Adventures In Deku-Sitting

By CerinRose

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Hit by a mysterious quirk, Deku begins to age in reverse and to make matters worse he also falls into the han... More

New New New New New
Not An Update
Still Not An Update
I Know, I'm Shit
Tag, You're It!!!
Stay Strong Love


4.5K 127 73
By CerinRose

I - Izuku (Deku)

T - Tomura (Shigaraki)

H - Himiko (Toga)

D - Dabi

B - Bakugou (Katsuki/Kacchan)

J - Jikan (Rei)

S - Shouto (Todoroki)

O - Ochako (Uraraka)

C - Chisaki (Overhaul)

K - Kurogiri

J - "You're...Tomura?!"
I - "IT'S YOU, DABI!!!"

D - "Quiet down or you'll make me go deaf."

Toga sighed in relief as she slumped against the bathroom wall and slid down it. She wasn't sure of who would get here first but she was confident in her allies abilities since no one had really beaten any of them yet. Having Dabi get here first was just an added bonus considering the fact that his quirk would definitely be able to combat Bakugou's.

Speaking of which, the teen hero snatched his arm away from the foe and stepped back a bit. The sight of Deku clinging to Dabi for life was all he needed to know that his suspicions weren't false. His former friend was now sided with the league of villains.

B - "So you finally show your true colors... How could you? How could you turn your back on everything? Do you have any idea about what you've done to our class, to your friends, to All Might?!"

I - "Kacchan...I didn't do anything. I don't know what you're talking about! Please...just stop."

B - "Stop? Stop?! Yeah, I'm gonna stop all right!! First I'm gonna stop your little friend, and then I'm gonna stop you from breathing."

Izuku whimpered and buried his face into Dabi's pant leg while the older boy just sighed and pat his head. He really didn't want to do this but it looked like he didn't really have a choice since Bakugou wasn't the type to just let them go willingly. Oh well, he'd been getting bored with babysitting duty anyway.

D - "Toga, come take the pipsqueak and get out of here. This won't take long."

B - "Big talk for someone covered in injuries, you think you have a chance of winning against me so easily?!"

D - "Hmph, just you wait kid. I'll show you something that you've never seen before. The power to burn fire itself."

Toga emerged from the bathroom and casually waltzed over her teammate so she could take their little charge and book it. Bakugou scowled, now there was another one he had to deal with but it was really no sweat since she seemed to be a bit injured and Dabi was no trouble for him. Or so he hoped. With the two of them retreating into the distance, Dabi could now cut loose and not have to worry about causing unnecessary injury.

D - "Ready, hothead?"

B - "Of course, but I hope you can do better than your little sparklers."
Shigaraki Tomura, leader of the League of Villains and his idol, was now standing in front of him with his arms crossed. He knew that he couldn't beat him in fight thanks to the villain's depraved quirk, so he decided to just back and lower his head while the man spoke down to him.

T - "Do you have any idea about how much trouble I went through to find the ghost that is the great "Jikan"? I murdered several people, trespassed, made threats that I intend to make good on, and even read through several files. All to find out that our compatriot is nothing more than a brat playing pretend. It's almost comical."

J - "Y-Yeah? Well if you really want to hear something funny you should hear about the one where a top notch villain starts playing house."

Tomura sneered and backhanded the fake teen with enough force to draw blood out the corner of his mouth. Playful taunting from his underlings was one thing (and incredibly annoying), but blatant disrespect would not be tolerated by anyone. Because anyone who tried...well, oxygen would start disrespecting them by being cut off. His former ally though, merely scowled at him and let the blood flow without any intention to stop it.

J - "What is that you want, Tomura? I did everything you asked."

T - "Wrong, you did more than what I asked. You deliberately altered the deal and didn't bother to tell anyone. You know what that sounds like to me? A double cross. And do I hate people who think that they can get away with doing that to me."

J - "What does it matter anyway?! You were supposed to kill him and now you're playing daddy?! What's the point of that?!"

T - "I don't need to explain myself to some little puke who's about to do what I say regardless. What you're going to do is stop the age regression and put him back in his seven year old state. Got it?"

Jikan glanced at the clock behind Tomura and smirked. Bingo. Fine, if he couldn't have Tomura or the league to look up to then the next best thing for him would be to side with their lead competitor. He'd teach them the true meaning of villainy.

J - "You know, there was a time where I worshipped the ground you walked on. I would've done anything that you asked without question and would've felt absolutely no remorse. Because you were my idol. But now that I see you standing here pining for aid to help that hero brat, I can't help but be disgusted."

His eyebrow twitched. God he wanted to slay the brat right then and there but for the life of him he knew that he couldn't just yet. He just needed him to use his quirk once more and that'd be it. But being the impulsive, impatient, violent son of a bitch that he was he just couldn't help but slam the kid's face into the window again.

T - "Newsflash, I don't care about some punk brat who made the wrong choice in finding a role model! You'll do as I say or else I'll-"

Something slammed into the car with enough power to break all of the windows and send Tomura hurtling to the ground. His lip was busted and his "Father" hand had been badly damaged, leaving him in an unstable state of rage. Jikan groaned as he slipped out of his seat and stood himself up with the help of one of the seats in front of him. What had hit them Tomura didn't really know, but something told him that the traitorous runt who he'd just been threatening did.

T - "You..."

J - "Stings doesn't it?"

T - "You little you have any idea of what you've done?!"

J - "Oh relax, you can get it fixed later. Well, if you live that long that is."

Tomura shot up like a speeding and bounded towards Jikan with the full intent to kill. Fuck the plan, he was going to kill the little shit and be done with it. At least he would've, had a giant hand constructed of God knows what not ripped through the car and grabbed Jikan. The teen screamed out in pain as the hand crushed him in its enormous grasp before carrying him outside, leaving Tomura confused, enraged and overall, uneasy. What were these feelings?
Her throat was so dry that when she tried to make a noise she sounded like Asui. She'd regained consciousness not too long ago and realized that she was no longer at the school but rather in a large room with multiple monitors hooked up to...her? After scanning the room she realized that she was in a hospital, and judging from the heart monitor she guessed that her condition hadn't been so good.

S - "Uraraka."

She jumped a little as her head snapped to a dark corner of her room.  Now with only the moon to illuminate the room she could barely make out who the person was, but upon closer inspection she could see that there was a head of red and white hair just sitting in front of her.

O - "Shouto? Is that you?"

S - " are you feeling?"

O - "I feel like I've been hit by twelve buses and a train for good measure, but I'll live. What about Kota, is he okay too?"

He felt that familiar pang in his chest. How was he supposed to tell her that the boy was gone, and why had he offered to be the one who did so? Oh that's right, it was because he was the only one who knew the truth about Izuku and his predicament besides Ochako. Damn it!! This shouldn't have been happening!! They were just kids themselves and shouldn't have had to deal with something like this just yet or ever, but this was what they'd signed up for when they said they wanted to become heroes.

O - "Shouto? Is something wrong?"

S - "Yes...there's a lot of things that are wrong. But none of them are as wrong as what's happened. I'm so sorry, Ochako."

O - "You're scaring me...Shouto, where's Kota?"

S - "..."

O - "Shouto! Stop messing with me, it's not funny! Where is he?! I need to see him!"

Shouto could only lift himself up and walk over to her bed as she became more and more manic while she tried to get answers out of him.

S - "You need your rest...please just calm down for now and-"

O - "NO!! You're acting weird and I don't like it!! And if you won't tell me what I want to know then I'll go find out for myself!!"

She threw the covers back and moved to get out of her bed but something was wrong, and that caused her to fall straight into Shouto's arms. Her friend held her close to his chest and let silent tears fall as realization dawned on her. No. No this had to be a bad dream. Just an extremely horrific nightmare that she'd wake up from soon. Right?!

O - "Shouto...I can't...I can't feel my..."

S - "I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry...there was an accident much damage..."

O - "No...that means that I can't be a...Shouto, please tell me Kota isn't in this bad of a condition."

S - "..."

O - "Please!! Just tell me, okay I can handle it!! Just please tell me that he's okay!! Please...I just need to know...if..."

But she didn't need him to say anything. The silence, the tears, the reluctance. He was gone. He was gone and would never come back no matter how much they wished it to be. She slumped against his body and grabbed a fistful of his shirt as sobs began racking her entire body. It didn't take long for her to become inconsolable but that was okay since he was in a similar state but had enough strength to hold and comfort her while they mourned the loss of their friend and her career as a hero.

S - "I'm sorry."
((cue the 'You Say Run'))

Bakugou clenched his fists as he let out a shaky breath and prepared to do battle with his enemy. Now Dabi may have seemed like a slacker but the fact was that he was the farthest thing from it. The power of his smallest flames were enough to ignite an entire home, and if Bakugou wasn't careful then he'd be one crispy boy. The villain sighed and raised both hands in preparation for the inevitable attacks that were about to come his way. He had to admit though, he was getting pretty excited.

D - "I gotta ask you kid, what made you so angry? Was it the fact that your little girlfriend got hurt? The little kids getting fried? it because your friend clings to me the way he used to with you?"

He swiftly dodged Bakugou's hand as the teen tried to blow his face clean off, and opened his palm directly in front of his stomach. Blue sparks turned into a furious blaze that blew Bakugou several feet back and into a station wall. The teen groaned as he stood up again and readied himself for another attack while the older male ignited everything around him in a sea of azure flames.

D - "Struck a nerve?"


How dare he! How dare he sit there and poke fun at the fact that his classmate was now so injured that she could never be a hero again! How dare he gloat over the deaths of several children! And how dare he make fun of the bond that he used to share with that traitorous rat!! It was unforgivable!!!

Bakugou launched himself towards Dabi again but stopped himself short when he saw that look of knowing behind his eyes. Pillars of flame rose into the air to divert the young hero from his path, but he wasn't about to be deterred so easily and plowed straight through one just to get up close to Dabi. His skin crackled with fresh burns but he grit his teeth and fought through the pain as he charged up and blasted his enemy point blank in the face.

Dabi skidded across the floor and slammed directly into a vending machine; much to Bakugou's delight. The young man blinked a few times as he felt the pain from his singed hair and burnt skin. Okay, he was slightly annoyed now. He'd been playing around at first just so Toga had a chance to get away with Izuku, but now he was more than ready to set Bakugou's very soul ablaze.

B - "Ha!! How's that for striking a nerve?!"

D - "Okay kiddo, play time's over. You should've put your toys away when I asked nicely, cuz now you're in for an eternal timeout."
He'd hidden his face in her shirt when  she'd picked him up and took off, but now he was looking over her shoulder and all he could see was fire, smoke, and explosions. Dabi was strong and all but to him Kacchan was the strongest there was underneath All Might.

"Hmph, just you wait kid. I'll show you something that you've never seen before. The power to burn fire itself."

But he wasn't so sure. In front of him Dabi's flames had always been small and controlled so he didn't really know the full extent of his surrogate big brother's quirk. He was worried.

I - "Toga...we have to go back."

H - "Not an option, sunshine! I have to get you out and away from here! Boss's orders!"

I - "B-But he could die!!"

H - "Dabi's stronger than you think, but if he does die then that's his problem. We all have to go sometime."

Izuku's welled up with tears as the explosions got bigger and bigger. No, he wouldn't leave him or Kacchan to get hurt. He'd stop them no matter what! He started whining and squirming in Toga's grasp until the girl had had enough and put him down.

H - "We're not going back!"

I - "Then I'll do it by myself!"

H - "What can you do, you're just a kid!!"

I - "I don't care!! It's more than what you're doing!! You're about to let your friend die and you don't even care!! What's wrong with you?! Doesn't he mean anything to you?!"

She grit her teeth, in actuality she was sort of worried about him but not at the level of Izuku. If the situation were reversed then Dabi probably would've left her without a second thought, but she was a girl and despite all of her psychotic behavior she still had those latent human emotions. They were partners. They were friends. They'd killed together. The league just wouldn't be the same without him and neither would she.

H - "I...look, we just have to trust in Dabi's power."

I - "And if he loses...Kacchan was already going to kill me, so what do you think he'll do to him?"

He had a point, Bakugou was unhinged today and there was no telling how far he'd actually go. Add that uncertainty to the fact that Izuku was giving her his best puppy eyes and you had one Toga heading back to the scene of the battle.

H - "Damn you, kid!"
Jikan groaned as he was thrown against the wall of an unknown building. After being rescued from Tomura's wrath his mysterious savior  had brought him here for some reason, but he didn't have time for this since he had a meeting with Chi- Overhaul.

J - "Oi, where the hell are we?"

??? - "Safe, that's all that matters."

J - "Well I appreciate the save and all, but-"

??? - "Why was he there?"

J - "What?"

??? - "Shigaraki Tomura. Why? Was he? There?"

Now he was on alert. In his line of work there were always risks when working with dangerous people, and when you were in business with people like Tomura and Overhaul you tended to be on alert whenever someone questioned you about something. Say the wrong thing and you just might end up being found in a sewer drainage.

J - "Who are you?"

??? - "Answer the question...meat."

J - "I don't feel that I have to, and don't think that just because you saved me that I-"

The enlarged hand; that had saved him; shot out and pinned him against the wall. He let out a yelp as the pressure continued to increase until he could almost barley expand his lungs to breathe. Approaching him was a young man with chestnut hair wearing a half mask mask and looking extremely annoyed.

??? - "I'm going to ask you one more time, why was Shigaraki Tomura with you?"

J - " go!!"

??? - "Perhaps I need to remove something from you to get the answers that I desire."

He groaned as the pressure increased and caused him to cough up a little bit of blood. He wasn't getting out here and his powers hadn't fully recovered themselves yet so it wasn't like he could go on the offense with them. His only chance was to be honest with his would be rescuer, so he reluctantly told him what he wanted to know.

J - "I did a job for him...but apparently he's gone soft and tried to force me to undo what I did."

??? - "Soft? How so?"

J - "He has a kid, Izuku Midoriya, I used my quirk to turn him into a snot nosed brat and now he's been living with the League of Villains. Why, I don't know, but Tomura was pretty adamant about me reversing the effects of my quirk."

??? - "Hmph, so the big bad leader of an organization like that has an attachment to some brat he wanted dead? That's adorable, but weaknesses like that can always be extorted by rivals and enemies."

Jikan found himself dropped to the ground as the man took a few steps back and let his inorganic additions fall to the ground. When it was done, there was only a young man with brown hair and golden eyes that wore  civilian clothing and a mask. Without all the scary parts added him he almost seemed normal, but he knew better than to trust someone just because of their appearance.

??? - "You know, when you first called me I thought you were just going to waste my time, but given the current circumstances, the information, and your abilities. I think may have use for you."

J - "W-Wait, does that mean that you're-"

C - "Kai Chisaki, but you will call me Overhaul. Now, can you get a message across to my dear rivals to let them know that we mean business?"

J - "Of course~ What did you have in mind?"
I - "W-Wha?!", he said as he almost tripped over his own two feet. He'd been hit with a sudden wave of nausea that passed just as fast as it had come, and felt a bit different as a result. To him it'd seemed like the world had gotten just a tad bit bigger along with his clothing, while his stomach and face took on a more chubby appearance.

Toga didn't know what had happened to the little boy, but it seemed like he'd regressed even further than before and it was still the same day!! But there was no time to deal with that right now, right now they had to save Dabi from a fate uncertain. She just hoped she was in time.
Bakugou groaned as he pushed himself up once more, this had been the umpteenth time he'd been knocked down by Dabi but he still wasn't about to relent to this bastard or that brat version of Deku. He'd win here and beat the shit out of that bitch before snatching that kid and finishing things once and for all. As he gathered his bearings, he began charging up a powerful blast in his right hand that would definitely kill Dabi or at the very least put him out of commission for a bit.

D - "Jesus kid, you still haven't had enough? Give up, it's over. You can't beat me with your little quirk so there's no point in even going on."

B - "You may be right, but-"

"Why can't you do anything right?"

Little sparkles crackled in a small Katsuki's hands while the other children and even the teachers watched in awe.

"You're so lucky!!"

Deku, the little quirkless shit, just stood there with everyone else and smiled. Yeah, he realized that he was never going to be anything special and decided to praise him for his newfound abilities.

"Why are you being so mean? You're making him cry, Kacchan! If you keep on hurting him, I'll uh...I'll stop you myself!!"

"Hmph, you wanna pretend to be a hero? You don't stand a chance without a quirk, Deku~"

That little shit, how dare he try to lecture him about anything when he was nothing more than a regular person. Kid was cruisin for a bruisin and he was gonna give it to em!!

"Wow, you're so awesome!!"

"Whatever, this is nothin. Geez Izuku, you really can't do anything can you?"

"Look, you can read that the last part of Izuku's name is Deku. Deku means that he's nothing but a useless loser that'll never be anything."

"Why are you being so mean to me?!"

He'd been leading his friends across a fallen tree that'd created a makeshift bridge when he slipped and fell off into the shallow waters below.


"Hey, you okay down there?!"

"Oh don't worry, Kacchan is super tough. See?"


In actuality the fall had hurt just a tad but it was the shock that had really scared him. But, he'd never admit that in front of his friends. He'd lose all of his credit and be a loser just

"Hurry and get back up here!"

"Sure, just give me one second!"

He walked over to two of his friends and watched as they congratulated him on his victory!!

"You fought two big fourth graders and won!!"

He wiped the blood away from his nose while he held all of his tears back.

"The most amazing hero always wins. In the end they come out on top, no matter what!!"

"Are you alright? Are you hurt? I was worried you might've hit your head or something."

Bastard...who the fuck did he think he was?! No one else had jumped into the water to see if he was alright, no one except Deku and his useless ass. How dare he look at him like he was weak? How dare he assume that he wasn't okay? How dare he they were friends!!

Bakugou grit his teeth as the power surging through his body started causing him immense pain, but still he continued to build it up. More and more and more and more, the energy surged as he glared at Dabi through eyes and screamed.


D - "Feh, then show me what you've got!!"

Bakugou wrenched his arm back as far as he could then with a animalistic roar, he hurled it forward to send the gigantic blast wave straight at Dabi's eager face. The villain chuckled and opened his arms as if he welcomed the pain that was coming his way, while Bakugou collapsed to his knees and watched as his attack tore through and destroyed everything it came into contact with.

B - "Endgame...bitch..."


B - "Twisted fuck...just drop dead already..."

Dabi was ready for it to collide with him, but at the last second a black mist seemed to envelope his feet and swallow him whole, allowing the blast to fly past him and destroy everything else.

B/D- "WHAT?!"

Katsuki stood there in shock as the blast merely kept going while Dabi was more than stunned to see himself standing next to none other than a newly returned Kurogiri and Tomura.

D - "What the hell you two?! I had that!!"

K - "Yeah, clearly."

T - "Now's not the time for your overinflated ego, that blast could've killed you or at least done some serious damage to you. Irreparable damage."

D - "Yeah? Well I don't need you acting like you're my fucking fa-"


Three heads snapped in the direction of the shrill that stopped them from having it out. It was almost sounded like...oh no. Izuku was futilely trying to shake Himiko awake while Bakugou limped closer and closer to finish them both.

D - "SHIT!!"
He hadn't known what happened, one minute they could see Dabi right in front of them and the next there was a giant fireball heading towards them.  He tried to scream out to his "big brother" but Toga had grabbed him up and started retreating as Dabi's body seemed to just disappear. The fire got closer and closer and he didn't see a way out so he buried his face in her collar and waited for the inevitable pain, but at the last second she stopped, dropped him into a cradle as the blast neared.

I - "T-Toga?"

H - "I'm sorry, this might sting a little!!"

And that was it. The blast had obviously hit but he hadn't been hurt that bad. But Toga...he looked next to himself and saw that she had been seriously burned and looked as if she was He'd already lost his mother and Kota, there was no way in hell he was losing her too!! He began beating on her chest and frantically shaking in hopes of getting some form of response.

I - "T-Toga...wake up. Toga!! Please wake up, this isn't funny!! You're scaring me, stop it!! Toga?! Toga?!! TOGA?!!!"

B - "Just shut the hell up, she's gone..."

Bakugou stood over both of them with his signature glare on his face, but once he saw Toga's state and Izuku's face he couldn't help but smirk a bit. Not bad if he did say so himself. Izuku was scared beyond belief but refused to be a coward and run since he knew what his former friend would do to his "big sister" if he left her with him. Where was Dabi? Where was All Might? Where was Tomura?!"

I - "K-Kacchan...did you-"

B - "What do you think? Of course I did, the bitch deserved it even though it wasn't meant for her."

I - "'s Toga!!"

B - "You think I care about that shit?! I'd be more worried about myself if I were you!! Your little friends just dipped and left you both to die by my hand, I'd be praying to God right now!!"

Bakugou raised his hand above his head while Izuku lowered his and gripped Toga's scorched top tightly. Dabi and Kurogiri were prepared to make a move but Tomura stopped them and pointed out that they needed to pay attention. History was about to be made. Bakugou's eyes widened as green electricity sparked to life around his former friends body as he looked up at him with something unfamiliar in his eyes. Hatred.

B - "What the?!"

I - " hurt killed her!!"

B - "So what?!!"

I - "Y-You've always been a big were really to me, broke my things, let other kids bully, and never once've always been a huge jerk face!!"

B - "Nice insults for a toddler, what the hell are you gonna do about it you little shit?!!"

I - "You hurt my tried to kill us...and now I'll make you pay. You hear me?! I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!!!"

Power could be felt in the air as more and more built up inside the tiny frame. Bakugou growled as he felt himself being pushed back a little, while Dabi and Kurogiri watched in astonishment. This was a little kid generating enough power to destroy the entirety of the train station they were in, and Tomura loved every second of it. One For All, the power of a god in human bindings!! Magnificent!!

I - "Kacchan..."

B - "Yeah, it's me you little bastard... NOW DIE!!!"

Bakugou blasted the little tyke at point blank range and revelled at the fact that he knew he hadn't missed. Deku was dead and now everyone could put this horrible chapter behind them. So why did he feel so empty inside? Well it was because of the fact that Deku had been the one that no one would had ever thought would go to evil. He was kind, gentle, and loved almost everyone, and never even seemed like the type to embrace darkness. He was the best of them, hands down, and...they'd....he'd miss the person that he used to be or pretended to be. Whatever, it was over now.

I - "Kacchan."

B - "Wha-"

He turned around just as the kid thrust his fist into stomach. To him it felt like a light tap, but that was confusing considering the destructive power of Deku's quirk. That's when the fist began channeling all of the power the boy had built up. More and more pressure started adding to the pain he was feeling as he tried to push the kid away, but all he could do was skid back as Deku screamed out and said, "I HATE YOU!!!!" The hand, the hand that had once reached out to him when no else would was now the hand that was bringing about his attempted destruction. The hand he'd wished...that he'd taken all those years ago.

B - "I'm sorry..."

The full might of One For All was channeled into the punch at the last second and tore through Bakugou like a laser scalpel. The teen could only scream along with Deku as his quirk did its job and caused an explosion while the villains shielded themselves. Well, all except Tomura; who was absolutely fascinated with all the power that his little charge had within him. He'd pervert that power for his own schemes and use the boy however he saw fit. This would mark the new age of villainy, and with them all together no one would stand in their way.

When the dust settled, Izuku was unconscious on the ground while Bakugou was bleeding profusely from the mouth while he struggled to maintain consciousness. Dabi was the first one by Toga's side while Kurogiri stepped over to Izuku along with Tomura. No one even bothered with the broken and battered Bakugou.

D - "Himiko? Hey, talk to me. We gotta get outta here."

The girl stirred a bit and cracked open one blurry eye. Dabi was crouched down and holding one of her hands while trying to speak to her. She couldn't make out what he was saying though, it was just too quiet.

D - "-and the brat's down so we can go home. So come on, let's get you up and-"

H - "I'm sorry...b-but I wasn't...bad enough. You'll forgive me f-for...bringing a b-bad name to our little gang..."

D - "What are you talking about? It's my fault, I should've been hit with that attack, not you! Just hold on and-"

H - "Sorry..."

D - "Will you stop saying that shit and- Toga? Hey...Toga?"

He leaned in close to see if she was breathing and when he determined that she wasn't he listened to her chest and found that her heart had stopped. He took a shaky breath stood back as he literally watched the light leave her crazed eyes. She was gone. Why? Why the hell had she come back after they'd gotten away from the fight? She'd blown off her orders, shrugged off her responsibilities, and shrunken their inner circle's numbers. All because of...

"I wasn't bad enough..."

No. There was no way in hell. She couldn't have done it because of something as juvenile as that. She was  Himiko Toga and there was nothing about her that was a normal, least of all her feelings. So there was no way in hell that she'd risked it all for. She wasn't weak, she was strong unlike his mother who'd gave and lost it all for a man she didn't even love. He was glad that bitch was dead.

K - "Is she?"

D - "As a doornail."

K - "Hm, a shame. She was one of our best."

Kurogiri flinched a bit as Dabi turned his back to him and set Toga's corpse ablaze. There was no time to mourn, this was a job and whoever couldn't deliver needed to be purged. Even him.

D - "Let the past die, we have more important things to worry about. Like why that kid had access to and can control that much power."

Tomura merely picked Deku up by the back of his shirt and slung him over his shoulder while Kurogiri used his quirk to transport them back to base, leaving Bakugou in a pool of his own blood. Poor kid was barely hanging on to life at this point, but the thought of finishing things with his rival was enough to keep him going for a bit.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt? I was worried you might've hit your head or something."

B - "Shut the fuck up....goddamn...Deku."
C - "So how sure are you that your little trick worked?"

J - "It's never failed me before, sir. However there's also another thing that will make him regress even further and faster."

C - "Hm?"

J - "Large amounts of stress."

C - "Well with the scare we're about to give his little foster family, there'll be an abundance of stress. Ready the car, we're going to handle some business."
"I had to save Kaachan!!"

"You should've called for me!!"

"You're not my dad!!"

"You're right, I'm not. But I'm pretty sure he'd be just as disappointed as I am."

" me..."

"It's gonna be alright, you and I are going to make it out of here!!"

"I'm scared..."

"S-So am I but someone once taught me how to keep going, even if I am a little scared!! Now let's get out of here!! Together!!"


"I'm sorry, this might sting a little!!"

He screamed as he shot up in his bed and looked around. No one, not a single soul was there with him. Must've been a nightmare, but as of late his entire life had been a goddamn nightmare. First his mom, then poor Kota, and now he was pretty sure he'd hurt Kacchan beyond  belief after the latter had snuffed Togs with his quirk. Maybe he really was the monster everyone thought he was, but he didn't want to be. He wanted to be a good boy, he wanted to be a hero, he wanted...he just wanted things to go back to normal. Add all this to the fact that he'd wet the bed and he just couldn't stop his tears nor wails.

Tomura was in his room with the light on in seconds, and when he saw what had happened he just rolled up his sleeves and scooped the boy out of the soaked bed and carried him to the bathroom; calming him the entire way there. Izuku realized whose arms he was currently in and wasted no time in grabbing onto his shirt and sobbing out a name that made the older male freeze.


Blood rained down along with a severed limb as a young woman cowered and watched as another man slaughtered her date and started...consuming his body. A hand shot out and grabbed her by her face only to lift her up in the air to look down at a pair of crazed eyes.

"No no no, don't make such noises like that, it only makes me more hungry~"

"P-Please....don't do this, I can-"

"Blah blah...blah, all you people are the same. You beg for your lives and offer things you can't hope to deliver, and then you expect me to be foolish enough to release you. It's like a bad horror film with predictable dialogue and mediocre characters. Such a shame, I long for the day when someone can actually offer me a challenge. But in this place I've found some interesting new players, and I can't wait to sample the goods. Oh, right I killed you."

The female's eyes were bulging out of her head while her body lay headless on the ground. Oh well she was boring anyway, but he wasn't about to waste any good meat. So he chowed down on her as well, all while thinking about two specific quirk users.

"Give me...your jAm!!!"

Well there's your chapter, I hope you weren't waiting too long. Actually I don't care, because honestly it took me months to update this last time so this is clearly an improvement.

I just want to take a moment to thank those who supported me during my rough period yesterday. Some of you may already know but I have recently suffered a death in a family and it's been...pretty hard.

Ever since last year I've experienced a lot of things that would make an ordinary person just cave into depression, but I can't really afford to do that.

I lost one of the only loves of my life to suicide, I lost friends whom I once considered family, and I lost a family friend that has been more of  family member to me than my own blood kin.

And it's hard, but at times like this we just have to press on because it's the only way for us to mature, improve, and live our best lives. I literally just cut my hate list down to a minimum and really don't have any beef with anyone as of yesterday (unless of course I am tried in which case I will take a brick to your fucking cranium).

But I digress, this shout out and chapter is dedicated but not limited to:
and many others.

See ya in the next one~

- Rosé

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