Taming Lies (A Tom Hiddleston...

By Chelsea_Rena

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"Love blinds you. One minute you're on top of the world with everything in the palm of your hand - and the ne... More

{ prologue }
one: truth be told
{meeting the demi-god}
two: behind his eyes tell my story
three: anniversary of birth
{slow movements}
four: uneasy arrangements
{room service}
five: past becomes present
{rabbits and engagement rings}
six: the memory effect
seven: not exactly a fairytale reunion
eight: step one, we need to talk
nine: true confessions
ten: deep symphonies
eleven: heart of glass
twelve: red
thirteen: time to decide
fourteen: fears and phobias, forever and always
fifteen: the interview from hell
sixteen: child's play
seventeen: calls at two a.m.
eighteen: time for change
nineteen: dancing on each others toes
twenty: yours truly
twenty one: caesar salad & superheroes
twenty two: reassuring hugs
twenty three: my lips are sealed
twenty four: a little party never killed nobody
twenty five : not just any dinner
twenty six: surprise, surprise!
twenty eight: those three words

twenty seven : like father like son

3.1K 88 14
By Chelsea_Rena

Chapter Twenty Seven

Like Father Like Son

We had packed our bags the night before we were set to fly away. My worst fear for travelling was rushing the morning I was set to fly out or drive off. Rushing would make me incredibly anxious and worried, and those two emotions were the ones I hated. Tom sat on William's suitcase, trying to pressure it down into successfully zipping it fully up. I stood in the doorway while William wore a cheeky grin, "I think you may have packed a little too much..." I announced, raising an eyebrow.

Yet, in an instant, Tom jumped up into the air in an act of victory, "I did it! Yes!" He cried as he danced around the room, muttering small 'do-do-do's'- a little dance of his own. I laughed, shaking my head as William joined him, jumping about and causing his curls to bounce. They soon settled down and flopped back onto the bed, "Finally done packing."

"And it took us so long to do so," I chuckled, flicking my wrist to see the time. It was seven o'clock, and we were set to meet with Laura and Drew at half past. I clasped my hands together, "Well! Shall we head on over to Laura and Drew's house to see Phoebe?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" William cried, leaping up and down into the air. We all laughed and I grabbed my blazer from behind the door while slipping my feet into some ballet flats. I ran a comb through my hair while Tom called at me to hurry up with a cheeky grin on his face. I rolled my eyes childishly and hopped over to the front door. William swung the door open and dashed towards the car, flailing his arms around before stopping at the back door. I hurried over and helped myself into the passenger seat and waited for everybody else to buckle in.

The car got rolling to a start and after many lefts and rights and twists and turns, we pulled up at Laura's house. William was first to the house, and Tom opened the car door. I bobbed my head with a small thank you and we linked our hands before gliding our way over to the front door. William knocked loudly and Laura answered the door with a grin, "Hello Hiddleston's!" She called loudly before hugging each one of us.

Nothing of Laura had really changed. Her clothes were the consistent ones I had seen before, her hair was always pulled up into that half ponytail with small plaits that Pheobe would always do... But something was very different. She had a little baby bump, that was clearly visible through her thin t-shirt. I couldn't help but marvel at the sight and William poked it softly, "Are you having a baby?"

"Yes I am!" She chuckled softly, her shoulders slightly shaking.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" William asked curiously.

Laura shrugged, "It's too early to tell, we have to wait a few more weeks. But as soon as I find out, you will be the first person I tell... Okay Will?"

William nodded, "Okay. Will the baby come out of your belly-button?"

Laura tugged her teeth between her lower lip, trying not to laugh, "Uhm, yes darling. How about you go and find Pheobe? She should be playing with her lego in her room."

William blinked before smiling, "Okay!" He cried, hurrying off, "Pheobe! It's my turn to be the dragon this time!"

Laura's shoulders shook back and forth as she met my eyes with the widest smile she could manage, "Kids," she said, shrugging before stepping towards me and wrapping her arms around me tightly, "Avery... It's been too long."

"It has," I responded, pulling away, "And look at you, your little slice of happiness is already blossoming..." I whispered, nodding towards her stomach.

Laura almost looked as though she could cry, "It's amazing. Well, apart from the constant back pain and the sweats and other assorted things... It's truly amazing."

"Congratulations, Laura," Tom spoke, leaning in to kiss her on the cheek. She smiled as his palm landed on her shoulder, "I certainly hope the pain isn't too bad. After all, a whole new person is growing inside you. I can't imagine what that would feel like."

"Consider yourself lucky," I answered, chuckling.

"Do I hear the sound of Hiddleston's at the front door?" A voice called from the kitchen. Drew emerged from behind the wall and threw his hands up, "There they are, the legendary Avery and Tom!"

"Drew!" Tom cried as Drew jogged towards us. Tom extended his hand and Drew shook it roughly with a smile, and Tom shook his head, "It's so nice to meet you! I've heard so much about you, and congratulations!"

Drew flicked his long, dark hair out of his eyes with a grin, "Thank you so much! It's really quite spectacular what Laura is going through." He cast a look over to his girlfriend and my heart fluttered at the joy coated in his eyes. They were truly the cutest couple.

"Shall we sit?" Laura asked, and we all obliged. I sat down at the dining table and Tom followed. I sat down beside Tom and he smiled at me as we listened to the cries of Phoebe and Will fighting over who was to control the toy dragon and who was going to control the toy dinosaur. The argument consisted of arguments such as 'you were the dragon last time' and 'the dinosaur is a boy toy'. I just laughed softy, as Laura sat down in front of me, shaking her head, "I can't wait to see three of them fight over two toys."

"It's certainly going to be an interesting journey to unfold," I chuckled, raising the glass of water to my lips.

"So, America tomorrow!" Drew cried, placing some snack foods on the table, "Laura told me that's where you are headed, how exciting!"

Tom clasped his hands together and glanced at everybody at the table, "I had been planning the trip for some quite time. William had always been going on and on about films and Marvel and recently he had had a fascination America. And I knew Avery had always wanted to visit, so I thought to myself, what have I got to loose?"

Laura wanted to swoon, "Oh America, I've always wanted to visit The Big Apple."

Drew arched an eyebrow as he sat down beside his girlfriend, "You're not going anywhere soon, my dear. Not in the state your in."

Laura huffed, "It's great being pregnant, but no flying? No roller coasters? It's a bit of a boring state, if you ask me..." She laughed, taking a drink from her non-alcoholic lemon, lime and bitters. As much as she laughed it off, Laura was really precautions about the decisions she made while she was pregnant. She had wanted a child for so long, and now this was her gift. And she wasn't going to throw that all away.

"What are you looking forward to see in America?" Drew asked with an arched eyebrow, and he was staring at me.

I shrugged softly, knowing in the back of my mind that Tom was listening closely, "Oh, anywhere," I responded with a smile, "I've always wanted to stand in Times Square in New York and visit the beaches of California... But I would be happy with anything."

"And Will?" Laura added, "What's he most excited for?"

Tom smiled the slightest, "All of the fun things like Disneyland and theme parks and whatnot. He's so excited that he's bouncing off the walls!"

Drew chuckled, nodding, "I would be too if I was his age, being treated to so many amazing things. He sure is a lucky lad!"

"You have no idea," I huffed with a grin, looking down the hallway to see him running around with the dragon in his hand.

After very few drinks and many laughs, the night whisked away in a blur. I watched as William approached the table, rubbing his eyes and flopping his arms tirelessly. Tom placed his hand on his head with a smile, "Are you tired, Will?" He asked softly, and William just nodded slowly. Tom reached over and pulled him up onto his lap, and Will curled up and breathed into his fathers chest. Tom rubbed his head through his curls and looked up at everyone, "I think we should get going, poor Will is out like a light. Sorry, everyone."

"No it's alright, I think Phoebe's gone to bed anyways," Laura stood up and Drew followed. Everyone began to get up from the table and I watched as Tom held William closely and carefully as he stood up. William was already asleep and Tom stepped slowly, trying not to wake him.

We bid our last goodbyes to Laura and Drew, and I pulled Laura in for a hug, "I'll see you on the other side of my trip, partner."

"Of course," she smiled, pulling away, "Don't forget to bring me back a snow globe!"

On the ride back with William sitting in the backseat, Tom was gripping my hand as he draped his wrist over the steering wheel. I looked over at him with a smile, "You are such a great father, you know that right?" I whispered.

Tom pursed his lips into a smile, looking down slightly, "I like to believe that."

{ A/N }

holla everybody! sorry I haven't updated this story in... Hmmm... 4 months? I am so sorry but I'm afraid it's just the same old lame excuse. I've been really busy and social and ugh boring stuff, but here is an update! I will have you know that I WILL FINISH THIS STORY BEFORE THE END OF THE YEAR! IT'S MY RESOLUTION AND I PLAN TO STICK TO IT

I hope you enjoyed this basic chapter, but I honestly just LOVE the William and Tom relationship I write. It's so adorable and cute and I can just imagine Tom being such a great father c:

okay, remember that I love each and every one of you! Don't forget to leave comments below!

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