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Author's Note: I'm sorry, not sorry about the ending to this chapter. 💅🏻

"Paradise Mystery" - Venemy ft. Alexandra & Kedo

Harry's POV

A week had gone by, both of us working during the day and meeting up in the evenings for dinner and deep conversation. There was always a rom-com on the background, but we were too enthralled with each other to pay attention to the film. This angel also kicked my ass twice when we played Scrabble. I tried to convince her that I let her win, but we both know she's the smarter one.

Her intelligence is incredibly sexy to me.

We were off the next few days and I wanted to take advantage of it. I had our date planned. I was nervous but in a good way. Everything has been going so well. We'd say goodnight to each other and go to our separate rooms, but I'd wake up to her cuddled up to my side. Now I ask if she's ready for bed and she simply follows me.

The flirting and sexual tension was there, but as promised we were getting to know each other on a deeper level. Every night we asked each other questions, some factual and some hypothetical. The more I learned about her childhood, the more I understood why she was the way she was.

A lazy morning on the sofa was just what I needed after cameras in my face all week. I was having the making of my album documented and while I didn't feel a lot of pressure per say, I still kept my guard up. That is, until Nikki walks into the room. I can't control my reaction to her; she lights up my world.

We hadn't discussed on whether or not she wanted to be a part of the documentary. My instinctive decision concerning most parts of my private life are usually no, but she's my baby.

Don't tell Mitch.

He's my baby, too, but erm.

I bit my lip watching Nikki's face contort in deep concentration. Her tight tank top was making my mind wander. I could see the outline of the studs through her nipples. Those piercings suited her. They made me want to do bad, bad things.

"Hey hey, what is a young bee fed in order to develop into a queen?" Nikki asks with the end of her pen between her teeth and her smooth, sun-kissed legs stretched out across my lap. My nerdy woman brought some trivial puzzle book with her. The wiggling of her toes meant that she was excited to share new information; she already knew the answer.

"I don't know, love. Honey juice?" I cracked a grin.

"Honey JUICE? What?!" She laughed, shaking her head. "It's royal jelly."

I let out a laugh and began to massage her feet. She had been complaining about wearing uncomfortable shoes during her album shoot yesterday. Her poor feet were swollen.

"What the fuck is royal jelly?" I applied more pressure with my knuckles on the ball of her foot. The pen fell from her mouth.

"Ooh geez I don't know. I cheated and looked at the answer in the back. That feels amazing, by the way." She sighed. I noticed the goosebumps appearing on her legs.


"N-no." Her eyes fluttered shut.


Ladies and gentleman I think I found a new erogenous zone.

Well, who doesn't love a good foot rub?

"Royal jelly is a honey bee secretion that is used in the nutrition of larvae, as well as adult queens. It is secreted from the glands in the hypopharynx of nurse bees, and fed to all larvae in the colony, regardless of sex or caste." Mitch speaks up from the other sofa.

The Sound of Silence 2 // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now