Supernatural Series Rewrite...

De queenofdeansbooty

162K 4.3K 695

Now that Dean is back from Hell, you and the brothers have to deal with the consequences. It doesn't help tha... Mai multe

Lazarus Rising- Part 1
Lazarus Rising- Part 2
Lazarus Rising- Part 3
Lazarus Rising- Part 4
Lazarus Rising- Part 5
Lazarus Rising- Part 6
Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester- Part 1
Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester- Part 2
Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester- Part 3
Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester- Part 4
In The Beginning- Part 1
In The Beginning- Part 2
In The Beginning- Part 3
In The Beginning- Part 4
In The Beginning- Part 5
Metamorphosis- Part 1
Metamorphosis- Part 2
Metamorphosis- Part 3
Metamorphosis- Part 4
Monster Movie- Part 1
Monster Movie- Part 2
Monster Movie- Part 3
Yellow Fever- Part 1
Yellow Fever- Part 2
Yellow Fever- Part 3
It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester- Part 1
It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester- Part 2
It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester- Part 3
It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester- Part 4
Wishful Thinking- Part 1
Wishful Thinking- Part 2
Wishful Thinking- Part 3
I Know What You Did Last Summer- Part 1
I Know What You Did Last Summer- Part 2
I Know What You Did Last Summer- Part 3
Heaven and Hell- Part 1
Heaven and Hell- Part 2
Heaven and Hell- Part 3
Family Remains- Part 1
Family Remains- Part 2
Family Remains- Part 3
Criss Angel Is a Douchebag- Part 2
Criss Angel Is a Douchebag- Part 3
After School Special- Part 1
After School Special- Part 2
After School Special- Part 3
After School Special- Part 4
Sex and Violence- Part 1
Sex and Violence- Part 2
Sex and Violence- Part 3
Sex and Violence- Part 4
Death Takes a Holiday- Part 1
Death Takes a Holiday- Part 2
Death Takes a Holiday- Part 3
Death Takes a Holiday- Part 4
On the Head of a Pin- Part 1
On the Head of a Pin- Part 2
It's A Terrible Life- Part 1
It's A Terrible Life- Part 2
It's A Terrible Life- Part 3
It's A Terrible Life- Part 4
The Monster at the End of This Book- Part 1
The Monster at the End of This Book- Part 2
The Monster at the End of This Book- Part 3
The Monster at the End of This Book- Part 4
Jump the Shark- Part 1
Jump the Shark- Part 2
Jump the Shark- Part 3
Jump the Shark- Part 4
The Rapture- Part 1
The Rapture- Part 2
The Rapture- Part 3
When the Levee Breaks- Part 1
When the Levee Breaks- Part 2
Lucifer Rising- Part 1
Lucifer Rising- Part 2
Lucifer Rising- Part 3
author's note
author's note
author's note

Criss Angel Is a Douchebag- Part 1

2.1K 60 33
De queenofdeansbooty

Opening your eyes because the sunlight somehow escaped past the curtains, you tried to be as quiet as possible to not wake Dean. Lightly turning your head, you noticed Sam's bed made as if he never slept on it. There would have been a time you would have been worried about him, but you knew exactly where he was. Either he was on a run, getting coffee, or looking for a new case. Either way, it left you and Dean alone.

Turning back to Dean, you studied his calm features, admiring the way his freckles dusted over his cheeks pleasantly. Moving your gaze down to the necklace that Sam gave him as a child, you couldn't help but glimpse at the sparkling diamond on your new ring. The sunlight hit it just right, making it gleam more than usual. Not wanting to wake Dean, you slightly moved it out of the way, and couldn't help but think of the exact moment you got this.

"Where's Sam?" you asked as you took another bite of your Chinese food takeout. Since you three have been low on cases, there was nothing left to do but eat, read, and try not to go crazy.

"Out at a bar, I think."

"I'm surprised you're not with him. It's kind of your scene," you chuckled.

"I wanted to spend time with you," he said in a genuine tone. Grinning, you went back to eating, looking at the TV that was playing in the background from time to time. This moment right here made you very relaxed. No stress from a hunt, for your life, no angel or demon business, just you and Dean. Dean, on the other hand, was a nervous wreck. He wanted to give you something he knew you had asked for in the past. At the time, he was too busy to stop and get one without you noticing, but just last night when he said he went out for a drive, he got the one thing that would represent his love for you.

"Hey, so, I have something for you," he said nervously. Looking at him, you wondered what he could be so nervous about.

"What is it?" you took another bite.

"Open it," he said as he slid you a ring box. Taking a few moments to stare at it, you looked at Dean before swallowing your food. Setting your chopsticks down, you grabbed the box before slowly opening it. Staring at you right in the face was a simple yet elegant diamond ring. The diamond was small, but you knew what it represented. Gasping lightly, you looked at Dean so he could explain.

"You said my ring was too big for you," he said as he grabbed the ring from the box before grabbing your right hand. "I was serious when I said this ring would represent my promise to always love you. You said to get a real one, and I did."

"Dean, this is beautiful," you whispered as you stared at the ring. "Where did you get this?"

"Pawn shop," he chuckled. Knowing he got it illegally, you didn't say anything else about it after that.

"I love you," you said before getting up and straddling his waist. Since Sam just left after you got out of the shower not long ago, you knew he wasn't going to be back for a while. Now, it's time to show Dean just how much you loved him.

He was everything you ever wanted in a man. No matter what the two of you went through, you knew you would always have him. Shifting your position, that was enough to wake Dean from his slumber. Groaning lightly, he turned his head before opening his gorgeous eyes.

"Hi," you whispered.

"What are you doing up?" he looked behind you to see his brother's bed already made. "Where is Sam?"

"Out for coffee or something like that. I just woke up, promise."

"You thinking about it again?" he asked, and you knew what he was referring to.

"I always am. You're like James Bond of the monster world. Getting all the ladies," you teased.

"It's just you that I want," he spoke softly as he stared into your eyes. Running your hand lightly through his barely-there chest hair, you leaned up to kiss him softly. Something like morning breath never bothered you two, and your only intention was to give him a sweet and short kiss, but that all changed when your lips touched.

He reached over and cupped your cheek before moving his lips against yours. To kiss him better, you got up while still kissing him. Throwing one leg over his waist, you settling onto his lap and his hands went to your hips. One hand supported your weight above him while the other one trailed down his neck to his chest.

Lightly raking your nails down his skin, he growled in the kiss before slipping his hands up your shirt. Things would have gone further if it weren't for the door opening and Sam walking in. As soon as he saw you and his brother, he stiffened up and began apologizing profusely.

"I-I'm sorry. I d-didn't know," he quickly looked away from you two. Sighing against Dean's lips, you got off him to look a Sam.

"Impeccable timing there, Sammy, really," Dean coughed as he sat up in bed.

"Sorry, I thought you two would still be sleeping."

"Well, we weren't. Where were you?" you asked.

"Found a case," he held out his closed laptop. "A magician by the name of Patrick Vance was killed on a busy street by ten stab wounds in his chest. The thing is, his shirt wasn't even torn."

"Sounds like a case," Dean confirmed.


"Well, I'll take a shower first," you paused before looking at Dean. "Unless you want to join me."

"You might want to leave for this one, Sammy," Dean grinned as he got out bed. The younger brother just rolled his eyes before grabbing the car keys and leaving the room. If you couldn't have fun in a bed, the next best thing was a shower.


Approaching a crowd of people, you assumed they were watching the street magician do his tricks. If only these people knew what real magic was.

"This, this isn't a trick, okay? I, I, I don't do tricks. This is a demonstration about demons and angels love and lust—all that stuff mixed up in my head," Jeb, the street magician said to the crowd. Getting his name from a sign that was posted behind him, you watched with the brothers to see what he would do.

"What a douchebag," Dean commented.

"That's Jeb Dexter.

"I don't even want to know how you know that," you chuckled with a shake of your head.

"He's famous, kind of."

"But whatever happens, no matter how messed up it gets, don't touch me, okay?" Jeb addressed the crowd.

"For what? Douchebaggery?"

"For your own safety," Jeb continued. He took a deep breath as he shook his head until suddenly, he started shaking his body like he was having a seizure. The crowd seemed to buy into this shit as they gasped, curious to watch on. With one hand, Jeb grabbed the cards from his other hand before scattering them as he flung them to the window behind him.

"Go back to hell, demon!" he yelled as the cards fell to the ground, leaving one stuck in the window. He walked over to it before rubbing his hand over it to prove it was stuck in the window. The crowd clapped at his act, but you and the brothers weren't impressed at all.

"Is this your card?" he asked the clapping crowd.

"You've got to be kidding me. A fake demon possession?" Dean scoffed. Looking at the card, your eyes caught something that was hanging on the window, something that was relevant to the case.

"Sam, what was the name of that dead guy?"

"Patrick Vance."

"That's what I thought. I'll be right back," you said before leaving the group. You walked to the window that the card was stuck on, and Jeb mistook that as a curious fan.

"Hello, Miss did—"

"No," you interrupted by putting a hand up to stop him. Moving past the card, you approached the flyer on the window that was asking for work. Amber Wright was looking for magic work as her old mentor, Vance, had died. Grabbing the flyer, you rolled it up before walking back to the brothers.

"I found Vance's old assistant. Maybe she could tell us something," you said as you held out the rolled-up flyer.

"Good job," Dean complimented. The three of you began walking away from the crowd when Dean spoke again. "I can't believe people actually fall for that shit."

"It's not all shit."

"What part of that was not a steaming pile of bullshit?" you asked with a chuckle.

"Okay, that was shit, but that's not all magicians. It takes skill."

"Oh, right, right, I forgot. You were actually into this stuff, weren't you?" Dean grinned as he teased his younger brother.

"Yeah, I mean, you had like a deck of cards and a wand," you joined in with a smile.

"Okay, I was thirteen. It was a phase," Sam rolled his eyes.

"Just—it bugs me. You know, playing at demons and, and magic, when the real thing will kill you bloody."

"Like a guy who drops dead of ten stab wounds without a single tear in his shirt?" you asked.

"That's what I'm talking about."

"Well, this apartment isn't far from here. Come on," you said as you led the boys to Amber's place to talk to her. When arrived, you knocked on the door which she graciously let in once she saw the flyer in your hand.

"Hi, Amber, I'm Agent Knight, this is Agent Dawning, and that is Agent Ulrich," you introduced Sam and Dean respectfully.

"What's this about?"

"Patrick Vance, your old boss."

"Yeah," she sighed with a shake of her head before going back to packing.

"So, did your boss have any enemies that you know of?" Dean asked.

"Vance had plenty of enemies."

"How so?"

"He would steal from other magicians. All the time. Things like stage effects, close-up techniques, anything he could get his hands on."

"Is that enough to get him killed?" you asked.

"These guys take this stuff pretty seriously," she said before moving a white cloth off a white rabbit. She smiled before picking him up. "There you are."

"Did you find anything weird in Vance's stuff? Well, weirder?"

"As a matter of fact, I did," she said as she set the rabbit in a bag before pulling out a Rider-Waite tarot card which was the Ten of Swords. The image on the card is of a man with swords sticking out of a man's back. She handed it to you before going back to packing.

"I'm guessing that didn't belong to Vance," Sam commented.

"He hated card tricks. Never wanted them around. Let alone in his precious cape," she sighed. Looking at both sides, it appeared to be a normal tarot card, but you knew it had a more demonic meaning.

"Do you know who might have used these?" you asked.

"There is a magician named Jay who used to be big with his two other friends, Charlie and Vernon. Just recently has he been back on the stage. Jay doesn't use tarot card, but Vernon does. You might want to start there."

"You know where they might be?" Sam asked.

"The theater across the street. He's always playing there."

"Thank you for your time," you smiled and she gave you a nod. Leaving the apartment, you headed down to the theater she mentioned.

"Okay, why don't Y/N and I take this one?" Dean asked his brother. "You go back to the room to see if you can find anything on tarot cards."

"Sure," he said before leaving your side. Taking a deep breath, you opened the door before walking inside. The magician Job was on the phone as he paced on the side. A sign that read The incredible Jay hung over what you assumed to be the table of death. Looking around, you spotted two men in the audience who was staring at Jay. Assuming they were Vernon and Charlie, you and Dean headed over there. Taking a seat behind them, you took out your badge to flash to them.

"Vernon Haskell?" Dean asked.

"Who's asking?" the other man with the beard asked.

"Federal agent. Ulrich and Knight," he said as you two flashed the badges.

"We're looking into the death of Patrick Vance," you said.

"I'm Jeb Dexter. This is Devil Twist. We're chilling at the International Magicians' Convention, which is a dope chance to tip my hat to the wicked cats who came before me. Smoking hot effect last night, Jim," Jeb said to Jay. Camera was pointed at them, and you assumed they were making a film.

"Jay. My name is Jay."

"Yeah, whatever. We can loop it later," Jeb waved him off.

"What a douchebag," Vernon scolded.

"Couldn't agree more. Is," Dean pulled out the tarot card, "this familiar to you?"

"Should it be?"

"Well, I heard that you used tarot cards in your act."

"My act?" he laughed. "That was a long time ago. I haven't touched a deck in years." He held out his hands which were shaking very badly.

"Do you know someone that might use them now?" you wondered.

"Well, there was a guy down on Bleeker Street."

"Oh, yeah. He, he peddles that kind of specialty stuff," Charlie chimed in.

"Did he have a problem with Vance?"

"Matter of fact, Vance crossed him about a year ago. Probably cost him fifty grand in royalties," Vernon said to which Charlie nodded in agreement.

"You know the exact address?" Dean asked.

"Four twenty-six Bleeker."

"Ask for Chief," Charlie said with a hint of a smile. Narrowing your eyes at him, you got up before leaving the theater with Dean. The place they instructed you to wasn't far, and when you knocked on the door, a man with a simple black shirt opened the door. He stared at you and Dean but didn't say a word.

"We're, uh, here to see Chief," you said which made his eyebrows go up. He simply opened the door to let you two in before leading you down a flight of stairs.

"Stay here. Don't touch anything," he ordered before leaving. Looking around, you could hear the faint sound of bass pumping but didn't know where it was coming from. A heavy door opened behind you, and you both turned to see a large man, Chief, wearing all leather and carrying a flogger to which he slaps on his other hand a couple of times. Widening your eyes, you had a feeling that this was all a prank, and those two magicians were messing with you.

"You are really gonna get it tonight, big boy," he said with a grin. You let out a snort of laughter before covering your mouth. "I don't usually take women, but this could be fun."

"There's been a misunderstanding. I, uh, think I've been had," Dean said as he swallowed noisily.

"Oh, you ain't been had till you been had by the Chief," he grinned which made Dean frown and you smile. "Oh, and before we get started, what are your safe words?"

"We have to go. Sorry to waste your time," you managed to get out without laughing. The Chief frowned as you pulled Dean along back outside the building. As soon as the door closed, you busted out laughing just as Dean slapped your arm to get you to stop.

"That's not funny," he pouted.

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