Friends With Benefits (Book 1...

By NiallYouDirtyBoy

267K 3.3K 497

Olivia and Louis have been friends for years. And their friendship comes with a whole lot of benefits. Things... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Six

14.4K 174 11
By NiallYouDirtyBoy

Louis' P.O.V.

I sat in between Olivia and Niall while we watched the movie. Harry and Niall plotted for a scary one and this is particularly terrifying. The Woman In Black had recently came out and the lads jumped at the chance to buy it. I love scary movies, don't get me wrong. I'm not a wimp, but this is just freaky.

Liam had Danielle over and Harry had his week-long fling over. Who knows how long they'll last. Perrie was with her band Little Mix, which upset Zayn, but he always understands. Niall is single, poor lad. Always has been. I just hope he finds the right girl. Honestly, someone like Olivia.

Olivia's nails dug deep into my arm as the doll heads slowly started to turn. I didn't even care. I was too terrified to notice!

"DANIEL RADCLIFFE SHOULD HAVE STUCK WITH HARRY POTTER!" I shouted. Olivia buried her head behind my back and I hid my face with my hands. I breifly saw a bright flash. I look up and see Harry standing there with his phone pointed at us.

"Well this is going on Twitter." He stated.

"Oh no you don't!" I jumped up from my seat and grabbed for his phone. Harry ducked away and I chased him around our flat. "I'm gonna get you, Curls!" I shouted. When Harry locked himself in the closet is when I gave up and returned to the couch. I laid across Olivia's lap. She looked uncomfortable.

"Can I help you?!" She asked, grimmacing at my weight.

"Nahh I'm good for right now." I said with a cheeky smile. My smile disappeared. "Can I help YOU?" I then asked.

"You can...GET OFF ME." Olivia exclaimed using every ounce of power she had to shove me off her lap. I landed hard on the floor.

"Ouch." I mumbled sitting up. Thats when I realized the movie had stopped playing. Someone had turned it off. I saw Niall crouched in the corner, hugging his knees.

"Just a movie. Just a movie." He was mumbling to himself, rocking back and forth. His eyes were blank, staring at nothing.

"Be ware, Nialler! The Woman in Black is waiting for you tonight!" I called to him. His eyes snapped in my direction and the widened.

"Just a movie. Just a movie." He kept chanting. I watched as Danielle stood up and made her way over to Niall. She put a hand on his back.

"It's okay, Niall. You can stay at mine and Liam's flat tonight if you want." She told him. Niall weakly smiled.

"The Woman in Black will still find you there!" I taunted from across the room. Olivia smacked me on the back of my head and everyone glared at me. I rubbed the back of my head and glared right back at everyone.

"Will there ever be a day when you DON'T pester me??" Niall asked. I just scoffed and crossed my legs. I checked the time on my phone. It was close to one a.m.

"I'm gonna head to bed, guys." Olivia said, taking the words right out of my mouth.

"Me too." I said standing up. I said goodbye to the boys and unlocked Harry from the closet. I was walking to my room when I found Olivia passed out on my bed. "Wrong bedroom?" I asked.

"I'm too tired to move." She mumbled half asleep. I rolled my eyes and scooped her up, carrying her bridal style.

"I need my bed to myself, hog jaws." I told her. Olivia scrunched her face up.

"I don't hog the bed!" She said, her eyes wide.

"I thought you were asleep..." I asked questionally, opening her bedroom door. She immedietaly closed her eyes and pretending to snore. "You lazy bum." I grumbled. I slammed her on her bed, causing her to bounce back up and down. She started laughing.

"I just didn't want to sleep aloooone." She said, tauntingly. I clucked my tongue.

"Nope. Not gonna happen." I said, beginning to turn around. Olivia grabbed my arm and yanked me down onto the bed. "Damn, Olivia!" I told her. She just smiled.

"I'm gonna have terrible dreams tonight, Lou. I don't want to be alone." She said. She was seriously this time.

"Fine..." I sighed. I pulled myself under her covers. I faced Olivia and she faced me.

"Thanks, Louiiis." She said with a smile. I just rolled my eyes and poked her nose.

"You're lucky I'm so awesome." I mumbled, turning my back to her.

"You really are, Louis." Olivia said sleepily. "You really are."


Olivia's P.O.V.

Suffocating. Drowning. Dying. Losing air. Someone is killing me. Someone is murdering me. Someone is wanting me dead.

My eyes snapped open and I felt hands on my troat. I thrashed about, my eyes squeezed shut. I kept punching and kicking and slapping even after the hands had been removed.

"Olivia! Olivia!" Someone was shouting. I stopped and opened my eyes. I saw Louis next to me, eyes wide. "What are you doing?!" He asked.

"Someone...someone was..." I stuttered looking around the dark room. My breath was still uneven. "someone was trying to choke me..." I whispered. Louis' arms wrapped around me.

"No one's hurting you." He whispered. "Just a dream, Livie." He told me. I shuddered at the thought of someone trying to kill me, even if it was just a dream.

"What time is it?" I asked Louis. I felt him lean away and press his phone, making the light illuminate the room.

"3:37." He told me. I looked around the room until the light shut off and we were in darkness again.

"Louis?" I asked quietly after a few minutes.

"Mhmm?" He replied. I could tell he was about to fall asleep again, his voice was slow and deep.

"If the Woman in Black came and tried to kill me...would you save me?" I asked. I don't know why this came into my brain. I honestly don't know why that came out if my mouth. It's a stupid question. I don't need any answer. Especially from my best friend.

"Of course." He whispered. "I'd always save you." Louis' arms wrapped around me tighter and I felt more secure. Finally I was able to sleep through the night.

*****************************AUTHOR'S NOTE *****************************

Hope you liked ittttt! :D I absolutely love the fact that I can write on the wattpad app now! I might be able to update more(: Also...LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG IS OUT!!!!!!!! in case you live under a rock, it is the single greatest song xD i absolutely love it!! :D anyways read, rate, and COMMENT! please! and thank you SO much to all the incredibly sweet comments so far! you have no idea how much that literally makes me smile! anyways...keep it up and i hope you liked this chapter! (and sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors since this was written on my phone)

-Kate xx

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