Pain & Medicine(Edited)

By ArchuG1412

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Broken Tee meets with jolly Tae. How Tee's life will change after meeting Tae? This is my first time writing... More

15. Confession
16. Acceptance
17. The Party
18. Copter's wedding and Tae leaving
19. Drunk
20. New Beginning
21. True Friends
22. My Love
23. Heartbreak
24. The only one
25. Happy


1.7K 142 138
By ArchuG1412

Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.


Tae's POV


I woke up with my phone's non-stop ringing. Me and Tee have been sleeping together on the same bed for a week now. The feeling of cuddling someone while you sleep is so heavenly that it cannot be described into words.

I usually talk to Tee before going to bed and ask whatever is bothering him. He is cooperating now and has told me many things. He told me about the illusion he has sometimes about Dan. The nightmares are very rare but they still occur.

I promised Tee that I will cure him completely not only with medicine and therapy but with my love too. I want to love him so much that he will forget what the pain and suffering is.

We have tried to do more than just kissing but it didn't work out. He is still shaken up by that night when Dan tried to force himself on Tee. I have to take things as slowly as I can with him or else he might break again.

The time I have spent with Tee is so beautiful that I want to cherish it forever. I cannot imagine my life without him now. Spending a single day without him feels like a torture. He is just so sweet and adorable that it is really hard not to fall for him all over again.


My phone's ringtone broke me away from my thoughts.

I picked my phone up and noticed that it was Godt.

I Know why he was calling me. My dad was still torturing the trio and was trying to make them confess their crimes but they are very stubborn and weren't even speaking a thing.

I gave a peck on sleeping Tee lips and left the room. I went towards the living room to talk. I still haven't told him about those three and it's better if you won't find out. He will not like it for sure because no matter what those three have made him suffer through, he would never wish for the same for them, Tee is just a pure soul with a kind heart and it can also affect his health again if he will find out.

I did manage to collect some proof against these three but we wanted them to confess their crime first. If they won't then I will use that evidence when the time is right.

"Hello, yeah what is it?" I picked the call up.

"When are you planning to give the evidence to the police? We are tired of torturing these jerks." Godt was sounding pissed. I had no idea those three were able to endure this much.

"I will. I guess tomorrow maybe, I have to talk to Tee about this first,until then keep torturing those devils.I want them to suffer hell. I don't care if one of them dies,we can show it as an accident in public later." I said in a rage.

"Okay, see you soon and take care of Tee, bye." he hung up after that.

I took a deep breath and ran my palm all over my face in frustration. I decided to go back and cuddle my cuTee. As I turned around Tee was standing right behind me with a shocked expression on his face.


"Wha-what were you saying phi? What about them? Where are they? What did you do to them?" His voice was shaky and low.

"Tee...fuck!! Let me explain, baby. It's not what you think it is. Why don't you sit down first and..."

"NO! DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!! What were you saying to Godt? Torture?! Death?! Are they even still alive?! I told you not to do anything and let the police handle it.I-I know what they did to me is beyond unforgivable why phi why?!!" He slumped down on the floor and started crying.

"Tee...Tee..first listen to me baby.I-we did this for you... for us. I didn't mean to go to this extent but after that incident at the restaurant,I wasn't able to see you in that condition.I lost my mind.. and..."

"Since when are they getting tortured?? He asked.

"Since the day at the restaurant." I replied in a low tone.

"How many people know about this?" His tone was changing now, he was getting angier.

"Only me,Godt, Kim, Mom & Dad. I was planning to tell you everything once I was sure that you could take all the information." I tried to explain.I could see the shock in his eyes when I mentioned the name of my parents. He doesn't know anything about my dad yet.

"It's okay P'Tae... it's okay. I know that you did this for me, but I am not going to forgive you for hiding this for me.I... I think I need a break. I am going to Copter's, I want to stay away from you for a while.I-I'll just go... see you soon, maybe." he said with tears in eyes. I was too shocked to say anything, how could he think about leaving me?

He left me standing in the living room and went inside the room. He came out after five mins with his bag. He gave me a sad look and started moving towards the main door.

He turned the door knob and opened the gate. Before he could put his feet out of the house I grabbed his hand and said, "Tee please don't go. I am really sorry, please forgive me just once? Please Tee." I begged with tears flowing down to my face.

"No P'Tae, don't stop me please. Let me go. I need time to think. Please." I begged him with my eyes once again but it was clear in his eyes that he wouldn't change his decision. So I loosen my grip from his hand and let him go.

I slump down on the floor watching him leave me, maybe for a while or maybe forever.

I didn't realise how long I was still sitting on the floor dumbfounded. . After so many years,my heart was in pain. I was in pain.I just want my Tee to come back to me. I couldn't say anything. I felt someone embracing me and asking me what's wrong.

"He left." That's all I could say and I fell into a pit of darkness after that.

Tee's POV

I know I shouldn't have reacted that way. I know what P'Tae did was for my protection only. But I never expect him to go that far with those jerks. I need time to think..I need some time away from P'Tae.

I decided to go to the Copter's house and think everything through.

I rang the doorbell and soon the door was opened by him, he was quite shocked to see me with my bag.

"Tee, what happened? Why are you here with your bag?" He said in a worried tone.

I didn't say anything, I just hugged him and started crying again.

"Who is it baby??" I heard P'Kim's voice from behind.

"Why are you crying Tee? Did Tae hurt you?" It was Godt.

I wasn't angry to see Godt or P'Kim even though I know they are part of this also, then why I was getting angry at P'Tae. What is wrong with me?

"Come here and sit down.Here drink some water and tell us everything whenever you feel like talking , okay." Copter gave me a glass of water and wiped my tear stained face with a wet clean cloth.

I sat there for a while. I don't know how long. I couldn't say anything for now. I was thinking about P'Tae, how he will be holding up? Will he be okay? Did I overreact ?

"Copter... actually P'Tae.." I was going to tell you about what happened between me and P'Tae when suddenly Godt's cell started ringing.

"Hello Bas.... WHAT?!! WHEN?!! HOW?!! Okay, okay..I'll be there quickly." I don't know why but my heart dropped. I got the feeling that there is something wrong with P'Tae.

"What happened? Who was it??" P'Kim asked worriedly.

"It was Bas, he said... well... Tae... he... he fainted... I gotta go now." He left without waiting for anyone's reply. We all stood there in shock like a statue.

Copter looked at me with questioning eyes and shouted, "WHAT DID YOU DO TEE??" I flinched a little.

I have never seen Copter getting this much angry. P'Kim was getting angry too, after all P'Tae is his brother.

I started shaking with fear, anger, and sadness. I started narrating everything to them slowly. My tears were flowing continuously, I wanted to see my P'Tae so badly. I should have never left him. After what he did for me, I should have never reacted that way. As they say, "Never make any decision when you are angry or very happy." I shouldn't have done that.

"It's okay Tee, don't worry. But first you need to apologize to P'Tae for reacting that way and in order to do that we need to go now. I am sure P God will take care of him, now get up and let's go." Copter wiped my tears and gave me an apologizing look.

We got inside the car and drove towards P'Tae's house. I was sitting in front with Copter driving the car while P'Kim was sitting at the back. I know P'Kim was angry at me but he wasn't saying or doing anything because of Copter.

I didn't want these two to fight with each other because of me later. I couldn't let this happen.

"Copter, please don't fight with P'Kim later. I won't be able to forgive myself if you do. If you cannot allow me to get angry at P'Tae then you are also not allowed to get angry at Kim." I blurted out because holding so many inside was painful to me.

"I am not going to fight with him," Copter said with an assuring tone.

My mind was full of worry about P'Tae. I wanted to hug him, kiss him, cuddle him to sleep, and apologize to him. I hope he is fine.

Please be fine P'Tae.

We reach the house in no time. I jumped out of the car and ran towards P'Tae's room. As soon as I entered his room, I saw that he was sitting on bed with a gloomy face.

I ran towards him, hugged him and started kissing him. I didn't notice anyone else at that time. I guess P'Godt, Bas & P'Tae's mom were there. But I couldn't care less.

"I am sorry P'Tae, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, I am sorry that I over reacted. Please forgive phi... I am sorry." I said while cupping his face.

He didn't say anything, he just removed my hands from his face and said, "I am sorry but I can't. You were right ... we need a break."


A/N: A little angst.


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