Daughter of Hela

By StoriesLoubbie

34.8K 1.1K 702

Lou Miller never thought she will meet her biological mother. She was angry for leaving her in the doorsteps... More

Reborn or Newborn
Tammy and Tom
Unshed tears
Debbie meets Hela
Ocean's 9... Hela?
Welcome to our team
Debbie + Alcohol
Testing the skills
Did you worry about me?
What's going on between you two?
Daphne's in Danger
Lou's insecurities
Anxious hearts
A special moment for Hela
A dream of happiness
How to train your daughter
It's storytime
Lou and her powers
Hela Vs Lou
Deal with the destruction
The past, present and future

Awkward moments

1.1K 40 20
By StoriesLoubbie

Hela thought of speaking to Debbie. So she went to Debbie's room. Debbie wasn't there.

She might be with Lou

She's standing outside Lou's room, didn't wanna knock and wake up Lou. So unlocked the door using one of her blade. Once entering the room, she regretted. She didn't expect to see both Debbie and Lou, sleeping naked, holding each other.

She immediately turned back and started walking out. Debbie being light sleeper woke up and saw her.

"Hey wait", she said groggily.

"I'm outside. Meet me there.. and for my sake, cover Lou", she said facing the door.

"Oh well, yes mommy"


Debbie walked out wearing Lou's plaid robe.

"You... You and my Lou... You both.... Naked... I can't remove that picture from my brain now"

"Oh come on mom in law.. what did you expect us to do. We're lovers now"

"Whatever it is.. I'm fine with you being her lover and marrying her. But this.... I mean... I... You maintain distance... Don't do anything nasty with my daughter"

"Seriously mom? Nasty? That's what you call? Asgardian couples won't make love?", Debbie asked winking.

"They... Well... Just.. just keep it to yourselves. Not in front of me... Come on I'm her mother..."

"Well, we've been keeping it a secret. You broke into our room..."

"And now I repent"

"If you're not able to take this now, what will you do once we announce?", Debbie asked grinning.

"Yeah... Well... I don't know... Will see that later... but now you both haven't informed others right. What if they see you?"

"I don't think they'll dare to unlock Lou's room. Don't worry mommy... It's all fine and normal. You're just irritated because she's your daughter... But haven't you thought about your daughter's life with someone? Like didn't think about her marriage and all?"

"I.. actually didn't.. I wasn't aiming at creating a baby back then you see. So..."

"What does that mean now?"

"Well, I'll explain it to you. I came to you to explain everything. Everything related to me and Lou... I need your time... And complete attention"

"Okay. How long will it take? Lou might wake up in few minutes now. She's planning to go to her club"

"Hmm depends. I'm sure you'll have your own set of questions"

"Well, that I have. Lou's going to club later. So that time will be fine?"

"Yeah that'll be fine. We'll..... Oh no! wait what's that? I guess something bit you"

Hela pointed at Debbie's neck. It was a love bite.

"Where? What?"

"Hmmm wait", Hela dragged her to the nearest mirror and showed the mark.

"Oh this ...", Debbie blushed. "It's not an insect bite... It's just... Your daughter isn't innocent", Debbie winked.

"What? How's my daughter related to this mar... Oh no!!!... "

Debbie started laughing. Hela's face turned red, embarrassed.

"Really mom. You're this shy? Didn't think you'll be shy when your daughter there is..."

"Shh.. stop.. don't continue... I don't wanna here... Just get in there and wear something that'll cover these marks. I won't be able to look at you otherwise"

Debbie laughed again

"You're so cute when embarrassed", she lightly pulled her cheeks. No one did that to Hela.

"You know, you're taking too much advantage of me by being my daughter's friend and lover"

"I'm special. So you've accepted me completely"

"I have. But doesn't mean you'll come to me showing these marks or.. you know any such kinda things"

"Fine mom... It's just... I can't take you as Lou's mom... You're..."

"What do you mean?", Hela was serious now.

"Oh no no.. I didn't mean that way.. you are her mom. And I believe it. I meant you look so young, like Lou's sister... So you know... I don't get the needed seriousness around you... you know... How to explain.."

"Okay okay I got it"

"You not angry right?"

"If I was then you wouldn't be speaking right now"

"Always wanna show your badass side.. I hope my wife won't be this bad like you"

"She's my daughter. She will. You've signed for something really dangerous.. that too for eternity", now Hela was smirking.

"I wouldn't have it any other way"

"I too wouldn't let you have any other way"

"Fine then. Will speak after Lou goes out. Till then enjoy... You were excited to see the movie earlier.. I saw your face that time... Well I did see many things but that we'll speak later. For now... I'll play one for you..."

"Hmmm okay"

Debbie searched for DVDs and found Minions.

Oh I haven't seen this one... Should watch with Lou

Despicable me was the only animated movie Debbie liked because it's obviously having a con man. And she also got a liking towards yellow pill shaped minions. So, when she saw this minions DVD she wanted to see it.

She played it

"See you later",. And Debbie hugged Hela.

"Stop stop stop... You... Don't hug me... You just had..."

"Sex?", Debbie said smirking

"Yeah.. now I need to take bath... Again", Hela groaned.

"Come on I only hugged you.. that too I'm covered with this robe..."

"Yeah... but I have to bath"

"How rude. I'll pause the movie for now.. once you're done, just click this button okay?"

Hela nodded.

"Now that you've decided to take bath..."

Before Hela could realise what's happening Debbie hugged her tightly. Hela wrapped her hands lightly around Debbie.

"Bye mom", she then walked to Lou's room.

Hela smiled at her childishness. But she did go to take shower.


Debbie's showering, simultaneously planning.

If Lou and Hela had heart to heart conversation..... Hela will be ready but Lou... Nope... Not a good idea... How about Hela saying Lou about her lost daughter without mentioning it is Lou? Hmmm how about...

She felt a hand slide around her waist. She smiled. Lou pressed herself against Debbie.

"What you thinking"

"About you"


"About family.."

"Family.... As in", Lou slowly started nibbling her ears.

"Us... A happily ever after family"

"Hmm... I like that"

You'll like it Lou. And what I'm gonna give you.. you'll be very happy. I can't wait to listen about Hela's past. I'll know more about you.. something which you yourself don't know... I want you to be happy.. I'll reunite you both... I'll ...

*Lou sucked her skin just below her ears hard enough to leave a mark*


"Language...", Lou again did the same, on the other side

"You aren't exactly helping...", Debbie said breathlessly.

Lou turned her around, now that they're facing each other, Debbie could see lust in Lou's eyes. Debbie smirked and pulled her closer.

"Aren't you supposed to go to club?" *Kiss*

"Will go tomorrow", Lou said kissing her neck.

"Hmmm bu.. ouch", Lou had pinched her waist.

"What happened?", Lou acted innocent.

"What happened?... You dorky pervert...", Debbie started pinching her.

"Stop stop stop.. and pervert? Seriously?"

"Well you are"

"Romantic? yes. Pervert? nope"

"So you agree you're dork"

"Some truth are to be accepted the way it is"

Truth to be accepted the way it is... Yup...

"Hmm... What other truth you accept?"

"That I'm madly in love with you *kiss*... That I want to be with you forever...*kiss*"

"That you will. Our fates are bound now"

"Fate what?"

"Hmm.. I.. mean.. we're together now. So we're bound right?"

"Hmm yup. That we are... Now quit talking.. we've better things to do"


When Lou and Debbie walked downstairs, they saw Nine and Constance awake and are watching Minions with Hela, occasionally filling her with details about the movie. All three were sitting on couch.

"I wanna watch that with you. I only saw the first movie. Didn't know about this"

"We will watch.. actually they have four movies in the franchise now... and you'll like Minions. Specially Scarlet Overkill"


"A character... first female super villain ever... She's like you", Lou grinned.

"Oh that's good"

They walked and joined others. Constance and Nine offered them the couch and they sat down on floor.

We don't wanna see you two sit separately in chairs and eye-fuck, that's what they said. Debbie sat in between Lou and Hela now.

Hela looked at Debbie and raised her eyebrow and signalled at Lou.

Oh shit. Lou was supposed to go to club

"Lou, when you return, get food... Chinese... Cooking is not possible today"

"Since when did you start cooking. Also where am I going?"


"I told you I'll go tomorrow"


"You want me to say exactly when?", Lou smirked.

Debbie traced back. Oh fuck. I got distracted

"No don't. Hmm now that you're free, cook for us"

"Not today.. I'm tired. Did a lot of work", she tried her best to wink.

"What work?", Constance asked

"Hmm some work kiddo... You're not matured enough to know"

Debbie mouthed What the fuck

"Oh. Don't tell me you fucked Debbie. That's not exciting"

"Not exciting in the sense?", Debbie was offended.

"In the sense, you both are good friends. We're fed up of your PDAs without anything happening between you two. And we're clear that nothing will happen. So anything related to you both have lost its excitement"

"If only they knew", both Lou and Hela muttered at a time. Debbie looked at both.

Shit. Why you both need to be so similar

"Did you say something?", Lou questioned Hela. She didn't hear exactly Hela's words but saw her lips moving.

"What did she say?", Now both Constance and Nine were interested too.

"She said she doesn't feel bored by me and Lou", Debbie had to cover up.

"Coz she's new. Helly, spend few more days. You'll get irritated by their behaviour which'll never go further. Stuck at friendship. Seriously moms, we're fed up. How can you both be this close and still not be in relationship. At the least you could have been friends with benefits"

Lou was trying her best not to laugh. Hela faked ignorance and Debbie... was still offended.

"Let's just watch the movie guys", she said.

Three fourth of movie was actually done so Debbie didn't understand the plot. But as Lou said she did like Scarlet Overkill.

"Damn I love her. She's awesome"

"Not surprised. A con will love another con"

"That's true. A con will love another con", Debbie whispered in Lou's ears while her hand slipped inside Lou's vest. Lou's breath hitched.

"Deb.... Stop", Lou whispered.

"You were eager to have in public.. remember the pool?", Debbie unfastened Lou's belt, and put it behind the couch without making any noise.

Others were not looking at them. Well, Hela looked at them. She actually wanted to speak to Debbie so she had turned. But seeing what's going on she quickly turned back.

Debbie not in front of me

She got her tiny blade and poked Debbie on her thighs when she was about to undo Lou's pant buttons.

"Ouch...", Debbie suddenly withdrew her hands and glared at Hela. Hela was smirking. Lou didn't know what happened, except for the sensation in her hand. She's shaking her hand vigorously.

"What happened?", Constance and Nine turned too.

"I... Hmm... I guess there's something in this couch... May be some insect..."

"What?", Constance immediately jumped from where she was sitting and stood on the nearest chair. Lou went to her.

"Get down Conz"

"No ways..."

"See you scared her", Lou said to Debbie.

"You only care for her and not me? You're not bothered about me seriously? I'm going out. Console your child", Debbie said mockingly.

Lou glared at her. Debbie didn't mean that.

"Wow mom's being cranky"

"I'm joking. Come on you guys... but haan I'm not your..."

"Yeah yeah I know boss lady"

Constance got down and Debbie hugged her sideways. "Sorry"

"Nah that's fine.... But where's the insect?"

"I thought it's an insect. It might be the spring. Your mom isn't buying new couch and we'll be getting stung forever"

"Well then don't sit on my couch. I'm not gonna buy new one just because you got stung in your stupid ass"

"Not ass.. thighs. But you called my ass stupid?"

"Yup I did", Lou said smirking and challenging a little.

All this time Hela was just looking at them.

"Tis daily routine", Nine told her.

"Back to movie guys", Nine spoke loudly.

All sat again. Well, Debbie sat on Lou. Lou looked at her amused.

"What? You told me not to sit on your couch. So", Debbie said winking.

Lou smiled and wrapped her arms around Debbie's form, pulled her closer.

Hela just nodded her head.

Great. Now this is what I'm going to see.

Lou and Debbie weren't watching the movie. They were busy with each other. Lou's lightly kissing Debbie's neck, hands sliding inside her shirt. Debbie's trying her best to stay normal and not to moan.

Hela can't take this anymore. She's uncomfortable. It's her daughter behaving inappropriately in public, well living room can be called public.

She knew exactly what to do. She just wielded a blade with more force.

That'll do it

Lou felt the sensation in her hand.

"Fuck"... She suddenly released Debbie and was shaking her right hand. Debbie knew what happened. She looked at Hela. Hela just shrugged.

"What happened mom?"

"Nothing. It's just... I have some pain in my hand. Nothing more"

"Oh. Mom take care. Should I call a doctor?", Constance took her phone out.

"Oh no honey. I'll be fine..."

They resumed watching movie. Lou hugged Debbie and whispered Sorry.

"It's fine baby. Not your mistake"


Debbie looked at the screen. It's the scene where Herb's helping Scarlet with her dress. The scene was really funny and had double entendre.

(Video credit: whoever uploaded it)

"What the fuck. I thought it's kids movie. How did they allow that scene?" Debbie said loudly.

"What you talking about? I don't see anything wrong", Lou said smiling and raising one eyebrow.

"You know what I mean"

"Come on not-my-mom. It's nothing if you think straight. Only if you're having dirty thoughts..."

"I don't..."

"Shh... Watch the movie guys. Discuss later", Nine said without looking at them.

Finally the movie came to an end.

"I thought Scarlet would get the crown. I'm sad"

"Debbie's got a liking for that supervillain"

"She's so sweet. And she had every right to go berserk"

"You mean to say minions cheated? Not possible momzy. Minions are sooo cute and innocent"

"That they are. It's not their mistake too. But still.. she's innocent"

"I guess you need to stop keeping yourself in her place", Hela said.

"Come on mom... *Lou looked at her* "m..mm.... moments of pretending as her should not be taken from me"

Debbie be careful while speaking. Don't get caught

Hela raised her eyebrow.

"What? Baby... You're speaking something meaningless. Start framing meaningful sentences"

"Hmm come on you too? Don't you think me and Scarlet are similar"

"Oh baby... Her voice definitely is like yours. I think you and Miss Bullock are long lost sisters. I love her"

"Wow... You love her... Haan"

"Here we go. These two will start their nonsense. Hey Helly, next we'll watch Despicable me series. You'll love it"

"You guys.. watch anything you want but not now... After our job's done, we'll all watch okay?", Lou said.

"Yeah fine", Constance and Nine went to their shared room.

Hela walked outside and signalled Debbie to follow.

Debbie... Think some excuse now

"Hmm baby I was thinking about speaking to Helly about your training... Hmm.."

"You really... Want me to..."

"Baby.. I don't want you feeling low... And I always want to see you winning... So.."

"If you want to then I'll do"

"I love you", she kissed Lou.

"I love you too. Now baby, go and talk to her"


Debbie went outside. Hela was waiting near the shores.

"What the hell was that? Why did you poke me? And why did you do that to Lou?"

"Well you weren't behaving"

"The second time was Lou. Not me"

"Well, she too got served"

"You're impossible.... once Lou and I officially announce, then I'll not listen to you"

"Let's see. Now back to our talk. I want to speak to you. But when?"

"Hmm now we have some time. Will speak more tomorrow. I'll take you shopping and we can speak"

"But I like what I'm wearing. I love my daughter's clothes"

"Oh come on mommy... I know Lou has great fashion sense but I like seeing Lou in those shirts which she gave you... Don't spoil my fantasies", Debbie whined.


"Well you won't be comfortable if I say any"

Hela nodded.

"So, will be going tomorrow. I'll buy smoothies for you"


"Hmm... It's like... It's something you drink... It's tasty"

"Like the one I drank that day?"

"Oh no... No alcohol... This is fruits.. or dairy"

"What... I don't think.."

"For my sake.. please....", Debbie pouted.

"You're such a kid. I wonder what Lou saw in you"

"Oh she's seen a lot of me... *winked at Hela* "Your daughter's bigger child than me. You'll see"

"She's my child. I did give her child-like innocence"

"Yup. Now let's not waste out time. Tell me what you wanted to"

"It's a long story. I'm not sure when I tell you, it'll have any impact on Lou"

"If Lou feels anything she'll tell me and I'll tell you. And whatever you ask me to do, I'll do. I can't see Lou struggling everyday. I can't see her sad"

"I too can't see her sad. But you told me how angry she's on me.. her parent. So..."

"The anger might vanish once listening to the story. Don't you think?"

"It might. I want to tell you the story. But I don't know when and how I'll tell. I can't tell you all at once. It's a lot to take for you. You aren't familiar with the world outside Midgard.. I mean your earth"

"Hmm. Let's do one thing. Every afternoon Lou takes nap.. well more like a complete sleep. She sleeps for 6 hours in the afternoon if she's free. You can tell me the story probably that time"

"Hmm I suppose it'll be fine"

"I also wanted to schedule Lou and your training session"

"Hmm whenever she's ready"

"Hey mom.. go easy on her please... I can't see her getting beaten up"

"Debbie don't worry. I'm her mom. I'll not hurt her intentionally. But it's the training. And trainer has to be tough. Don't you be tensed. She's my daughter. She won't be dead. She only needs some stimulation. Once stimulated and able to control her powers, she will be invincible"

"Hmm is it necessary for her to completely gain her powers?"

"It is. She's protected till now. But can't predict the future. I don't want her to get caught by any of my enemies or my brothers"

"Your brothers?"

"I have two brothers. Thor and Loki"

"Thor! You mean Avengers Thor? The god of lightning? Saviour of our planet?"

"Yeah. He's my younger brother"

"What the... I can't... Believe it"

"I too couldn't believe. I mean he doesn't look like me. Well, he's blonde. That adopted brother Loki's dresssed more like me than my own brother..."

"Well I didn't mean it in that way. I meant he's the icon here. I can't believe Lou's related to her favourite avenger"

"What? Lou likes Thor? That's wrong in so many different levels. He's her uncle"

"Likes in the sense she admires him. She says Thor is the strongest among all the Avengers"

"He's not stronger than me. But definitely stronger than other mortal heroes. That's for sure"

"So... You aren't in good terms with your brother?"

"It's complicated. To understand that, you should know the whole story. I'll tell you tomorrow"


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