Waiting For My Mate

By Veikari

517K 14.6K 4.4K

Laxus is waiting for Freed to return from a mission and Freed has no idea what is waiting for him when he wou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
The Last Chapter
little update

Chapter 86

3.3K 102 53
By Veikari

Laxus gritted his teeth as the ground moved so fast it was just flashes of different areas. The golden lightning travelled through the air, leaving a lingering echo of thunder as it flew over the grounds.

What was the situation? Did something go wrong? Was Freed alright? Laxus growled and did his best to raise his speed as he was heading towards Magnolia. He wasn't sure what was going on, he could only tell that everything was not alright. The lightning dragon slayer charged more power the more worried he got and it felt like he wasn't moving fast enough no matter what.

It felt like an eternity before he finally spotted the familiar town that had been his home his whole life. Laxus growled, bolted once more forward and could see the Guild House.

Crashing lightning shot down on the yard, shaking the whole building and burning the grass. He knew Freed was still here. He had to go inside immediately. But when Laxus took one step, the whole surroundings started to waver and he felt his step shaking.

"What the fuck?" he snarled dropping on his knees.

"We're truly sorry, Laxus. But we cannot let you enter just yet."

Laxus lifted his burning gaze and looked at the four demons that stood there perfectly still while everything else moved and changed colours.

"What's going on?" he asked narrowing his eyes.

"We won't attack you if you stay put", Umanor said as they were standing in front of the doors. "We don't want to hurt you but if that is necessary to make sure Freed will be alright, we will do it."

"You better get the fuck out of my way or you're gonna feel sorry", Laxus growled and the air crackled dangerously with the huge amount of electricity.

"We'll let you through in a second when we get the sign", Valdeghar assured. "But not a moment before that. You might be Freed's mate but we will stop even you if that is necessary."

"Where's Freed?!" Laxus roared his voice full of anger.

"There is no need to be worried, Porlyusica is taking care of him", Umanor assured and others nodded. "But you cannot enter, you might endanger everything. Calm yourself, Laxus. You only need to wait for a short while."

Laxus snarled and did his best to get up, but then it felt like the ground started moving in a very same manner as if he was on a boat. It made him immediately nauseous and he had to lean against his arms, trying to breathe and he felt cold sweat.

"Good job, Moranga", Umanor said and the tiny demon chuckled moving his hands that were covered with pink gloves. "This way we just might be able to keep him out without any fighting."

Laxus tried to breathe and stay calm. His instincts were screaming for him to go find Freed, but he couldn't even move his finger or concentrate enough to use his magic. He had no idea how much time passed as he was just trying to not throw up or lose his mind.

Suddenly everything returned back to normal and he almost collapsed when he didn't need to fight against the nausea anymore. He panted and lifted his gaze but all four demons had already disappeared. What the hell was going on here?

He didn't have time to think about that. He got up on his still shaky legs, stumbling ahead and finally grabbed the door handles. The doors opened with a loud bang as they hit the walls and Laxus looked around. There was no one in the Hall. Not that he cared, he just headed towards the stairs right away following where Freed's scent was.

The blond man stopped when he noticed Porlyusica standing in the hall.

"Everything is fine, you moron", she said bluntly. "Don't look like you're about to kill someone."

"Where's Freed?" Laxus growled with a low voice, really doing his best so he wouldn't lose it.

"He is here, waiting already", Porlyusica said opening the door and stepped out of the way.

It was almost like some spell was suddenly cast over Laxus as his anger disappeared just like that. Instead he was feeling slightly confused and almost scared to move.

"This here is a door, you walk through it, get inside", Porlyusica instructed.

"Shut up, you old hag!" Laxus snarled annoyed and blushed.

"If you know what to do then do it! I don't have time to just stand here and wait what you might do!"

Laxus grumbled something and stepped to the door and really tried to hide how nervous he was right now. Was everything really alright? He could smell Freed's scent, it was calm which was a good thing. There was also... A new scent. Something he almost knew but still didn't. Something that made his heart race and he stepped inside the room.

Laxus moved the curtain and looked at Freed who was leaning against pillows on the bed. Green hair was tied up in a ponytail, he had a pyjama on and then there was...

"Hello, Laxus", Freed chuckled looking at the taller man who stood there stunned. If only Laxus could see himself right now.

"Are you alright?" Laxus asked stepping beside the bed.

"I'm fine, everything went really smoothly and Porlyusica gave me lots of medicine to endure the pain", Freed said.

He smiled looking at the small bundle he had in his arms. It was still hard to believe this was real. It felt more like a dream. But he was hurting enough so he knew this was reality.

"He's here", Freed chuckled moving the blanket and they heard a small, unhappy voice as the peaceful moment had been disturbed.

Laxus smirked widely looking at that wrinkly face, how his son was looking so serious when trying to see the new figure that had appeared.

"He's alright?" Laxus asked gently touching the soft golden tuft of hair on the little forehead.

"He is", Freed assured with a smile. "He's very energetic. Do you want to hold him?"

"Can I?" Laxus asked almost dumbfounded looking at his fiancé.

"Of course", Freed said amused and helped Laxus a little bit until he was holding the baby right way. "He's not even scared. He must know you already."

"Dunno, but it's a good thing if one of us isn't scared to death", Laxus laughed sitting down at the edge of the bed. "Wow. He really has your eyes."

"You think so?" the rune mage smiled. "How nice, I didn't need to go through all that just to hear how he doesn't resemble me at all."

"He looks grumpy", Laxus smirked.

"Seems like he did get something from you too", Freed chuckled. He sneered as he tried to change his position slightly and Laxus got instantly worried.

"What is it?" he asked quickly.

"Nothing, it's just not easy to move when you've been cut open less than half an hour ago..."

"Should I get Porlyusica?"

"No need. She has already done everything she can. Now I just have to rest few days. She said we are not allowed to leave infirmary in that time."

"Good, I don't want anything happen to you", Laxus said. "Or Felix. Strange, I thought babies would cry more", he said amused, looking how Felix was trying to grab a hold of his blanket with his tiny chubby fingers.

"You have literally sat there only few minutes. Don't worry, that time will come. Especially when it's night and the diaper needs to be changed. I'm so happy that you will be there then, as it's your job for the next two weeks."

"When did I promise something like that?" Laxus asked.

"What? You seriously thought that I have forgotten about your punishment?" Freed smirked deviously. "When you had to leave because of your mission but before that you told everyone about our engagement even though we had promised not to tell anyone? I still have that paper where you clearly state that I should think up a punishment for you."

"Oh..." Laxus muttered. Damn! He had forgotten it already.

"I just waited for the perfect moment", Freed chuckled. "So that will be it. For the first two weeks when Felix cries at night it will be you who goes to see what's wrong."

"I guess I have no choice then", Laxus snorted. "Fine, you trickster", he smiled giving Freed a kiss. Of course he would do that so the rune mage could rest more.

They sat there for a while, until they heard a knock from the door. It was already starting to get dark outside and for a moment they had even forgotten they were at the Guild.

Makarov stepped inside with a smile on his face.

"How is everything?" he asked.

"You just couldn't wait a little longer, huh?" Laxus said with amusement.

"I could, but didn't want to. Can I see him too?" Makarov smiled as he stepped next to the bed.

"Of course", Freed said and when the old man was set on the chair, he gave Felix over.

"Now this brings back memories", the former Master chuckled fondly. "He looks so much like Laxus, but with turquoise eyes. In the same time it feels like it was only yesterday, but still so long time ago."

"That makes no sense, Gramps", Laxus muttered.

"And I'm happy to see you're calm again too, Laxus. I was worried if Umanor and others might be able to hold you down. They were really kind to offer their help."

"I still don't get it why they stopped me."

"So you wouldn't attack Porlyusica or cause something else", Freed explained. "You are well aware of the fact that you are a hothead and when worried, you still can't handle your instincts completely", Freed reminded and Laxus grumbled something annoyed but had to agree. "After all, this was a situation we had never been in before, far more different than anything we could imagine so we just wanted to be sure nothing might happen, no matter how small the chances."

"Guess you got a point there", Laxus said. "But I'm still pissed."

"I'm sorry about that", the green haired man chuckled and looked how Makarov flinched as he lost few strands from his beard.

"He really has a strong hold", the old man guffawed scratching his face.

"Don't let him eat your dirty face shit, old geezer", Laxus snarled.

"Who are you calling dirty, you brat? I happened to take really good care that my beard wouldn't scare Felix!"

"Pfft, not even ten barrels of beer would make that face less unpleasant to look at."

Freed just smiled and took his son as two older Dreyars started to argue loudly.

"Isn't your family just wonderfully mad?" he chuckled as Felix yawned. "Yes, I'm tired too. That's alright, you have time to conquer the world after some sleep. There are still lots of people who want to meet you, as you too belong to their precious family."

After a while Makarov left them alone so they could rest in peace. Felix was already deep asleep next to Freed and the rune mage was just staring out of the infirmary's window.

"Ten years", he said.

"What?" Laxus asked confused and he was still sitting on the edge of the bed, just admiring his sleeping son.

"That's what Porlyusica said it would take and the mating season would hit once again."

"Oh, didn't even remember that."

"Well, I do remember it. And do you know what I'm thinking?" Freed asked.


"I'm thinking that I am going to use my strongest runes, bind you down and then I am going to run like the wind all the way to the other side of the world", Freed smiled. "Just so you know."

"Let's hope that will work", Laxus laughed kissing his mate.

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