Sanders Sides Songs Story

By TheDevilProbably

218 18 8

Roman would do anything for Logan, but the logical side clearly isn't very good at relationships. More

When They Call My Name
I Am The Walrus
Face Down
I Can't Decide
Cry if You Want To (Epilogue)
Here Comes the Sun


10 2 0
By TheDevilProbably

Virgil stormed out. The others looked after him in shock but didn't follow.

Virgil knew exactly where to find Deceit. That side of the mindscape was familiar territory. He didn't look back to see if anyone was following him, but he didn't hear anyone.

The Dark Sides' hallway stretched unnaturally long. To get from their side to Deceit's, one had to walk for a few minutes in increasing darkness. Long before he arrived at a door, Virgil was plunged into pitch darkness. Still, he continued.

Left alone with his thoughts in suffocating quiet, Virgil thought of Roman.

When I first saw you

The end was soon

He wondered about the state of their relationship. They were going somewhere. Were they going where Virgil thought?

Ain't you my baby?

Ain't you my baby?

He hoped so. Otherwise, he worried that what he was about to do was perhaps overkill.

If I was born as a blackthorn tree

I'd wanna be felt by you, held by you

Feel the power of your hand on me

No, he'd do this for Patton. He'd do this – he was doing this, he supposed – for Logan.

His ability to remain seething angry in complete silence and darkness for five minutes straight actually sort of surprised him.

He finally saw a yellow glow in the dark hallway. Deceit's door. The warped black wood looked a lot like his own. The main difference was the yellow glowing double-headed snake. Virgil slammed the door open.

Nothing fucks with my baby

Logan appeared to be lounging on Deceit's bed. As Virgil stepped in, he shuddered. The feeling of Deceit's room was awful. Logan (not Logan) hopped cheerfully off of the bed. He flickered back to the snake-faced bastard he was. He opened his smirking mouth to say something or other dramatic and slimy.

"Shut your goddamned mouth. I care about your  reveal." Virgil groaned. The compulsion to lie was nearly overwhelming here.

"Oh good, because —" Virgil cut him off.

Nothing can get a look in on my baby

To be more specific, he punched him in the face.

Nothing fucks with my baby

"Shut the fuck up."


He hit him again.


And again.


And again. This time, Deceit fell to the ground.


Virgil had to resist the urge to just start kicking him. Thomas probably wouldn't do very well without the ability to lie. Deceit coughed. His voice was rough when he said, "I didn't realise I wasn't allowed to fall in love like you," with a coy smile.

Perhaps Thomas could learn to cope.

"V-Virgil?" a scared voice echoed from the hallway. Virgil's head shot around. Unsteady footsteps got closer. He was nearly sure that it was Roman, but considering where he was, he couldn't be sure. He started humming. It echoed eerily through the darkness.

Roman recognised the tune and replied "I need you... to tell me everything will be alright." Virgil smiled. He was almost sure that was him. He stepped out to see Roman's form slowly become visible as he stepped into the yellow glow. He looked sickly in this light.


"What are you doing here?" As Roman approached the door, he saw Deceit stand and wipe the blood from under his nose. "Oh." Virgil looked around at him. Seeing him straighten, he regretted not kicking him while he was down.

He walked back over to Deceit and punched him in the stomach, knocking the breath out of him. He fought the urge to lie. "Nothing," Virgil spoke into his ear, "fucks with my baby."

He walked out and slammed the door behind with a growl. He started walking back. Roman, after a moment, reached for Virgil's hand. When Virgil seemed surprised, Roman reasoned, "I can't see anything in this place." While he was sure that was not Roman's only reason for wanting to hold his hand, he let out a breath of a laugh and laced their fingers together. They walked in silence until they saw the light of their side of the mindscape. Roman let out a breath of relief but didn't let go of Virgil's hand.

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