Elemental Miraculous Hero (My...

By L0nelySha2ak1

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"Shit..." he said as he looked at her shocked and scared, "She's re-discovered her quirk." "We need to leave... More

Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 2: Exams
Chapter 3: First Day
Chapter 4: Costumes
Chapter 5: Accustoming
Chapter 6: Craziness
Chapter 7: Havoc Begins
Chapter 8: Last Resort
Chapter 9: Fight to Survive
Chapter 11: Visitors
Crack #1
Chapter 12: Familiar Face
Chapter 13: New Face
Chapter 14: Thoughts
Chapter 15: Sports Festival Begins
Chapter 16: Challenged Ahead!
Crack #2

Chapter 10: Over

914 18 23
By L0nelySha2ak1

Everyone stood in place nervously as they waited for the villains' next actions.

"Come on..." Shigaraki muttered as he scratched at his neck, "What's going on here? He's just as strong as he's always been. Dammit. Don't tell me I was lied to."

"What's wrong?" All Might asked.

Shigaraki clenched his fist and stopped scratching at his neck.

"Not attacking me? Didn't you say you were going to clear this level earlier?" he narrowed his eyes at him as his right eye glowed blue, "Well, come and get me. If you dare."

He backed away nervously and his form trembled.

"Man. This is... intense," Katsuki said with nervous sweat.

"As I expected," Todoroki said, "There's no reason for us to fight now. He'll handle it."

"Ugh..." (y/n) lightly groaned as her form leaned forward a bit about to start falling.

"Woah, hey," Brandon said quickly moving next to her and her form leaned on him, ignoring the blood staining his white fur.

"Yeah..." she groaned, "Just... everything's starting to crash down on me," she groaned and pushed herself up a bit so she wouldn't be leaning on him too much and held a hand to her back, "Shit. My back hurts like a bitch..." she groaned.

Katsuki glanced over to her and his eyes widened and dilated in shock as he finally noticed how badly injured she was, 'She's been fighting even when she's that injured!?' he screamed in his mind, 'With all this fighting and everything that's been happening I didn't notice how in bad shape she was,' he then noticed her form lightly trembling and could hear her taking deep and hoarse breaths, 'She's struggling to stand so she's gotta be at her limit.'

Izuku looked at All Might worried.

"Come on, Midoriya," Kirishima called, "We should regroup with the other guys. We need to get (L/n) some help as well. The last thing we want to do is get taken hostage or get in his way."

"Something's wrong with All Might," Loki mumbled, which was the right head and mumbled it to the left head.

'He's definitely bluffing,' (y/n) thought looking over to All Might, 'There's no way he can fight them anymore,' she clenched her teeth worried, 'I can feel the steam coming out of him and his form weakening, somehow. He's out of time.'

'Crap,' All Might thought, 'I can't fight them. That Nomu guy took too much out of me. I'm pretty sure that if I make one more move I'll be forced to go back to my weak form. I can't keep this up much longer. I just have to stall until they get here,' he leaned forward, "What? Are you scared?"

Shigaraki flinched.

'They're hesitating. Maybe this'll work. They're so close to surrendering or at least running away.'

"If only Nomu was here," Shigaraki said as he scratched at his neck, "He'd rush you right now. Pound you into the ground without giving it a second thought."

"Tomura Shigaraki," Kurogiri said, "Please do not fret. Look at him. He has definitely weakened. Nomu's attacks were successful."

Shigaraki stopped scratching himself.

"He's on his own. The children appear to be frozen in fear and that girl is too weak to fight back. And look, our underlings are recovering. We likely still have a few minutes before their reinforcements arrive. If you and I work together we can do this. We haven't missed our chance to kill All Might!"

"......" he lowered his hands, "Yeah... Yeah, you're right. This is it. We have no choice. We have to do it now. ...I mean, the big end boss is right here."

Katsuki and Kirishima turned around to behind them and saw some villains starting to get up.

"I think All Might can hold his own against those two main guys," Kirishima said and hardened his arms, "Let's make sure these dudes don't hurt anybody else."

"Will you be joining us?" Todorki asked Izuku, who was still facing where All Might was.

(Y/n) stood up straight with her form twitching a bit.

'Nobody but Izu and I know what's happening...' she thought nervously. She clenched her fist and gripped the scarf around her eyes, 'Something has to be done!'

Shigaraki ran towards All Might, "Consider this revenge for what you did to Nomu!"

"What!?" Brandon and Loki said shocked, "Wait you two!"

The other three guys turned around and their eyes widened seeing two of their classmates missing.

Izuku had jumped straight towards them and (y/n) was running to them.

Shigaraki's eyes widened.

All Might turned to them and was shocked to see them.

Izuku had used his power to jump fast and his right leg seemed to now be broken.

(Y/n) had ripped off the scarf around her eyes off and her eye was wide and dilated in determination as she ran, ignoring the pulsing pain in her body. 

"Midoriya! (L/n)!" Kirishima called.

Brandon gasped as he concentrated on Izuku's legs, 'His legs are broken.'

Izuku clenched his fist ready and pulled it back, "DON'T YOU TOUCH ALL MIGHT, YOU STUPID VILLAIN!!!"

Shigaraki turned around and stuck his hand through a portal that appeared right in front of Izuku.

Izuku's eyes widened and flashbacked to Mr. Aizawa's shoulder petrifying and breaking apart.

"I won't fall for that again!" Kurogiri said.

"DON'T TOUCH HIM YOU BASTARDS!!!" (y/n) screamed.

She threw her hands forward launching shots of wind.

"내가 도와 줄게," a female voice said in her head. (Let me help you)

Her eyes glowed with a red hue and crystallized blood seemed to be mixed in the air that came from her damaged eye and pierced through Shigaraki's hand as if they were bullets.

"Ah!" Shigaraki cried pulling his hand back a bit, "AH!" an actual bullet then struck his hand.

Izuku fell to the ground in a heap and (y/n) skidded to a stop.

Everyone looked to where the bullet came from.

"They're here," All Might said turning to look.

The Pro Hero Snipe was the one responsible as he shot a couple of more bullets that struck a villain that had held Kaminari hostage.

"About time they got here," Brandon said looking to the entrance.

"Sorry, everyone," Nezu's voice came, "I know we're a bit late, but I got the teachers over here as fast as I could."

"It's Iida," Uraraka said with tears.

"Your class rep has returned!" Iida shouted, "I fulfilled my duty! And I brought reinforcements!"

Iida stood by all of the Pro Heroes. 

All the villains growled and went in to attack them.

Present Mic stepped forward and he did not look happy with the frown on his face.

He took a deep breath and then let out a yell that was so loud it knocked all the villains down and some passed out from how loud it was.

Another Pro called Ectoplasm let out a mist by opening his mouth and they turned into copies of him that struck the remaining villains down.

"Our priority is to protect all our students," Nezu said

(Y/n) stood in between all the destruction in awe, but then growled sensing someone and turned her sight to Shigaraki.

Her eye held nothing but hate.

Her eye went dull and her hand pressed to her injury and flicked it off throwing some drops of blood into the air without flinching.

She glared at Shigaraki and her eye was now red and threw her hand forward towards the villain.

"Its Game Over for real," Shigaraki said, "Let's go home and-- Agh!"

Blood struck through him like bullets that struck through his shoulders and each of his legs and arms and then collapsed to the ground.

Kurogiri reacted quickly by surrounding Shigaraki as a shield as blood kept shooting at them. He turned to the source and his eyes widened to see (y/n) being the one responsible for the blood shots.

The iris of her eye seemed to be glowing a blood red and glared hatefully at them with a look of bloodlust in her eye.

"당신은 결백을 아프게 고통 것," she said with a double sounding voice. For a split second, it seemed as if her hair was white but went away just as quick. (You will suffer for hurting the innocent)

He narrowed his eyes, "Let's go," Kurogiri said as he began to envelop Shigaraki, but then seemed to be sucked in by something, "This is--!"

Thirteen had unplugged all of his fingers and was trying to pull in Kurogiri with the black hole.

Kurogiri struggled to move with Shigaraki.

"I may have failed to kill you this time," Shigaraki said as he looked at All Might, "But your days are numbered."

All Might coughed and raised a shaky fist to wipe away the blood.

"All Might, the Symbol of Peace, I am going to kill you!" he then glanced over to (y/n) who stood there with her hair blowing wildly as she stared at them with wide dull eyes, "And you will join the League of Villains," he said which only (y/n) could hear, "Count on it!"

"......" she stared at him coldly.

He then disappeared with Kurogiri.

Once he was gone, everything felt much calmer.

Everyone stood there shocked and villains were gathered together and captured.

(Y/n)'s eye then went back to normal and she blinked confused and shook her head lightly, 'What... happened...?' she thought and flinched raising a shaky hand and hovered it over her injured eye, 'Why does it feel like... something pressed on my injury. Last thing I remember doing is air bending and... seeing Shigaraki and a bullet hitting his hand,' her form got weaker letting out a pained gasp and could feel her body reach her limit and slowly fell to the ground.

Katsuki turned to her hearing her gasp and his eyes widened seeing her fall, "(Y/n)!" he ran to her.

'My body finally reached its limit as Komori, huh... That's new.'

She hit the ground with an arm on her stomach and the right side of her face hitting the ground.

"Hey, (n/n), stay with me!" Katsuki insisted as he fell to his knees next to her with worriment evident in his eyes.

'Even the fight for Paris wasn't this exhausting...' she thought absentmindedly, 'So this is what a pro-hero battles against... Heh. Hawkmoth is nothing compared to those guys... We are rookies compared to these heroes.'

Katsuki lifted her carefully with his left hand and his eyes were wide in horror and his brows furrowed, "What the hell were you thinking jumping in like that!?"

She hoarsely chuckled, but it sounded more like a cough, "You have... no right to say that," she slightly opened her eye and looked up at him with a small smile, "You jumped in too, Katsu..."

"......" he looked at her surprised at the nickname.

"Katsuki... I need you to do something for me."

"Tch. Whatever the hell it is, do it yourself."

"...In this state, I won't be able."



A light started on (y/n)'s feet and then shot up her form and left her back in her hero costume that simply had a few dirt spots and some rips from her fight in the collapse zone and her hood was off.

"What the?" Katsuki muttered confused seeing the light and her being back into her costumes.

(Y/n) hissed and her form stiffened, "Okay... everything hurts more... Forgot... about the resistance I get..."

"Woah!" Shadow shot out of her earring and crashed onto the ground next to her, "Ugh..." he slightly pushed himself up a bit with his arms, "Everything hurts..."

'Shadow?' Katsuki thought confused seeing him come out of the earring.

"(Y/n)!" Shadow said and ignored his exhaustion and shot up to her.

"I'm fine..." she said, her tone almost a whisper.

"Like hell you're fine!" Katsuki growled.

"I'm alive... at least..."

"Bakugou, hurry and..." he then fell to the ground in a heap.

"Shadow... you're too tired right now," she turned to Katsuki, "Katsuki, I know... I don't have the right... to ask you this, but... please," her hand reach to her earring, "Please... take care of Shadow for me..."

"Tch. Like hell! You take care of him yourself, mute!"

"I can't. Just until I get better... Please..." she pulled off her earring.

"(Y/n), are you sure?" Shadow asked worriedly.

She shakily reached her hand an put her fingers to his cheek and he leaned into her touch, "I don't want you to be taken from me..."

"......" Katsuki's eyes were wide as he saw the two bonding in front of him.

Shadow closed his eyes and nodded, "Okay."

She smiled, "Shadow, I denounce you."

Shadow's form spun in the air before getting sucked into the bat in the earring that was in her hand.

"Katsuki, I beg you, please take care of him," she said with more insistently but her tone was almost a whisper, "I'll do anything after I recover..." her hand clutched his gloved hand while holding her miraculous, "Just please..."

Katsuki's eyes were wide seeing her so insistent.

"I can't risk this being taken..."

"......" he growled and tightened his grip on her hand, "You better tell me what fuck all the shit was."

She lightly smiled, "Thank you... Katsu..." her eye closed and her hand fell limply to the ground.

Katsuki clenched his teeth tight and hugged her closer to his chest, "You fucking idiot..." he mumbled.

"Hey! He said we should all head to the entrance and get (L/n) help quick!" Kirishima said as he ran towards them.

Katsuki carefully and quickly lifted (y/n) bridal style and furrowed his brows at the bruise on her cheek.

"Memory or not..."

He flash-backed to a time where he was being beaten up by some 3 kids around his age.

"You still jump into the fight..."

A younger (y/n) tackled one of them down and punched at his face without stopping.

He clenched his teeth with a growl and tightened his grip on the miraculous.


Soon, everyone was outside and both buses and police cars were present.

"Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty," a detective said as he counted the rest of the class and looked at his paper, "Everyone seems to be unharmed except for that boy whose legs were all messed up and that girl whose face was badly injured."

"Ojiro," Hagakure said placing a hand on said boy's shoulder, "I heard you were a really good fighter. I had no idea you were so strong."

"I didn't know I was the only one on my own," Ojiro said with a sweatdrop, "I survived using hit and run tactics. So where did you end up fighting, Hagakure?"

"The landslide zone," she pointed at Todoroki, "You wouldn't believe how strong Todoroki was. He's amazing!"

"You don't say. Well, I'm just glad you didn't get hurt.

'I didn't even know she was there,' Todoroki thought, 'I could've frozen her.'

"Aren't you wondering about moi?" Aoyama asked with a flowery background, "Where was my sparkling light?"

"Interesting. So the people you fought were also low-level thugs," Tokoyami said as he was with Kirishima, Kaminari, and Koda.

"Yeah," Kirishima punched his fist into his hand, "They messed with the wrong kids, huh!"

"Did you miss me?" Aoyama asked.

"So All Might put that hole in the dome after all. I figured," Sero said as he was with Shoji and Rikido.

"That sounds like some hardcore power," Rikido said.

"Yeah. It was crazy," Shoji said.

"Where do you think I was?" Aoyama asked as he placed a hand on Tsuyu's shoulder.

"Um, where?" she asked.

"It's a secret!"

"No point in asking, pretty boy," Brandon growled as a tail flicked up angrily behind him.

"By the way, what's with the tail you suddenly have?" Tsuyu asked him.

"Tail?" he looked behind him and saw the tail he had as the three-headed dog and it flicked up, "Oh. Just a bit of a consequence for being that Cerberus for too long. If I stay in one form too long then when I shapeshift back to myself I'll have a certain quality from whatever I turned into, like the tail from that Cerberus being an example," he then pouted and crossed his arms as the tail moved behind him, "Gonna have to get used to a tail for a bit. I stayed as Cerberus for a couple of hours, probably, so it'll be gone before the day ends, hopefully."

"Let's go ahead and get these students back to the main campus," the detective said, "They've been through a lot. No need to question them right away."

"Detective," Tsuyu started hopping up to him, "What about Mr. Aizawa?"

At the hospital, Mr. Aizawa was in a hospital bed with a machine keeping track of his heartbeat, his face was all bandaged up, and several IV drips were in his arm.

"The bones in his arms are splintered and he's got facial fracturing. Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any serious brain damage. But, his orbital been has been almost completely destroyed," the man over the phone said.

On a tray nearby was Aizawa's scarf all tattered and had traces of dry blood.

"We have no way of knowing if his eyesight will be impaired once he's healed up."

"Well you heard the man," the detective said.

"What about (L/n)?" Brandon asked quickly, "She's the girl."

"......" Katsuki listened close as he heard her name.

(Y/n) was laying in the hospital bed with the right side of her face bandaged up, a bandage on her cheek where the bruise was, her right arm in a cast because of it being fractured, and had two IV drips in her arms

"Well, she has a couple of broken ribs. Fortunately, none of them pierced any vital organs. Her lower spine had taken some heavy damage in the Thoracic and Lumbar areas. Luckily, it wasn't too heavy to leave any permanent damage or brain damage, but she would have to avoid walking until it can fully heal. Her right eye was badly scratched and her eyelid was almost split open. Her eye will most likely still be functional, but nothing can be said of how much function just yet until some recovery happens and see how much damage it took. Finally, her right arm was badly fractured and was close to being broken. Honestly, it's a miracle she hasn't had any internal bleeding with such damage."

"Seems your friend took heavier damage," the detective said worried and shocked, surprised and worried that a student was more heavily damaged than her teacher and she would be at death's door if help didn't arrive in time.

"Ribbit..." Tsuyu said sadly.

"Oh thank Odin..." Brandon muttered with some relief.

"At the very least she's alive..." Loki said with a relieved tone.

"Um, sir, what about Thirteen?" Mina asked as she stepped up with Jiro and Yaoyorozu.

Thirteen's costume was ripped open from the back. The body couldn't be seen as it was covered but it was lying on the bed.

"There's no need to worry there," the detective said, "Despite some pretty bad lacerations to the back, Thirteen is gonna pull through. Good as new."

The girls had happy expressions as they heard that.

"And All Might is also without any serious injuries. He's in the nurse's office right now. Recovery Girl's power should be all the treatment he needs."

Everyone seemed relieved hearing that.

"What about Deku!?" Uraraka asked.

"How's Midoriya?" Iida asked.

"Midori... Ah, Recovery girl is taking care of him too. He's fine."

"Ah, thank goodness," Uraraka said as everyone else let out a breath of relief.

"Now, let's get you back to class."

"Okay," the whole class said.

Katsuki stayed behind a bit and stared up at the building and his mind flashbacked to when Izuku and (y/n) went headfirst to try and help All Might.

He remembered the male being able to move almost instantly and his eyes narrowed.

He then remembered when (y/n) was clinging to his hand with the earring.

He looked down at his hand and looked at her earring in his palm.

"Katsuki, I beg you, please take care of him," her words echoed in his head, "I can't risk this being taken..."

He clenched his teeth tight and gripped the Miraculous tightly. It was fortunate that it was indestructible, otherwise, it would be bent badly because of his tight grip.

"Come on, man," Kirishima called him, "We're going back to class now."

"Yeah, yeah. I heard him, you idiot," he said and began walking and shoved the earring into his pocket.


Everyone sat in the bus as some talked to each other about what happened, others worried for the teachers and (y/n), and others simply remained quiet.

Brandon was among them. He sat in one of the seats with his head down and holding his chin. His tail was curled up on his lap lightly tapping on his leg.

'That attack she launched...' he thought.

He remembered back to when (y/n) had ran and threw bullets of wind.

"It had crystallized blood inside it," Loki said.

They both remembered back to it shooting through Shigaraki's hand.

'That was what pierced through his hand before Snipe shot him...'

"She also seemed to shoot crystallized blood as well when he was making his escape with that "Kurogiri" villain at a much faster and bigger range. Even as a bender, that could only happen on a full moon unless she's had her power far longer and even then I don't think she'd be able to harden blood like that."

'Plus, remember when Kurogiri was starting to escape?'

"당신은 결백을 아프게 고통 것."

"She spoke in an unknown language..."

'Not unknown. I know that language... We only knew one person who spoke that language years past along Japanese. Her hair also seemed to flash white for a split second. I'm really confused now. It could be their spirit again, but it looks like she's still present inside her.'

"If it truly is that spirit again reincarnated as her, how is it possible that her past self is still present?"

Brandon's eyes widened.

"내가 다시 올 것이다. 나는 아직도 그를 다시보고 싶어요." the words of the girl with white hair and red eyes repeated in his head as the girl was on the ground with blood down her lip and her hair having splotches of blood. (I will come back. I still want to see him again)

"Her last words may be the answer," Brandon mumbled out loud.

"Did you say something, Wilson?" Tsuyu asked as she sat next to him.

"Oh, uh!" he scratched his head, "Nah. Just talking to myself."

"By the way, thanks for protecting me from that hand villain. I owe you one, ribbit."

He smiled, "No need. I'm glad to have helped you."

The two smiled at each other and then went quiet.

Brandon had a frown as the information he just gathered repeated in his head.

His tail rose up from behind him wiggling a bit and began tapping his shoulder non-stop.

Brandon's brows furrowed as the tail kept tapping his shoulder and then going through his hair messing it up.

"Quit it before I shave you!" he growled at the tail with a tick mark.

The tail had a nervous sweat, bowed, and then just slouched over his shoulder limply like a spoiled puppy. (A/n: Now I remember one of my babies Lala T-T She was spoiled by my sister and every time I told her to go outside to do her business she would lay flat on the ground and look up at me with her ears down and when I tried pushing her outside she would roll onto her back, unlike her sister who did do as told.)

"Good boy," he pets the tail and it happily wiggled affectionately with a heart coming out of it.

The whole class gave him a deadpanned look, 'Isn't that his tail?'


The sky was now orange and the bus arrived at the U.A. Campus.

Everyone was walking back to class.

In the Nurse's office was Toshinori and Izuku with Recovery Girl nearby.

"...Well, I guess I won't scold you for him being back here since it wasn't your fault," Recovery Girl said.

"I can't be sure yet..." Toshinori said, "But I think I shortened my time limit again with that fight."

Izuku looked at him shocked.

"I hope I can at least still hold the form for an hour."

"I'm so sorry."

"Well... no use worrying," he sat up and his upper body was bandaged up, "These things happen."

He stared sadly at Toshinori's bandages.

The sound of the door sliding open sounded.

"Excuse me," the detective from before said. He took off his hat, "Hi, All Might. Been a while."

"What the hell!?" Toshinori said, spitting out some blood, "I didn't know that you were investigating!"

"Ah, All Might!" Izuku panicked sitting up, "It's okay? He's seen you like this?"

"Oh yeah, it's fine. This guy's all right. Naomasa Tsukauchi, my best friend on the Police force. He's legit. I trust him."

"That's quite an introduction," Naomasa said, "Sorry to cut to the chase, but we could really use any information you might have."

"Hold on, before all that, tell me all the students are okay, and Aizawa--Eraserhead, and Thirteen."

Naomasa frowned, "Both teachers are in stable condition. And the students, well, not counting this boy, only one student was badly injured..."

Izuku's eyes dilated scared and Toshinori gasped as well and his eyes widened. Both knew who he was talking about.

"How is she?" Toshinori asked.

"How bad is it?" Izuku asked with his voice shaking and tears gathering in his eyes.

Naomasa looked at him, "Luckily, she's out of any danger. She'll make it through. She's currently unconscious at the hospital and only has a fractured arm and injured back. It seems she'll recover fast so you might see her back in school really soon."

Izuku smiled relieved and wiped his eyes with his less injured arm, "I'm glad (n/n)'s gonna make it," he then gasped, "What about her spirit companion Shadow? Is he okay?"

Naomasa looked at him confused, "Spirit Companion? Sorry, but I have no idea what or who you're talking about."

Izuku's eyes widened worried as questions sped through his mind, 'Oh no. What if the villains got him? What if he's hurt somewhere? Is he with (n/n)? Where could he be? I mean, I know she most likely wants to keep his power hidden but where could he be? Isn't him missing more dangerous?

Toshinori held his chin, "So, Shadow's missing right now. I don't think we should worry," he turned to Izuku with a smile, "He's gonna be all right. I doubt he'd leave her side."

Izuku looked at him nervously, still worried for the small bat.

"If you heroes hadn't risked your lives, the students would never have made it," Naomasa continued, "You three saved an entire class today."

"You're not seeing the whole picture, Tsukauchi," Toshinori said, "Those students also risked their lives. They fought as hard as us."

Izuku looked at him, "Thank you, All Might."

"I don't think there's ever been a group of first years who've experienced a fight like this so early in their training. They not only survived, they learned what it means to be a pro. Those villains made a mistake attacking them. This class is strong. Filled with courage and drive."

Everyone in the room smiled.

"On my words, they'll become great heroes."

Izuku looked and his hand and then closed into a fist determined by the blonde's words.

Every single student from 1-A had the same expression as well.

All of them having determined looks in their eyes.

"Oh, by the way," Naomasa started.

"Hm?" Toshinori looked at him.

"I called Ayame about what happened and told her you were in the Nurse's office here."

He coughed out blood with a cold sweat, "You did what!?"

"Who is that?" Izuku asked.

The door burst open.

"Nori!" Ayame shouted panting. She was still wearing her yukata and her hair was slightly disheveled.

Toshinori's eyes widened in panic, "Uh, hey Sis," he said nervously.

"Sis!?" Izuku asked shocked

Ayame ran to him and wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug, "I'm so glad you're okay!" she cried with tears in her eyes, "As soon as Nao called me I closed up shop and came running here."

Toshinori sighed and hugged her back, "I was hoping to tell you all this myself when I came over for a visit tomorrow..."

She backed away, "I would've probably been mad at you and Nao for not telling me immediately," she turned to Izuku and smiled, "I'm so glad you're all right as well."

"Oh! Um..." Izuku lightly blushed, "S-So--Y-You're All Might's sister?"

She smiled, "Her little sister. I'm younger by about a year." She then had a look of realization and tilted her head curiously.

"Uh, is something the matter?" he asked nervously since she was staring at him.

"Wait a sec..." she was suddenly in front of his face leaning down.

"Huh!?" he panicked with a blush, 'Too close!'

"Green fluffy hair, big green eyes, freckles, and a rather adorable look overall..." she mumbled.

"A-Adorable!?" his whole face was red.

Ayame stepped back and snapped her fingers, "You must be Izuku, the boy (y/n) told me about!"

Izuku gasped hearing her name, "You know (n/n)?"

"Mhm. She works for me at my flower shop. By the way, is she okay? Knowing her she would jump into the fight and I half expected she'd be in here too."

Izuku frowned and lowered his head sadly.

"Sis..." Toshinori started sadly, knowing he had to break the news about his sister's daughter figure and crush were both in the hospital.

"Hm?" she turned to him confused.

"She's... in the hospital with both Thirteen and Aizawa..."

Ayame's eyes dilated and felt both shock and horror envelop her body, "...What?"

"When I got there, she and Aizawa were already hurt. By the looks of things, she most likely jumped in. She was changed and all."

Ayame covered her mouth covering a cry, "Where's Shadow? Is he with her?"

"I'm afraid that we don't know," Recovery Girl said, "It doesn't look like Tsukauchi knows of him either."

"Who or whatever this "Shadow" is we will make sure to keep an eye out for him," Naomasa said.

"Come now, he should be with young (L/n) most likely," Toshinori said, "Besides, she herself said she'd like Shadow to remain hidden as much as possible."

"Why would that be?" Naomasa asked confused.

"All she's told us is for his safety because horrible people could use him as a slave from what she's said. Nothing else."

"I need to go see her!" Ayame said making a  run for the door.

"I don't think they'll allow visitors at this hour," Naomasa said.

"I don't care!" Ayame said grabbing the door handle, "I need to see my daughter!"

All of their eyes widened and gasped hearing that.

"Daughter?" Izuku said.

Ayame blushed and backed away from the door, "I... see her as my daughter... Just as much as she sees me as her mother," she lightly smiled remembering her telling her that.

"Well, why don't you visit her and Aizawa tomorrow?" Toshinori recommended, "Both need some rest because of their injuries."

She took a breath calming her nerves, "You're right," she turned to them, "I let my emotions stir me up."

"Nobody would blame you," Naomasa said with a smile.


Katsuki walked into his room with his uniform on and tossed his bag onto the desk in his room.

He shoved his hand into his pocket and pulled out (y/n)'s earring and glared down at it in his hand.

"Shadow, I denounce you," (y/n)'s words echoed in his head and remembered Shadow being sucked into the earring.

"Oi, shitty bat, come out already," he growled and shook the earring.


"I said, get out!" he growled louder and shook the earring even harsher.



"STOP SCREAMING YOU BRAT!" his mother's voice shouted.


Suddenly, a bright light appeared in front of him.

He covered his eyes from the blinding light, "What the hell?"

The light then cleared and slowly lowered his arm.

In front of him hovered Shadow with his eyes closed and his arms and head low.

Katsuki lowered his arm and looked at his appearance with wide eyes.

"Ugh," Shadow fell down as if he were heavy.

"Woah, hey," he quickly caught the small bat in his hands.

"Please stop screaming..." Shadow groaned, "I've got enough of a headache as it is."

"Tch. I've got some questions for you, you damn rat," he dropped him on his bed and sat across him, "What the hell was that? Why did (y/n) suddenly glow? Why was she capable of being matched with those villains?"

"Before I answer anything... Can I please get something to eat," he tiredly asked.

"Why?" he asked with a raised brow.

"I gain my energy back by eating. So, if you get me some food I'll try to give you some answers."

He sighed irritated and ruffled his hair, "What the hell do you need to eat?" he then smirked, "Is it bugs? Because you're out of luck for that."

"Gross. No. Anything edible will do. Preferably cookies."


"Don't judge. Remember that I'm not an actual bat. That's just the form I ended up taking."

"Tch. Yeah. I'll go get somethin'," he walked out of his room and closed the door.

Shadow managed to sit himself up and looked around his room. "His room looks normal enough," he noticed a couple of posters in his room that involved some of All Might and some being skulls, "Heh," he mockingly smirked at the All Might posters, "So he's a fanboy too," he looked over to the big desk in his room and noticed a picture frame that was upside down. He tapped his chin, "Should I be Plagg or not?" he tapped his chin and closed his eyes in thought. he then shrugged, "What's the worse that could happen?" He flew over to the desk across the room and lifted the rectangular frame.

"Wonder why it's down?" he managed to flip it over.

There were two square pictures.

His eyes widened as he recognized someone, "(Y/n)?"

In one picture was of Katsuki, (y/n), and Izuku as children in that order. The three were in costumes as Katsuki was dressed up as a werewolf, (y/n) was a werecat that seemed to be put together with random materials, and Izuku was a ghost. The two boys held some Halloween buckets and (y/n) held a paper bag with a pumpkin face sharpied onto it.

Shadow smiled seeing all three smiling and especially seeing (y/n) with such a big smile and a light in her eyes that he has never seen.

The other picture was of just (y/n) and Katsuki as children.

Katsuki was hugging (y/n) from behind as he stood with a big toothy smile and had some pink on his cheeks. (Y/n) was sitting down as the male hugged her while wearing a big white shirt that looked like a dress on her small form and had a(n) (f/c) ribbon around her waist and her long hair was in a braid with flowers in it, had a flower crown placed on her head, and around her neck was her locket. She had a big smile with a small blush on her cheeks as her left hand grabbed on to one of Katsuki's hands and the other on her lap with a red beaded bracelet that seemed just a bit too big for her small wrist.

"Wow... Her smiles were so much bigger that time..." he smiled sadly, "I hope her memories come back. It looks like she had good memories with them."

"Hey, rat, I got you your damn cookies," Katsuki said annoyed as he walked into the room with a box of (f/cookies).

"Oh, yeah. Thanks, Bakugou," he said turning to him while still sitting in front of the picture.

His eyes widened and he had a pissed expression and tossed the box onto the bed and stomped over to him, "What the hell are you doing snooping around my fucking room!?" and picked up the frame.

"Is that (y/n) when she was a kid?" Shadow asked.

He looked at him surprised but then frowned annoyed, "What? Hasn't she showed you pictures of herself as a brat?" he was about to put the frame into a drawer.

"No. She doesn't have any pictures of herself, besides the ones from last year with herself and ex-friends that she burned and tore to shreds."

He stopped and looked at him with a surprised look in his eyes and had put the frame halfway into the drawer.

Shadow noticed the box of cookies on the bed and his eyes had stars, "My favorite!" he cheered and shot over to the box.

"What do you mean, ex-friends?" he asked, pulling out the frame.

Shadow opened the box and pulled out a cookie, "A year ago on her first year in Paris living by herself she started making some friends. Thanks to them she was finally able to talk. They were great at the time."

'She was all the way in Europe?' he thought surprised.

"Some time passes and around the end of the second semester at school," his face bittered with a growl, "Those two assholes Eiko and Osamu came over and ruined her image there. What's worse, everyone believed their lies and shunned her. Even those she called her best friends. Tch. About two days later she had skipped school once lunchtime was over because she "wanted to prepare herself again" for the treatment she knew she was gonna get. She was then attacked by those two at the park and awakened her quirk that same day, or reawakened I guess. Then those two used that to ruin her image even more."

Katsuki stared at him as he heard this.

"The whole city of Paris hated her, and most likely still do," he then growled, "Even the people she trusted so much."

"Why the hell did the whole damn city hate her?" he asked with furrowed brows.

"Because she was the only person with a quirk among a quirkless city."

"Wait, what about the heroes it has?"

Shadow flinched, "Uh. They're quirkless too..."

"How do you know that?"


He growled, "Answer you me you damn rat!"

"All of that is classified. I do not have permission to just tell you," he shoved a cookie into his mouth.

Katsuki held his chin and thought back to (y/n) when she transformed and remembered her attire, "The way she looked... She looked almost like that flying girl from those three..." he then remembered being on the blog about a year ago and remembered, "They said that she went missing..."

Shadow flinched with wide eyes as he remained latched to a cookie.

"You also kept mentioning a guy named "Hawkmoth." Who the hell is that guy?"

Shadow was now sweating bullets as he munched on the cookie in small fast and nervous bites.

"Why is it that she looked almost like that Hero "Komori" that went missing about a year ago?" he turned to the bat.

"......" he kept munching on another cookie with nervous sweat.

He narrowed his eyes on the bat suspiciously, 'He knows something. Better I ask (y/n) personally then because I won't get anything else from this rat.'

"How the hell did she get all the way over here if she lived on her own?" Katsuki asked, changing the topic since he did want to know more about what happened with (y/n).

"That would be thanks to her mentor. Now that I think about it, I think he was the only one in the whole city who didn't hate her for having a quirk," he then tapped his chin and stared up in thought, "Well, him and probably Luka, since he wasn't in the city around that time."

"What did he do?"

"Well," he tapped his chin remembering, "From what he told us, he was there the day she was attacked by those two and recorded everything."

"He recorded instead of stopping them!?" he growled with a tick mark.

"First off, he's extremely old. I doubt he would have been able to do anything against them. He caught on video of them attacking her first and her awakening her quirk and attacking them with it by mistake, and then sent the video to U.A. and a couple of days later Principal Nezu himself went to personally visit her at her house."


"Mhm. He showed her the video and..." he quickly tried to come up with a lie, "Told us who was the one who sent it. Luckily, she knew the address of the location and went to go see him. He confessed and said it was actually for the best that she shouldn't be in Paris anymore at the moment if her quirk is going to be feared. Nezu came to ask her if she wanted to join, but she didn't accept immediately, of course, even though it meant she had a recommendation from him."

"Why the hell not!? U.A. is an elite school, why the fuck wouldn't she accept immediately?"

"Bakugou, think of it from her point of view. She wasn't sure if she was ready to do that on the spot. Considering that would mean she had to move out of a country, not just a house. Plus, it's a big decision and it was still a year ago from there where she made the big decision of leaving Japan and live in Europe by herself."

Katsuki remained quiet but nodded in understanding.

"Nezu let her have 5 months for her to decide."

"5 Months is too much time for a decision like that."

"Actually it was enough time. While she was deciding she started training her body and her mentor taught her how to use her quirk properly and skillfully. She did learn enough and was quite strong. She even remembered how to use the water to heal because of a memory of when she was little. Even he told her that she might have memories lost because of that accident she was in. In the end, on the final day, she was pushed to her decision because of that Bitcheous mocking her. She waited for Nezu and she chose to come to U.A. While she was here for a few months outside of school she changed a lot. She was a lot tougher, more fit, and even cut and shaved her hair to a more rebellious look. She slightly regrets it though and is now gonna let her hair grow out like she normally had it."

"All of that in just a year?" Katsuki mumbled surprised.

"Hey, how was she when she was with you and Izuku?" Shadow asked curiously.

Katsuki had a sad look in his eyes and looked at the pictures, "Now that I think about it, she was way too mature for her age, but that's probably because of that shitty family of hers abusing her so much."

"You knew she was being abused!?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, and before you ask why the hell I didn't fucking tell anyone, she begged me not to. She felt that she would end up with a horrible family if they took her away, tch," he smirked sadly and glared at the ground, "She knew way too much of the world. She did know when to have fun at least and she was a tough fighter. She's the same now still but obviously stands up for herself a lot more now that she can talk."

"She never let herself be pushed around anymore. She learned that much from so much mocking and insults from that shitty blonde back in Paris..."

The two smiled as they thought of (y/n).

"Hey, can we go see her at the hospital as soon as possible tomorrow?" Shadow asked.

"Why so early? She needs to rest."

"Because I'm worried about her!" he snapped right in front of his face as he floated up to it and pointed at him, "And I know you are too! Otherwise, you would not have ran to her when she collapsed from exhaustion and pain!"

Katsuki blushed, "Shut it you winged rat!"

"Can we, please!? You don't have to see her in her room. I can just go see her instead. You just have to take me to the hospital."

He stared at him with furrowed brows and could see the worriment and genuine care to her in his eyes and sighed, "Tch. Fine. I've got some questions for her anyways."

Shadow smiled and nodded, "By the way," he points to the earring on the bed, "You may want to keep holding onto that. I'm connected to it, as you've noticed."

"What happens if I don't have it?" he asked with his arms crossed.

"I'll disappear."

He looked at him confused.

"Yup. Someone has to be holding it for me to remain here otherwise I go back into it."

"Ugh. Does that mean I have to wear it?" he asked annoyed.

"Well, no. You can just have it on you like in your pockets or at hand."

"*sigh* Fine," he looked over to the digital clock on the bedside drawer and noticed what time it was, "Time to get some shut-eye," he stood up and walked over to the dresser.

"Already?" Shadow asked with a tilt of his head, "It's barely 19:50."

"What time does she go to sleep if it's too early," he asked as he pulled off his shirt.

"Normally it switches between 22:00 or 21:00, depending if she had work or not. Latest was Midnight."

"She needs a better sleep schedule."

"You try sleeping when you needed to stay up in case someone snuck up to you in the middle of the night to beat you or kill you," he snapped with a tick mark.


In a rather big room, someone was sitting in front of three computer screens.

A hand with a white ring was boredly scrolling through the news online.

"So, anything new?" a small black cat asked, who oddly looked similar to Shadow, and held a piece of cheese.

The person sighed as they kept scrolling, their voice sounding male, "Nothing really."

The person had shaggy blonde hair that reached their chin.

"Everything is just about me and Ladybug saving Paris again... Nothing new either about Komori..." he kept scrolling, "And the usual about other places with powers saving and villains getting captured--" then a new news title appeared that caught his attention.

"Villain Attack at USJ in Japan. Two Teachers and One Student Hospitalized"

For some reason, he felt drawn to it. He clicked it and he skimmed the beginning.

'During a class session with U.A. at Unforeseen Simulation Joint, USJ for short, a horde of villains had suddenly appeared and attacked the students. Both Pro heroes and teachers Eraserhead and Thirteen tried to protect the students and suffered injuries that placed them into the hospital. One student's severe injuries were not avoided as she was placed in the hospital alongside her teachers.'

"Wow, teachers didn't do such a great job if one student still ended up in the hospital with them," the cat said.

"Come on, Plagg," the boy said, "How do you know that she didn't jump into the fight to protect someone? Or that she was taken hostage?"

"Still, only one student from the whole class? Come on, Adrien. You've gotta think that something must've happened for only one to get hospitalized."

Adrien looked the same as he did a year ago except his hair seemed a bit longer and reached just above his shoulders. He now wore a black hoodie however instead of the white open shirt he normally wore.

"Well, you're not wrong there," he exited the screen and was greeted with a background that made him frown and felt guilt stab at him.

The background was of him and (y/n) at an anime convention that occurred in Paris a year ago.

"(Y/n)..." he mumbled sadly.

"Still thinking about her?" Plagg asked tired, "Come on, it's been over a year since she left! Just forget about her and move on," he took a bite of the cheese.

He slammed his fists onto the desk, "You know that I can't! It's Eiko and Osamu's fault that made everyone hate her! It's our fault for believing them! It's our fault that she left and never told us where to!"

Plagg frowned seeing his user so distraught, "Don't you still have her number?" 

"Yeah, but she's blocked my number and everyone else's too."

"Well, we've got a clue that she left with some... Mouse guy?"

"But who knows who he is!? He just up and left with her in a helicopter..."

He tapped his chin, "Well, maybe you can look up who that guy is. If he's a talking mouse then he's gotta be known somewhere."

"......" he sat up straight, "You know what, Plagg, you're right!" he got to the computer and began typing quickly, "Something's bound to come up. We might even find out where he took her. Even better if we somehow get in contact with him."

Plagg smiled seeing him so happy and celebrated by eating the piece of cheese whole.

~Hospital Room~

It was now dark outside and the stars shone.

(Y/n) laid alone on the hospital bed by the window with her eye closed as the heart monitor showed her heartbeat.

Her eye twitched and then shot open, but her eye wasn't her usual (e/c). It was a blood red color. Her hair then started turning a pale white slowly and her hair seemed to grow longer. Her skin changed to from her usual (s/c) to an extremely pale color.

She slowly sat up with an expressionless look and her eyes dull. Her hair had grown out and was now spread over the bed loosely and it seemed as if her hair had grown as long as to her ankle.

She lifted her hand and placed it over the bandages covering her injured eye.

"당신은 정말 자신이 누군가가 당신이 정말로 모르는 보호 걸고," she said, her voice sounding more monotone and more mature. (You really risked yourself protecting someone you don't really know)

She then slid her hand down to the casted arm and then slid down to her back.

"심지어 당신은 기억하지 않는다." (Even those you don't remember)

She then turned to the window and stared at the sky.

"당신은 당신에게 일어난 모든 것을 후이 세상에서 살고 싶어 어떻게?" (How do you want to live in this world after everything that's happened to you)

She lifted her uncasted hand and placed it on the glass ignoring the tubes attached to her arm.

"궁금..." (I wonder)

Her mind flashed to a boy with brown eyes and black hair.

"Chize 아직도 주위인가...?" (Is Chize still around)

She closed her eyes.

"당신이 지금에있어 어디 있을까..." (I wonder where you're at now)


On a building in the city was a dark figure crouched as they overlooked the city.

The person had a sinister smirk and licked their lips and their tongue was covered in bumps and the clothing they wore seemed ragged.


She then laid back down on the bed and let unconsciousness take over her as she closed her eye.

Her hair started to shrink and turn back to its normal (h/c) and was soon back to its normal length. Her skin began returning to it's original (s/c) as well, being a tad pale from the blood loss  

Her eye twitched again and slowly opened. Her eye was back to its normal (e/c) and was just a tad dull.

"Argh..." she groaned lowly, "Shit... Everything hurts," she then looked over to her uncasted arm and noticed the IV drip, "Well, at least it hurts less thanks to the drug..." she smirked weakly, "Never thought I was gonna say that again..." she looked up at the ceiling and closed her eyes feeling the dull yet throbbing pain on her lower back, "Never thought I'd say this, but being thrown against the walls back there felt a lot better than that shitty Nomu throwing me to that rock, ground, and slamming its fists down my back," she then let out a click of her tongue, "Tch, who am I kidding? It slamming its fists was more painful than the ground and boulder..."

She turned her head to the window and stared outside.

"I hope I made the right choice having Katsu take care of Shadow..." her eye then widened, "...There it is again. Why am I suddenly saying these things when I don't even remember our childhood together...?"

She closed her eyes and let out a tired sigh.

"I should get some sleep. I've gotta prepare for some scoldings..."

She got more comfortable. She narrowed her eye trying to fight exhaustion for a moment.

"I hope Izu, Yagi, and everyone else is okay..."

She then closed her eye letting sleep overtake her with one final thought in her mind.

'I know... None of this is over... Something is going to happen in the future... I can feel it...'

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