Mystics (Sanders Sides)

By MoonGazer215

126K 6.4K 5.5K

Patton Fallow lived a quiet life helping the other fantastical creatures. That is, until Logan Killer showed... More



3.6K 188 271
By MoonGazer215

T.W.: death

Logan slipped through the entrance of his home. Mer-people houses don't have doors so the current can easily flow through the house. Logan smiled a little, remembering when he explained that to Patton. It was the first time they had met, about seventy five years ago. Logan had gotten caught in a fishnet and had washed up on shore. He thought he was definitely going to die. Then a fawn came along and helped him out of the net.

Logan sighed, sinking down to his seagrass bed. He never wanted to fall for Patton. Sea creatures and Land creatures were never to be together, it was forbidden by the mer-queen.

Logan shuddered, remembering the story of the mermaid who fell for a human and traded her tail for legs forever, never to return to the sea. But the human did not love her back and at the end of the story, the mermaid turned to sea foam.

Logan was smarter though. He asked for an object that would grant him to walk on land when he wore it. If the Queen ever found out he had that...

He shook himself out of those thoughts.

"Killer Whale!" someone yelled from outside, "You are under arrest under the accusations of interacting with Land creatures and a human! Come out peacefully or we will take you by force!"

Logan froze. He was in trouble now. Maybe the Queen will be merciful this time. But then again he was also with a human this time.

Logan took a deep breath and swam out to the guards. They handcuffed him, dragging him towards the castle.

Logan kept his head down as the guards lead him through the city. He tried to ignore the not so subtle whispers, but he heard every single one.

"Its him again."

"The half-shark?"

"Yeah, I wonder what he did this time."

Logan closed his eyes.

"I heard he saved a human."

"A human?! He'll be banished for sure!"

"I know!"

He was almost to the castle now.

"I hope he's banished! Then he can stay with that idiotic fawn!"

"I agree. He has no place here!"

"Half-shark freak!"

The doors of the castle closed behind him.

"Killer Whale."

Logan looked up. Sitting on the throne was a beautiful orca mermaid.

"Your majesty." Logan bowed.

"Guards, leave." The mermaid commanded.

"Yes my queen." The guards said, retreating to the outside.

"Killer, enough with the formalities." The mermaid sighed.

Logan sighed as well, "what's my punishment Orca."

The mermaid, Orca, looked at Logan with pity.

"Killer..." she started, "you're my brother, and as much as I hate doing this, my hands are tied. I've given you too many chances."

Logan nodded, looking up at his half-sister.

Orca swam down to his level, "You chose the name Logan on land right?"

Logan nodded again, not meeting Orca's eyes.

"You have a life up there separate from here, where no one knows about your sea life?" The queen asked.

Logan nodded and looked toward the ground.

Orca gave Logan a look of pity, "Logan... you are hereby banished from the sea, if you return, you will be-"

Orca bit her lip and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before continuing, "You will be killed on sight. Such is the law."

Logan nodded as he felt his heart shatter.

Orca pulled him into a hug, "I'm so sorry Logan."

"Its okay," Logan said quietly, "I understand. I messed up too many times."

Orca pulled away, her eyes red, "You have to go now, there's a way out back which should be safe."

The mermaid queen unlocked the cuffs around Logan's wrists, "Go back to your fawn. Live a good life."

"I will try." Logan said, "thank you Orca, I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too Logan." Orca said with a soft smile, "Now go, before it gets too late."

Logan nodded and swam off towards the back, turning sharply around the corner and disappearing from view.

Patton stared at the surface of the mer-pool. It had been two days since Logan dissapeared. The fawn was lonely. Patton thought he'd be okay with just Roman and Virgil, but there was a deeper ach that he felt. He really missed Logan.

"Dad?" Virgil said, sitting next to the fawn, "Are you okay?"

Patton sighed, "I miss him."

"He'll be back eventually." Virgil said.

A silence fell on the scene, only the lap of waves whispering on the shore could be heard.

"I think I love him." Patton whispered, staring at the horizon.

Virgil looked at the fawn. A single tear fell on Patton's cheek.

"He'll come back." Virgil said softly.

Suddenly, the door slammed open.

"Patton! Virgil!" Roman yelled.

The fawn and the Garuda rushed into the living room. Roman was holding Logan, who was still in merman form and gasping for air. Logan's gills were flared and bleeding and he was covered in red marks.

"I found him on the beach, tied up in a fishingnet and seaweed." Roman explained, handing the merman over to Patton.

"Oh my gosh!" Patton yelled, running over to the mer-pool.

Virgil and Roman watched as the fawn eased Logan into the water, holding him up so he wouldn't sink to the bottom.

"Come on Lo..." Patton whispered, "breathe."

The merman didn't move. Patton bit his lip. Had his gills dried out too much? Were they clipped!?

Tears pricked Patton's eyes at the thought of Logan dying.

"Dad... I don't think he's gonna make it." Virgil said in a hushed voice.

"No." Patton shook his head, "he has to make it. He has to come back! I love him!"

Patton hugged the merman, sobbing into his shoulder. A pair of arms wrapped around Patton's waist...

And pulled him away from Logan.

"Patton, it's too late." Roman said, holding the struggling fawn.

"No it's not!" Patton yelled, trying to get out of Roman's hold.

"Dad," Virge said, "he's gone."

"No! No he can't!" Patton cried as Roman started to take him inside.

There was a flash of blue light.

"I love you too Patton."

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