Spider Boy

By a0random0girl

2.4K 65 24

"I had it under control spider boy." "Spider boy? I'm Spider-Man." "You sound like a boy to me." "Wait. Who a... More



66 6 5
By a0random0girl

Today was the day of the homecoming dance. Peter sat in his room staring at the wall. Thoughts were swirling around in his head. The vulture was still out there. He no longer had his suit so it would be harder for him to beat the bad guy. Everything was going so wrong.

Peter stood up, walking over to his closet finding his suit hanging up. He had to be over at Liz's house soon, but he really didn't want to go. Peter didn't want to go to the dance at all anymore. He'd rather hang out with the girl he should've asked to the dance.

Sighing, the boy put on his suit. He had to get through the dance and then he could figure everything else out.

Sitting on her bed, Zaylee scrolled through her phone. She continued to get texts from Liz begging her to go to the dance. She was getting so many that she just decided to not read them. The girl was about to set her phone down when she saw that she got a text from peter. She was going to ignore it, but then decided to click on the notification.

Hey ik this is kind of weird since we haven't talked in a while, but you should really go to the dance. Everyone really wants you to go.

She read the text and a small smile appeared in her lips. He wanted her to go. Zaylees smile then slowly started to fade. He was probably just doing this for Liz. Peter just wanted his date to be happy.

Zaylee texted him back with the simple response of we'll see before shutting off her phone and setting it down next to her.

Standing up, she walked across her small room to her closet. Sitting down on the floor in front of it, she reached back and pulled out the box containing the dress. Pulling out the blue piece of clothing she sighed. The dress really was beautiful. Zaylee bit her lip for a second before putting the dress back in the box.

Standing up from the ground she walked out into the living room. Her father stood at the door ready to leave the apartment. Her eyebrows furrowed. He never went out.

Turning around, her dad found her standing there looking at him. "I'm going out with some guys from work. Don't leave and make sure the kitchen is clean when I get home." He grumbled before opening the door and slamming it shut.

Quickly Zaylee ran to the kitchen and started cleaning up his mess. Whenever he went out he came home around 3 am every time, so she had a while. But right then she had made up her mind. She was going to the dance.

All of her friends wanted her to go and she didn't want to disappoint them. Liz has bought her a beautiful dress and she wanted to put it to use.

After she had cleaned the kitchen spotless, she ran to her room and quickly slipped the dress on. The dance was starting in a few minutes so she had to be quick. Once the dress was on she realized she didn't have any shoes. So she felt with what she had and wore her converse.

Zaylee looked in her mirror and decided to leave her hair in its natural curls. She smiled at herself in the mirror. Satisfied with how she look she locked her bedroom door then hopped out of the window and down the fire escape.

Zaylee quickly grabbed her bike and sped towards the school. Eventually she pulled into the back parking lot. She didn't want anyone seeing the she rode her bike to the dance.

After locking up her bike she went to the back doors and stepped into the warm building. As she walked through the halls she could hear the music blasting and students singing along.

Zaylee made it to the doors to the dance. Setting her hand on the door handle she stopped. Was this really the right idea? What if her dad got home earlier then usual? Zaylee shook her head, ridding it of these thoughts. Taking a deep breath the pushes the door open.

The room was full of life. Everyone was dancing and singing. Streamers and glowing stars hung from the ceiling. All the students were happy.

Zaylee started walking through the crowd of people as she looked for her friends. eventually, she was a tall girl with curly brown hair standing in a group of people. She immediately knew this was MJ. "Hey," Zaylee said as she walked up behind the girl. She turned around and smiled. "look who showed up." MJ said as she playfully looked her up and down.

"Zaylee!" she heard Ned yell as he ran up to her and gave her a hug. "Hi Ned." She laughed. "Do you know if Liz is here yet?" Zaylee asked. She wanted to let her cousin know that she was here since she really wanted Zaylee to come. She also wanted to see Peter. His text was the one that convinced her to show up at the dance.

"Zee-zee!" she heard a voice shrill. She turned around and was quickly tackled into a hug. "Looks like you found her." MJ laughed as Zaylee rolled her eyes at her jokingly. Liz pulled away from the hug and held her cousin out by her shoulders. "You look so pretty!" She fawned and Zaylee rolled her eyes and smiled. "Girl have you seen yourself." She said looking at Liz's dress.

"So, uhm, where's Peter?" Zaylee couldn't help but ask. "Oh, dad had to give him one of his talks. He should be in soon." Liz smiled then went to go talk to someone else in the group.

The music continued to bast and everyone danced along. Zaylee stood in her group not knowing what to do. Everyone else was dancing while she stood there barely swaying. Now she remembers why she didn't want to go.

"Hey MJ I'm going to go get a drink." Zay yelled to her friend as she danced. "Alright, can you grab me something?" She asked. Zaylee nodded as she walked away.

She pushed through all of the dancing bodies until she got to the table with the food and drinks. The girl needed to take a breather so she leaned against the wall for a few moments. Once she was ready, she walked over to the table and grabbed to water bottles. Turning around to walk back to the group Zaylee bumped into someone making her drop the bottles.

"I am so sor-Zaylee?" Peter was apologizing for bumping into someone when he saw that the person he bumped into was Zaylee. "Peter?" She said as she looked up. Peters jaw dropped when he saw the short girl standing in front of him. "Y-you, you look beautiful." Peter stuttered. Zaylee blushed and couldn't help but look away from the boy. "Thanks." She mumbled, flustered.

Peter came back to reality and picked up the waters he had made her drop. "Sorry about that." He said giving them to her. Their fingers barely brushing. "Excuse me." He then rushed passed the girl. "Peter, wait!" She said, but he was already gone.

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