I Like My Best Friends Brothe...

By Mahomie4evz

27.7K 84 21

What happens when Kayla and Alexa(Lexi) meet at Teen Hoot, but they don't know each others last names. Kayla... More

Character Profiles
Authors note
Part 2
Author's Note
Authors note
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Authors note
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Authors Note
Part 21
end of the story

Part 3

1.2K 8 2
By Mahomie4evz



(Peyton comes down the steps with his suitcase)

Peyton: Yeah, why were you yelling?

Alexa: Because I want to see everyone, but I want to see Kayla most of all.

Peyton: You didn't tell her that you are

my sister right?

Alexa: You told me not to, so no I didn't, remember I'm not supposed to tell anyone.

Peyton: Ok I just wanted to make sure.

Alexa: Why didn't you want me to tell her?

Peyton: Because I was afraid that she would only be your friend because you are my sister. I know that she is a BIG Psanderette and now I know that she is your friend for you, not for me.

Alexa: Why would you think that? Kayla and I are like best friends, yeah she is a fan of yours but she wouldn't just to be friends with me to get to you. She told me her self that she doesn't like it when people use other people to get to someone else.

(Amelia, Emma, and Chloe come down the stairs)

Amelia: Hey Pey, can we actually come to the hoot this year?

Emma: Yeah can we.

Chloe: Please!

Peyton: Sure, but did you ask mom and dad?

Chloe: I WILL!!!!

(Chloe goes and runs to her mom and dad and asks them)

Alexa: So Pey how are you and Jessica doing?

Peyton: Fine. Not as well as we used to be.

Alexa: Do you still love her?

Peyton: Yeah kind of. I just... (Peyton runs a hand through his hair)... I don't know anymore. I know that she is still in love with me and I don't want to break her heart and break up with her. But I don't just know anymore.

Alexa: Maybe you'll find someone better at the hoot?

(Chloe runs back into the room)


Amelia: AWESOME!

Emma: Well we should go pack then.

(Chloe, Amelia, and Emma run up the stairs to their rooms)

Peyton: I guess they really wanted to go.

Alexa: Yeah, Peyton I have a question?

Peyton: What is it?

Alexa: Ok, maybe I have two,... one is you don't have feelings for Jessica anymore why don't you break up with her. And two can I tell Kayla that I'm your sister now?

Peyton: I don't want to break up with her because I just feel that I do still have feelings for her, but they are really tiny. And sure you can tell Kayla that you are my sister.

Alexa: Ok, why don't we go and make sure that the girls have everything together. Then we can leave.

Peyton: Ok you go help Chloe and I'll help Amelia and Emma.

(Alexa and Peyton go up and help their sisters, then they go and get their stuff in the car, the head to the airport)

Amelia: I'm so happy that I finally get to go to teen hoot!

Emma: Me too!

Chloe: I'm so happy.

Alexa: Ok, well I'm going to sleep. So don't wake me up.

(Alexa puts her headphones in and falls asleep)

(In Nashville)

Alexa: Hey Pey, when is Teen Hoot?

Peyton: Tomorrow and Saturday. Why?

Alexa: Just wondering...I can't wait to see Kayla!

Peyton: I can't wait to see Austin, Alex, Dylan, Kalin, Myles, Skylar, Christian, Griffin, David,...

(Alexa interrupts Peyton)

Alexa: It would just be easier say everyone at teen hoot.

Peyton: Yeah I guess it would be.

(Alexa's iPhone goes off)

Alexa: Kayla is calling me.

Peyton: Don't tell her now, tell her in person.

Alexa: Ok, (Alexa answers her phone) HEY KAY!!!!!

Kayla: HEY LEXI!!!!!!!

Alexa: What's up? You in Nashville?

Kayla: No, not yet...I'm waiting to board my plane so I just figured I'd call you. Are you in Nashville?

Alexa: Yeah, do you know what hotel your staying in?

Kayla: Yeah, it's the hotel closest to Teen Hoot.



Alexa: I KNOW RIGHT!!!!!

Kayla: I got to go, our plane is boarding.

Alexa: Okie!, I'll see you in Nashville Town!!!!

Kayla: Haha quoting Kalin and Myles I see!

Alexa: Haha yeah, see ya when ya get here.

Kayla: Bye Lexi!

Alexa: Bye Kay!!

(Alexa hangs up)

Peyton: What did Kayla say?

Alexa: Not much, she just wanted to know if we were in Nashville yet.

Peyton: Have I ever met Kayla?

Alexa: I don't think so...do you want to see a picture of her?

Peyton: Sure, then I might actually remember her. I think I remember meeting her.

(Alexa puts her passcode in and unlocks her phone then goes to her photo library and goes to a picture of her and Kayla making a funny face and shows Peyton)

Peyton: That's what she looks like?

Alexa: Yep, do you remember her?

Peyton: Yeah somewhat, I think I have a crush on her, or at least I did.

Alexa: Please don't tell me you like my best friend?

Peyton: I think I might. Why do you care who I like? I thought you wanted Jessica and I to break up?

Alexa: I did, but I think it's a little weird that you like my best friend. But will happen if, AND I MEAN IF, you guys do go out and then you break up with her. Then her and I won't be able to be friends anymore. I don't want to lose her as a best friend, I love her like a sister.

Peyton: I don't plan on dating her.

Alexa: Yeah right, that's what you said when you and Jessica were just friends. Now you are gonna break up with her. Which speaking of her, did you break up with her yet?

Peyton: No, but I think I should in person, not over the phone, or text.

Alexa: What about Skype? That's kind of in person.

Peyton: I don't have a Skype though.

Alexa: I do, you can use mine.

Peyton: Ok, but I still don't like the idea of breaking up with her via Skype. But I do really want to break up with her.

Alexa: Ok, but you really need to break up with her, I haven't seen you happy ever since you start coming come and talking about everything but her. She like ruined your personality.

Peyton: Do you really think so?

Amelia: Pey, I don't mean to eavesdrop but Alexa's right, you haven't been happy ever since then.

Chloe: Pey I agree with Lexi too.

Peyton: Does everyone think that I should break up with Jessica?

Emma: I think you should to. You honestly haven't been happy.

Peyton: Ok, I might-as-well do it now. Lex can I use your laptop?

Alexa: Yep, (Alexa goes and gets her Macbook Air out of her bag and goes to her Skype app and sets it up for Peyton) ok, all you have to do is send her a request, she's online so she will accept it right away.

(Peyton sends her a request and Jessica answers it right away,**Peyton is just going to be like a P: and Jessica is going to be J:**

J: Hey Peybear what's up?

P: Jess I have to tell you something.

J: What is it Pey?

P: I don't think that you and I are working anymore, I think that we should take a break and see other people.

J: Are you breaking up with me?

P: Yes, I am. I didn't want to do it this way, I wanted to do this is person but I am not just hurting you right now, I've been hurting my family this whole time that we have been going out. You know how I work, family before anyone, and sometimes for you I've been breaking that. Please don't get mad at me but I think that it is for the best for us to see other people.

J: That's fine with me because I have been cheating on you anyway. So I won't be single and you will so GOODBYE PEYTON!!

(Jessica hangs up)

Peyton: Well I did it, are you guys happy? (Peyton says with a tear falling down his face)

Amelia: Yes, but I don't like you being sad.

Alexa: Neither d...(Alexa gets a text from kayla)


Kayla: Hey I'm in Nashville, but we are hitting the sheets, so I'll see ya tomorrow, you guys should go to bed to. Tell everyone I said hi.


Alexa: Guys Kayla said hi and I think we should go to bed. Cause Teen Hoot day 1 is tomorrow. Goodnight.

(Everyone goes to bed)


Hey guys the next chapter is up!! And I got a wireless keyboard so I'll be able to type a lot faster and then update. I'm presently writing two plays so im going to post this part and then write and post on the other play.

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