"It's more than that, you'd have to consider pacing, your opponents strength, the list basically goes on forever." Mato responded.

"No, I wouldn't even consider this a game anymore." Erza stated. They all looked at her confused, though Dialga and Ho-oh looked bored.

"Huh?" Mato voiced.

"Inside this castle waits one hundred monsters, and I choose to challenge them all." Erza stated. She said this as she walked in front of the walkway heading inside.

The other competitors looked shocked at the revelation, except Dialga and Ho-oh, as well as the audience and other guild members.

"I must admit, that girl has some guts. Judging from her magic power, she'll barely make it. But it depends on her spirit." Regice smiled.

"I agree, while she would have gotten first if she just fought fifty-one of them, she decides to fight a hundred." Regirock agreed.

"She probably wants to show that her guild is no joke. I wonder if she can really do it..." Registeel asked.

"We'll just have to wait and see, Dialga and Ho-oh would have easily done it, but this girl is a different story." Palkia added.

"Wait, you aren't serious about challenging them all at once, are you?" Mato nervously asked. "This event was made for multiple wizards to complete!"

"I don't care." She replied before walking off into the castle as the other competitors watched.

They just watched as Erza continued to rush through the clusters of monsters while changing into a multitude of different armours.

The audience along with the competitors stared in disbelief as she was doing this, except for two certain guilds and two of their members down below, Fairy Tail was cheering though.

As she had finally managed to destroy all the monsters until it was only the S-Class monster. It was revealed to be a small spider creature with a big eye.

Thought hey looked at it incredulously, it quickly changed when it transformed into a large metallic demon like creature.

The entire crowd along with the others watched as she managed to be able defeat the monster, this caused the crowd to erupt into cheers as the castle disappeared.

"Impressive, but not shocking. I'm kind of disappointed..." Palkia sighed.

"I have to agree, though we can't compare mortals to us True Gods" Regirock reminded. They all just watched as the cheers settled down.

"Wonder what they're going to do with the other nine?" Regice voiced.

"Alright, after some improvisation, we had decided that the remaining teams still needed to be ranked." Mato announced. "While this game may be on the boring side, it'll suffice."

Mato was saying as a device floated down beside him, it was strangely shaped and had a ball hovering above it.

"This is the Magic Power Finder, or MPF for short. Pretty snazzy, don't you agree?"

"So, it basically gives us a measurement of our magic power?" Jura asked.

"Correct! If you cast a spell on this device, it'll display your magical power in numerical form." Mato explained. "We'll use it to figure out the rankings for the remaining teams."

"So, it's a test of our power, I wonder if there's some way I can get around that." Hibiki wondered. But quickly ended up putting his arm around Cana's shoulder who was drinking. "But I should be asking if you are free tonight!"

"Hm? I could be, but then I wouldn't have time for another barrel." Cana replied. Her face flushed from drinking too much as she did this.

"Uh~, you might have a problem..."

"Might?! How isn't she dead?!" Novali shouted. He was pointing at a stack of empty large wooden  barrels as he did. Dialga was just seen in the back deadpanning.

"Now, shall we begin? Since you had drawn straws earlier, we'll continue from that order." Mato explained. That was when Millianna threw her cloak off and revealed a rather revealing outfit.

Oh my! The cape has been thrown off and the sexy meter has gone off the charts!

"Kitten Blast!"

They all watched as she formed a magic circle as pink swirling lines shot out and struck the MPF. When it stopped, the number was displayed on top.


Millianna scores a 365! Though, since we hadn't set a benchmark for comparison, I'm not sure if it's a good number.

Maybe I can help you, we Rune Knights use MPFs rather often in training. That score would qualify her for squad captain.

Wow! What an incredible start!

"Alright! I am seriously one pumped up kitty!" Millianna cheered.


Locking in at 124 is Novali from Quatro Puppy! Quite on the lower side, would you all agree?

"I suppose it is my turn now." Hibiki said. He had adjusted his shirt as the female audience cheered for him, it was kind of annoying for Dialga's ears, he had increased senses.

Dialga and his team could only deadpan as Hibiki struck the MPF, his score was even lower than Novali's!


Hibiki from Blue Pegasus scores a measly 95 points.

Hibiki was now on both his knees as comical tears rained down his face. Cana was rubbing his head to try and comfort him.

Though, it was now Obra from Raven Tail's turn. He walked up to the MPF as they all watched.

Next up is Obra of Raven Tail!

That was when the creature from his shoulder jumped and crashed before bouncing off the MPF, though the God's could tell that the larger person was actually a puppet.


Obra clocks in at... 4?

The members of the Fairy Tail guild along with all the other mages seemed to completely find this false,  there was no way someone was that weak.

"Do any of you guys actually buy that?" Lucy asked. They shook their heads at this.

"Not at all." Erza stated. She was now covered in bandages as she watched.

"You should really rest..."

"I apologise, but we can't allow any do overs..." Mato said to Obra. Before his hat was taken by Cana. "Hey! Give that back!"

Dialga could in frustration, they were seriously wasting time. "Currently in the lead is Millianna with 365 points!"

"Meow! This is even better than chasing my own tail!" Millianna exclaimed. She did so while shaking Mato up and down.

"I'm about to change that." Olga stated. Millianna stopped as she looked up at him. He then cupped his hands before a beam of lightning shot out. "120mm Black Lightning Cannon!"


Absolutely incredible! It nearly clocks at a total of 4000 points!

"What?! He's ten times as strong as me?!" Millianna cried in disbelief as she showed obvious shock on her face.

Natsu and Gray just had their mouths agape as they looked at the huge number.

"Say what?!" Natsu yelled.

"There is no possible way that the number there is correct!" Gray added.

"That's absolutely crazy..." Lucy muttered. Wendy also looked on with a shocked look beside her.

Things are really heating up down there! Can the Wizard Saint Jura top that score?!

"Do you mind if I give it my all?" Jura requested to Mato. They watched as the man walked up.

"Well, that is the game isn't it?"

Here we go folks! What could Jura have in store for all of us!

They watched as the ground shook, Jura's body began to emit a dense thin golden glow as he clasped his hands together.

"Rumbling Fuji!"

That was when Jura had released a huge pillar of magic that completely engulfed the MPF machine as the area was shaking.


8544! That score is completely mind blowing!

"No way!" Natsu cried.

"He sure did pack a wallop for someone as aged as him!" Gray shouted as well.

"What the?!" Olga had shouted. He couldn't believe his score had been passed.

"I honestly thought it'd be higher." Erza added

Outstanding! This a new MPF record, Jura has proven that the title Wizard Saint should never be taken lightly!

'Hm. Impressive for a mortal.' Dialga thought. While the attack wouldn't do any damage to him, it was still impressive in its own right.

"I must admit, I had thought he was strong, but that was something else. He might be as powerful as Gildarts!" Makarov stated.

"Hehe~, while that may be true. We can't forget that there is someone with Gildart's blood running through their veins." Mavis reminded. She then turned her gaze to the other two contestants. 'Those two... something about them is making me uneasy.'

The next challenger is Fairy Tail B's Cana Alberona! And I must say that I certainly wouldn't want to follow after Jura!

"Now, do your best!" Mato encouraged.

"I know..." Cana replied as she walked in a drunk fashion towards the machine while dropping a glass bottle on the ground.

They rose their eyebrows rose in confusion as Cana began to take off her shirt, leaving only her top to cover her breasts.

Though when it was removed, Dialga rose his eyebrow at a marking on her arm that was glowing red in colour.

'That mark, I feel a pretty good energy from it.' Dialga mentally voiced.

"Now, for me to step it up a notch!" Cana announced.

"Umm~, first master?" Makarov voiced as he glanced to the blonde.

"I had lent it to her for this special occasion, I'm sure she'll wind with it!" Mavis stated. Makarov looked shocked as Mavis's face sparkled.

"Now. It's time to assemble, O river of light that's guided by fairies!" Cana shouted as her body was engulfed in a dense golden glow. "Shine bright, so I may vanquish the fangs of wickedness! Fairy Glitter!"

That was when she held her closed fist towards the MPF as a golden halo of sorts crashed into the MPF causing a massive explosion.


I absolutely cannot believe this Ladies and Gentlemen! Cana has scored an absurd number of 14745 points!

This guild is beyond incredible! Managing to top a Wizard Saint's power!

The audience cheered incredibly loudly as Cana's guild members were cheering loudly for her. The mark on her arm was releasing small residual magic power afterwards.

"You can't stop us! Fairy Tail will be number one once again!" Cana announced.

Is this Fairy Tail's true strength?! Can Distorted Chaos and Alpha Origin possibly even attempt to trump such a score?!

"With that spell, we should win." Mavis stated. Though inside, she frowned as she looked at the two remaining people. 'Why am I still feeling uneasy?'

"Heh." Ho-oh muttered. His face bored as he walked towards the MPF with Cana walking past.

"Good luck beating that, you two." She smirked. She didn't know how to feel about the bored looks they gave her as they showed no worry.

"Look, that guy from Distorted Chaos and Wendy's friend aren't looking worried." Lucy stated. Her face showing unease.

"There's no way that they're gonna beat that." Natsu stated. His worry and nervousness seeming to have vanished about Dialga as he grinned.

"Yeah, they're just acting to look tough." Gray agreed. Erza kept her gaze though as she inspected them both.

'Could they beat Cana's score? No, there is no way, she used a Grand Fairy Spell...' Erza wondered.

"I feel kind of bad, I know that we're aiming to win, but those two have to try an beat that score." Wendy added.

"Let's get this over with." Ho-oh sighed. Mato watched as he walked up to the machine.

"I wish you the best of luck..."

"Whatever." It was silent before they all widened their eyes as the entire arena was shaking violently, a deep red glow emitted off of Ho-oh he held his hand towards the MPF.

Heat could be felt from far as many of them were sweating incredibly. Even Natsu looked wide-eyed as his body was feeing the heat.

'What is this? This heat, why am I sweating from it...' Natsu wondered. His face showing shock as his previous confident look faded.

"Sacred Fire!" Ho-oh roared.

That was when a massive torrent of rose golden flames shot from his hand like a jet, it struck the MPF, resulting in a huge explosion of flames that shot into the sky like a pillar of magma.

As the heat subsided, the other guilds, the audience, the other contestants were are shocked into silence as the score was displayed.


I-I-I don't know what to make of this... the MPF score by Cana has been utterly crushed! Just who is Afi Scorch?!

'He held back... why?' Dialga narrowed his eyes. He then turned to see Ho-oh walking before stopping in front of him.

"Echo..." Ho-oh said as he pointed his finger at the boy. "I will be the one to defeat you."

"..." Dialga just stared at Ho-oh as he walked off as the other mages backed away to let him through, he stopped a few meters away and waited.


"Let's get this done." Dialga said as he walked up to the MPF that had the score reset itself. 'I just need to score higher than him, not overdo it.'

"..." Mato didn't even say anything as he was still in shock from before.

Dialga's eyes flashed red as a dense aura was released from him as he reeled his head back and a blue orb formed in front of his mouth.

The audience and the other guilds were brought back from their shock as they noticed the place shake even more so than before.

They looked in shock as they saw Dialga making cracks form as his aura released. It had caused the clouds to blow away and the sky to turn dark.

"Roar of Time!"

Dialga's attack shot from his mouth as a huge beam of energy that rocketed before hitting the MPF head on, this caused a huge explosion that shot into the sky.

They looked up to see that the pillar from the impact had exploded in the air, causing the entire sky to be enveloped in a bright glow.

When the glow stopped, they all moved their head shakily to the MPF where they could only look frightened at the score.


'Crap! So much for not overdoing it!' Dialga screamed at himself. He didn't expect to release that much power!

While the number was displayed, the machine had been completely disintegrated. Dialga kept his straight face on as he walked past the other shocked competitors.

He took a side glance at Ho-oh who just stared emotionlessly at him, they both then calmly walked back to their booths.

"Great job, Dialga." Regirock congratulated. His voice slightly stuttering.

"Yeah, you really killed it..." Regice and Registeel sweatdropped. They looked at the sky that was now void of clouds.

"I guess I- Gah!" Dialga was stopped as he felt immense pain in the back of his head, he looked to see it was Palkia who punched him with a comical angry look.

"What the hell was that?! You could have held back more!" Palkia roared. Dialga just held his hands up in defense.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to release that much power!" Dialga apologised.

"You are such an idiot, Ho-oh as well. You both used a bit more than a tenth of a percent of your power..." Palkia groaned. Dialga just nervously laughed.

'What unbelievable magic power! How have I never heard of them?!' Jura shouted in his mind. He was shaking with his eyes dilating in shock.

Even Kagura of Mermaid Heel had lost her composure as she was barely managing to stay standing as she was shaking madly.

The Fairy Tail Members were no different, Makarov along with Mavis were looking at the field in disbelief, the power was far beyond anything they ever felt before in their lives.

"That magic capability, just how...?" Makarov muttered. His face slightly pale as he was shaking, the power far surpassed him and Gildarts.

"I'm not sure... this magic strength isn't something I've ever encountered before..." Mavis muttered. She was also shaking as she was sitting on the edge. 'Just what are they? No normal person can have that strength... is this what they're truly capable of?'

Sabertooth was looking no better as they couldn't stop shaking from the intense pressure that washed over them moments ago.

Natsu had leaned against a wall and was now on the floor sitting as sweat dripped down his face and his eyes completely wide and blank while panting.

Gray was shaking on the spot alongside Erza who had her teeth clenched and body shaking while her heart was beating incredibly fast.

"No way... there's just now way they're that strong." Lucy muttered. Her eyes dilating in shock as she then turned to Wendy. "H-He's the person you met before, did you know he was this strong?"

"N-No, I didn't get a good gauge on his strength, he seemed to hide it." Wendy replied. Her hands were shaking as well.

L-Ladies and Gentlemen! W-W-We just had our previous record broken... a score higher than a million...!


A/N: I didn't expect this chapter to be this long, so the next half of Day 3 will be in the next chapter.

Also, I hope you like this story so far!


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