Undertale AU One-shots

By Mallory_Abi_Moriarty

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||I accept any type of requests except for lemons. I'm not too good at them though I do not mind mentioning s... More

"I knew this was going to happen" - Cheater! Underfell Papyrus x reader
28 days to fall in love - Yandere Papyrus x reader
"I realized, honey, isn't my favorite flavor" - Underswap Papyrus x Maid! Reader
"You love us, right?"-Jealous!Swapfell skelebros x Yandere!Reader (Part two)
- Cheater! Underfell Papyrus x reader x Underfell Sans (part 2)
Voice acting gig!
Comissions are open!

"We're so much better..." - Jealous! Swapfell Skelebros x Yandere! Reader

433 7 1
By Mallory_Abi_Moriarty

Most people couldn't understand how Sans and Papyrus felt towards (Y/n). How could they ever? They never have learned about how wonderful the woman was. Sure, for a normal person she may come off as someone that is creepy, obsessive even, but to them both, she was simply perfect. The problem? They were not the people that (Y/N) was obsessed with. The person she liked was someone that the brothers never had wanted to know about. Sad, but it seemed that (Y/N) had never had eyes for the brothers.

The day that Sans fell in love with the weird girl was quite some time ago. It was at the time when he was still not the captain of the royal guards when he was someone weak. Of course, in the present time girls would come on to him from every single place, but only because of the power he held. At the time he had met (Y/N) no one was interested in him. He really wanted someone to see him for his potential, but all he would receive was abuse from the stronger monsters.

The day he met (Y/N) was one of those days when a group of monsters would beat him up to a senseless pile of bones and bruises. Many times he had been almost dusted, and this time he was sure it was the last one he would ever see the light. He had already given up on fighting back, simply waiting for his fate to befall him. But little did he know that someone would come to help him, or at least that was what he thought had happened.

In reality, when (Y/N) had come and beaten the living crap out of the group of monsters was not because she wanted to help Sans if really, she only noticed him being there after half of the monsters where dusted. She came here because the group had messed around with her love interest before, and she couldn't let them get away with such bad acts. She didn't want anything like this to happen again.

But to Sans, she had become his hero. Someone that he wanted to become like, and someone that she would not be embarrassed to fall in love and be with. That's why he tried his hardest to become stronger, to take a high position in the royal guards. He even had to..kill the previous captain of the royal guards. Well, the underground was an unforgiving place, so it was the only way he could actually reach his goal of winning her hear.

Sadly, even when he became such an important person, she never had eyes for him. She never had, all she saw whenever he would be near her was an annoying brat that would take upon her time that she could be spending with her beloved.

How Papyrus fell in love with (Y/N) was a little bit different than the way Sans well in love with her. Completely different if really. She hadn't saved him or was she kind to him. Exactly the opposite. While Papyrus was drunk, he had gotten in a fight with (Y/N) beloved and damaged them pretty badly. Of course, someone as in love as (Y/N) could not let some drunkard beat her beloved and get away with it. That's why she did what she always would do when situations like this would arise, she beat him up.

It wasn't hard if really. He was drunk, and only a few punches were enough to knock him out dead. Well, not literally dead, but close to that. Even in Papyrus' drunk state, he could never forget how she fought for what was right to her, and how determined she looked. In the beginning, he was simply intrigued, but after he noticed that Sans had gotten an interest in her too, and after some time with interact with her, he understood that she was simply perfect. She was just what he was searching for all this time.

He stuck around her as much as possible, or whenever he wasn't forced to be doing work. Just like Sans, she didn't really see him as someone that was worth her time. The only person who was worth her time was, of course, her beloved. This dirty dog, the dirty excuse of a monster was nothing but a waste of her precious time.

However, even though she didn't like them at all, with all the time they had to hang around her, she began caring for them too. She saw them as friends. Whenever she needed help with taking care of some troublemakers, she would ask them to come along with her, whenever she had a date with her beloved, but her job to be done, she asked them to do it instead of her.

You see, she never had a real friend before. Because of how clingy and possessive she always was, even from her childhood, no one ever wanted to begin hanging around her. This was the first time she ever had a true friend, even two! She really didn't know how friends acted with one another, so she thought the way Papyrus would cling to her like a lost puppy, and how Sans would be so possessive of her whenever someone else tried to even look her way, she thought that's how normal friends would act.

In a way, they also helped her get closer to her darling too, so she was thankful. Because she had friends, her darling would see that the rumors were all a lie and that she was not weird, even though the rumors were indeed real, and she was more than a simple weird person.

On that day, Sans couldn't take it anymore. He had been doing anything and everything in his power to get her attention, but she never seemed to notice him. Only that damned brat that she would always talk about. She always had such happy expression, her eyes didn't seem dead anymore, and she always seemed to be smiling when thinking of the brat...She never had an expression on her face whenever she was with Sans, nor she had ever really smiled for him. Only when the topic of the Brat would come around.

Sometimes he would really consider killing the Brat. It would make things so much easier for him. Then he would be able to have (Y/N) all to himself. Well, not all to himself as he would need to share her with his brother, Papyrus.

Meanwhile, Papyrus was not happy either. He didn't mind her being emotionless and expressionless. If really, he loved any type of face she would have, as long as that would be how she truly felt like. What made him mad was that she only seemed to show her caring side to that poor excuse of a pet!

Papyrus of obviously a better pet then they could ever be. He was obedient, always by (Y/N) side, and he always did whatever she would tell him without thinking twice! That horrible pet was...was...was getting all (Y/N) affection without even trying! Papyrus was trying his best, only for her, meanwhile, they didn't do anything, and they got everything.

'It's not fair!' both of the brothers would think 'why are they getting everything, meanwhile I get nothing?' again they both thought. They would have given everything just to be able to be the center of (Y/N) attention, but they weren't.

In reality, they would never be, not until her beloved was still around. They would kill the person, but (Y/N) was intelligent. It wouldn't take too long for her to figure it was them. And when she would...well, they didn't even want to think about it. In the best scenario, she would kill them. In the worst...she would never talk to them again.

Like this, years have passed. In a normal situation, when someone does not want your feelings, you slowly begin falling out of love with the person. Well, that wasn't the case for the brother. By year, day, second they would fall more and more in love, feeling their souls slowly break as they would witness as (Y/N) and that obstacle her beloved would grow closer and closer to one another.

That was until one fateful day that her beloved was diagnosed with a horrible illness. In a few weeks, her beloved had died and left her heart broken. They knew they had to feel bad, but how could they ever? It was like a gift from the heavens. They finally have gotten the chance to have (Y/N) all to themselves without that obstacle Getting in the way. This was their chance, and they were not going to lose it. They were going to become the most important people in her life, whether she wanted that or not.

Sans came closer to her, before sitting down. It was clear she had been crying for hours on end. It was cruel to say that, but she looked more beautiful than ever. So broken, and in need to be fixed. He was willing to be the one that would fix her. He was going to be the one who was going to fix her

Papyrus had seen this as the perfect opportunity for him to show how much of a good pet he was, so much better than the one that died. He was going to comfort her, and show her that he and Sans were the only things she ever needed in her life.

Unlike Sans, he didn't ask her how she was doing. If he was being honest, he didn't care at all. The sadder and more broken she was, the more chances did he have to show her his potential.

He walked behind her, warping his arms around her, before softly saying "It's not your fault, mistress. I'm sure they were a happy person, you made them the happiest. I know from how they always had this happy expression on their face. They wouldn't want you to be sad" That was enough for her to break out into a fit of crying.

In those two days, both of the brothers realized that she was not as strong as she wanted everyone to believe. Like everyone else, she had her weaknesses, and it was now their jobs to take care of her, it was clear that her 'beloved' wasn't doing a very good job.

It didn't take long for (Y/N) to move in with the two. She needed a lot of mental support, and they were more than willing to help her out. To her, they were showing how much of good and caring friends they were, but to them, they were finally getting what they always wanted. What they always deserved.

In the beginning, (Y/N) didn't notice at all how much they hated when she would go outside. She didn't go much in general because of how much everything would remind her of her beloved, but whenever she did go out, one of them, usually Papyrus, would stick closely around with her. Soon enough, they would do everything for her, keeping her in the house.

After that, almost every single sharp thing from the house had begun disappearing, and everything that could cause her harm was forbidden to her. At that moment, she slowly began to question if this was really normal. Did friends really act like that? This reminded her so much on how she acted with her beloved...That could only mean that they were not treating her as only a friend.

Even so, all those years of friendship made her want to hesitate to fully accept the truth. She was going to try and go outside the house. If the door was unlocked, then she was wrong, but if the door was not unlocked...Well, she couldn't keep lying to herself then.

Every step towards the door seemed so heavy. In a sense, she wanted to find out the truth, but in another, she really didn't. She always thought their friendship was perfect, so why should she ruin it now? Please, don't ruin the only good thing she has left.

Dread filled her when she moved the handle, but the door never opened. She looked closer to the door, letting out a small gasp upon noticing that not only one lock was on the door, but several ones...

She could feel two pairs of skeletal arms wrap around her, as she felt their breathing on the back of her neck. Papyrus had placed his skull on her shoulder, meanwhile Sans tightened his hold on her. What really made her freeze and give up on ever escaping was what they said at the same time.

"We're so much better, right...?"

||Ah, this one is my favorite one thus far! I hope you like it as much as I did too! I always loved the idea of a yandere reader and a character who was jealous of the person that the reader loved! Oh, I also decided to give a brief explanation of the whole story on every single one-shot I do. Also, leave requests if you are interested in any type of one-shot. I always love writing new and interesting ideas! ||

"So, the reader is a yandere, like stated before. Her love interest was someone else, not the brothers. Her love interest was very reluctant about being with her for the first few years, but after some time they simply gave up on the idea of escaping her. The reader meets the skeleton brothers when they are way younger and different from how they are now. Because they too hadn't really had any friends, or relationships before, they confused what the reader did with something much deeper and fell in love with her almost immediately. Of course, in their minds, they changed her image a little bit to make her fit perfectly for themselves. As the reader never had luck with befriending people, she was happy that the two became her friends, even though they where weird. Like this, their love grew, meanwhile, the readers love grew for her beloved. Now, I would imagine that the skeleton brothers where a little bit yandere too (Maybe more than just a little bit). I would imagine that the reader had met them at the wrong time, becoming someone they are dependant on. Now, after the readers beloved's death, I would imagine that the skeleton brothers had seen that as their chance to get closer to the reader. She was very heartbroken and easily manipulated.

For the future of the fanfiction, I would imagine that the reader would be too shocked to actually want to live in the reality so she would close herself in a small imaginary world where everything was perfect, and like in the past. The skeleton brothers didn't really mind that as she was a lot more affectionate with them, and that's simply perfect. In a few words, all three of them were completely dependant on one another. That's why if one of them would die, probably the other two would follow soon after too"

||Yay! I'm going to go and start writing another fanfiction I wanted to write. It will be a little bit different than this one, but I hope you all will like it anyways! Remember, if you have any request, don't fear to tell me!||

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