E Is For Enemy

De Haydenpumpkinchan

34.2K 1.5K 2.1K

Monster attacks, missing students and the shockingly gruesome discovery of an evil corporation doesn't sound... Mais

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Thirteen

891 40 55
De Haydenpumpkinchan

Karma's P.O.V.

I paced in front of Shuu's door in the hospital, biting my nail nervously in thought.

Although he had passed out from pain and blood loss on the way over here, the nurses assured me that was normal and he was still going to be fine. The stab wounds weren't as deep as we had thought, and he didn't even need surgery. Just a few stitches and lots of rest.

However, I couldn't be happy at hearing that news. I couldn't forgive myself for letting this happen. I should have known Nagisa was up to something. I knew he was unstable after he blackmailed me that day on the pier. I had a feeling something was up when I couldn't find any of my classmates at the dance for a good half hour.

I had been too caught up in my own emotions to realize something sinister was going on. And the reason I was distracted by my own damn emotions? Because of that stupid stunt I pulled on the dance floor.

I knew I was pushing the boundaries. I knew Nagisa was watching that. I knew it could only have disastrous consequences, yet I did it anyways.


Because I was too stupidly arrogant for my own good. That was my biggest fear- not being afraid. Being so overconfident in myself that I didn't stop to think of the risks. And that irrational fear proved to be more rational than I thought.

I was just lucky things hadn't turned out worse. That the rest of E class had come to their senses in time.

That I figured out it wasn't a coincidence Shuu was missing from giving his speech and that Nagisa was nowhere to be found either.

I knew they would be at the old campus, it was the closest, most secluded spot they could get to that was still close to the school.

Seeing Shuu tied up and bleeding like that...so helpless...it triggered something in me I didn't even know was there.

It was in that moment, I knew.

I knew I would die to protect him.

"Karma Akabane, right?"

I looked up to see the one person I never would have expected to start a conversation with me walking over. He was also the last person I wanted to see.

Gakuho Asano.

He stopped a few feet away, like getting too close to me would taint his reputation. The thing he cared about even more than his own son. His one and only son, who could have died tonight.

"It's King Akabane to you." I quipped, a small smirk playing at the edges of my mouth.

"For tonight, I'll accept that." He nodded.

The air left my lungs at the same time all thoughts left my brain.

He gestured to a bench at the end of the white hallway. "May we have a talk?"

Surprised, I didn't give an answer, but I also followed him to the bench.

We both sat down, and he crossed his legs, resting his hands on them as he faced me.

"I heard my son had quite the little adventure tonight." He said.

"Whoa, they better hook you up to a bunch of machines as well. You must be really sick if you just called Shuu your son." I raised my eyebrows.

He looked surprised at my nickname for Asano, but then he was back to business.

"I also heard about the part you played in it."

I was about to defend myself, not sure what he had heard, but he held up a hand to stop me before I could even get a word out.

"My son may have died tonight, if it weren't for you. Things could have turned out to be a lot worse. He had tried to tell me about a monster in the woods by the school but I didn't listen to him. In fact, I yelled at him and ruined what could have been a crucial father-son bonding moment. And to hear he was attacked and assaulted by a student who also knew something about monsters...it made me realize this could all have been avoided if I had just listened to him."

I said nothing, just watched his face for genuine emotions. I still hated him with every cell in my body but he was starting to show a slight sliver of humanity, and that he could possibly be redeemed.

He glanced down at his hands, and I noticed they were shaking, ever so slightly.

"Things have been...difficult, to say the least, since his mother...left us. He was so young when it happened, I don't think he ever got over it. I certainly wasn't a person he could talk to about it, and I rejected the idea of any type of therapist. It would hurt our reputation if word got out Asano was speaking to a counselor, so he had to keep it all inside, dealing with it all by himself."

He looked away, so I couldn't see his face, but his shoulders shook ever so perceptively, and I was convinced he was barely holding back tears.

It was a few moments before he spoke again, and I could hear the slight tremor in his voice.

"He's always been on his own. The friends he's expected to hang out with aren't his real friends. They all just use each other for image. They hang out because it benefits them to hang out together."

Now he faced me.

"But he hangs out with you because he wants to. And you seem to enjoy his company as well."

I shrugged one shoulder.

"I know I haven't been the best father figure-"

I couldn't hold back a snort.

"-but as more than one famous song likes to sing, 'It's never too late', and I like to think that can apply to me as well. I want to be more involved in my sons life. He's...he's my son. My wife's son. My only family. He's all I have left."

He looked me in the eye. "But I can't be a better father if he's dead. So, I'm listening now. Tell me any and everything you know about these so called monsters roaming around the school's grounds. Please. I promise I'll listen and take you seriously. You're not an E class delinquent to me anymore. You're the hero who saved my son, and I want to thank you for that."

"If you want to thank me, apologize to Shuu." I said coolly. I didn't want him to know he had changed my heart's opinion of him. "He needs to hear this more than I do."

He nodded. "Of course. As soon as he wakes up, I'm going to finally be a better father to him."

And with that final pleading look in his eye, I trusted him. At least for right now. He still had a long way to go before he was forgiven, but I could see he was finally realizing his mistakes and was making an effort to change his ways.


And so I told him everything I knew. Creation Enterprises, the missing student, the monster attacks, tunnel C, Markus K Emri, the virus, the painting, the library- all of it.

He was true to his word and took me seriously, listening gravely to every word I was telling him.

By the time I finished, his face had gone a shade paler, and his leg was bouncing uncontrollably.

It was the most I had ever seen him to being anything but calm, cool and in charge.

It was a little...unsettling...to say the least. That's how I knew the situation was even more grave than we had originally thought. Which was pretty fucking grave.

He stood up. "Thank you for telling me, King Akabane."

Oh how I wished I had been recording this! That would have been an even better ringtone than Shuu admitting I was right.

"It's a good thing you told me, I'll have all my power and resources put into investigating this matter." He said, the authority back in his voice.

It made me feel more than a little relieved to hear that. Now it wasn't just two kids against an evil corporation- now we had an army.

"I just wish I had been listening sooner." He sighed.

"Hey," I said, expressionless. "'It's never too late'."

He gave me a smile. "You're not as bad as everyone says, Akabane."

I shrugged again, but couldn't help a smile. "I don't like to let too many people in to realize that. Hurts my image."

He chuckled. "I know a thing or two about image."

A nurse poked her head out from Shuu's room. "Mr. Asano? He's awake now."

"Excellent. I have a lot to speak with him about." He brushed his suit off, but before he walked away he faced me.

"Two more things, Akabane."

"You can call me Karma." I said. "But only if you make it snappy, I want to talk to him as well."

"Very well. Something else happened at the dance. Something...on the dance floor."

I froze.

"Like I said, Asano seems to enjoy your company. And I'm starting to as well. I think you may be a better match for my son than Kiri. He never seemed to really enjoy her company."

Was this really happening? Me and Gakuho Asano talking in public about Asano's sexuality?

I blinked.

"Thanks...sir." I mumbled, blushing.

"No, thank you. You've brought happiness and new life into him that he's been missing since his mother left us. Feel free to visit him whenever you want."

"Thank you." Was all I could think to say.

"And the last thing, I heard you were interested in testing back into the main campus."

"Yes sir." I said, not sure where this was headed.

"I can't guarantee you will pass, but I can promise it will be a fair test. I won't grade you like an E class student, but like I would grade any other student of mine." He said.

"Thank you," I said, really meaning it this time.

"Study hard. I know Asano has been bored ever since you left." He smiled.

I smirked, hands in my pockets. "Well, I think he's had a long enough vacation."

"I agree."

And with that, he disappeared into Asano's room.

I looked out the window, leaning against the wall.

Birds chirped and a breeze blew the blooming flowers. Spring was finally here.

Things were finally looking up.


Of course, when things are finally on top, the only way they can go is down.


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