By Ruimare-Chan

61.4K 1.6K 151

"Because I'm no one..." I answered to the beautiful girl before me as she angered face ruined her cute facial... More

C1 : "Prologue?"
C2: "Just..."
C3: "Because..."
C4: "I'm..."
C5: "...a..."
C6: "Mob..."
C7: "Character..."
C9: "... I..."
C10: "Fall..."
C11: "...For..."
C12: "Someone..."
C13: "...from..."
C14: "...your..."
C15: "...harem..."
C16: "...I..."
C17: "would..."
C18: "...fight..."
C19: "...for..."
C20: "Her..."
C21: "affection..."
C22: "even..."
Be my friend since I'm lonely af

C8: "Couldn't..."

2.2K 68 8
By Ruimare-Chan

Title: "Couldn't you make him stop calling me nicknames..."


The Heroine's event... I got through it without dying right? Because I'm still alive right now.
But why is he still attach to me like a dog in a leash and by him...

"Umm...Tachibana-san you could let go now..."

I blurted flustered by the sudden hug. My eyes were red and puffy as I hold my self from quivering. Somehow I did survive rejecting him by a maiden crying tactic... I thought as I came to conclusion that the second male lead is weak to a maiden's tears(?)

I waited for the moment he unwrap his strong arms away from my shoulders but it seemed he didn't budge even though I reassure him that I was fine. I became worried as the thought of someone suddenly walked this way and saw us in this kind of position. Suddenly my ears perk up when I heard footsteps from afar.

My eyes widen when I saw the Heroine's figure and of course their her group following behind. Her round ruby eyes clashed with my bluish ones. In the blink of her eye Tachibana Makoto suddenly turn as the group could only see his back.

"Oh? Makoto what are you doing standing there!"

I could hear his childhood friend, The first Male Lead called for him and on the same time Makoto let go of me and hid me behind his large back while facing to them. Thankfully Makoto has a large figure for a second year and I could hide without anything peeking out.

"Ah, Luca. It's you."

I heard he replied plainly visible that his annoyed of something. I could hear the nervous yet charming chuckle of the first male lead as I accidentally eavesdrop at the two childhood friends conversation.

"Hahaha, 'it's you'? Then were you expecting someone else?"



'Yeah ouch. His your childhood friend for goodness sake! Act friendlier...' I thought feeling annoyed at the tense atmosphere around us. I also asked myself mutilple times, When can I leave? Or rather— when will their conversation ends!

I've been standing behind Tachibana's back for awhile and not even one member could say, we've been standing here for awhile now...why not talk in class? Seriously are they trying to gain attention by standing in the middle of the hall.


I jolted a bit when suddenly the academy's Bell rung signing student's to go to their respective classes. I found this as a chance to escape since a mob of students will walk through this hallway and this could lessen the chance for them to notice that I was even behind Tachibaba-san.

The joyful chatters of students and greeting could be heard as they walk past us and I did my best to suit in the crowd. Thanks to my average looks I fitted in very well as I was afar from the Heroine's harem.


Somehow I felt bad leaving Tachibana-san alone without bidding my goodbyes... B-but he has his own group then he might didn't notice my presence. Than doesn't that mean—The Heroine took him away from me?! Heroine I'm thankful you were useful for once.

If this keep going then...I could leave him alone for a couple of weeks and he eventually forgets about me while I finally got my peacefulness back. This will be simple since I just could follow the Heroine's places she frequently goes. A great plan! I praised myself as I planned to commence the mission after this class.

"Shirosaki Hana, please answer this equation."

My eyes blinked open when I heard the teacher called for me as I stood up while replying with a whispered voice. This is simple. I thought as I stare at the board in front of me full of shapes of the polygons and the question is to find the value of x in the corner of the polygon. I grabbed the chalk from the teacher's desk as I began brainstorming.



I placed my pen on the desk while grabbing my notes and kept it inside my file. The teacher left us without saying goodbye and everyone began to be in a group while happily chatting. Some of them left to went at the cafeteria since it's recess after all.

My eyes glittered as I grabbed my lunch box while skipping my way to the cafeteria. I was happily humming since the last class had place me in a good mood and since I have payed all my fees for the month, I have no problem with money after this though saving some is even better.

I arrived inside the cafeteria as I searched for my ususal table. Once my foot stood in front of the table my mouth was gaping seeing my table occupied.

"Hana-chan! You made me wait to long. Come~ let's eat together."

The voice spoke as it belongs to none other than Tachibana-san. Just why... I thought as I felt my mood decrease. It was not a question that I could refuse nor was it really a question. I have no other choice than just took a sit in front of him.

I placed my bento on the table and opened it as I clasped my hands and whispered my prayers stuttering a bit.


I grabbed my spoon and took a mouthful of rice as it went inside my mouth. Did rice taste this plain... I thought as my eyebrows creased. After that I placed a piece of sweet lamb meat inside my mouth.

No. This can't be. Why does this lamb taste plain as if I'm eating a mouthful of rice?! I thought as I came to my sense and repeated my action, placing the lamb inside my mouth to receive the same result. I mentally cried as I continue eating praying for my taste buds to regain the foods taste.

"You must really love meat, Hana-chan."

I heard he spoke in a cheery voice. Well I don't disagree, I do love any kind of meat but I'm starting to have second thoughts for that. I then heard hurried footsteps coming our way, I didn't waste any time to turn my head to see who it was.

"Makoto! What are you doing here? Come we still have some work left undone."

I peaked to see the source of the feminine voice from and saw strands of wavy pale link hair, the Heroine. Yes! Go with her and finish her Heroine event! I thought determined but his reply made me dig my own grave.

"No. We still have time before recess ends, Asakura-san."

I heard him answered calmly and rather politely. Wait. Aren't you supposed to call her with a '-chan' as for now? I was confuse making me lost in thought.

Did the first event didn't happen? But she is already with the group meaning every one of them should call her without any honorofics or with nicknames that given by them.

"Boo~ your still calling me 'Asakura-san'. We're friends right? You have my permission to call me by my given name."

I heard the Heroine whined as I agreed on her behalf secretly. I peeked to see Tachibana's expression, his eyebrows were crouched together and his lips in a frown.

"Friends? You barely know me well..."

He exclaims as I felt a vain growing on my head. 'That is after you both start calling each others names without honorofics!'  I thought as dark lines slid down from my forehead. I could sense the Heroine getting impatient and I'm getting anxious every glances that the heroine gives me. After a few minutes, I have finally finished my bento and decide to speak up.

"I-I think I will be going now. Excuse me Asakura-san..."

I mutter as I stood up from my seat with my bento in hand. Before I could celebrate my successful exit, a large hand grabbed my smaller ones making me jolt from shock.

"Wait Hana-chan!"

At the same time the owner's hand spoke as I turn my head to see Makoto's eyes clashed with mine. My face clearly shown a hurried expression. 'Why did you hold my hand?!' I shouted mentally as I prayed to turn invisible from the eyes of the students inside the cafeteria.

My whole body shook as the whispers started and I tried to pulled my hand from his grasp but the more I struggle, He kept holding it tighter though not that tight that it could break my bones.

"How about me..."

My eyes perked when I heard Makoto muttering something under his breath as I hummed signing him to repeat. His face suddenly faced me as his were sharp but hope glimmer in them. 'What is he trying to do?' I thought as I quiet down to listen to what his saying.

"How about my goodbyes? Why didn't you call my name too?"



END OF CHAPTER 8: "Couldn't..."
-1506 words

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