Tony Stark's Daughter [1]

By Stark_2023

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BOOK ONE OF THE TONY STARK'S DAUGHTER SERIES (OCxLoki) ~ "I can't remember who I am... who I was! Do you know... More

Chpater 3: HYDRA?
Chapter 4: Reindeer Games
Chapter 5: Chit Chat
Chapter 6: Lady Hope
Chapter 7: "I know a lie when I hear one."
Chapter 8: Coulson
Chapter 9: "I f*cking promise."
Chapter 10: The Battle
Chapter 11: The Battle part 2
Chapter 12: The Battle part 3
Chapter 13: Romeo
Chapter 14: Aunt Tessa
Chapter 15: Bad Nights
Chapter 16: FlashBacks
(Ironman 3)
Chapter 18: S.H.I.E.L.D
Chapter 19: Bucky Barnes
Chapter 20: Who's Maya?
Chapter 21: The Mandarin
Chapter 22: Monster
Chapter 23: Loki?!
Chapter 24: Chad Davis
Hope's File
Chapter 25: "War Machine rocks with an X, all caps."
Chapter 26: Gary Needs Ton- To Be Quiet About it
Chapter 27: What Should I do?
Chapter 28: The Alleyway
Chapter 29: The Alleyway part 2
Chapter 30: The Alleyway part 3
Chapter 31: Trevor?
Chapter 32: Extremis
Chapter 33: The Winter Soldier
Chapter 34: It's a Trap
Chapter 35: HYDRA Misses You
Chapter 36: I Will Never Join
Chapter 37: "Take 'em to Chruch."
Chapter 38: Home
Chapter 39: Christmas
Chapter 40: Birthday Wishes
Chapter 41: See you soon
Chapter 42: Asgard
Chapter 43: Infinity Stones
Chapter 44: ...What?
Chapter 45: Soulmates
Chapter 46: Back to Earth
Chapter 47: Gifts
Chapter 48: Long Time, No See
(Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
Chapter 50: Project Insight
Chapter 51: Sam Wilson
Chapter 52: Nick Fury
Chapter 53: He's My Mission
Chapter 54: Arnim Zola
Chapter 55: Highway Part 1
Chapter 56: Highway Part 2
Chapter 57: Best Friends
Chapter 58: Staying Hidden
Chapter 59: Helicarriers
Chapter 60: Aftermath
Hope's Updated File
Sequel is up!!!

Chapter 2: Avengers Initiative

25.8K 550 84
By Stark_2023

"Phil!" Pepper and I stood up as we walked toward Phil. "Come in."

"Phil?" Dad questioned.

"I can't stay." Phil walked in.

"His first name is Agent." Dad pointed at Phil as he trailed behind us. We ignored him. Which is something we do often.

"We're celebrating." Pepper explained. Pepper stopped, but I hugged Phil. Phil hugged back. He smiled as we pulled apart.

"Which is why he can't stay." Dad gave Phil his "camera" smile.

"We need you two to look this over." He lifted a computer toward Dad. Dad does not like to be handed things, but he's getting better with me and Pep.

"I don't like being handed things." Dad spoke my thoughts out loud. Pepper spoke up.

"Well I love to be handed things, so let's trade." She have Phil her glass and took the computer. Then she took dad's glass and gave him the computer. This is why I love Pepper. I chuckled. She took a drink of his glass. "Thank you."

"Official consulting hours are before 8 and 5 every other Thursday-." Dad was interrupted by Phil.

"This isn't a consultation." Phil confirmed. I looked into his mind. It's about the Avengers. Fury wants to open up the Avengers Initiative.

"Is this about the Avengers Initiative?" Phil gave her a look. "Which I know nothing about..."

Dad walked away while putting the computer together. I know I'm apart of the Initiative.

"Pfft! Avengers Initiative was scrapped. I thought I didn't even qualify." Dad looked back at Phil.

"Yeah I didn't know that either." Pepper stood awkwardly in the same spot next to me.

"Yeah, apparently I'm in-volatile, self-obsessed, don't play well with others." Dad said.

"That I did know." Pepper nodded.

"I qualified." I spoke up raising my hand. "I'm still up to join."

"Fury knew you would. This isn't about personal profiles anymore." Phil looked at Dad.

"Whatever." Dad waved him off. He raised his finger and wiggled it to come here. "Ms. Potts, you got a sec?"

"Half a moment." Pepper whispered and walked over to Dad quickly. I stood next to Phil.

"Did anyone confirm they were joining yet?" I asked him. He looked over to me with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, but you'll have to wait and see." He nodded. I shook my head.

"You can just tell me, or I can take a look in your mind." I shrugged with a smirk. He sighed.

"Just Agent Romanoff. She's gone to convince Bruce Banner. Fury went to convince Captain America and I'm here with you two. Clint was compromised." He answered. I smirked at him.

"Did you want to convince Captain?" I asked while tilting my head. His eyes widened. He coughed awkwardly.

"I-I'm here to convince you two, so Fury choose Captain America." Phil looked to the ground.

"I know your a fanboy Phil." I teased him. He glared. "You should ask him about your cards. Maybe he might sign them."

"Get out of my head Hope." He crossed his arms grumpily. I laughed and patted his shoulder.

"I'm just kidding Phil... to be honest... I'm a Captain America fan girl too." I smiled at him. His eyes widened. I looked over to Pep and Dad. The files were displayed on the screens. I smiled as I saw them. "Excuse me."

I walked toward them. I looked at each of the personal profiles. I ignored the two adults talking behind me. I scanned each of their files carefully, like if I was to miss anything, I would regret it. I don't know why, but every time I see a personal file, I scan it too to bottom.

Steve Rogers, Captain America. Super Soldier. His shield is made out of vibranium, the strongest metal in the world. He took down dozens of... Hydra facilities. I felt my head throbbed as I tensed up.


"Witch!" yelled a man. I stood up straight with my head looking straight. I showed no emotions, emotions mean punishment. "Time for another dose."

I fist clenched as I followed the man. I follow orders, I won't be punished as bad. I walked past a cell, a familiar cell. I shook my head. I don't want another dose. We walked into the lab. I was strapped to a table. Eight needles come up to me arms. Four on each side. Blue, bright liquid flowed through them. The scientist lined up the needles.

"Ready!" The needles pushed their way through my arm. My eyes closed tightly as I lifted my body up with my legs. Pain shot through my body. I screamed in pain. Don't cry! Don't cry! You will be punished! Crying never helped, it only made things worse. The needles were pulled out, but the pain increased. I thrashed and pulled on the strapped holding me down.

"Aahhh! Uugh!" I screamed out as the pain made its way to my head. My head pounded. Ringing in my ears as I felt liquid flow out of my ears and nose. Blood, just like before. My nails dig into my palms as I clenched them. People just watched and stared, not caring to help. They stood there... with smiles on their faces.

Flashback ended

I realized I was kneeling on the ground with my head in my hands. I felt arms wrapped around me. I was shaking.

"Hope! Hope, Please!" Dad's voice called out.

"Hope!" Pepper exclaimed extremely worried. I slowly removed myself from Dad. Dad looked at me with concerned filled eyes.

"I-I'm f-fine." I stuttered in a whisper. I was clearly not fine.

"No you're not! Hope, what happened?" Dad questioned. I looked up to Pepper and Phil. They both looked overly concerned and worried.

I shakily stood up, with the help of Dad. I used him for support. I shook my head.

"I-I'm good no-." Dad interrupted me.

"Hope... you've never done that before..." Dad's eyes softened. I stopped shaking. I shook my head, not wanting to talk about it. "I don't think you should join the Avengers Initia-."

"It was nothing, Tony!" I said angrily, my sudden change of emotions getting to me.

I stood up straight. Dad looked hurt now. I sighed knowing he was trying to help. Pepper came up to me and hugged me.

"Hope..." she started.

"I'm fine. It's just my... powers acting up." I tried to convince the three audits. Obviously they wouldn't buy it though.

I don't even know what to call my... abilities. HYDRA... they did this to me. They're still... out there? I thought Captain took them down. Was that my old life? Is that what I forgot? I don't know if I want to know what else happened. I bet that wasn't even the worst thing that had happened to me. D-did they really do this to me?

Crying never helped, it only made things worse

Did my parents give me away to them? Did they not love me? 

"Hope!" Dad shook me. I looked up quickly. His eyes filled with worry.

"I-I'm just gonna go to my room..." I said quietly as I left quickly. Dad was going to follow me, but Pepper held him back. I ran up the stairs and closed my door with a slam.

Tony's POV

"Let her be alone for a bit, Tony." Pepper told me with a hand holding my arm. I looked down got the ground.

What made her do that?

What made her so scared she screamed and dropped to the ground?

I looked at the file she was looking at. Captain America's file. I furrowed my eyebrows as I inspected the file. "You know what, I should stay here-."

"No Pepper. I know you've been planning this and they need you there. I'll take care of Hope... I already have for almost 8 years." I cut her off. She looked hesitant. I walked up to her and kissed her. I felt something in my stomach, the only feeling Pepper gives me. She kissed back. "Trust me Pepper."

"Okay. But if anything goes wrong, call me." She pointed at me. I nodded.

"Sure will." I answered. She nodded. Phil stared at the ground as if he was having second thoughts about something. Probably Hope joining the Avengers.

"I don't think Hope is up for the Avengers Initiative." Phil spoke up. He looked up at me. "She might not be able to-."

"I'm still joining!" Hope's voice echoed from the stairs. I smiled softly and huffed out a chuckle.

Phil looked unsure still.

"You heard the lady, she's still joining." I defended my daughter.

He nodded and walked toward the elevator where Pepper was waiting. She already asked him for a ride.

"Okay, but if this happens again-."

"It won't." I continued. I'm going to talk to Hope about this. She always tells me what's wrong.

"Take care of her Stark.... She is a special kid." The elevator doors closed. I nodded softly.

"I know." I whispered to myself as I walked up the stairs to Hope's room.

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