on my block imagines

By burntwildflowerz

340K 4.7K 1.3K

imagines based off the characters of on my block !! requests are closed :/ More

|nights like this • cesar|
|in my feelings • oscar|
|yours • ruby|
|boo'd up • oscar|
|latinana • cast|
|come through • oscar|
|new book|
|let my baby stay • latrelle|
|make up • oscar|
|yernin • ruby|
|CPR • latrelle|
|lil bebe • cesar|
|love • ruby|
|new book|
|new flesh • oscar|
|i wanna be • cesar|
|EARFQUAKE • oscar|
|make you feel • ruby|
|selfish • ruby|
|goodbyes • oscar|
|new book|
|new book|
|moon & stars • oscar|
|no guidance • oscar|
new book!

|narcos • ruby|

20.5K 280 99
By burntwildflowerz

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"Thanks a lot mom" I rolled my eyes.

I stared out the window of the car. I was pissed. I had just moved from Florida to L.A. And I was not happy.

"Do not give me that attitude, mija. I will make a scene in front of the school if you don't stop."

I bit my lips to stop myself from snapping back. When my mom threatens me, she will actually do it. And yet she is still clueless on where I get my attitude from.

We finally drove up to the front of the school. Was it the nicest? No. Was it the worst? No, not entirely. Lets just wait to see how the students are, that would be my biggest problem attending this hellhole.

I unbuckled my seat belt and grabbed my book-bag. Opening the door, I stepped out onto the side walk. I hurriedly pulled the straps of my heavy ass bag onto my shoulders. 

"Bye, (Y/n)!" my mom yelled to me, gaining the attention of on-lookers. Way to go mom, I'm trying to stay low here.

Turning around, I waved and smiled like the good child I am. Once my mom drove off I started walking to the direction of the school doors.

When I walked down the hall, everyone's eyes were on me. What the hell? This never happens. I quickly looked forward so I didn't have to have a staring contest with someone, and them saying a crude comment.

I put in my headphones and listen to some music, this way I had an excuse to not talk to anyone and for them to mind their own damn business. If I was moving to free ridge I needed to act like I belonged.

There were a few whistles and "damn mami!" but I just ignored them.

Despite the fact that I was shy and not the most known at my old school, gangs and shoot outs weren't really a problem where I grew up. So I know I have to pretend like I have a tough skin, even if it means acting a little more bitchier than usual.  

I didn't bother looking at anyone. Just keeping my eyes forward to where the main office was. When I got inside, I went to the front desk.

"Hi, my name is (Y/N) (L/N). I'm new and I need my schedule."

An old lady with frizzy grey hair and glasses looked up at me.

"Your schedule?" she replied with red lipstick smeared over her wrinkly lips.

"Yes, please." I smiled.

She typed something in her out of date computer and went over to the printer. I stood there for a few minutes because she didn't know what she was doing. Once she finally got it to print out what I needed, I headed out to my first class of the day. Math.


Oh God. Please kill me now.

I was sitting at a wooden desk. Old gum was stuck underneath it and small doodles were spotted here and there.

"Alright class, make sure to do the assigned homework tonight. It is due first thing tomorrow morning." The teacher Ms.Diaz replied tiredly.

She allowed us to finish class a few minutes early before the bell rang. I sat there slouching, while hitting my pencil against the wood.

I felt a slight tap on my shoulder, startling me.

"Ah shit, you scared me." I jumped up looking to my right. There sat a guy in my class named Ruben...I think.

"Sorry for scaring you. But are you new here?"

I nodded at him, nervous as to where this conversation might lead to. We all know how horny teens can act, especially boys.

"Oh, cool. I'm Ruben by the way, but you can call me Ruby for short." he said sticking out his hand.

"Cool nickname." I laughed. "My name is (Y/N)."

He grinned at me. Testing my name out as if he were learning a new word in a different language. That's so cute.

The bell rang, signalling for us to go to our second period. I stood up grabbing my bag and schedule.

"What class you got next?" Ruby nodded towards the paper in my hand.

"Uh, chemistry." I sighed. Chemistry was the worst.

"Oh, cool. We got the same class together. Mr. Brown right?"

I checked my schedule and looked at the teacher's name.

"Yep" I smiled.

"Great. Now I can sit with someone I actually know in the class. 'Cause there's too many fake ass people." he rolled his eyes.

I laughed while Ruby and I walked up the stairs, along with the crowd of loud teens.

"Thank god for you Ruby." I dramatically stated, placing my hand over my heart.

He looked up at me smirking.

"Nope. Thank God for you."

this was really short lol

but i hoped you enjoyed :)

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