Merlin: The Secret

By MysteryOfWordsDK

176K 6K 1.2K

This is a Fan-Fiction based upon the BBC series 'Merlin': Merlin is busy as usual working as King Arthur's se... More

A New Day a New Problem
Do This, Do That...
An Army of Slaves
A Destiny of Greatness
The Mark of Emrys
Witch of Darkness
Let Me Burn
Long Live the King
The Right Moment
We Need To Talk
A Secret Weapon
For the Love of Camelot
Destiny and Doom
Two Sides of a Coin
New times...

A Strange Disappearance

11.6K 415 67
By MysteryOfWordsDK

Merlin woke up to the smell of strange odors as Gaius was brewing for his patients as he did every morning. However, this odor was new and its odor was especially potent. It made Merlin curious. Feeling less angry, tired, and exhausted, Merlin dressed and made his way to see what Gaius was concocting. It turned out to be not only a new odor, but a new concoction for a new patient. It required Gaius to use a recipe he had not attempted in several years. Apparently, he had made several failed attempts, Merlin guessed, since there were many half-filled bottles on the table. Gaius cleared most of them away as he set down a plate with a decent-sized bread and a piece of meat for Merlin.

"You better eat your breakfast," Gaius commanded, smiling.

Merlin frowned in surprise. He was not used to such a good breakfast. "What's this for?"

"I think you deserve it," Gaius answered. He sat down across from Merlin, watching him devor the meal.

"Thank you," Merlin said. "This is delicious." He ate quickly under the supervision of Gaius. He was not allowed to leave the room until said man had made sure that Merlin was feeling better. The appetite and the smiles seemed to be working and as soon as Merlin had finished his meal, Gaius collected his potions and went on his way. Merlin hurried to Arthur's chambers. Today he had to be there quite early as the king was to train with his knights in a matter of ten minutes. He was hoping Arthur's curiosity from last night had subsided. Merlin sneaked into Arthur's rooms, heading straight for the curtains to withdraw them...

"You forgot to sharpen my sword last night and you never fetched my my clothes," a voice said behind him. "I hope there's a very good explanation for that."

Merlin turned around, surprised to see Arthur up this early. "Sire!" he greeted, a tad too happy. "Good to see you up - I brought your breakfast!" Merlin made Arthur sit in one of the chairs, before he could complain any further, and placed the food in front of him. It was filled with bread, cheese, and fresh fruit. "Now, just eat your breakfast and I will make sure everything is ready as you finish your meal."

Arthur eyed Merlin suspiciously before he turned to his food and forgot about it for some moments. Merlin hurried down to fetch Arthur's clothes and because he was in a hurry, he made sure that Arthur's sword was sharpened by the help of his magical powers. But even though Merlin did not forget anything else, he could feel Arthur's mystified gaze return after the meal was finished. Luckily, Arthur did not comment despite his obvious suspicions. Not even as they left his rooms for the combat field, did he comment on Merlin's behavior. Instead, the king attempted a different tactic.

"It is a fine day, indeed, don't you think, Merlin?" the king said, as he began to warm up.

"Yes, finest I've seen this week," Merlin agreed absentmindedly, handing Arthur his shield. The king went out to battle the first brave knight. In the meantime, another knight sneaked in upon Merlin whilst he stared at the fighting blindly...

"You like mead, Merlin?" Gwaine asked, leaning against his sword, smiling. "Or did you just go to the tavern to borrow something again?"

Merlin scoffed. "Of course not, I have too much work to do currently..."

"So you say," Gwaine teased. "Working is hard with a hangover, you know." He blinked.

Merlin looked at the knight in disbelief. "I have NOT been to the tavern!" he maintained, not understanding why Gwaine would continue the joke thus far. Gwaine just laughed as Elyan, Percival, and Leon approached them.

"Then who was the skinny, dark-haired dranker we meet last night? He sure looked like you." Gwaine crossed his arms.

Merlin rolled his eyes, scoffing, but still with a smile upon his face. He could tell the knights really wanted the same thing Arthur did; to tell them what was on his mind. "You know what?" Merlin said. "I refuse to quarrel with fine knights such as yourselves. I am much too busy; I have duties to perform, which are much more important than watching you lot beat each other with sticks."

"Oh-ho..." the knights muttered.

"So you think you have a better way of fighting than using a 'stick'?" Elyan challenged, smirking.

Merlin gazed at him, this time with a secret kind of smile. "I know I do," he answered, straightening his back slightly. "But as I have said; I am too busy, unfortunately. And so are you by the looks of Arthur..." Both Percival, Elion and Leon turned to look at the king, who was indeed waiting for them. Only Gwaine remained behind, his eyes were fixed upon Merlin. However, luck had decided to favor Merlin this morning; an interruption came only moments later.


A messenger came running onto the combat field, heaving for breath. He had obviously been running for quite a while. "Sire, I have news for you of the outline villages!"

Arthur stuck his sword in the ground, granting the messenger his full, undivided attention. "Tell us, please."

The messenger appeared to be absolutely horrified. "Something terrible has happened, Sire! There has been disappearances - odd disappearances. Farmers have vanished without a trace and their families have been left clueless! The villagers talk of slave traders and bandits terrorizing the kingdom. Sire, I too have seen such horrors. I beg of you, Sire, you must help these people!" He handed Arthur a parchment, bowing. Arthur read it through in calm horror. He frowned. It contained the seal of his knights, so there could be no doubt of that this letter was genuine. Arthur handed the letter to the knight, Sir Elias, and asked him to assemble the most trusted members of the council.

"I can see you must speak the truth. I will look into this," he told the messenger and asked the guards to bring him inside the citadel to feed him and let him rest.

He turned to the remaining knights. "I will need you, Percival, Gwaine, Leon, and Elyan to come with me. Saddle your horse and make ready to depart Camelot at first light tomorrow. We must go to these villages to stop this fear and these strange happenings." The king then left the combat field to discuss this matter with the council.

"Oh, what a bright day it is..." Merlin mumbled, sighing. He gathered Arthur's weapons and began making his way back to the citadel. There was something of an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. He knew these disappearances could not be coincidental. Not when the threat of Morgana's return was looming over them. Not only was this a threat. Merlin was also aware of that Gwaine was watching him still. The suspicion in his eyes now stuck so deep that Merlin feared it would have irreversible consequences. Merlin ran around, packing everything he could think of for tomorrow's journey. He could not make himself tell Gaius that Gwaine was keeping an eye on him for fear of the old man's reaction. Merlin decided that information was best kept to himself until he found some sort of way to deal with the problem. With his mind and hands occupied with thinking and packing, Merlin was surely exhausted by the time he finished packing. He fell asleep quicker than one could say 'Torspringe'. Gaius wondered why Merlin was so quiet, but supposed it was worry that occupied the young man's mind. Gaius was well aware that Merlin would need his sleep for none of them knew what the quest of tomorrow would bring for the young warlock and his king.

Meanwhile, some ways way, Morgana too was preparing for her quest. She had hidden herself in the forest, occupying a small hut. She had enchanted it with protective spells so that no Camelot patrol would accidentally find her there. She had made sure the magic surrounding the hut was strong as she was not far from the very heart of Camelot. Indeed, she could see the towering figure of the citadel from her window. It's mighty presence reminded her of what was to come. It reminded her that she did not have to wait long now to see her treacherous brother fall once and for all. In fact, she was certain that Arthur could not defeat her this time. Not even with the help of Emrys. Her plan was far too great. Yes, Emrys would learn just how strong she had become. It was certainly a great day, Morgana thought.

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