The Sound of Silence 2 // H.S.

By Scene-d-amour

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*MATURE CONTENT* I fell to my knees before her. She couldn't even look at me. I was absolutely lost without h... More

•Nikki Samson Album Notes•


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By Scene-d-amour

"Kiwi" - Harry Styles

Nikki's POV

London, December 6, 2016

After promo I threw myself into tour stage design then right into rehearsals. Harry had to go to France for a couple of days for some reshoots for Dunkirk; he also had more photoshoots and meetings to get everything set up for the upcoming year. He wanted his entire year outlined before Christmas.

Look at my baby learning organization and adulting! I told him to give himself some flexibility; life can be unpredictable. He wants to stay as routine as possible, so he's less stressed.

I suppose that I'm rubbing off on him.

He would be back tomorrow so that also meant cancelling my rehearsal for tomorrow because as Harry put it on the phone ten minutes ago, "I'm fucking you on every surface of our house." I mean, I won't be able to walk tomorrow or the possibly the next day. When Harry says he's gonna do something, he's gonna do it.

"Rehearsal is cancelled tomorrow!" I say into my microphone to get my band's attention.

"Yeah, we already figured that." Rachel does a crude gesture with her hand and her mouth to where it looks like she's giving a blowjob. "Get that dick. I don't blame ya. You get bitchy when you haven't hopped on that stallion for awhile..."

"Huh? I DO NOT!" I huff and look to Toby for help.

"You have been irritable for the last two days..." Toby ducks in case I lash out at him.

"Unbelievable. And Gwen...Elvira? Do you two feel the same way?"

They look at their feet, giggling to themselves. I roll my eyes and crush my empty water bottle. They don't know how crazy Harry has been driving me this week. His cryptic messages followed by the dirtiest texts he has ever sent have had me dangerously close to flying out to France just to teach him a fucking lesson.

Harry: Dripping on me till my feet are wet... 🥝

Harry: Remember the first you did that baby? You drenched me and begged me to fuck you so hard.

Me: Harry. It's 6 AM. You'll make me late with all this nasty talk! 😩😩😩 And what is with the kiwi?

Harry: The queen is allowed to be late. Get nasty with me, baby.

Me: Did you work out to Janet Jackson again this morning, baby? 😂

Harry: No, my first name ain't Baby! It's Janet! Miss Jackson if you're nasty. 😘

Our texts always went off on a tangent, mostly because of me. If I allowed him to continue sending me dirty texts I would never make it to rehearsal on time. I'd be walking in on spaghetti noodle legs with a spaced out look on my face.

Every morning started the same way. He would send a riddling line or two with a kiwi. I'd barely be waking up when a text would chime through. I stopped setting my alarm because Harry was my wakeup call.

Harry: She's driving me crazy but I'm into it, I'm kind of into it 🥝 It's getting crazy, I think I'm losing it 🥝

Harry: You always drive me crazy in the best way. Everything around me can get chaotic and I got lost in it for awhile, but you're the peace I always needed. I'd rather get lost in our own little world. I love you. Do I tell you enough? I love you, angel. I'm crazy in love with you.

Me: Oh, I know. 🙂

Harry: Nikki...😒😔

Me: Lol Relax! I'm crazy in love with you, too, monkey. You're my everything. ☺️ These kind of good mornings are taking me off guard. Are you ok? The kiwis are confusing...

Harry: Oh, I know. 🙂

Nikki. 🖕🏻

Harry: I can show you where to stick that finger, darling.

Nikki. How bout my fist? 👊🏻

Harry: Hehe you funny. SooOo fuuunnyyy!

I grabbed an early dinner after tour rehearsal with Adele to catch up and my phone kept going off. Before I could turn the bloody thing off, she grabbed it and put my password in to read the messages. The bitch knows my password to everything.

"1994? Really? The year your boy toy was born? How original." Adele laughs at my password choice that wasn't really mine.

"Blame Harry. That's what he changed it to. I think he likes to make sure that I'm only sending my nudes to him. Trick statement—he finds my nudes that I refuse to send him then sends them over to himself." I snort into my glass of wine. I gave in and ordered one glass of cabernet to help settle my nerves over my upcoming tour.

"Okaaay, that I get, but the weirdo just sent you a picture of cigarettes, a random one of you when you were younger, a bottle
of scotch, and an encyclopedia." She shows me the photos. "What the hell s'that about?? Wait, there's more..."

Harry: She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes...hard liquor mixed with a little intellect. All the boys, they were saying they were into it...such a pretty face, on a pretty neck. 🥝 🥝 🥝 🥝

"Kiwi, kiwi, kiwi, kiwiiiii..." I shake my head. "Don't ask because I don't get it either."

"Sounds like a weird sing songy kind of riddle, yeah?" Adele echoes my snort into her own wine glass.


I completely forgot that Mitch has hinted at Kiwi being a song. Mixed feelings begin coursing through me because if that's the case it would no longer be our secret safe word. I don't want people speculating about our sex life. Then again, the words he has sent me have been kind of broad and sometimes he decodes it and other times he doesn't.

It's like seeing a damn double rainbow.

What does it all mean?!?!

Harry can be so frustratingly cryptic. I know I'll eventually get answers if I want them all, but he loves to play. He's such a kitten.

I snatch my phone back from Adele and FaceTime him. His flawless face came into view with a natural glow greater than the gods. I momentarily forgot why I called, my tummy feeling both fuzzy at the sight of him and queasy because I missed him.

"I didn't know you were dying your hair! You look like my angel again!" Harry beamed. I forgot that I had my hair done this morning.

"Didn't want to touch up the blonde hair so much during tour. I feel much more like myself again." I fluffed my hair while looking at myself in the camera.

"You're beautiful...can't wait to run my hands through it while you suck—"

"Hiiiiya Harry!" Adele squeezes into view. "Suck what? Kiwis? What the fuck are you two on? Should I be concerned?" She narrows her eyes between the two of us.

Harry laughs before clearing his throat.

"Uh, hi Adele. How are you?"

"Fine, until your weird messages interrupted our girl's day out. Care to explain?" Adele pushes me completely out of view. I shove her right back with a laugh.

"It's none of your business!" Harry says sassily. I don't miss his hand flying to his hip. I cover my mouth to hide my amusement.

"It's fiiiine! Nikki will just tell me later because I'll make her!"

"No, no it's really none of your business, Addy." I wink at Harry as Adele scoffs and orders more wine.

I sneak off to a corner to talk to him privately. He's talking to someone, but I can't see them. If he was working he wouldn't have answered.

"Are you busy? I just wanted to see your face." I try not to shy away behind my hair that was getting longer.

"No, love. I'm out with some of the cast since we finished for good today." Harry leans in closer and speaks lowly, "You really do look beautiful, my baby. I've missed your long, dark hair. I can't wait to see you."

"I can't wait either. I might cook you something like a little homemaker wifey." I bat my eyelashes. He laughs loudly, his eyes crinkle and head flown back.

"You? Domesticated? Oh Nikki, oh darling...nooo!"

"Excuse me?! Who taught you how to do your own laundry? Who taught you how to tell if something is dishwasher safe or not? Who—"

"OkAy! You've trained me! I surrender! Cook me a casserole and have something good on the telly when I get back then, alright?" He winks and blows a kiss.

"Fuck you, Harry. A casserole? I was going to make you a sandwich and call it a night! I don't even know how to work your oven!" I giggle at our silly banter.

"Oh my gosh, she is FaceTiming with Harry!"

"She taught him how to do laundry?!"

"She said WIFEY, are they married?! OH MY GOD! Did you get that? Tell me you got that!"

"I'm posting it on IG now!"

I glance over my shoulder at 3 shaking girls who look shellshocked when they see me look right at them. One girl mumbles that I'm getting to be like Harry and I always spot the camera. Um, no sweetie. You were anything BUT discreet with your mouth breathing and iPad out.

"What's wrong, baby? I'll be home tomorrow. Can't wait to—" Harry starts.

"Shhhh! I gotta go. I'll text you, okay?" I blow him a kiss and hang up before he has a chance to say anything. My diva of a boyfriend will be sending a text in 3...2...1...Buzz Buzz!

Harry: You didn't tell me you love me. What if I slip on a kiwi and die?

Nikki: Lmao! Stop being so dramatic! Fans were taking a video of us chatting and I didn't want them to know what position you fancied fucking me in!

Harry: Don't laugh. I always imagined that I would die a rather silly and disappointing death. For example: HARRY STYLES FROM ONE DIRECTION CHOKES ON HIS KALE SALAD AND DIES ALONE IN LONDON HOME.

I cackle on the way back to Adele and I's table, but stop to think for a second. We really could die from anything. His salads will be extra chopped now.

Nikki: I'm gonna make sure I clear out our home of all the kale. No leafy green is going to murder my monkey! FUCK KALE!

Harry: So you'll pick some up on the way home for my smoothies then? Please and thanks, wifey.

Nikki: 🖕🏻

Harry: 🥬— this comes up for Kale. Looks more like Chinese Cabbage, no? I'll send Apple an E-mail. I'm concerned.


Harry: ...

Harry: Drama queen. 😙

Nikki: Love you. 😘

Harry: 🖕🏻Love you the most.


Dinner with Adele had turned into two chick flicks and a heart-to-heart chat about our love lives. She had eloped without telling me and I was holding a bit of grudge about it. I quickly forgave her, though, because in truth I kind of wanted the same thing. I longed to have a private intimate ceremony without the paparazzi or media frenzy surrounding the most important day of my life.

Granted, I know Harry and I aren't engaged, but we will be. I'd want only the most important people in our lives there—the real genuine people in our corner. I'm a performer for a living. A big extravagant wedding just feels like a big show and I don't want to put on a show when comes to the person I love most in the world.

"I was in sweatpants when I said 'I do'!" Adele laughs. "It was an impulsive decision and so bloody unromantic! I might regret it, but wine helps." She tilts her head at my far away expression. "You married yet, babe?"

I smile at her attempt to lighten my mood. Adele had always wanted the big wedding and Cinderella-like dress. She had a whole binder of her dream wedding plans complete with pricing and clippings from magazines. She has the money now to achieve her dreams, so why not do it?

"No, but secretly getting married is more my thing. You always wanted a big wedding." I frown.

"Couldn't put Simon through all that hoopla." Her eyes fill with tears. "In my head, we were on a cliff like in the movie Runaway Bride and he looked more like Richard Gere, too." She laughs through her tears.

"I want you to be happy, Addy. I told Simon I'd cut his dick off if he didn't make you happy. Do I need to do the deed? Blink twice for yes." I narrow my eyes looking for the sign to go and castrate her husband.

"Oh, stop it! I'm perfectly happy! You blink twice if I need to make Harry eat his own shit!" We both stare at each other wide eyed without blinking before falling over into a fit of giggles.

"I know I gave ya shit for getting back together with Harry, but I've never seen you this happy. His dick must be off the charts AH-MAZING!"

I roll my eyes, throwing one of the pillows on the sofa at her. Of course now she had me thinking about his dick and how I was in for it tomorrow.

Remain calm, Nikki. Je suis calme.

No need to kiss and tell about your sex life...your amazing, fucking sex life.

"On that note, I gotta go." I grab my handbag and beeline for the front door.

"Gotta rest up that pussy? I get it sweetheart!" Adele snorts at my middle finger flying into the air behind me.

"What's pussy?" Adele's son asks from behind me. I'm put on the spot. I don't want to scar this poor child for life. My best friend sees my face quickly morph into a sudden panic attack and wash over with relief at her quick witted answer.

"A pussy cat, bub!" She winks.

"I'm going to leave before my nephew is scarred for life. Bye babes!" I kiss Adele on the cheek then her little son on the top of his head.


The weather was quite cold in London and I had on one of Harry's jumpers over my dress. I didn't care on whether or not it matched; it was comforting to be surrounded in his scent. We have been spoiled with all the time we had together the past few months. A week apart feels like ages. I've never been the cuddling type until I met him.

I wanna cuddle the fuck out of him when he gets home.

I expected to come home to a quiet house, but I heard some noise coming from the living room. The housekeeper was off today and it's far too late for her to be here. I stayed frozen by the door.

What if it's a stalker? An axe murderer? Kendall Jenner?

Okay, THAT was dramatic.

Maybe Suzie is up to no good.

Nooow you're being rational, Nikki.

Suzie rubs against my leg, purring and meowing about her day. I pick her up with a smile. She paws at my cheeks in a gentle kneading motion. She usually only does this when daddy's home and she's high off cat nip.

I hear a noise in the living room again which causes me to back up against the front door. Suzie jumps from my arms leaving me to die.


It crosses my mind to call Harry, but I'm no pussy ass bitch. I grab one of his golf clubs by the door, talking up a big game to myself. I'm a strong, independent woman. I got this. I GOT THIS!

I walk into the living room like a boss and do a part squeal, part scream, part hyena laugh at the sight of Harry sitting in an armchair dressed up in a crisp suit.

He gives me his best smolder, but isn't able to keep himself from breaking out into a grin at my frazzled state.

"Were you about to bludgeon me to death in my own home?"

"Maybe a little..." I drop the golf club and climb into his lap for that cuddle I wanted all week. He laughs at my soft greeting, long ring-clad fingers dancing up my leg to the hem of my dress.

"What if it wasn't me?" He whispers into my ear. Harry is in a mood to wreck me. I can feel it in my bones.

"Someone would've been clobbered." I peel away from him to look at his perfect face. "Hi..."

He continues tapping his fingers along my thigh while bring his other hand up to run through my hair. He gives my new look a once over. My heart still lurches when he looks at me so intensely, but once I really got to know Harry I realized that he's a man of detail. He memorizes everything.

"Hi my pretty baby, missed me?" His lips ghost over mine.

"Uh huh..." I push my lips into his. I need him to take care of me right now. How dare he come home looking like this. My hormones are screaming. "How you come daddy..." I manage to get out between kisses.

"Came straight home after the wrap party. I couldn't wait any longer. I need you to listen to it." He pushes his jumper that I'm wearing up my torso.

"Kiwi?" I raise my arms up so Harry can pull his jumper off of me and tosses it to the side.

"Mmhmm..." He turns me around in his lap so that my back is against his chest. "It's the first rock song I've ever written. You inspire me, baby." I feel him kiss down my neck and an abrupt blaring of music filling up the silence on the surround sound. The guitar and Harry's voice dance across my skin and bones.

Holy. Fuck.

He's everywhere all at once. The sound of him. His lips and tongue on my racing pulse, smirking and teasing me. My panties were slipped to the side at the end of the first verse. He spanks my pussy to the beat making me writhe against him. Somehow in the midst of the loud music I can clearly hear him whisper in my ear.

"Where should I fuck you first, hm? Right here? Against the wall? The kitchen table? The garden?" The dark promising tone in his voice has me dripping for him.

"Not even gonna let me finish listening? It's so fucking good, please?" It's not a lie. I have questions that need answering. The song is all over the place and yet the obscurity and sass of it is so HIM.

"Keep listening. Get that dress off then be a doll and unbuckle my pants." He gives my clit one last slap. I'm already on edge as I slip out of my dress. The song ends, but begins again. I laugh at my extra egotistical boyfriend.

He really is going to fuck me to his own song playing on a loop.

I swirl my tongue into his mouth in a heated kiss, unbuckling his belt. He surprises me by pulling his belt out of the loops and folding it. I feel him rubbing the belt over my ass cheek.

"Sit on my cock. Show me how bad you want me to ruin you. C'mon..." He lightly taps my ass with the belt.

"Yes, sir..." I slide my lace panties to the side and tease both of us by sliding the head of his dick in out to get it dripping wet. I was beyond ready for a good fuck; no foreplay was really needed. I've been thinking about him all week.

He slaps his belt harder against me this time. The sting makes me shake with need. I take him fully and gracefully move up and down his length, familiar on how to move in ways that provide us the most pleasure.

A bead of sweat slides down his chest. He looks sensational in this suit but it needs to come off. I pry off his jacket while circling my hips. We get lost in the ecstasy of one a other once I'm done with the undoing buttons on his shirt. His mouth latching on one of my nipples is my undoing. My hands fly back to grasp his thighs as I bounce on him vigorously, giving him a real proper fuck.

His assault on my breasts continues. Our moans are lost in the music. It's so loud that it would undoubtedly look like we're silently fucking each other's brains out which wasn't the case at all.

We both cum hard, smirking at how wet it sounds between loops of the song. He picks me up without pulling out of me and pushes me up against the wall to towards the kitchen. Holding me up, he pulls out and strokes himself, beating his re-hardening cock against my clit every now and then. His pink shirt is wide open and his trousers are down at his ankles. It's amusing, but mostly unbelievably sexy at how he doesn't give a fuck and needs me just as much I need him.

"Shit, this is so hot, but baby, your wrist—"

"S'fine, angel. Fucking hell, our cum is the best lube..." He says then slides back inside me. My panties are stretched to hell, but I'm far too gone to care. I almost laugh at the fact that he hasn't ripped them off yet.

Harry was true to his word. He had his way with me all over the house. He kept mumbling something about us being too busy to fuck next year and this bitch better be kidding. A quickie is better than nothing.

He places me on the dining table, our bodies are a sweaty mess as we lay there still connected and out of breath. Harry had stopped by our bedroom at some point to take a hit from his inhaler. I laughed so hard that I cried, telling him we should stop. He spanked me in response then finally removed my panties.

"Mean girls get their mouth stuffed." He stuffed my panties into my mouth, rubbing my cheek to make sure that I was okay with it. I nodded, waiting and hoping for him to ruin me even more.

He fucked me from behind while holding my wrists behind my back. My muffled screams were drowned by Harry's singing voice.

How am I supposed to survive this song when he performs it live? It's a fucking aphrodisiac! And fuck him for wanting me to only think about him like this during this song.

When we finally made it our current position on the dining table, I unmuffled my mouth with a devious look.

"You would look so pretty in black lace." I loop my panties around his neck, gripping tightly.

"Yeah?" He smirks down at me as he holds my thighs back to properly fuck into me. The table was screeching against the floor with every thrust. The song on repeat with his silky raspy voice mixed with sexy guitar chords made goosebumps appear all over my body.

I let go of the flimsy lace around his neck, unable to hold on as I come undone yet again. Instead, I grip the sides of the table. Harry's mouth meets mine in a steamy reverie of wet kisses, moans, and filthy words that send me over the edge again and again.

"Love when I get to drive you crazy for once. Look at you...such a pretty little mess for me." He kisses down my throat. His teeth graze my collarbone while he rocks into me now, so deep inside of me. I slap a hold onto his ass to keep him there. Feeling him this deep is always the most intense with our eyes locked on each other right as we're about to lose it. We moan and gasp out audibly into each other's mouths.

"Want you to know that you're mine just as much as I'm yours...equals..." Harry grabs one of my hands and slides it up his chest to his throat. My thumb slides up to his chin, loosening my grip because I want him to ruin me and not the other way around. I don't expect him to suck my thumb into his mouth in a suggestive way, winking as he slowly slides up to kiss the tip.

"Put. Your. Hand. Back. Around. My. Throat." He enunciates with a hard thrust on the hilt of each word.

It's difficult to focus, but I hone in on the protruding veins down his neck. He half growls, half giggles at my nails gently raking down before wrapping around his throat. My other hand brings his hand to my neck.

"You have all of me, too. This pretty neck is yours."

Our smirks mirror each others when I reference the song blaring in the background.

"And your pretty face?" His hand tightens around my throat.

"Mmph...mmhmm..." My vision blurs as my biggest orgasm hits me out of nowhere. My senses are in overload; Harry doesn't slow down his thrusts and I cry out the word of the week...needing to be held and soothed back to Earth.

"Kiwi!" I choke out. "Kiwi, kiwi, kiwi!"

🥝 🥝 🥝

Author's Note: Hey, it's been awhile. Forgive me for the long absence and forgive me for this shitty chapter. I'm sure there are many grammatical errors as I haven't been able to write anything for awhile. Love you all! x

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