Heart Of A Phantom Thief | Pe...

By NegaSub_Zero

37.5K 742 354


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Joker part 2
I'm sorry
Chapter 5
A/N Update! Let's have a talk!
Skull pt.2
Chapter 8
Thank you for Listening [(Y/n)]
Thank you for Listening [Ann]
Chapter 11
4 years later

Joker Part 1

2.8K 57 41
By NegaSub_Zero

As the two walked their way to school taking shorter routes through alleyways. The area around them began to shift and twisted without their notice. Akira began to feel a bit uneasy all of the sudden then began to look around, just to see nothing unusual around him. "W-What the-!?" Akra turned back around to follow the boy's surprised voice. As soon as he caught up to him, in front of him, he would see not the Academy, but a rather large intimidating castle.

The two boys were at a lost for words. "We didn't make any wrong turns though." The boy said as he look back at the alleyway they just came out from. Both the boy and Akira looked at the sign that said Shujin Academy. "Yep, that looks about right, buy why a castle?" The boy questioned. "Let's go check it out." he added as he walked through the front gates with Akira following after. As the two walked through, the world began to shift again, flashing what seemed to be the real Shujin Academy itself.

"What the hell?" The boy mumbled to himself as he looks around the well decorated lobby. Akira looked around as well then at the blonde. "Is this our school?" he asked. The boy turned around to him then sighed. "It should be. It said the word "Shujin" at the front. The hell is going on?" he replied. The boy pulled out his phone just to see an X over the bar icon. "No signal? Just where did we end up?" he added. "Let's just calm down okay? You're getting too worked up over this." Akira said.

The boy stomped on the floor with a nervous mixed with furious look on his face. "I'm plenty of calm!" he shouted. "No one says that while shouting." Akira added. "Well-! Hah....you're right. Sorry." The boy replied. Akira sighed at the boy before being startled at the sight of a armored figure walking towards the two. It carried a long sword and shield, startling the both of them. Seeing it closely the boy sighed. "Geez, don't scare me like that. Are you a student?" he asked walking towards it. 'Does it look human to you?' Akira questioned in his head with an arched eyebrow. The boy walked closer to the suit of armor.

"Dang,your costume's impressive, is that real? Don't just stand there, say something." he added
Suddenly another suit of armor appeared before the boy, no giving off a serious vibe. "W-Wait.....Wait hold on now." he stuttered backing away from the the two. "I don't think this is just a fantasy." Akira said baking up as well. "Yeah this is most definitely real." the boy replied. Soon enough more and more began to appear before Akira and the boy as one made a move and swung its long sword at the boy. He managed to dodge the attack, losing only a couple of stray hairs on the top of his head. "What the hell man!? Chill out!" he shouted with a glare. "I think we should run." Akira exclaimed. Instantly the boy turned to him. "Yeah, no shit! Let's get outta here!" he replied before making a high dash towards the exit.

However, the run was cut short and the boys were surrounded. "Shit what's with you all!?" shouted the boy. It happened so suddenly as Akira witness the boy getting knocked to the ground by the metal shield the moving armor was carrying. "Shit....! You.....bastards." the boy trailed off before passing out on the ground. "H-Hey! Are you alright!? Hey!" Akira exclaimed as he knelt beside the now passed out teen. Something hard hit Akira on the his head and he fell to the floor as well. His vision was slowly fading away as the last sights was someone with light blue colored slippers walking towards him and stopping right in front of him before he blacked out completely.

"TaKE tHEm AWaY"


Yikes. The throbbing in my head continued, making me feel nauseous. I felt a shake outside my body and a faint voice following afterwards. "H.......y....Hey man! Wake up!" I woke up slowly. Still feeling the throbbing pain in my head as I say up from a very uncomfortable wooden bed. I looked around, a cold stone cell, not a very welcoming sight to wake up to. Not that the velvet room is any better, but her who cares? I felt a hand on my shoulder and i looked to see the blond student, staring at me in concern. "You alright man?" I held my head and looked up at him as he stood up. "Despite the throbbing pain in my head, I'll managed. What about you?" I asked. The boy popped the joints in his body, groaning at the process. 'Yeah, more or less." he replied. The blonde boy looked around the cell then let out an agitated grunt. "Guess this isn't a dream at all huh?" he questioned through gritted teen. I could sense the agitation growing inside him as he ran over to the bars and started to kick it harshly, sending a loud ear-raping bang throughout the cell and beyond. "Damn it! Let us outta here! I know there's a least one of you bastards out there!" he shouted. No matter how loud he shouted or how hard he kicked the metal bars, nothing has changed at all.

Clicking his tongue, the boy walked back to me, hands in pocket, and a scowl on his face. "Grr. Where the hell are we!? Is this some kinda TV set?" he questioned again. "If that's the case then the pain we felt wouldn't have existed." I replied. "That or they're really good at their jobs." he added.

I sighed at the boy's lack of logic. I don't think he truly understands that this place is way too abnormal to be our world. 'If that's the case, then where exactly are we?' I questioned in thought.

The two of us suddenly hear an agonizing scream coming from outside the cell. The both of us immediately ran towards the bars to hear it better. "What the hell? What was that just now?" the boy asked in shocked by the sound of the scream. "That scream, it sounded utterly painful." I added also shocked by the sound of it.

It was faint, but we then began to hear more. The cries of mercy and pain. Just hearing it all is making my blood cold. "Okay! This shit's not funny! We gotta get outta here man!" the boy shouted. "How? We have no keys to the cell, we have nothing pick a lock with, and I highly doubt there's anything in this cell that can help us in this situation." I said with a tint of nervousness. "At least try to man! I don't want to find out what happens if we stay here any longer!" the boy replied. "Shhh...." I said suddenly. "What do you mean-" "Shh! Do you hear that?" I asked.

The boy quieted down and listened. Metal footsteps, multiples of them, making their way towards our cell. Walking towards us was a large number of guards from before. "Be glad that your punishment has been decided." said on guard as they stopped in front of our cell. "You two have been charged of "unlawful entry". your sentence will be the death penalty." Both the boy and I widened our eyes in disbelief. "Say what now!?" the boy shouted. "Death penalty? You're kidding me." I added. "Oh. this is no joke peasant."
"That voice.....you've got to be shitting me...." the boy said.

Walking towards our cell now, was a familiar face. His curly black hair and masculine face, the only difference is the ridiculous and perverted outfit he's wearing. A small golden crown on top of his head, the heart decorated royal cape, and nothing else but pink briefs, and pink slippers.

"No way......Kamoshida!?" The boy shouted. Kamoshida? The perverted teacher? Well with that outfit, he certainly lives up to the title. "And here I thought it was just some petty thief, but to my surprise, I see you instead, Sakamoto."Kamoshida(?) said crossing his arms. "Tch." "Still trying to disobey me huh? I guess you haven't learned from last time did you?" Kamoshida(?) added pulling a smug smirk on his face. "Last time?" I questioned looking over to Sakamoto.

I could suddenly feel Kamoshida's(?) eyes on me, and he spoke again. "And you've brought a friend along. That's just like you, alway involving others with your meddling." Letting out a low growl, Sakamoto glared at Kamoshida. "Shut it you perverted asshole!"

In an instant, Kamoshida(?) smirk disappeared, now his golden eyes pierced through the bars and onto Sakamoto. "That is no way to speak to a king. Do you even know what position your in at all boy?" He asked with venom in his voice. King? What is talking about? Isn't he a teacher? King is a little far fetched. "Not only did you trespassed my kingdom, you've committed a major crime of insulting me, the king. That is worthy of the death penalty, wouldn't you agree?" Kamoshida(?) added bringing back his smug smirk. "It is time for his execution! Guards seize him!" he shouted.

The guards moved closer to Sakamoto and I saw the fear in his eyes as he backed away from the bars. "S-Stop it." he stuttered as the guards slammed the metal bars open and cornered him after pushing me aside. I could his ragged and unsteady breathing and set my eyes upon him. To see him so weak with such fear and vulnerability in his movements. Is there really nothing I can do?

All of a sudden, Sakamoto rammed into a guard, knocking it down. It seemed like he maintained some of his will to fight, but I still don't know how long it will last. "I ain't dying today! C'mon we're outta here!" he shout as he looked at me. However, his will power did not last. Another guard approached him and punched him in the stomach. Sakamoto's movements slowed down before he fell to the ground. I ran towards the guards trying to pull it back, but with the size differences between me and the large suit of armors, it didn't even budge. "Hey, just go man! Get outta here!" Sakamoto shouted. Just before I could protest, Kamoshida(?) jumped in to add more gasoline to this fire. "Oh? You want to run? What a heartless friend you are." he said with a smirk. "He ain't a friend." Sakamoto exclaimed almost instantly. He then looked at me. "What are you doing!? Hurry up and go!" he shouted. "Aw...what's the matter? To scared to run boy?"I glared at Kamoshida(?). The way he smirks at me is making my blood boil. However, his smirk didn't last very long.

"Hmph. Pathetic peasants like you isn't even worth my time." he said unamused. Turning to Sakamoto again he spoke up again. "Once I'm done with this execution, your next." he added.

I was pushed back to the wall by two guards and was forced to watch Sakamoto get socked in the face by Kamoshida(?).

"Lowly Scum!"

"Pathetic weakling!"

"A meddling rat like you shouldn't even exist!"

With a final punch, Sakamoto was down, catching the spit that landed on his face. "Hm strange....What happened to all that "tough" energy you had earlier?" Kamoshida(?) mocked as he and I watch Sakamoto get picked up and thrown across the cell room. I struggled to run to him only for myself to be push right back to the wall. "Let's end this right now." he added. I couldn't watch any more of this. I may not know him well, but Sakamoto doesn't even deserve this kind of treatment. I have to stop this, I have to say something, anything, DO IT DAMN IT!

"Stop.......Stop this you insane bastard!" I shouted. I saw Kamoshida(?) stop instantly. He slowly turns to me, glaring golden daggers at my body.

Walking closer to me, the man showed off his broad white teeth. "Young man, do you not know who I am?" he asked wickedly. "A perverted man with no sense of mind to think twice before going out with just his birthday suit?" I snapped back with a glare. "Tch the look you're giving me, and that smart mouth of your really urks me!" he growled as he kicked me down the ground. I ran back up to charge at him and Sakamoto, only to be grabbed and pinned against the wall. I watched Kamoshida(?) walk over to the fallen Sakamoto as he cried out in merciful plea, which was followed and overthrown by Kamoshida's(?) laughter.

I.....I couldn't do anything in the end.....this is unjust I know it is.....

But what can I do...?

Everything I do, always result to ruin in the end.

There's......Literally nothing I can do......


"What is it? Are you just going to stand there and watch?"

A voice. A deep voice spoke to me. I looked around for it until it spoke to me again.

"Who.....Who was-?"

"Are you going to give up and let him die like this?"


"If you do nothing, then death will welcome him with open arms. Do you wish to forget your previous actions from the past then?"

That time......That time of night, I was just trying to help. I did nothing wrong.....I just wanted to help.

"Well? Do you?"

"No.....no I do not."

Sakamoto was then lifted up by one of the guards, its hand holding the sword preparing to strike. No......I'm not letting him die like this!

"Heh.....very well, I have heeded your resolve."

"Vow to me"

I suddenly felt a huge amount of pressure on my body, the blood in my veins rushed throughout, making my mind go haywire.

"I am thou, thou art I"

"Thou who art willing to perform all desecration for thine own justice!"

"Call upon my name, and release thy rage!"

"Now Show it.....Show the strength of thy will to ascertain all on thine own, though thou be chained to hell itself!"

"Execute him!" Shouted Kamoshida(?).

With his head slumped down, Akira Spoke up. "What part of 'That's enough' did you not understand?" Akira's voice was low, his eyes hidden from the curly black hair. Kamoshida(?) slowly turned to Akira again then glared at him. "What was that you peasant?" he growled. "Are you deaf or just stupid? I said enough." Akira spoke again, this time raising his voice just a little. Kamoshida(?) would then smirk once again. "Such a sharp tongue, you must want to meet death first don't you? Fine, your wish is granted." he exclaimed as he ordered his guard to let go of Sakamoto and focus on Akira.

One of the guards that was holding him hit his face hard, knocking his glasses off his face. The action was followed by two of the spears held against his neck. "W-wait.....Stop...." Sakamoto cried out weakly as he fell to the ground. Ignoring his cries Kamoshida gave the executioner the signal as it raised up its sword.

With his black eyes suddenly shot open, a wave of pressured surrounded Akira, moving the hostiles away from his vulnerable body. Once the wave calmed down, Akira came to again, just to feel a mask over his eyes. Rushing to get it off, Akira pulled the mask as hard as he could, successfully ripping it off his face and leaving a bloody, dripping trail of blood behind.
Chuckling rather evilly, Akira raised his head again, showing his bloody face, and a rather menacing pair of golden eyes.

He was suddenly engulfed in a blue flame, swallowing his entire body into a larger form. As the flame slowly extracted from Akira's body, he now wore an all black suit, trench coat, and shoes, and bloody red gloves. Chains formed around the blue flame as it soon changed into a large creature. With a toothy grin, Akira held out his hands, signalling the creature to spread out its red and black wings, blasting the guards away from him.

Akira then glances at Sakamoto and Kamoshida(?). He watch in silent amusement as the once prideful king whimpered like a coward and crawled to the corner of the cell. "Wh-What the-?" Sakamoto stuttered not believing what he was seeing right before him. Akira glances at Sakamoto then gave him a wicked grin, feeling the overwhelming power within him. The creature above him spoke up in a powerful voice.

"I am the pillager of twilight, know the name of Arsene!"


2791........My god, it keeps getting longer....

And also terrible way to end the chapter.

Anyway! That's part 1 of the Joker chapter! I'm going to have two parts whenever the Phantom Thieves, (My babies.) unlocks their power, it might be more depending on the situation. Anyway, thank you for reading Chapter 3 of this story, I hope you enjoy it. I also want to give another shoutout to my Bakacutie best friend -_Forever_Alone_- you and Ruth are a crazy duo, but I love you both! At any case, we'll go to part 2 of Joker's awaken I hope to see you all there! So until then,


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