The serpents den (Reader x Si...

By HadalZone

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Falling into hell is rough for the majority of demons, the transformation, the fall, and the realization leav... More

Chapter 1: Oh, how we fall.
Chapter 2: Lessons from the generations.
Chapter 3: Paving the way
Chapter 4: New knowledge
Chapter 5: Field test
Chapter 7: Recovery
Chapter 8 Hell house
Chapter 9: (Removed)
Chapter 10: Small victory
Chapter 11: Reality check
Chapter 12: Unexpected visit
Chapter 13: An example
Chapter 14: Broken Egos
Chapter 15: Repairs
Chapter 16: Try to relax
Chapter 17: Stress relief (Lemon)
Chapter 18: Slip ups
Chapter 19: New arrivals

Chapter 6: A taste of death

1K 60 13
By HadalZone

White light and a high-pitched ringing assaulted your senses leaving you blind to almost all but the scorching pain rocketing through your chest. While the pain you felt as you died was nothing more than a warm discomfort this pain was a cracking blaze spreading across flesh and digging to the very marrow like a raging fire. Muffled voices called out and small pangs softly echoed below the high pitched ringing, it sounded like a gun fight was going on but you couldn't tell where or why. The white light slowly fading leaving the plum and crimson star dotted sky of hell to shine its gentle lights. Colors swirled and blurred as if things were moving, that horrid burning sensation in your chest worsening making every breath nothing less than pure agony. A faint voice calling out above the ringing, screaming something but the words were to blurred to understand. The softer pangs quickly stopped as colors started quickly swirling once again showing a darker black, yellow, and pink. Too disoriented to know what was going on yet aware enough to feel every agonizing second, it felt like you were dying but darkness wouldn't come and take it all away. Even when you gave up on breathing to try and ease the pain death wouldn't come to you nor would sleep drown everything away, despite your wishes everything started clearing up. Soon it was just tears that kept vision blurry, but even with the salty water clouding vision there was still a mess of color on your chest and stomach, the same horrid color that leaked from your veins when you pinched yourself on arrival all those days ago. The added pain of suffocation forced small breaths once again, each one painful and drawing more clarity. Discolored blood, grey organs, and slightly charred bone came into focus as a tear was blinked away, despite your chest and stomach being blown open you were still breathing. Though you wanted to vomit your body didn't even have the energy to try, even if it did there was nothing to throw up. A hand lifted your chin up taking eyes away from the mess of gore "Don't look down, you don't have to close your eyes but don't look at it. Staring at it will only make things worse." Trying not to look back down you kept your eyes on Pentious as he carried you into the house, a few small gasps and cries of panic being heard from the eggs as he quickly slithered up the stairs "Armor up and stay on high alert" he hissed out. Every little movement made it feel like you were dying ten times over, your death might have been unpleasant but this was torture. "P-Pen-" "Shhh, It's alright, you can't die here. You're going to be alright" though he tried there was no getting rid of that panic "You'll regenerate in a few moments, just stay calm." There was no calm just exhaustion as he carried you down the hall and into his room, he seemed to have been carrying you a lot since you had fallen but you didn't really care. Closing and locking the door behind him with his tail you thought he was going to just set you on his bed once again, to your surprise though he moved towards the bathroom. Large and with a mess of products it matched with the rest of the place, using his tail once again he turned on the water and took out one of many small vials from the cabinet pouring its contents into the tub as it slowly filled up. "Here, this serum usually helps ease the pain" he helped you undress and seemed to turn red for a moment as he gently started to pull off what little remained of your party dress, you would have been embarrassed but with your panties on and boobs blown off he wasn't seeing much. Warm water was quickly turned to a darker color as he gently set you in the tub, taking care to make sure that your head wasn't submerged with the rest of your body. Though it stung like all hellfire at first the pain quickly subsided, It wasn't entirely gone but it felt much better. Pains paralysis slowly began to fade away granting back some energy and letting once still thoughts bounce around in your head, the tainted waters drawing more alarm despite eyes doing all they could to avoid the site. Stronger breathing drawing more discomfort from the lingering pain, it felt like something was slowly sliding out of place with every breath but you didn't dare look down. "Easy now my dear" Pentious whispered, though his face was red he leaned more over the edge of the tub. There was a new hole in his hood letting small drops of blood drip down and add another horrid color to the water. A still bleeding tail reached over and gently felt around for one of the towels behind him. He tossed the towel into the tub letting the tainted waters stain and drag it down, a few nudges from his free hand moving it over your chest and stomach keeping the damage hidden away. You wanted to say something but the moment you took the breath to ask a horrid feeling ran across your chest, something slid downwards leaving you struggling to not tremble or scream. Seeing your panic and eyes dart towards the bloodied water he cupped your cheek making you turn to look at only him "Don't look" he whispered silently. "I know I know it's horrifying but you're going to be alright. A demon cannot perish less they are stuck down by an angel or the holy weapons that they possess" he explained "Just stay calm and try not to look down at the wound, believe me my dear you'll be fine in a few minutes. I promise." Though death wasn't going to take you away you weren't sure if that was a good thing, especially if you were going to be awake every time something like that happened to you. Though you wanted to ask what happened to Cherri and if he was ok the fear of something else sliding out of place kept you quiet, all that could be done was look at Pentious and wait for the whole horrid ordeal to be over and done with. "And please, never do anything reckless like that again" he said, unable to nod your head and too scared to speak you mouthed an ok. A sad smile letting making it obvious that he had understood. Time seemed to slow down to a crawl making every passing second feel like an eternity, neither of you moving a muscle as you both waited in silence for the nightmare to end. Sure enough everything started to shift, the feeling was almost enough to make you vomit but you felt things slide back into place and flesh melt itself together. Glancing down shaking hands moved into vision and gently brushed the towel down a bit revealing newly mended flesh, trembling limbs holding the soaking towel in place as you slowly sat up on your own. "H-hand me a dry towel so I can get out of this bloodbath" "R-right" you watched Pentious turn away and quickly grab another towel. He seemed somewhat embarrassed again "I'll go fetch your spare clothes" "Just grab my nightgown" you replied as he handed you the dry towel. As he slithered out of the bathroom you stood up, leaving the bloodied and water logged towel in the tainted waters. Wrapping the plush towel around your body and stepping out of the bloodied bathtub everything felt as if it was spinning, the uneasiness lurking in your stomach just adding the cherry on top to the mess of discomfort. As you let the water drain away you noticed that the majority of the tub was now stained that horrid color of blood. Trembling hands reached over and grabbed another towel as you sat on the edge of the tub, you just wanted to dry away the rest of the bloody water and curl up in bed. It wasn't too long before Pentious slithered back into the room and handed you the nightdress, eyes immediately darting away as you slipped it on over the towel around your waist only letting the bloody thing fall when the nightdress had you covered. "I'm sorry about all of this" you muttered "T-this whole thing is my fault I shouldn't have told you to smack her I should have just-" "Calm yourself my dear, it's alright" he said cutting you off. He pulled you away from the mess keeping eyes from looking back as he closed the bathroom door "Me and Cherri are always fighting over territory and past humiliations, a fight would have broken out between us regardless. That's how it has been since the day she fell, no need to blame yourself" he explained. Though he tried to help make you feel better it still felt as if the whole ordeal had just caused a mess of problems for him. You sat on the edge of his bed trying to calm frayed nerves, despite physically recovering the whole ordeal left you mostly drained. "She's probably pissed and plotting some revenge then" you muttered "I'm not going to let her blow you up again" he assured. Slithering over you watched as he tossed his hat and party tie on the nightstand nearby, while the whole getting blow up thing was worse than dying you didn't want that to happen to him either. "Ok, but don't let yourself get splattered against the wall. Satan knows what I'd do if that happened" you replied standing up. Faint shuffles lingered behind you as he changed and slithered into bed. Though your room wasn't that far from his small sparks of fuchsia flames worked with exhaustion and fear, each one begging for you to stay besides him. Turning back and away from the door you caved "Can... can I stay with you tonight?" thought dark you could still see a touch of crimson bloom on his face as he looked at you. He seemed to hesitate for a moment before scooting over "A-alright" it hardly came out as more than a whisper but you still heard it. Crawling under covers there wasn't a care or restraint in the world as you curled up next to him, he seemed to freeze up for a moment as you wrapped an arm around his waist. Closing your eyes there was nothing to focus on but the warmth of silken blankets and the chill of his smooth skin. Ever so slowly he started to shift, opening your eyes you believed that he was going to try and pull away from you. To your delight that wasn't the case. He smiled and rolled onto his side resting his head on top of yours and sliding an arm around your waist, His tail carefully wrapping itself around you, caressing your back, and pulling you closer to him.

Authors notes: It's gonna be a while before the next update so hang tight, I only posted these two chapters together because I honestly hate it when a story gets good and you're left on a cliff hanger. Don't worry though this story isn't over yet I still got plenty of plans.

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