Retention (Dabi x OC - Commis...

Par LadysDaze

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Fuyu never considered herself to be someone who would take risks. She opted to be a rescue hero after all, bu... Plus

A Warning to Future Readers
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14 (NSFW)
Part 16
Part 17 (NSFW)
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21 (NSFW)

Part 15 (NSFW)

2.3K 81 3
Par LadysDaze

Part 15

Sunlight poured in and touched her face, though she had already been awake for a while before the rays had come in and made her realize just what time it might be. But her mind was too preoccupied. The sensations below her navel and the feeling of having herself feel this good first thing in the morning was a new sensation to her.

Her legs curled around his waist as he continued to thrust into her again. His low and muffled groans letting her know that he was still enjoying himself as much as she was with these little sessions.

It had been one month since the night in question... and the month had been filled with many secret after work rendezvous in Fuyu's apartment, and most of the time her bed, and would continue on for multiple rounds and hours until one, the other, or both passed out from the actions they performed with one another.

This morning's only difference was that the male in her bed had seemed to have woken up with a desire for her and thus the kisses that seemed to burn at her skin and the feeling of him entering and leaving her as frequently as her quick breathing was not how she pictured her morning would start.

Though... some part of her didn't entirely mind it. Yes, she might be late with this slight diversion but she couldn't deny how good this felt and how good it might make her feel the rest of the day.

"Ah. Ahh, Touya." She whined as he struck that certain spot inside of her that made her toes curl in delight. "There... right there please."

He smirked into his movements, continuing on with his thrusting and striking the spot over and over until Fuyu felt the pit in her stomach starting to release and her head fell back onto the pillow and she breathed out in delight.

"Ahhhh!" She cried as a pair of lips met hers and muffled the sounds of her orgasm.

The feeling of him coming after two more thrusts again making her stomach create another sensation of butterflies. His lips pulled away from hers, a trail of saliva coming with him. The cool liquid breaking and sending some on her cleavage a moment later, a wet and cold feeling wiped away by the covers with ease.

"You've gotta be quiet..." Dabi chuckled, repeating the now traditional sequence of him getting out of bed to dispose of the condom. "Wouldn't want the neighbors to make a noise complaint... now would we?"

His was silently chuckling to himself, seeing as out of him and the hero he was the much less vocal partner. Meanwhile, Fuyu seemed unable to contain anything and he was grateful once more that she wasn't screaming "DABI!" at the top of her lungs as she came. That would sure bring some questions about... and not the ones that were nice.

He walked back to where he had been happily dozing the night away and then making sweet friction this morning. His hand opening the familiar nightstand and taking out one of the numerous boxes of condoms. It looked like every time they were running low... both would buy a box and thus now had more than plenty to make sure they were being safe.

As he pulled out another square for the next round, he noticed how the female in question was up and stretching. Her back muscles moving as she did so, the male watching with a feeling in his chest that he was slowly starting to like feeling.

Fuyu was too busy glancing at her phone to notice the male coming up behind her and wrapping himself around her, the feeling of his naked body against hers making her that much more aware. Especially that despite the lovely morning activity they both had participated in... he was already starting to get hard and ready for action again.

"Come on... one more time." He husked to her.

Fuyu huffed and let out a few chuckles as she poked his nose and pushed the dark haired male away from her. She shook her head, moving towards her bathroom and turning on the shower.

"Unlike you... I have work to go do."

Dabi rolled his eyes and sat back down onto her bed. Watching her go about her morning routine he had seen at least thirty times now. He knew better than to try and ask again... or to force his way into the shower. She had already given him one round this morning... which only meant he had all day to think and plan out what exactly he was going to do if he decided to come back again tonight.

The pair really didn't have a schedule for if they were meeting up that night or not. But a small system had started. Fuyu had many anime interests after all... and if she was wanting him to come over for her own needs there would be something anime-ish in a window covered by a curtain. If she wasn't there would be no anime-ish object. If she was willing to see him but sex was up in the air, there would be a box of tea.

To the average person it looked like something had gotten stuck in the window but to him the strange male in the thick hoodie who would show up because he had nothing better to do... it was a good system. And on nights he was allowed to come in and feeling like sharing some quality time with Fuyu... it was almost always in her bed.

He was enjoying himself, and knew he also could help himself to her apartment when she left for work and would be gone before she returned After all... it wasn't like he wasn't a wanted criminal hooking up with a rising hero... oh wait he was and this little thrill was his newest way to catch that adrenaline high.

And damn did the last month fill his quota for danger up perfectly without having him murder or seriously injure someone. Attraction was a mysterious and strange thing, wasn't it?


When she had made her return back to work at the start of the month, the office seemed less excited for her return that day then it had in past weeks. But then again seeing how many times Fuyu had been in and out of the hospital it was kinda obvious people would be starting rumors that she liked ending up hurt and in pain.

And lord knows she didn't need that nickname taped to her back, especially when she was still trying to make a name for herself. So the moment she walked to her desk that morning nearly a month ago, it was decided! She was going to watch her back more and be the best hero she could be... aside from reporting on the fact that she knew where a certain villain was at this very moment.

So she'd be the best hero to every other villain and thus far she had been doing exactly that. She had made a grand total of fifty-eight arrests this month and nearly topped the newer sidekicks. Even the interns were starting to pay more attention to her.

A new air was around her, and because of it... people had definitely started to talk. Everything from a new workout routine to prescribed drugs, to a man, had been spread across the office but Fuyu had made sure to not confirm or deny the rumors.

She was here to work and put away villains... not give in to office gossip and get herself distracted. And seeing how she had fifty-eight arrest reports to write up since it was the end of the month... she had enough to worry about today.

"Soji-san!" The boisterous voice of Kirishima called from behind her and she turned on her swivel chair to face the red-haired teen.

"Oh. Hi Kirishima-san." Fuyu greeted back, smiling at him. "What can I help you with?"

"I'm actually here to help you! Fatgum said since you have so many arrest reports to write up that he's sending the interns out to help some of his employees with larger loads... and I was asked to help you!"

He smiled brightly and Fuyu couldn't help but chuckle to him and nod at his request to assist her. She waved her hand for him to come forward and pulled up the other non-swivel chair for him to sit in as she fired up the desktop next to her.

"Alright then! Time for you to get some exposure to the less glamorous side of hero work then!" She called out happily.

"Yes, sensei!" Kirishima hollered, always over excited and joy spreading smile that affected everyone around him. If she had not seen his hardening in action, Fuyu would have assumed his quirk was to make others feel happiness... but it looks as if he didn't need a quirk for that.

"So I'm going to have you look through the criminal database and mark down on the sheets if this is a first time or repeat offender, okay? And when you are finished with that let me know and I'll give you another task. Sound okay?" Fuyu instructed him, showing him where the info would be.

"Understood!" Kirishima nodded, starting to punch in the first criminal's name into the computer.

Fuyu smiled softly to him, and then looked toward where the kitchen was. An idea crossed her mind as she spoke to him once more.

"Kirishima-san." Fuyu brought his attention back to her as his cherry hues looked at her pumpkin ones. "I think Fatgum brought in donuts this morning, would you like one?"

His eyes lit up and he nodded eagerly to her. "Yes, please! Thank you so much! I'm not picky!"

Fuyu nodded and made her way toward where she had seen a dozen boxes of donuts. Fatgum always encouraged his employees to take more than one, and thus food was always plentiful and the fridge was stacked with leftovers more so than lunches people brought in. Half the time Fuyu didn't bring lunch simply because of all the food Fatgum would bring in for free to show his respect and gratitude to his workers.

The other half... she would always find free leftovers in the fridge and eat it after making sure no one else wanted it. She really lucked out with this agency... as Fatgum and most of the employees were like a job heaven for Fuyu.

Fuyu soon was standing by the box and looking at her options. A certain All Might shaped donut caught her eye and she knew right away Kirishima would love it. It was shaped just like the former hero's smiling face and seemed to be filled with some sort of cream. It was just the cutest thing and Fuyu couldn't help but take her phone out and snap a picture of the man before grabbing the donut to be devoured by the sweet red-haired UA student.

It was placed on a paper plate along with three more: a white one with sprinkles, a chocolate frosted one, and one dusted in cinnamon. Perfect... two for them each and Kirishima could have the first picks since Fuyu liked all the kinds here.

As she was walking away, she overheard her name from the coffee maker on the next corner. The women obviously not aware of her standing there since what they were saying would have never been spoken of in front of her.

"So... you think Soji-san has been so outgoing and full of energy cause she's been getting laid?" One woman seemed shocked.

"Of course! What else could it be?" Another laughed. "Only some good lovemaking could get a girl that energized and ready for the day."

"Oh... well if it's been happening this often then..." The first woman sighed, seeming unsure what to say next.

The other woman laughed though, seeming to understand the first one's saddening words.

"Oh don't be so upset for her... after all all month long flings have to end eventually. And seeing how it's nearly been a month now since the change, it won't be long until Soji-san or whoever this mystery man is grow tired of one another and part ways.

My bet is on the man... they always seem to only be after the sex and don't ever put any real emotion into the relationship. I just how Soji-san os prepared for when that day comes."

"Yes... the last thing we want is for her to end up in the hospital again because of a broken heart." The first one spoke with a tone that Fuyu didn't enjoy.

With a harsher grip on the donuts, the female marched back to her desk. Kirishima, bless his soul, had noticed and asked his sensei is anything was the matter... but Fuyu simply said it was the stress of all this work.

The male seemed to take it with a nod and continue his own work so he didn't make Fuyu fall behind. The only thing was because of the conversation she had just overheard... the last thing on her mind now as work and now it was instead... if those nasty words and remarks were actually true.

And thus by the end of the day, she'd have some work to take home thanks to some more swarming thoughts and mixed emotions.


The apartment was quiet, and he felt almost as if he was intruding like an uninvited guest would. But as he mindlessly playing around with the house key in his hand, he knew it was anything but that. He threw it down on the counter, seeing how the hot water was ready for him to jump in now.

Well he wasn't allowed to take the key with him... but so long as he was allowed inside the apartment that night then he knew exactly what the code to the lock box was and could use it freely.

Plus with him using the lockbox and not knocking on her door... it made Fuyu and him less suspicious to the neighbors. Seeing as they might catch onto a man dressed in black and hiding his face coming to Fuyu's door every night and knocking might be a bit more suspicious then a man who came and went as he pleased since he knew the code to the lockbox.

Dabi sighed, hopping out of the shower and finding his clothes from last night everywhere except together in the bedroom. He got changed quickly and decided he might as well get something small to eat and then head on his way.

That hand guy would want him to check in despite the fact that he's been busy trying to get recruits for the League, dealing with Hawks, and of course, making sure no one from his family, especially his father got any hint as to who he really was until it was time to share that info on his own terms.

And so, the male decides on some toast with jam and settled into the comfy couch. The tv was turned on and he listened in on the reports to see if anything struck his fancy as to do today.

Winter was in full swing now and he was lucky his quirk kept him warm so he didn't need to wear too many layers. Fire quirks had their advantages at times it appears... even his cursed one.

The news reporter was giving some heartfelt story about some little kid who was so excited about the cherry blossoms that they were making their own out of paper and having a 'cherry blossom festival' for her class at the end of the week to get them excited for the new year and the spring it would bring.

A bunch of talkative garbage if you asked him.

There was a slight passing on the joint raids that had happened, saying most of the information was being tracked and if anyone plugged in one of the flash drives, every hero agency in Japan would know about it.

Dabi smirked. "Looks like another shit plan gone down the gutter, hand man."

He knew he shouldn't be so happy about a plan he was involved in going downhill... but he also didn't like Tomura too much and never minded seeing him burn. Either metaphorically or literally. Especially if he was the one to do the latter.

He was soon finished and turned the TV off and started to make sure he left no trace of himself. Dishes washed, towel hung to dry, and his shoes on his feet once more. It was funny how used to this place he had gotten after a month, and how much it was starting to feel like home to him.

He scratched at one of his staples for a moment, double checking he didn't leave anything behind that might be suspicious... and when he deemed that he did a decent job and anything left over could be made as an easy excuse by Fuyu, he grabbed the key and left.

His hood pulled up and his head down low. He'd be damned to be caught now, nor would he ever be caught. And thus once the door was locked and the key in the lockbox and the dials turned to make sure no one else got it, Dabi was off on his way to do whatever he pleased to do today.

But once the night struck he'd be back and seeing if he'd have the opportunity to spend the night buried in Fuyu's sheets and arms once more. As he hoped he would.


Tonight wasn't the night for him to come over. She wasn't sure why the words of her co-worker had stuck to her so much, but they had. The thoughts and ideas of how this might not be what she was wanting or needing from a relationship burying further into her then she knew.

After all... in only a single month of seeing one another... all they had done was hook up. At least five nights a week, which wasn't too terribly healthy. But then again, all new couples acting like mating bunnies during their first few weeks of dating... right?

This was normal, right?

If it wasn't... then what was this? Was she only some way for him to get his rocks off and not have to do it with sleazy women? Was she just a side interest that would eventually burn off from his own needs and desires?

God she didn't want to think about any of that right now. Not when work had kicked her ass with all the work and when she had enough paperwork to keep her up for hours. Well then again... it wasn't like she hadn't been up for hours the last few weeks. Only it wasn't because of paperwork in those cases.

Either way... she made sure to grab the box of tea from the window and not replace it with anything as she came home and settled in for the night. She needed some major space tonight and some peace of mind in order to get her work done.

But before any of that... all Fuyu wanted was a nice and hot bath. She only wanted to feel her tasks of the day wash away with a little refreshing bubble bath and not allow these thoughts to consume her.

After all... what woman wanted to be used for the sake of a man getting his sexual fix? Hero or not... as a female and one who had been unlucky in love thus far... the mere thought seemed the start making a crater on her heart.

One she couldn't even confirm or deny or even ask about because she knew Touya wasn't the most open or emotional person. If anything the most emotional she saw from him was when he reached his high and would cradle her in his arms afterward, acting slightly clingy to her.

Every other time... and from the memories, she had and been told of... it was clear why he wasn't the most stable guy. Yes he was dangerous. Yes, he was a villain. But no... she didn't fear for her life while she was with him... or at least now.

And she knew she'd never had to fear for it so long as she was with him.

But... how long would she be with him?

She sighed as she sunk lower into the tub, a few bubbles tickling her nose as she did so. Her eyes dropping until they were closed and she could practically breathe in the scent of sweet pea that was coming from the scent bath bubbles.

As she did so, she was unaware of the man in the hoodie peering up to her apartment windows. Usually, only one would be open and showing one of three options. But tonight was the first difference in the usual schedule and turn of events.

The window was barren, so he knew Fuyu wasn't feeling up to any escapades tonight, but with how all her windows were open and uncovered... he felt as if she was trying to tell him something else.

Almost as if she was telling him to stay out and not come in and bother her. That it wasn't that she was busy or tired and needed a break... but that he was not welcome tonight.

He rose a brow at his own thoughts and the answer he came to. It could have been so many things like she wanted to look out her windows tonight after a month of not being able to do so, or that she was airing out the apartment because of something she cooked and was accidentally burned.

He had no proof that Fuyu was trying to avoid him... other then the feeling in his gut.

The feeling that was often right, like when he had a feeling there was some kid hiding in a bush when he attacked UA over the summer. And he knew how that ended up seeing as only that Bakugou kid got captured for a little bit... but even so, he didn't care about that or those stupid kids right now.

He cared about the hero girl who wasn't seen but clearly trying to tell him something. If her work was on to them, she would have given him a sign to get lost and not show up back at her place unless she sought him.

But no. He was sure of it. This was something else.

And despite how much he wanted to ask her tonight... he knew of the stubbornness of this one. He knew it from the start of when she had ranted to him about the greatness of Fullmetal Alchemist and how he should appreciate it more.

And so, not wanting to upset her and give her a little space, he turned and started to sulk off to wherever he had come from and decide what he was going to do with his night now. Hopefully, by tomorrow he could see her again... because he couldn't help it.

That beating in his chest had become addictive and she was making him start to crave her more and more with each passing second. Something about her... and it wasn't that she was a hero, or how perfectly she felt to him when they participated in certain adult actions... no, it was her.

Fuyu, in general, was becoming something he never thought he'd have the luck to experience or have... or possibly even keep.

And so... he wasn't planning to let her go anytime soon. Or at least not before talking to her and showing the feelings he had developed in their entirety and hopefully clearing away any misconceptions she had of him... and thus making her understand that if this continued... he might even be seeing the benefit of turning away from the acts she already had a hard time knowing he was participating in.

But then again... only time would tell and only his feelings for her would decide the outcomes of it all.

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