By moo3210

69.2K 2.4K 1.6K

Connor, the Android sent by CyberLife and Lieutenant Hank Anderson are now armed with the task of taking care... More

Scene 1 - Crime scene
Scene 2 - DPD
Scene 3 - A place to stay
Scene 4 - First Investigation
Scene 5 - Locating the deviant
Scene 6 - Second Investigation
Scene 7 - Third Investigation
Scene 8 - Eden club
Scene 9 - Doubts
Scene 10 - Jericho
Scene 12 - Found you
Scene 13 - One day
Scene 14 - Kamski's place
Scene 15 - Simulation
Scene 16 - Guessing game
Scene 17 - Goodnight
Scene 18 - 10 years later

Scene 11 - The Stratford Tower

2.9K 99 46
By moo3210

Connor's POV

"Hello, Connor......I thought you might enjoy a little cruise.......".

I mentally prepared myself and approached the small, narrow boat that Amanda was waiting in. She was holding the red umbrella from last night in her hands and proceeded to look at me expectedly. I slowly sat down on the opposite side of her and picked up the oars. 

I rowed backwards and slowed down gently to look at the landscape. I continued rowing under the bridge while Amanda looked at the sky with a blank expression, either because she was too entranced by the autumn atmosphere here.......or because she was furious that I let yet another deviant get away. Not to mention I lost (Y/n) in the process. Either way, the silence between us was very uncomfortable.

"I love this place" She finally spoke, taking away some of the tension. "Everything is so calm and peaceful... Far from the noise of the world...". She then turned to face me. "Tell me...what have you discovered?"

I didn't know how to reply. To be honest, I couldn't really focus on the question anyway. I remained silent and Amanda must have picked up on it.

"You seem... lost, Connor. Lost and perturbed..." She said in concern. I stopped rowing and quietly placed the oars on either side of me.

"I apologise for my lack of communication, Amanda. But some events that occurred last night have led me to believe this investigation may be more difficult than I had first intended..."

She frowned at me and clutched the handle of the umbrella. "How so?"

I stared down at the water around us to avoid her glare. "The homicide at the Eden club. I had to find Lieutenant Anderson so I could accompany him to the scene. Though, that meant I had to leave the child alone for awhile". She continued to stare at me with a small but growing frown. "We investigated the area, but the deviant got away along with another android. When I went back to the motel that (Y/n) and I were staying in... she was gone..."

I finally looked back up at her, searching for any wisdom she could give me. Advice or instructions, anything! Instead she continued staring at me in silence.

"And Lieutenant Anderson. He continues to struggle with psychological issues... I suspect it clouds his judgement regarding deviants. It seems like every choice I make, good or bad, he's hostile towards me or reluctant to accept the fact I'm working with him. But now that (Y/n) is gone, I don't know if I can continue with this investigation. She should be the first person I think about, regardless of-" 

"Nothing matters more than your investigation." She interrupted sternly. I looked at her in surprise. Surely finding a little girl in a city full of deviants is of more importance. "What's happening is too important. Don't let Anderson, (Y/n), or anyone else get in your way".




She decided to change the subject at hand. "You had your gun trained on those deviants at the Eden club".

I remembered.

"Why didn't you shoot?"

I started to worry. If she insists that these cases are what's more important, then I have to go along with it. For (Y/n)'s safety. If Amanda finds out that she has told me about the deviants behaviour and influenced some of my decisions... I don't know what would happen. I made an excuse. "We need the deviants intact for analysis. Shooting them wouldn't have taught us anything". Hopefully she bought it.

She looked me right in the eyes and spoke in a serious voice, slightly more viciously than before. "If your investigation doesn't make progress soon, I may have to replace you, Connor..."

I have to keep her confidence in me consistent. "I know I will succeed. All I need is time" I replied confidently. 




Just then, the rumbling sound of distance thunder caught both of our attentions. The sky had turned a melancholy light grey, and orange and red leaves from the trees around us were swaying and flying aggressively into the sky.

"Something's happening..." Amanda said worryingly. She turned her head to the shore and looked up at the swirling clouds. "Something serious. Hurry, Connor".

I looked at her in concern. What could be happening? Most of these cases were relatively small.

"Time is running out"


Your POV

"A truckload! We stole a whole truckload!"

"We got biocomponents for everybody!"

"We couldn't have done it without Markus..."

I groggily opened my eyes to be met with a weak flickering flame in the barrel in the centre of the seating circle. I was lay against the wall on my side so I must have fallen asleep last night. 

I slowly sat up and the sound of a muffled voice became clearer when I shook my head and looked at the centre of the main hall. Markus was standing in the middle or a ring of androids. His clothes were more damaged from when I saw him last night, which confused me. In fact, him, Simon, Josh and North were wearing ripped and shredded clothes. Did they go somewhere last night when I passed out?

Markus began talking about how he found Jericho in the first place. Wanting freedom. But this place wasn't what he wanted. He wanted the androids to freely roam the city, not stuck in isolation and fear.

I slowly got up and walked over to the group of androids. They didn't notice me yet as Markus continued talking. "We will show them. Show them what it means to be free! We've been hiding for far too long... It's time the humans heard what we have to say"

The androids cheered and clapped in approval. I was still confused as to what was going on. I walked up to him and tapped his hand to get his attention. He looked down at me with the same face of determination.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"We're going to sneak into the Stratford Tower... and send them a message they can't ignore".

The androids nodded and looked at him for instructions. 

"If it's a big enough scene, Connor shouldn't be far behind. I can go with you, and meet him there!" I exclaimed happily. I turned to go and get my hat from where I was sleeping before but Markus placed his hand on my shoulder and stopped me from going anywhere.

"We will take you there and you can get back to the android you're looking for. But if you really care about the cause, and deviants like us, you have to promise not to lead the humans or this detective android to us. Understand?"

I nodded sheepishly and he let go. I ran to the corner and grabbed my hand, pulling it securely onto my head. The other androids grabbed their bags full of equipment and stood by the entrance. Markus gathered the team that was going with us and we set out into the city.


We walked down the street and the androids were wearing tattered trench coats and hoodies to disguise themselves. Markus, North and Simon were walking at a fast pace and I struggled to keep up with them.

A few minutes later, we stopped in front of a huge building that was easily over 400 feet tall. This must be the place. Markus gestured for the others to find another way inside and for me to follow him through the entrance. I rushed up to him and entered the building, immediately seeing androids at the front desk, keeping an eye out for anyone trying to get through the security gates. How do we get inside?

Markus approached the desk and placed his hands on the counter patiently. The female android sat behind it looked up from the computer and directed her attention to him, while I stood next to him. I was way too short to reach the counter so anyone behind the desk wouldn't be able to see me unless they stood up.

"Hello, sir. What can I do for you?" She asked. She had tanned skin, freckles, brown hair and brown eyes and was wearing a navy blue CyberLife uniform. 

Markus quickly thought of something. "I have an appointment with Mr. Peterson".

"Do you have any ID?" She asked.

Oh no. 

"Yeah. Yes, or course" Markus stuttered and reached for him pocket. I hope this works.

He pulled out an 'ID' and placed it on the desk. The woman was about to pick it up until Markus quickly grabbed her hand and retracted his skin, like Connor did the other night.

"I need your help".

Her LED flashed red and yellow and she seemed different than before. What did he do to her? 


Is that how they become deviant?


She accepted the fake ID and said that we could enter through the security gates to get to the elevators. 

After a while, we finally made it to one of the highest levels and met North and Simon there. Josh was making sure the rest of the elevators were closed so no one would follow us up here. Markus reached into a duffle bag and pulled out some climbing equipment. They all got into gear and walked towards the large window in the storage room full of files.

Markus turned to me. "Okay, (Y/n). Once this broadcast goes up, the police will probably arrive. I need you to distract them, or take them off our trail. Do you think you can do that?"

I bit my lip and looked to my side, trying to think of a response. I mean, I wanted to be a detective, but I didn't want to hurt deviants.

I nodded nervously. "O-okay".

He nodded back and the group climbed out the window and began the journey up to the highest point of the tower. I left the room carefully and looking up and down the corridors to make sure no one could see me. Josh had already disabled the cameras on this floor so I should be okay.

I ran into a small storage cupboard and waited.

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