Kid Icarus Uprising: Two Side...

By Somber-Flower

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What if Pit and Pittoo dwelled in the Chaos Vortex, but only one of them made it out? Fighting their way to t... More

The tears of a Brother
In the Depths
Connection with the Possessed
The Extinct Lands
Raptor Claws
Is this a Nightmare?
The One Plan
The help of Dyntos
Kid Icarus Q & A
All the Hugs
To All my Readers
The Story of the Fall
Dyntos's request
Forgotten Connection
Last we left off...
The Chaos' Control

Connection Strand

248 5 2
By Somber-Flower

My conscious dwindled. My chest pounded in my ears. My body numbed as a raking sensation collided against me. My body numbed again, and the sensation faded. My hands were tight as something drilled all across my arm. My back pressed against my ribs, lacerating an imaginative wound that jolted me from my slumber.

Water filled my lungs as I drowned. The sudden panic rose to my throat as I was suspended in a dark void. My instincts fought with me as I clawed my way upwards. The empty, embraced my bones as everything around me screamed. My heart thundered in my chest I thought I would choke. 

My mind fluttered shut for a second. 

I was drowning in water.

I tried kicking in the dark, hoping I would swim up in this seemingly never-ending darkness. I couldn't scream. I couldn't call out for help.

I had the only seconds of thought before I would die.

Think damn it!

The powers of flight erupted as I forced my wings to move. The raking edged deeper in my wings.

The water slowly became heavier, as if I was swimming in syrup. 

I just then noticed it. The metal in my hands. 

That's it!

My mind cleared as I remembered what had happened. I gripped the crown on my head, maybe... maybe I could hear someone.

I struggled

There was no sound. I'll have to fight on my own. My wings only got me so far. I could barely see the blinding light above me. The lightning.

I was getting closer to the surface.

My heart slowed. 

I tried my wings again. They pushed the water down as I barely saw any difference. I was still drowning. There were no voices. I couldn't scream. I couldn't call out for help.

I didn't want to die.

That thought erupted in my mind as I lost all sense of clear conscious thought. My heart hammered as I fought against the water. For a millisecond, my throat clawed at my chest. My heartbeat crashed against my body as if it tried to escape. My legs kicked with imaginative strength. My mind dropped as I could see the surface towering over me. I tried to scream. The dark void managed to enter me, clouding my thoughts. I could tell I was crying. My eyes burned as my hopes vanished. 

Screw this.

I dropped the metal wings as I used both my hands to swim up. My vision spotted. I couldn't tell if I was making any headway. I continued to try. My legs weakened with panic, continued to push. My lungs were already filled with water. My heart was soaked with darkness as my sudden burst of strength was fading fast.

I was fighting a battle in my head. 

I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. My throat burnt with fire. 

All at once, I could feel my heart slow. 

My valor was smoked dry. 

It was if a sudden wave of panic rose as I felt myself die.

But, another wave of calmness bloomed as my eyes closed.

As soon as death came.




It vanished!

"Pittoo!" I screamed. My body was quaking. I cried as I coughed out an ocean of darkness. My whole body retched with pressure. My eyes stung as I cried. My throat was tearing as I coughed out what would've been my death. I was soaked. 

My arms were shaking violently. It seemed as if I couldn't stop. Water kept pouring from my lungs. I coughed out a scream as my heart seem to pour out as well. My legs roared with pain as the raking feeling clawed up to my neck. I couldn't even think of words to say.

"Pittoo, You're alive." 

I was.

The panic seemed to ease as I gripped my chest. "W-What ha-happened?" I rolled to my back. The grass welcomed my shivering back. I had no energy. I gasped for air, eyes closed.

"You were struck with lightning. Then... you fell into a lake near the village." I raised my hand to my face, hiding my tears.

"Oh, I thought I just needed a dip."

"Don't act tough! You could've died."

I pulled myself to a sitting position, my heart wasn't in my ears as much. I managed to calm the crying child inside my head. "And?" I growled.

"I dropped the metal wings -the thing we came here for- in the water." I finally met eyes with Viridi. She seemed pissed. Like 'about-to-drop-a-Reset-Bomb-on-me' pissed.

"What?" She looked like she was about to scold me, then sighed. "Whatever, I'm just glad you're alive. How are you feeling." 

I strained myself to stand. My joints were freezing up from the shock. I felt Viridi beside me, "Don't strain yourself-"

"I'm. Fine." I sighed. I glanced back down the Lake. The dark blue of the water rippled quietly. As of my demise wasn't just soaking in it. "The wings are in there." Viridi looked down at the chasm. "I'll have some of my minions go in and get it."

A burning thought pooled in, "And... wait a second. Why are you here? Didn't you say you couldn't because of the hurricane and the magic within the wings?" She looked up at the sky, "Once you fell in, the hurricane dissipated." 

I glanced up at the sky. The rain was very little, but the crashing winds and deathly storm had passed like both had never happened at all. The grass had little dew-drops by the rain that continued to drip on my face. The sky had practically cleared, but it was covered by a light blanket of white clouds. I looked over to where the town might've been. Above a few trees, I saw the stone structures. The air nipped and bit at my newly drenched body, causing an involuntary shiver. My eyes still stung from my recent venture. I closed them, trying to take in the stillness that was recently a terrifying endeavor.

Viridi took my attention away from my surroundings by draping a cloth around my back, "I'm still worried. You need to take a break. Return to Palutena's palace and just rest for a few days." I retorted, "And let whatever Pit's suffering on hold? No."

"Then at least take the rest of the day off. I haven't seen you like that at all. You were pretty freaked out." I sighed, feeling my hands shiver. "Fine." Viridi nodded, feeling as if she won the battle. I felt her light teleport me to Palutena's palace. And just like that...

It was over.

My adrenaline was pounding from that accident. I had to steady myself against a pillar as my legs felt like sad noodles. I was drenched, wrapped in a cloth, I was hopeless. My hair dripped to my neck, causing my back to shiver.

I growled under my breath as I made my way to Pit and my chambers.

The hallways never had been so long before. The lights of the palace seemed to glow brighter than normal. I thought I was walking in place before I passed Palutena's room.

She was crying. I froze, feeling an empty sensation of guilt. I quietly knocked on her door. 

There was a silence, she didn't respond. I let myself in.

Her room was calmly lit with the outside light. Her room still had the ethereal glow it used to. The bed curved in a light polished wood frame with white marble floors reflecting the light from the window. Her light was off, the royal light blue curtains open . She was resting on her bed, head in her hands as she shook. Immediately, I forgot about everything that bubbled in my head.

"Palutena." I waited for a hint of recognition. She said nothing, only continued to cry. I walked closer to her, gently tracing the curved bed frame with my hand. "Do you need anything?"


I felt the awkward atmosphere sit in my chest and laugh. I was terrible for these things. "Look, I suck at these things, but I am here for you." By now, she had stopped crying. Her elegant sea green hair was falling over her face. I tried to continue, "Palutena, I am not asking you to toughen up, nor am I asking you to continue crying. But... Please know that we are trying. Know what you need to do. We have a plan for Pit's retrieval. We have a plan, I just..."

I felt the atmosphere catch in my throat, "I know Pit would want to see you first when he returns. And I know if he were to see you like this-"

I stopped myself. Did I go too far? I looked at her for a response. She had none, her expression hid between the vines of her hair. I turned, "I'm sorry. Just... please get better. Pit needs you, more than he needs anyone else."

I had the door handle in my hands.

"...Thanks Pittoo."

I could've sworn I imagined it. I turned, facing the still Palutena. She remained in her position. I turned, opening the door.


Once the door shut, the hallways didn't seem that long. I soon made my way to our chambers.

I haven't been in our room for some time, I was estranged. Our beds were lined with cotton and silk. I forgot how much Pit would practically tackle our beds, saying how much they felt like clouds. 

After a massive battle with Medusa, Pit and I would be checked for injuries, then sent to rest up. Both of us would be barely able to drag out feet to our room. But, Pit always seem to do the exact same thing every battle.

"Yes! Nap time!" Pit would jump, with his small wings out, and collide with his bed. I would laugh at his enthusiasm. "Man! This always feels the best." I sighed, "You say that every time. Doesn't it get dull after a while?"

"Never." Pit had his lazy smile on his face while I went to the balcony. He found peace through the comfort of his bed. Me? I would find comfort through the wind.

I had my arms crossed on the balcony railing. The wind blew my hair around as I watched the clouds. "Feels nice, when we don't have much to do. Right?" Pit stood beside me. 

I would remain silent, Pit stretched, "Is there anything that you like to do? I always see you looking at the clouds." 

I glanced at him, "Just... the silence. I guess that's what makes me relax."  Pit walked to the railing too, "It is pretty nice."

There was a still quiet. Both of us said nothing. I let my eyes close as the wind spoke.

I heard Pit screaming.

I snapped back from my trance as Pit released all of his voice at the open air. He gripped the railing, eyes closed, as he screamed out his anger it seemed. 

Once he was finished I asked, "What was that?"

Pit's goofy smile appeared, "It feels good to let everything out, right?" 

"You nearly gave me a heart attack!" He laughed, "Oh C'mon! You need to lighten up! But I guess I DID scare you, sorry."

Pit sighed, leaning over the edge, hands still griped the railing. "That felt nice. I get what you mean, the silence is soothing." Pit slumped over the railing, "Hey Pittoo, does anything bother you?"

"What do you mean," I couldn't see his face as the wind played with his hair. "Things bother me sometimes." This was different, I combed my hair back, "Like?"

Pit moved away from his slumped position, still his face was covered by wind. "I wish I could fly. I wish for the war between gods to end. I also wish for silence. I wish I could-" he stopped, not telling me what that fourth wish was.

I waited for his last wish, he turned to meet my waiting eyes with his own. He was smiling, eyes closed as he patted me on the back. "It's nothing!"

I saw a glimpse of Pit's watery eyes as he turned into our room, "Now it's really nap time!" He buried his face in the pillows, quickly dozing of to sleep.

Leaving me to guess what his fourth wish was.

I still do not know to this day. I felt the beds. They had white wood carved into a curved base. The pillows were cleaned. The bed sheets were a light blue with designs of the sky sewn on. I traced the knitted clouds with my still-shaking hand. The room was always clean, I glanced at Pit's bed. The empty bed was made, not a ruffle in the sheets at all.

I gently laid my aching back on the covers. The sheets were silk but felt so soft with a cool touch as my stiff arms gently pressed against them. The pillow was firm, but light and almost airy as it caressed my sore head. My legs screamed at me finally silenced. The ringing in my ear stilled. The pounds in my chest alleviated. The clench in my throat eased, allowing me to breathe as  I grinned...

"Man, this always feels the best."

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