Starr Academy: Year One

By Katherin3Coitier

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The Starr Academy is one of the most premier and exclusive school in the United States of America. So exclusi... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38

Part 11

35.9K 851 222
By Katherin3Coitier


I woke giggling. Melerick was so wonderful to have with me on my journey to self discovery. He had showed up again and asked how my first day of initiations went. He was smiling the whole time as I talked and told him. He even told me he had the same elements.

The one thing I loved about Melerick was that he showed me a few things he could do and that I would be learning to do this year with my basic elements. First he let out a breathe and the breeze picked up. Then he swirled he hand over the water and made a tiny whirlpool. Finally he snapped his fingers and held a finger up with a tiny flame. It was so fantastic to see. That's why I was giggling when I woke.

The day seemed to a delightful one too. After breakfast, all freshmen were divided into eight groups. Franklin and I stuck together in one group. We said hello to the others in our group before we were taking on a tour to meet our professors.

When we got into Professor Gilliett's room, he gave me a wink before introducing himself to the group. Franklin teased me by making kiss-y sounds in my ear quietly. He also called me a teacher's pet already. I shook my head at him. He can be so immature at times, but I'm finding that it was kind of fun to have him around. A bit of immature to my maturity. It does give me the feeling of a brother being with me too.

I liked all the teachers though they all seemed to know who I was. Of course they would know who I was. Being a Lund at Starr Academy was a big deal after all. I just hope they don't want me to do more than I could handle.

After lunch, I went to Professor Gilliett's office. I loved the look of his office. He had a Moroccan kind of feel. The dark merlot color walls went gloriously with the gold fabric that draped around the windows and pillows were placed around the room. Books lined the wall around the door. Candles were in sconces around the room.

I was glancing down at my outfit and was so glad to be wearing a pair of jeans. I'd hate to try and sit down in here wearing on of my skirts. I'd be uncomfortable in a skirt in here. Though it does look like a comfortable place to relax and read. To meditate too.

Professor Gilliett came in as I was walking around and looking at some of the books on the bookshelves next to the door. "Already ready to study?" He chuckled as I blushed.

"I've always wanted to study magic, and now I will be able to with those who know it best."

He smiled and motioned to the pillows everywhere. "Lets sit and talk. I want to get your thoughts on something."

I walked over to a pillow near the large center window. I lounged on one of the overly large pillows. It was very comfortable. I could find myself maybe sneaking up here and reading in the sunlight. I wondered if I could find one of these pillows and have it in my room.

Professor Gilliett sat down into the large pillow next to mine. He looked so relaxed. "Comfy?" I nodded as I wiggled just a bit more and felt even more comfortable. "Good. I talked to Headmistress Alexi last night. We think that you could take advantage of the accelerated program."

"Accelerated program?" I asked confused.

He smiled. "Yes. This program lets you learn more in a shorter amount of time. I other words, you'll be able to finish high school in three years instead of four. You already have more knowledge and skill than other freshmen. You won't have to worry about the course load. It will only go as fast as you can handle."

"I don't know if I could do it."

He reached over and placed a hand on my knee. An innocent touch. "I know you can. You're a smart and intelligent girl. Just trust in yourself. This first semester you'll get just a taste of the accelerated timetable. If at the end you feel you can't do it, then you'll be just a regular student. Give yourself this opportunity. You won't regret it later."

I smiled shyly. "Only if you believe in me."

He beamed. "I wouldn't be offering this if I didn't think you were capable of it. And I'll help you every step of the way. You won't be alone to struggle. If you need help, you can come here and more than likely find me."

"Thank you. We'll try to see if i can handle this. I hope I don't disappoint you. I'll work as hard as I can to make you proud of offering me this."

"You're a Lund. When you set your mind on something, I know you'll accomplish your goal." He then slapped his knee. "Well, that's all I wanted to speak with you about. I'll let you have a good rest of the day." He rose and gave me a hand up.

I waved goodbye as i left his office. I felt a little bubbly as i went to the dorm. I broke out skipping down the hall of the boy's dorm. I was grinning when I threw Marek and Nathan's dorm room door open.

I had startled them while the boys are all playing a shoot'em up game. Startled them so much that they all jumped and their guys all died. I laughed at the whines from the guys.

"You won't guess what my mentor just told me." I said bouncing over to Marek.

He grinned as I sank onto his lap and he put his arms around me. "What did he say?"

"I might be graduating with you. I might be doing an accelerated program. Learning more and quicker so I could graduate in three years!" I was smiling.

He hugged me tightly. "See. You're already impressing everyone."

We talked the rest of the day and into dinner. The guys even got back into playing their game. It was fun to watched them and the comments they make against each other.

There was even talk about tomorrow's final initiation. talked about who the guys were that needed a true counterpart and the girls. Everyone knew that the freshmen needed a counterpart, but we found out all the others that needed one as well.

That night in my dream, I sat alone by the lake in my white dream. I didn't mind. I knew there would be a few times when Melerick wouldn't be in my dream. I wasn't going to think he was there all the time.

~~~~~Marek's Point of View~~~~~

"You excited buddy?" Nathan said grinning from his bed. He was sitting on it with his back against the wall behind his back. One of his legs were propped up with his arm resting on it. He was in his trademark jeans that were rough looking. His rocker t-shirt that was a bit wrinkled with the short vest. Sometimes I think he has a girl's sense of style.

"I'm more nervous than anything else." I said pulling my own t-shirt over my head. I was just finishing getting dressed for today. The day I find out if my dream was true. The day I get my counterpart that I've wanted since I've first heard about counterparts.

"You know I had the same dream last year. You're going to get her. We will just have to see which her." He raised a cocky and questioning eyebrow. "Do you have a girl in mind? Perhaps our lovely little Hope?"

I picked up a tennis ball I had in my wardrobe just for this reason. I chuckled it at his head. He laughed catching it. "I don't want to get my hopes up on one girl. I'd love it if it were her, but you know how this goes. We must compliment each other. She has six fucking elements dude."

He grinned. "Yes..." He said. "But, you have the others that she doesn't. "You are an Earth and Death guy. Not to mention life too. You'd be a prefect match for her."

"But Franklin has just Earth and Death. He could be a better match along with a few others. There are so many choices for her counterpart."

He sighed. "Just don't be surprised if you do end up being hers."

I walked over and knocked his knee down. "Come on. We're going to be late for breakfast." He chuckled and shook his head at me.

Seriously? Did he want my hopes up just to have them ripped to shreds if I end up not being Hope's counterpart. I already feel like I'd corner the luck bastard that ended up hers. I'd make sure he knew that if he hurt her in any way or restrict her in any way, then he'll have to deal with me.

God I sound like a jealous boyfriend. But by heavens! It's Hope. She's fun and gloriously smart. She's had a bad hand till now. Even with her terrible family, she's an angel. More than an angel. A goddess in my eyes. To survive all that and still not be bitter in anyway. Man...

And I know I've fallen in love with her. I couldn't help it. She's just... perfect.

Every time I touch her hand, it just feels right.

Every time I see her smile, I melt inside. I melt more and more each time. I was falling and falling fast. I don't think any girl that becomes my counterpart will ever make me feel the way I do with Hope.

When I first showed up to her house, I sat there in my car just staring at her writing. I had to double check to find out that the address was right. That I was indeed seeing Hope Lund, my charge. I think that was the moment I started to fall for her.

Looking into her eyes that first time, I felt like life was going to be perfect from now on. That my worries were gone. That the pressure from my family was lifted. Her icy blue eyes were so soothing.

And her voice. Dear heavens! Her voice was that of an angel sent down from heaven. Her voice had that shyness to it that made you want to guard her. But it also had pain within it. After seeing her family first hand, I understood that pain even more. The pain of loneliness that I wanted to take away.

My thoughts came back to the present as Nathan and I walked into the great hall. Hope's blissful laughs hit us almost immediately. I melted even more. Her laughs go right to your soul and make you blessedly happy to be near her.

She was making friends and enjoying her time before school started. The sound of pain was no longer in her voice. I thanked the powers above for me being the one to free her from her pain.

I smiled down at her once I stood next to her chair. I just couldn't help myself, I kissed her cheek. "Good morning gorgeous." My smile became wider at her slight blush. I put that there and was damn proud of it too.

"Morning. You ready for today?" My legs went weak a little when she bit her lower lip in that cute way she does. I think I'll be honest with myself and say I'm completely gone. Not just falling, but fallen completely. Hitting the hard bottom and may never recover. May never want to recover either.

"Yep. You?" I said as nonchalantly as possible.

She nodded a little shyly. She was always so cute when she did that when she was nervous. I lifted her hand up to my lips. "You'll do fine. You have nothing to worry about." Yeah, but I have tons to worry about when it came to her.

She reached up and my eyes closed when she touch my forehead. "You shouldn't worry." She giggled and I so wanted to groan. Did she have to giggle like that? So innocently and sultrily? "You'll get permanent crinkles on your forehead."

I smiled. "I won't."

We ate and talked till it was time for the 'single' guys to be escorted away to the dorms. The girls had to stay in there till we all were in our own rooms. They started placing us randomly into room starting from the top floor of the dorms. Every so often, the professors would skip a room just to through things off.

I was placed in a room on the guy's side of the dorms on the third floor. I walked into it with shaky legs. My hopes hitting a new high as Professor Fairen smiled as she closed the door. Professor Fairen was the science and potions instructor. She was amazing and could make anything. I passed her class with one of the highest marks as most of my class I did.

Finally the last male student was in their room and my phone beeped. We were all told to make sure we had our phones on us. I knew what was going on, but I still brought it. Didn't want to miss when to put my hand lightly on the door.

By placing our hands on the door, only our true counterpart and match can turn the knob. The professor say a chant when our hands are on the door, and that chant makes entry only possible by our match.

Last year I was upset when no one turned to knob by the time my phone indicated that the last female student had tried the last dorm room door. I was even more disappointed in myself when Nathan showed off his counterpart at lunch.

I placed my hand lightly on the door and waited. Please dear heaven let my door knob turn this year. And if you could make it Hope. I think she would be the best counterpart for me. We already have something and she perfect.

I waited and waited. After thirty minutes, I rested my forehead against the stone wall next to the door. Where I stood, the door would open into me, but I didn't care.

My eyes snapped open when I felt the knob being turned. My breathe caught as the door started to move. My hand sliding away from the door as it moved slowly. My heart was pounding in my chest so loud that I thought they could hear it in Timbuktu. I waited as they moved into the room I was in.

~~~~~Hope's Point of View~~~~~

I watched as Marek and Franklin walked out of the great hall. Danielle was next to me. "Don't worry. This is only till lunch that you might not see them."

Nathan smiled as he sat back in his chair. "I speculate that one of them is your counterpart. My money is on Marek." Then he grinned. "How about this... I give you both a cute pendant necklace if it turns out that he is. If not, I give you both a full outfit from top to bottom."

I looked at Danielle and she was smiling broadly. She turned to him. "You're on!" Then she leaned to me giggling. "We win either way."

I bit my lip and giggled. "I know. I just hope it's a very small pendant."

"Oh did I mention you two have to choose the pendant for the other?" He was grinning very devilish at this and the shocked looks on our faces.

"You're on." Danielle said happily as she leaned over to him and gave him a sweet kiss.

We chatted a little more as we waited for the time when those of us that remained that didn't have a counterpart were to leave. I was so nervous about who I would be matched with if I was matched at all. Could it be Marek? Or Franklin? Or someone else I don't know? Oh the anticipation.

Finally my phone beeped with a text. A text that stated that unmatched girls at to proceed to the fourth and top floor of the dorm building on the girl's side. That is where we will start. We're to go door to door down the right side before starting on the left side. Then we'd try the doors in the guys dorm section on that same floor as we had with the girls.

Once we cleared that floor, we go down to the next. We'll repeat this pattern till we have tried all doors and they haven't opened for us. If that happened, then we were to proceed to the lounge room we sat in on the first day of the initiations before being escorted to the pastel green room.

My heart was pounding as I walked up the stairs to the top floor of the girl's dorm. I was behind so many girls. So many that were giggling or holding onto the handrail because they were so nervous. I was one of the ones holding the banister for dear life.

We slowed as the first girls start to try the doors. I waited on the stairs a few away from the top of the stairs. One by one, girls stepped to the first door and tried it to see if it turned.

The girl before me turned the knob and it turned. She was shocked and giggled. She kept saying she couldn't believe it over and over again as she opened the door. We were to leave the door partially open when we went in. And she did just that as she skipped in the room.

I passed that room and saw her smiling up to a guy. They were holding hands facing each other. They seemed so cute together. Especially with that sweet look in their eyes.

I slowly tried door after unopened door. I went through all the ones on the top floor of the girl's dorm and even the top floor of the guys dorm. Every door I tried, my heartbeat picked up just that little bit more.

The third floor of the girl's dorm proved fruitless too. My hopes for the guy's side was slowly diminishing. My hand shook as I tried each one. Not just my hand either. My legs too were shaky.

I came to a door in the middle of the guy's third floor dorm. I took a deep breathe and turned the handle. My breathe caught when the knob turned for me. I guess this was my counterpart. I slowly opened the door to the room feeling I was about to pass out when I saw my counterpart.

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