Waiting For My Mate

By Veikari

518K 14.6K 4.4K

Laxus is waiting for Freed to return from a mission and Freed has no idea what is waiting for him when he wou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
little update

The Last Chapter

4.1K 112 96
By Veikari

"I... Got... Your nose!"

Felix didn't much care, staring at the seith mage whose grin slowly faded.

"Huh? Did I snatch your sense of humor as well?" he asked and Ever snickered.

"Felix is not amused by your childish pranks", she chuckled. "He's already smarter than you are."

"Asuka always giggles when I do that to her!"

"She's just pitying you, that's why."

"Or maybe Felix got more grumpiness from his dad than we even thought", Bicks suggested.

"That is definitely possible", Ever nodded.

"Peekaboo!" 'babies' chirped happily when hovering over Felix, making him jolt and look at them.

Freed smiled looking how Bickslow and Ever were trying to make Felix laugh, but didn't succeed. It had been two weeks now, they were home and everything was fine. At first Freed and Laxus both had been kinda lost, not sure if anything they were doing was right, but after a few mistakes they started to finally get a hang of it. They got more confident and learned new things constantly.

"Bickslow", Freed finally said after putting away rest of the dishes, since they had lunch just a moment ago. "Felix is only two weeks old. He doesn't even see you clearly yet. Babies don't laugh until they are around four months old. It will still take weeks before he will even smile."

"You're kidding?" Bickslow said astonished.

"I'm not", Freed smiled stepping beside the basket where Felix was lying while in the living room. "He's starting to recognize you and Ever in maybe three months if you visit often."

"I really don't care much about babies but he is just too adorable little sugar cube", Ever chuckled letting Felix wrap his tiny fingers around her own.

"Not gonna start thinking getting more serious with Elfman?" Bickslow cackled.

"No way. We're definitely not ready for something like this."

She smiled when one of her brown strands was fascinating Felix, as he observed the hair with his fingers and mouth.

"That is not a good idea", Freed scolded softly and took the strand of hair from his son.

"Yeah, you might accidentally pull the wrong rope and she will explode like a bomb!" Bickslow smirked spreading out his arms.

"Boom!" his Tiki dolls giggled and Ever huffed.

"That is not even funny", she said. "How is Laxus handling everything by the way?"

"He's doing good", Freed assured. "He's tired and so am I but everything is going great. And I'm sure it will get at least a little bit easier now that I can finally move around again how I want."

"If you ever need more help, we can always help as well", Bickslow smiled.

"Thank you", Freed chuckled. "Now that we have eaten, maybe we should finally head to the Guild?" he smiled to Felix. "It's your first time going out too, you're going to be amazed."

They had stayed at home for the first two weeks and Freed too was pretty excited to return back to the Guild. Of course others had seen Felix when they were in the infirmary for the first three days, but after that they had decided to take time and enjoy their time just the three of them.

Bickslow and Evergreen waited while Freed made sure they had everything they needed and Felix was properly dressed so he wouldn't get cold. Then they could finally start their journey, Bickslow taking the bag that was full of necessary stuff and Freed took the basket with its precious content.

On their way they were greeted by lots of people in their neighbourhood. Laxus had been well known before, but now that he was the Master of Fairy Tail it seemed like everyone knew him. Of course word spread around quickly how there was a new Dreyar in town.

Not all people were understanding. Freed had noticed this long time ago but decided to ignore gossips and badmouthing. Fortunately those people were minority and he knew that they would stop after time. He just hoped that Felix wouldn't need to ever feel like he should be ashamed of their very unusual little family.

Freed smiled as they arrived at the Guild and opened the doors, stepping inside. They were noticed immediately and greeted, many coming over to see Felix who was just confused why there was such a hassle around.

Laxus was sitting in one of the tables while going through some papers with Erza. He smiled when looking at his mate and how people were swarming around him and their son, asking questions and cooing over Felix.

"We can continue later", Erza smiled packing all the papers in the binder. "We have already spend the whole morning with papers, we deserve a break."

"Yeah, you're right", Laxus nodded and the scarlet haired mage stood up.

Finally the Thunder Legion was able to get to the table as well and Freed set the basket on the table.

"Hey, you guys", Laxus said. "I was starting to get worried."

"It took some time to make sure we had everything we needed", Freed smiled. "Looks like the journey made him already sleepy", he chuckled, when Felix was in deep sleep. "Seems like he won't get easily scared even if there are so many people around."

"He's a brave boy", Laxus smirked proudly. "Was it peaceful to walk here?"

"Yes. Some people greeted us and wanted to see Felix but otherwise nothing big happened."

"Everybody adores him", Ever hummed with a smile. "He's the most admired man in Fairy Tail right now."

"Damn right he is", Laxus said.

"Well, since you're both here and we have time, what about if we talk about the wedding of you two?" Ever suddenly said. "You promised I can take care of the decorations so help you god if you're not keeping your word."

"We are not planning to take that joy from you", Freed chuckled.

"We have so much to do we really should start early", Ever smiled. "So when is the big day?"

"Dunno", Laxus said crossing his arms.

"Seriously, you have to decide the day already!"

"Ever, there is no rush", Freed smiled.

"I know, but do you have any idea how much time it takes to make all the decorations and foods and such!"

"Don't yell, you'll wake up Felix", Laxus grunted.

"We have our hands full when Felix is this small and Laxus has to work as a Master", Freed explained. "We don't have time for wedding."

"You only need to set the day, we can take care of the rest", Bickslow grinned.

"No", Laxus said. "We're not having the wedding yet and that's that."

"But -"


Ever and Bickslow looked at each other and sighed. When Laxus and Freed got like this, there was no way they could change their minds. So guess the wedding just had to wait for a year or two, until those two were feeling like it was the right time.

They ended up talking other things, when the doors opened suddenly. Gajeel stepped in, looking annoyed as hell and Lily followed him concerned. Laxus frowned when the raven haired dragon slayer locked his eyes with him and started walking towards them. Because such a anger filled expression, Freed felt a twitch of protectiveness and grabbed Felix on his arms. Dragon slayers were still unpredictable when there was mates involved and clearly Gajeel wasn't happy that he couldn't stand by his.

Laxus stood up blocking Freed's view with his large body and dark coat.

"You got some problem with me, snot covered nose piercing?" he growled and the air crackled slightly.

"Huh? You're the one who called me over!" Gajeel snarled annoyed. "What the fuck is that damn important that I had to come here right away?"

"I called?" Laxus asked confused. "Who said that?"


"Oh", Freed said his eyes widened. "Laxus, remember what Porlyusica said about Gajeel. Since she is with Levy right now..."

"I don't remember", Laxus grunted.

"You should listen to other people more. We have to keep Gajeel away."

"Porlyusica said that?" Laxus asked and Freed nodded.

Right after that there was a loud whack and Gajeel was lying on the floor. Others had gathered around and Laxus just huffed rubbing his fist that had knocked out the iron dragon slayer.

"That should do it", he said.

"We were supposed to take him somewhere on a mission!" Evergreen scolded.

"Who cares, the main thing is that he wont' interrupt while Porlyusica is delivering the baby."

"But he might not stay out that long", Bickslow reminded with snickers, looking at unconscious Gajeel. Poor guy would have a major headache after that hit.

"Babe", Laxus said looking at the table where his mate was seated. "Do you think you can handle it?"

"Of course", Freed smiled and stood up.

He raised his fingers and wrote enchantments. It wasn't the first time he had to do it against dragon slayers. He had to be extra careful to make the cage strong, so Gajeel couldn't get out. Laxus made sure that Gajeel didn't wake up while Freed spend a whole hour making the dragon slayer proof trap.

Just when Freed was done, the doors opened once again and Porlyusica appeared with Levy.

"I want everyone out!" the pink haired old woman yelled. "Only Freed and Laxus can stay since Freed has to make sure Gajeel can't get out to interrupt anything and Laxus makes sure he is not harmed when the trap needs to be removed finally."

All the guild members looked at each other, but none of them dared to question Porlyusica's words. So they started to leave one after another while Porlyusica and Levy headed straight towards the infirmary.

After a while, there was just the four of them in the big Hall.

"I hope everything will go well", Freed said and Felix was just sleeping soundly against him.

"Porlyusica will make sure nothing happens", Laxus said sitting down next to his mate. "We just have to wait."

Hours went by and it was finally starting to get dark. Gajeel had woken up but after finally accepting the fact that he couldn't get out, he was sulking and staring at the stairs.

Freed was leaning against Laxus in light sleep, while the lightning dragon slayer was just staring somewhere deep in his thoughts. Felix was also sleeping in his basket, dreaming about a milk bottle.

Freed jolted awake when they heard steps and he straightened himself, wiping off some drool from his chin. They looked at Porlyusica who approached them.

"Everything is fine", she said to Gajeel. "You can go look at them if you want."

Freed stood up as they had planned and he followed Laxus to the doors. It was just for the caution, to stay away Gajeel's way as much as possible and once they were outside, Freed let the trap drop. They could hear how the dark haired man dashed towards the stairs right away.

The rune mage smiled.

"I'm really happy for him", he said walking beside his fiancé who was holding the basket.

"Yeah, good that everything went well", Laxus said and kissed Freed softly. "You look really tired after putting up such a trap, you need some sleep."

"Felix has been sleeping almost the whole day, you really think he will sleep during the night?" Freed chuckled.

"Let's give him some cough medicine, that should knock him out."


"I'm kidding!"

"You better be! If I ever catch you doing something like that -"

"I wont! Sheesh, calm down", Laxus snorted. "Like hell I would do something like that. I don't want to get killed by you", he smirked.

"I would do so much more than just kill you", Freed smiled.

"I can guess. I won't push my luck with that. You can be one hell of a protective mom if you want", Laxus said amused.

"You don't know even half of it yet. Are you really okay with us moving our wedding?"

"For the last time, yes. Don't worry about it, babe. I know why you want to do that, I'm also tired all the time it would just make us more stressed and tired. I don't want our wedding to be something exhausting and stressful."

"It's going to be something like that either way", Freed chuckled. "But at least in few years we could have some more time when Felix is older."

"Yeah. I can't wait for that", Laxus smirked kissing his lovely mate.

They continued their journey towards their house. It really was a peaceful evening and they just knew that Felix would give them hard time probably through all night.


Wow... It really is over. Feels weird. I feel like wanting to cry T^T

It has been a wonderful journey! I've learned so much new stuff and I hope I've gotten better with my writing ^^ And I can't believe how much support I've gotten from all of you amazing readers! I love you guys!! You are the best!

I also want to thank my dear old friend who has been reading my chapters through before I update them. I love you my dear little blueberry muffin!! (seems like I can't add the name here for some reason, but you will find my friend with the name prenellavonwindt ^^)

Seriously, thank you all of your comments and votes, those really gave me strenght to continue writing even when there were times I felt like 'fuck this shit I'm gonna go buy ice cream and then getting drunk!' (you my fellow authors know this feeling, it sucks). ALWAYS tell the author that you like their stories, that is the only way they can know they're doing a good job! That keeps them motivated and willing to do their best! And if possible, tell them why you like their stories :D

I promised to tell you guys about the next book that will continue this story after a little time skip ^^ Well, the name of that book will be...

Five Little Sacrifices

Good name? Bad name? Doesn't matter, I'm keeping it x'D We are going to find out more about Bickslow's family just like I promised! I have tons and tons of ideas, and unlike in this story I actually have a plot straight from beginning! I really hope I can see you guys in there as well, commenting and voting or at least reading it ^^ I'm not sure when I will start publishing it, but soon. Give me a week or two time ^^

Okay so that should be all. Thank you so much! I love you my precious little chocolate chip cookies! *throws kisses all around for everyone * Oh and if you have any questions, I'm happy to answer those ^^

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